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Sustainable development of high nature value areas promotes the use of resources and services that rely on the unique assets of a particular ecosystem without undermining its integrity. Implementing innovative technologies, especially in the field of renewable energy sources, supports this process and helps to preserve environmentally valuable areas such as semi-natural grasslands. This study employs the ecosystem services valuation method to assess the environmental impacts of implementation of innovative IFBB technology in the Notec River Valley of western Poland as a part of a proposed implementation potential analysis framework. Six different categories of ecosystem services were analysed. Results show that implementing IFBB technology has a positive impact on the local ecosystem, generates additional value for potential investors, and thus could affect the perception of a renewable energy generation technology as being viable to implement.
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Opis fizyczny
- Department of Industrial Product Quality and Ecology, Faculty of Commodity Science, Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poznan, Poland
- Department of Industrial Product Quality and Ecology, Faculty of Commodity Science, Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poznan, Poland
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