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Planning development and revitalisation of cities on a regional level
Języki publikacji
One of the main problems related to the management of urban areas on a regional scale is the spread of urban developments. In the developed countries of the EU and the world, the phenomenon of urban sprawl is counteracted by revitalisation of inner city, degraded areas and using multiple elements of land management, which allow for the rationalisation and control of the spread of cities. In Poland, the conceptions for revitalising the inner city areas are not always focused on stopping urban sprawl. There is no coordination between spatial planning done in provinces and the local development and revitalisation plans. There are no approved zoning plans for metropolitan areas. The extensive and expansive urbanisation results from the liberal economy, the weakness of the control in relation to urbanisation from local governments and lack of relevant instruments for land development in the law applicable. The new national strategic documents, i.e. Regional Development Strategy 2010: Regions, Cities, Urban Areas and the Concept for Spatial Development of the Country (CSDC) comment on the problem of degradation of urban areas and chaotic, uncontrolled urbanisation. There were, however, no methods of preventing urban sprawl indicated. CSDC applies the rule of "preferring regeneration (reconstruction) to taking new land for development", as well as the rule of "vertical and horizontal coordination and social participation". The current updating of strategic documents for planning in provinces is to adjust them to EU and country-level priorities and rules, which include:a shift from sector planning towards horizontal (comprehensive) planning, a territorial approach to development, concentration of public interventions and funding on key areas and companies. Works to date have shown the designers aim at achieving coherent positions on development of cities in both planning directions. There is coherence in relation to the problems identified in development of urban areas. The main priorities of the spatial development policy of provinces relate to the goals and tasks specified in their regional strategies. A positive feature of the new documents with development strategy is the territorial approach, both in the diagnostics and the conceptual part. There are urban and metropolitan areas, and the rural ones. The weak point of the strategy is the lack of goal fulfilment indicators in relation to rural areas. These are specified only in relation to the development goals for the entire province. There are reservations in relation to the fact that there are no specific solutions related to protecting and shaping the environment and landscape, and to expansion of urbanisation. Only general rales for development are stated. The proposed actions in relation to the spatial development include mostly integrated planning and programming of the urban development, revitalisation initiatives and observing relevant rales for locating new residential and production/services facilities. The problem of uncontrolled urbanisation is mainly analysed in the context of creating a spatial order. This problem is not presented in its economic aspect. It is to apply planning instruments, both on the regional and local level. In the current legal conditions, the spatial development plan is not an effective tool of spatial policy. The plan can be only delivered in a situation of transferring its findings to the local zoning plans. However, the 'gmina' units have no obligation to update their spatial development studies and directions as there are inconsistencies with amended spatial development plans for the provinces. On the other hand, the option of transferring those findings directly to local plans is not used as in such case it is necessary to agree with the gminas on the financial terms (expenses on compensation and due to increased cost of delivery of gminas' tasks). The next amendment announced by the Ministry of Transportation, Construction and Urban Management, of the law on spatial planning and management dated March 27, 2003 will not solve many problems in spatial development, including negative impacts of urbanisation. Systemic changes are necessary in spatial planning and management, which has been pointed out by expert for a long time. These should mainly consist in: - setting spatial planning goals (based on the rales of sustainable development, shaping spatial order and precedence of public interest), - introducing a hierarchy in planning to ensure it is effective, - separate the right to own property from the right to construct on it and develop it, - strengthening the role of provincial self-governments in spatial planning; enabling creation of legal deeds under the local law in key cases.
Opis fizyczny
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