Warianty tytułu
Korzyści konsumentów i rolników z badań nad technologiami w rolnictwie i w sektorze żywnościowym
Języki publikacji
A number of governments support their fanning sector by providing various forms of assistance. Many countries maintain publicly funded research institutions aimed at the development of agricultural technology. Past studies examined the benefits from the development and commercialization of agricultural and food technology. In general, although the immediate benefits occur to the early adopters (i.e., farmers who pioneer the application of the new technology), ultimately, the rewards are also felt by consumers. Consumers either benefit from a price decline or from the improved quality of a good. Often times, however, consumers are unaware of the link between the investment of public funds in technology development and the long term benefits they receive. Yet the support of consumers for the publicly funded research is essential. This paper examines the perceptions held by consumers with regard to the benefits from research on new agricultural technology in the Republic of Korea. In particular, we identify factors influencing consumer perception of benefits that occur to them and to farmers. The difference in perception could result from the timing of receiving the benefits because, typically, farmers gain before consumers can experience a price decrease or quality improvement. By knowing the perception differences, decision-makers in the public and private sector can improve the communication with the public about the short- and long-term benefits from research in agricultural and food technology. Improved communication helps to secure the lasting support for the public funding of such technology.
Percepcja konsumentów nt. korzyści wynikających z badań nad techniką rolniczą i technologią żywności stanowi, w długim okresie, o wsparciu badań ze środków publicznych. Na podstawie badań ankietowych 1100 kobiet mieszkających w siedmiu zurbanizowanych rejonach Republiki Korei sformułowano i obliczono model logitowy, który pozwolił na identyfikację czynników wpływających na stosunek konsumentów do ww. badań w kontekście korzyści osiąganych przez samych konsumentów, jak i rolników. Wyniki wskazują na rolę czynników ekonomiczno-demograficznych oraz opinii wyrażanych przez badanych jako statystycznie istotnych i powiązanych z percepcją korzyści osiąganych przez konsumentów oraz rolników.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Georgia, Griffin Campus, 1109 Experiment Street, Griffin, GA 30223-1797, USA
- Brückner B. 2008: Consumer acceptance of fruit and vegetables: the role of flavour and other quality attributes. [In:] Fruit and Vegetable Flavour. B. Briickner and S. G. Wyllie, eds., Woodhead Publishing, Ltd., Cambridge, England, pp. 10-17.
- Fishbein M., Ajzen I. 1975: Belief, attitude, intention and behavior: an introduction to theory and research. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.
- Florkowski W.J., Hwang S., Lee I.K. 2006: Consumer views of the agricultural and food technology research directions. Annals of the Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economics, 13(6), 50-54.
- Greene W. H. 1990: Econometric Analysis. Macmillan Publishing Company, New York.
- Moon W, Florkowski W.J., Beuchat L.R., Resurreccion A.V.A., Chinnan M.S., Paraskova P. Jordanov J. 1999: Effects of product attitudes and consumer characteristics on attitude and behavior: the case of peanuts in a transition economy. Agribusiness 15(3), 411-425.
Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA