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Gymnema sylvestre is an important medicinal plant that bears bioactive compound namely gymnemic acid. In the present study, G. sylvestre was transformed by Agrobacterium rhizogenes. Seedling explants namely roots, stems, hypocotyls, cotyledonary nodal segments, cotyledons and young leaves were inoculated with A. rhizogenes strain KCTC 2703. Transformed (hairy) roots were induced from cotyledons and leaf explants. Six transgenic clones of hairy roots were established and confirmed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and RT-PCR using rolC specific primers. Hairy roots cultured using MS liquid medium supplemented with 3 % sucrose showed highest accumulation of biomass (97.63 g l-1 FM and 10.92 g l-1 DM) at 25 days, whereas highest accumulation of gymnemic acid content (11.30 mg g-1 DM) was observed at 20 days. Nearly 9.4-fold increment of biomass was evident in suspension cultures at 25 days of culture and hairy root biomass produced in suspension cultures possessed 4.7-fold higher gymnemic acid content when compared with the untransformed control roots. MSbased liquid medium was superior for the growth of hairy roots and production of gymnemic acid compared with other culture media evaluated (B5, NN and N6), with MS-based liquid medium supplemented with 3 % sucrose was optimal for secondary metabolite production. The current results showed great potentiality of hairy root cultures for the production of gymnemic acid.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- Department of Applied Bioscience, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Konkuk University, Seoul 143 701, South Korea
- Department of Applied Bioscience, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Konkuk University, Seoul 143 701, South Korea
- Department of Applied Bioscience, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Konkuk University, Seoul 143 701, South Korea
- Plant Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Botany, Karnatak University, Dharwad 580 003, India
- Department of Applied Bioscience, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Konkuk University, Seoul 143 701, South Korea
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