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Fatty acid profiles, cholesterol concentration, and susceptibility to lipolitic fat fraction in goat’s milk
Języki publikacji
World production of goat milk has increased In the last 20 years, especially in developed countries. Goat milk is differentiated from cow milk in many parameters, among others in size of fat globules and fatty acid profiles. Milk fat is one of the main milk components and decides about its nutritive, energetic and technological values. The components of goat milk fat are triglicerides (ca. 95%), diglicerides (2%), monoglicerides (0.08%), phospholipids (1%), free fatty acids (0.28%), total cholesterol (0.5%) and fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K). The fatty acid profile of goat milk differs from those of cow milk mainly because goat milk contains twice as much of short chain fatty acid (C6:0; C8:0; C10:0) as does milk from cows. Those fatty acids decide about its sensory and organoleptic and health-promoting parameters. The content of cholesterol in goat milk depends of many factors, primarily the feeding system and secondary stage of lactation. It can reach values between 2 and 24 mg/100ml of milk. Cholesterol is mainly connected to fat globules. The lipolitic phenomenon, which occurs in the fat fraction, is connected with an increase of the free fatty acid concentration and other substances that have an undesirable influence on milk quality and its products.
Opis fizyczny
- Instytut Genetyki i Hodowli Zwierząt Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Jastrzębcu, ul.Postępu 1, 05-552 Wólka Kosowska
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