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Artykuł stanowi próbę krótkiej oceny dotychczasowych badań nad rozwojem kultury fizycznej na Śląsku, które realizowano w latach 2004–2012 w ramach polsko-niemieckiego projektu „Kultura fizyczna na Śląsku w XIX i XX wieku” pod kierunkiem Tomasza Jurka, Mirosława Ponczka, Bernarda Woltmanna (zestrony polskiej) oraz Karla-Heinza Schodroka i Norberta Urbainskiego (ze strony niemieckiej). Końcowym efektem badań są dwie monografie, w których po raz pierwszy ujęto dzieje kultury fizycznej na multikulturowym obszarze Śląska, znajdującego się w granicach Niemiec, a następnie Polski (wersja polska – Z dziejów kultury fizycznej na Śląsku. Rozwój kultury Fizycznej na Śląsku w latach 1919–1939;wersja niemiecka – Geschichte des Turnens und Sports in Schlesien 1812–1989). Na tym tle ukazano dylematy badawcze i terminologiczne, jakie towarzyszyły pracom licznej grupy redaktorów i autorów tekstów. Wskazano na najważniejsze problemy związane z realizacją badań nad pograniczem kultur, narodów i epok oraz wysunięto postulaty odnoszące się do przyszłych polsko-niemieckich projektów w zakresie historii kultury fizycznej.
This article is an attempt to evaluate present research on development of physical culture in Silesia, that took place in 2004–2012 as a German-Polish project: “Physical cultures in Silesia in the 19th and 20th century” under the guidance of Tomasz Jurek, Mirosław Ponczek, Bernard Woltmann (Polish site) and Karl-Heinz-Schodrock and Norbert Urbainsky (German site). The pro- ject resulted with two monographs, that describe for the first time the history of the physical culture in multicultural area of Silesia, that used to be firstly part of Germany and later the part of Poland (polish version: Z dziejów kultury fizycznej na Śląsku. Rozwój kultury fizycznej na Śląsku w latach 1919–1939; German version: Geschichte des Turnens und Sports in Schlesien 1812– 1989). The numerous group of researchers and author s showed in this context all doubts and dilemmas that were connected with their scientific activities. They pointed out the most important issues related to the undertaken research over the this borderland of cultures, nations and eras. They also suggested some issues about the future German-Polish projects in the field of the history of physical education.
Content available remote The Language of Mediaeval Silesian Documents
The article concerns the heretofore insufficiently examined question of the application of assorted languages in mediaeval Silesian documents. The first documents appeared in Silesia in the middle of the 12th century, and to the end of the following century they were all written in Latin. German-language documents were first issued at the beginning of the 14th century. The majority concerned town questions, and for a long time comprised a margin of the total output of the local chanceries. In about 1350 the chanceries of particular dukes began to use German-language documents to confirm a large part of various questions, as a rule resignations from landed estates. German also became more universal in the municipal chanceries and the private documents issued by knights. Up to the end of the 14th century, it dominated all secular document in Silesia. Latin documents continued to be written only for the clergy. The universal acceptance of the German language was by no means caused by a wish to oblige the chancery scribes. Multiple traces indicate that the latter found it even more difficult to write in German than in Latin. On the other hand, the German language suited the secular recipients as well as administrative and court instances, which required documents that would be understandable for all. Relations with the chancery of the Bohemian branch of the Luxembourg dynasty, which in the second half of the 14th century was simultaneously the Reich chancery, were also of considerable importance. The educated variety of the German language, used by the chanceries, spread across Silesia as well as central and eastern Germany. A language close to the local dialect was used only in private documents. The 15th century witnessed a further dissemination of German, now accepted even by Church chanceries, although basically only in connection with secular issues. In Upper Silesia, this development ran a different course: in about 1400 German prevailed as the language of documents, but from 1430 on the number of documents in Czech grew and in ca. 1470 won a leading rank. In its capacity as the official language, Czech survived until the 17th century. This situation corresponded to the linguistic relations in Upper Silesia whose population had retained its Slavonic character. The Polish language was still unsuited for use by chanceries, and even in Poland it was absent from official circulation. The extremely rare Polish-language documents did not appear in Silesia until the 16th century.
W artykule ukazano zarys rozwoju ruchu turystycznego ludności polskiej z Niemiec do Polski w okresie międzywojennym XX wieku. W latach 1918–1939 rozwinęła się specyficzna forma polonijnej turystyki sportowej oraz kolonijnej dzieci i młodzieży polskiej z Niemiec do II Rzeczypospolitej. Największe rozmiary przybrała ona w I połowie lat trzydziestych. Obok turystyki sportowej i kolonijnej istniał również ruch pielgrzymkowy, zwłaszcza do miejsc kultu maryjnego w Polsce. Szczególną rolę odegrały także Polonijne Igrzyska Sportowe, które odbyły się w Warszawie w 1934 roku i stanowiły oryginalną formę powiązań turystyki i sportu, łączyły bowiem przyjazd i zwiedzanie „starej ojczyzny” z czynnym udziałem w pierwszych igrzyskach polonijnych oraz innych zawodach, którym nadano bardzo wysoka rangę. Polonijny ruch turystyczny odegrał w okresie międzywojennym ważną rolę w utrzymaniu tożsamości narodowej i integracji liczącej 1,5 mln osób mniejszości polskiej w Republice Weimarskiej i III Rzeszy.
This article depicts the development of tourism movement among the Polish minority living in Germany in the interwar period of the 20th century. Between 1918 and 1939 the specific forms of sport tourism and summer camps in the Second Republic of Poland became very popular among the Polish youth and children living in Germany, especially in the early thirties. Besides sport tourism and youth summer camps also pilgrimages were very popular, mainly to the sanctuaries of Holy Mary. An import part played the Olympic Games of Polish minority living abroad, that took place in Warsaw in 1934 and connected tourism with sport – the participants could not only visit their homeland but also took part in the sport contest that was very prestigious. The Polish tourism movement played a key role in the integration of almost 1,5 million of Polish people living at that time in Germany.
The article is concerned with the identification of a ruler called Agnes regina in the necrologium of Zwiefalten abbey from before mid-12th c. That name does not appear among European queens of the turn of the 11th and 12th c. Because Zwiefalten abbey had very close relations with Poland in the 12th c., it is possible that she was a Polish queen, the wife of Bolesław II the Bold (died in 1082). Jan Dlugosz, the 15th c. chronicler, calls her Wyszeslawa, but it is uncertain if the information is reliable. The queen may have had two names which was quite common at the time. Her origin remains unknown but most probably should be sought among Ruthenian Rurikids or Czech Premislids.
A presentation of one of the end formulas in documents mentioning a member of the chancery staff who participated in the preparation of a document. As a rule, this formula was composed of: 'qui praesentia habuit in commisso' (or: 'cui praesentia in commisso dedimus') and in German: 'der diesen brief gehabt hat in befehlunge' (or: 'dem dieser brief befohlen wart'). It has been impossible to find the formula's original version outside Silesia, and it was probably devised by Gunter von Biberstein, a scribe in the chancery of the dukes of Wroclaw, who used it for the first time in 1311. Subsequently, it became rapidly disseminated among the ducal chanceries and those of many other signers, both in Silesia and in Poland. Up to now, the significance of this particular formula has been the topic of contradictory views. The author verified it upon the basis of diverse material from the chancery of the rulers of Swidnica: Duke Bolko II (1326-1368) and Duchess Agnieszka (1368-1392), as well as Bohemian royal starostas (since 1392). The formula indicated the person who at the time of the legal action was entrusted with editing a suitable document; consequently, he took upon himself responsibility for the formal correctness of the document and its concurrence with the actual state of things. The 'commisso' formula thus replaced the earlier 'datum per manus' formula, applied with a similar meaning. From the end of the fourteenth century, the 'in commisso' formula mentioned only the head of the chancery, i. e. the chancellor. This fact seems to indicate that it became a mere ornament, which no longer signified practical participation in preparing documents. The conclusions drawn from an examination of the chancery of the dukes of Swidnica can be generalised so as to encompass also various Silesian chanceries. Other end formulas encountered in documents from Swidnica, especially the 'per dominum N' formula, were also analysed. Originally, this formula appeared sporadically, and listed the person who requested that the chancery issue the document; it became more universal at the beginning of the fifteenth century (due to Bohemian impact), when it designated the signer himself.
W artykule ukazano proces odbudowy sportu w szkolnictwie w Polsce po zakończeniu drugiej wojny światowej oraz kształtowanie się nowego modelu sportu szkolnego w latach 1945–1953. Był to szczególny okres dźwigania się kraju ze zniszczeń wojennych i wprowadzania nowego systemu ustrojowego, który wywarł decydujący wpływ na rozwój szkolnictwa i nową organizację sportu szkolnego. W pierwszych latach po wojnie nastąpił dynamiczny rozwój zwłaszcza szkolnictwa zawodowego. Utworzono nowe typy szkół zawodowych. Nastąpiło upowszechnienie wielu dyscyplin sportu w szkołach, wprowadzono także nowe formy współzawodnictwa sportowego. W 1950 r. ukazało się zarządzenie Ministra Oświaty, które ujęło w ramy organizacyjne szkolny ruch sportowy. Szkolne koła sportowe zorganizowane w 1950 r. we wszystkich szkołach ogólnokształcących, liceach pedagogicznych i wyżej zorganizowanych szkołach podstawowych dawały młodzieży możliwość uprawiania sportu w godzinach poza obowiązkowymi lekcjami wychowania fizycznego. Artykuł powstał na podstawie dotychczasowej literatury przedmiotu oraz w oparciu o zachowane źródła archiwalne i prasowe.
In the article the rebuilding process of sport in polish education after the Second World War and the formation of a new model of school sports in the years 1945–1953 were presented. It was a special period of raising the country from the ravages of war. A new political system was introduced that had a significant impact on the development of education and a new organization of school sports. In the first years after the war the dynamic development of vocational education was particularly observed. New types of vocational schools were created. Many sport disciplines were promoted in schools. Additionally, new forms of sport competitions were introduced. In 1950 the Minister of Education published regulation that included school sports in the framework of education. The school sports groups organized in 1950 in all secondary schools, pedagogical high schools and higher organized primary schools gave students opportunity to do sport in additional time. The article is based on the existing literature and on the preserved archival sources and press materials.
The paper deals with the text of hitherto unknown epitaph written to honour Duke Henry of Glogów (died in 1309). Henry was a prominent figure, participated in the rivalry for the unification of Polish lands; also he ruled in Great Poland (1306-1309) and aspired to win the royal crown. The text of the epitaph was preserved in copies (originating from the beginning of the 17th century, from around 1700) in the collections of inscriptions of the Cistercian monastery in Lubiaz (Leubus). Thus, it is very likely that the poem was written in this monastery. The study of versification (regular hexameter in elaborated leonines) indicates that the poem was written in the first half of the 14th century. Also the analysis of the contents shows that the author must have written it shortly after the death of the duke, around 1315 (the text mentioned briefly the destruction of Poznan that had taken place in 1313/1314). When compared with other epitaphs of that time, the poem is distinct, not only because of its extent, but also its artistic qualities and original subject matter.
Oparta na skanerze laserowym 3D metoda dokumentacji otworzyła nowe horyzonty dla medycyny sądowej i kryminalistyki, głównie ze względu na jej zdolność faktycznie 'zamrożenia' jakiegokolwiek miejsca przestępstwa. Niektóre cechy, takie jak wysoka rozdzielczość zapisywania danych tworzących obraz, zachowując badany przedmiot w stanie nietkniętym, szybkość gromadzenia danych, możliwość bieżącego zapisu danych w postaci pliku i przesyłania ich na dowolną odległość, niski koszt pojedynczych oględzin, prostota konserwacji skanera, jego mobilność, niezależność od zewnętrznych źródeł energii, możliwości kooperacji z każdym rodzajem narzędzia badawczego operującego w technice cyfrowej, stawiają skaner 3D w roli przydatnego i wszechstronnego narzędzia w codziennej praktyce medycyny sądowej i kryminalistyki.
Based on 3D laser scanner method of documentation has opened new prospects for forensic medicine and crime detection, mainly in respect to its ability to virtually efreezei any crime scene. Some features like high resolution of the imaging data recording, preserving the examined object in intact state, speed of data collection, possibility of instant data filing and transmission at any distance, low cost of singular examination, simplicity of scanner maintenance, its mobility, independence from an external source of energy, possibility of cooperation with every kind of research tool working in digital technique, put the 3D scanner as a useful and versatile tool in everyday forensic medicine and crime detection practice.
Przeprowadzono analizę stanu wiedzy w zakresie badań skraplania czynników chłodniczych w miniwymiennikach ciepła, tzw. multiportach. Wskazano kierunki dalszych badań w tym zakresie. Przedstawiono wyniki badań własnych skraplania czynników chłodniczych R134a, R404A i R407C w miniskraplaczach wykonanych w postaci dwóch pęczków minikanałów rurowych wykonanych ze stali nierdzewnej o średnicy wewnętrznej d - 0,64 mm i długości L = 100 mm. Wymiennik MULTI-4 składał się z 4 minikanałów, a MULTI-8 zawierał 8 minikanałów. Wyznaczono wartości średnie współczynnika przejmowania ciepła w całym procesie skraplania (x = 1+0). Zilustrowano wpływ stopnia suchości pary czynnika oraz gęstości strumienia masy na intensywność wymiany ciepła. Przeprowadzono analizę porównawcza wyników badań dla różnych czynników chłodniczych w obu miniwymiennikach ciepła.
An analysis of the knowledge state in research of refrigerants condensation in mini-heat exchangers, so-called multiports, were made. Di-rections for further research in this field were indikated. Authors presented results of refrigerant R134a, R404A and R407C condensation in a mini-condensers made of two bundles tubular minichannels from stainless steeł with an inside diameter d = 0.64 mm and length L = 100 mm. Exchanger MULTI-4 consisted of four minichannels, and MULTI-8 contained of 8 minichannels. The values of average heat transfer coeficient throughout the condensation process (x = l * 0) were nominated. The impact of the refrigerant vapor quality and the mass flux density on the heat transfer intensity were illustrated. A comparative analysis of test results for various refrigerants in both mini-heat exchangers were made.
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