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Jaczewski, Z.: Reproduction in the red deer female and the effect of oestTogens on the antler cycle and behaviour. Acta physiol, pol., 1989, 40 (1): 85-95. Red deer (Cervus elaphus) is a seasonally breeding mammal. The season of reproduction is probably regulated by photoperiod. The rut and the majority of conceptlions occur in October. If hind is not allowed to mate the oestrus is repeated at an interval of about 13.5 days. In captivity the mating season is more prolonged and the calving season is extended. The length of gestation is about 235 days. The fat % of milk varies between 6.6 and 17.4. A hind in good condition may attain puberty as 16.5 month old. . The smaller doses of stillboestrolum dlipropionicum (S, 150-250 mg) induced mainly a female type of sexual behaviour or oestrus. The bigger and more prolonged administration of S (250-300 mg, given twice with a monthly interval) induced a strong male sexual behaviour e.g. roaring, chasing a hind in oestrus, , mouting a hind in oestrus or a dummy sprinkled with ipheromones and performance of an ejaculatory peak (M). During M the hind was in an almost vertical position and a single ejaculation of saliva was always observed. Tihe artificially induced antlers of hinds without hormonal treatment became broken and their regrowth was very smiallll. After S the velvet was always shed. After largeT doses of S the casting Was more delayed and the next antler growth was bigger.
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- Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Polish Academy of Sciences, Popielno, Poland
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