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Our article presents the results of research aimed at determining the effect of precipitation on the level of the groundwater table and the impact of meteorological drought on the hydrogeological groundwater level in the area of Kujawy and Wielkopolska in the years 1981-2015. Monthly sums of precipitation came from Bydgoszcz and Poznan. Underground water table levels were measured by the Geological Institute in the area of Kujawy, near Bydgoszcz (Solec Kujawski and Jagodowo) and in the area of Wielkopolska (Stęszew and Czachurki). The drought periods were determined on the basis of standardized precipitation index (SPI), meteorology drought, and standardized groundwater level (SGI) in four time scales (6, 12, 24, and 48 months). The results confirmed the findings of other authors that there is no linear relationship between the terms of meteorological drought and hydrogeological groundwater drought. The relatively low value of correlation coefficients between SPI and SGI indices show that the groundwater droughts are affected by other factors independent of rainfall. The relationships between the climatic conditions and the level of the water table as well as groundwater droughts were determined by the properties of the aquifer.
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Opis fizyczny
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