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The paper presents the concept of an ecological corridor system developed for spatial planning based on the case of the Pomerania Province. More attention was paid to the corridors along watercourses and river valleys. The study included e.g. spatial relationships between the proposed network of regional eco-corridors and the national network as well as areas of protected nature areas, including Natura 2000 sites. The main threats to the valley corridors in the area were identified. Depending on the level of impact and the geographical range, three different land corridors were distinguished: supraregional, regional and subregional. Due to the landscape and nature diversity, spatial distribution of physico-geographical units, terrain and river valleys, almost all communes and districts of the Pomerania Province have appropriate conditions to perform the functions of ecological corridors of various ranks. In some communes, they account for more than 50% of the total area and 28% of the province’s area, and a significant part of them are valley ecosystems. The aim of the paper is to document the role of river valleys in shaping the conditions of spatial connectivity of ecosystems and to indicate their significance for spatial planning processes.
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Opis fizyczny
- Department of Physical Geography and Environmental Management, Institute of Geography, Faculty of Oceanography and Geography, University of Gdansk, J. Blazynskiego St., 80-309 Gdansk, Poland
- Department of Physical Geography and Environmental Management, Institute of Geography, Faculty of Oceanography and Geography, University of Gdansk, J. Blazynskiego St., 80-309 Gdansk, Poland
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