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Background: In the process of modernising and improving physical fitness classes on offer, there is a growing trend to complement them with extra means characterized by different directions of interactions. Training of respiratory muscles (TRM) is one of them used in sports training but also increasingly more often in health training. The aim of the study was to as-sess changes in physical capacity under the influence of 6 weeks' training of a different type of inspiratory muscles incorporated into the programme of fitness classes for women aged 20-25 years. Material/Methods: The study involved 33 not training professionally young women aged 20-25 years. To assess the capacity of the respiratory sytem, dynamic spirometry was performed with a use of the K4b2 Spirometry apparatus by Cosmed company, and inspiratory muscle strength was measured with a use of a respiratory pressure meter by Micro Medical. Aerobic capacity was evaluated based on a direct method, using an incremental load test until exhaustion. Measurements were taken before and after a training session throughout six weeks with a frequency of three sessions per week. Results: As a result of a six-week special training in the POWERbreathe group there was a significant increase in spirometric indices compared to the initial measurement: FVC l (BTPS), FEV1 l (BTPS), PEF (l·secˉ1), MVV (l·minˉ1), MIP (-mH2O). However, apart from the above-mentioned effects in the group of those training with bands also a significant increase in MEP (cmH2O) was noted compared to the control group. Conclusions: The special inspiratory muscles training programme improved the functionality of the respiratory system, which is revealed in the increase in indicators characterizing aerobic capacity (with no significant influence on changing the body composition). The results obtained in our study indicate the possibility of practical application of respiratory training simulators in health and recreational physical activities enabling the growth of aerobic capacity of those exercising.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- Department of Methodology of Physical Education, Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport, Gdansk, Poland
- Department of Methodology of Physical Education, Gdansk University of Physical Education and Sport, Gdansk, Poland
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