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The initial research problem the authoress faced was to answer the question concerning the manner in which adults learn in situations of self-organized educational activity. The first part of the paper discusses the modern understanding of the terms: informal learning and strategies of learning. They are still ambiguous, which, on one hand, causes some terminological confusion among theoreticians and practitioners of adult education, whilst, on the other, emphasises ambiguity and richness of modern forms, methods and means used by adults in personal projects of development. This phenomenon is illustrated by the results of the research presented in the following part of the article. In order to find the answer to the question about the actual picture of adult learning in informal education the authoress conducted research based on biographical interviews with over 50 respondents - learning adults aged from 22 to 70. The analysed content concerned the whole process of self-education, that is: learning methods, means used, ways of organizing time devoted to learning and other people's participation. As the result of the analysis the authoress has described exemplary strategies of learning in situations of informal education, which she defines as: 'unintentional learning', 'conscious plan' and 'step by step' strategy. The important conclusion that can be drawn from the collected research material implies that different strategies of self-education do not exclude one another but rather constitute bigger projects of learning. What proved important were the differences in the organisation and course of the learning process in those who had previously prepared a 'plan' or started learning 'unintentionally'. To sum up, the authoress indicates that informal learning is not only a 'productive field' where individual plans and learning strategies may come to life, but also that observing the effects of such open and unpredictable learning is crucial for the theory and practice of working with adults.
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