Warianty tytułu
Application of an aviation method of plant protection against a complex of noxious organisms in agriculture of Belarus
Języki publikacji
In the article the results of studies on the efficiency of aviation ultra-low volume spraying (ULV – ultra low volume) method application for plant protection against a complex of noxious organisms are shown. The data on volumes of chemical method application in plant protection in Belarus including the aviation method are presented. A high biological efficiency of herbicides Hussair Turbo, Secateur Turbo and Lintur in grain crops; Maister in corn, fungicides Rex Duo, Alto Super, Falcon in spring barley by their application using the aviation (ULV) method with the working solution rate use 3–5 l/ha is stated. Moreover, apart from the results discussed in the paper, positive results were obtained using aviation (ULV) method for applying fungicides, insecticides, desiccants in winter rape and sunflower as well as retardants in grain crops.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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