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The paper presents the results of improving the production process using the SMED method. The process improvement was carried out in a company in the construction industry, using a machine park consisting of CNC machines. The study evaluated the current state of changeover times for selected CNC machines and proposed a reduction in changeover times for the machine park analysed. By in-troducing changes to the changeover process on selected CNC machines, it was possible to minimise the changeover time by more than 20% on all the machines analysed. The proposed reorganisation of the CNC operators’ workstations resulted in a time reduction of approximately 61% for machine 1, 52% for machine 2 and 12% for machine 3. The installation of barcode readers on the profiles, on the other hand, made it possible to load the machining programmes into the CNC machines more quickly and resulted in a reduction in loading time of approximately 88% on average for each of the machines analysed.
Obecnie przedsiębiorstwa produkcyjne funkcjonują w turbulentnym otoczeniu, co jest następstwem m.in. kryzysu światowego wywołanego przez pandemię i wojnę. Z tego względu są zmuszone do ciągłego poszukiwania rozwiązań umożliwiających obniżanie kosztów produkcyjnych, skracania czasu reakcji na potrzeby rynkowe czy wprowadzanie innowacyjnych rozwiązań z zakresu doskonalenia procesów produkcyjnych. Nowe spojrzenie na realizowane procesy produkcyjne zostało wymuszone przez zmieniające się i stale rosnące wymagania rynku oraz możliwość implementacji innowacyjnych rozwiązań techniczno-organizacyjnych. Zadaniem usprawnienia procesu produkcyjnego jest eliminacja strat i poszukiwanie źródeł marnotrawstwa, a także standaryzacja zaimplementowanych rozwiązań. Jednym ze sposobów poprawy efektywności i elastyczności procesów produkcyjnych jest koncepcja Lean, nastawiona na eliminację marnotrawstwa oraz skracanie cykli realizacji zamówienia w procesie. Do najważniejszych narzędzi stosowanych w koncepcji Lean Management należą: 5S, Kaizen, Just in Time, Just in Sequence, Kanban (system pull), Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED), Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), Value Stream Mapping (VSM), standaryzacja, muda, Total Quality Management (TQM), takt time, heijunka, andon (Visual Management), poka yoke. Celem opracowania jest redukcja czasu przezbrojenia maszyny wykrawającej w procesie produkcji maty bitumicznej z zastosowaniem metody SMED.
Currently, production companies operate in a turbulent environment as a result, among others, of the global crisis caused by the pandemic and war. For this reason, they are forced to constantly search for solutions in the field, e.g., lowering production costs, shortening reaction time in response to market needs, or introducing innovative solutions to improve production processes. A new look at the production processes implemented was forced by the changing and constantly growing market requirements and the possibility of implementing innovative technical and organizational solutions. The task of streamlining the production process is the elimination of losses and the search for waste sources and standardizing the implemented solutions. One of the ways to improve the efficiency and flexibility of production processes is the Lean concept, which is focused on eliminating waste and shortening order fulfilment cycles in the process. The essential tools used in the Lean Management concept include: 5S, Kaizen, Just in Time, Just in Sequence, Kanban (pull system), Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED), Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), Value Stream Mapping (VSM), standardization, muda, Total Quality Management (TQM), tact time, heijunka, andon (Visual Management), poka yoke. The paper aims to reduce the changeover time of the punching machine in the bitumen mat production process based on the use of the SMED method.
Objective: The objective of the article was to present the basic issues related to the functioning of transport processes in an enterprise, getting acquainted with and analysing selected areas of transport of the observed enterprise and showing how the practical use of information on the existing transport processes in the enterprise using selected methods and research tools allows for process optimisation. Design/methodology/approach: To determine the causes of the problem, it was decided to use quality management tools, i.e. the five whys analysis and fishbone diagram. In order to perform a detailed analysis, it was decided to use the SMED method to parameterise the implementation of the transport process. Findings: The analysis carried out before and after the introduction of the changes allowed to determine whether the problem was solved and what benefits the company gained. Examining the time of individual transport processes allowed to implement a new IT system, which contributed to the development of the company and allowed to save a large amount of capital. Originality/value: The results of the study can be used in strategic decisions of the company in the area of optimisation of transport processes.
The article presents the stages of the development of the lean management concept. The authors presented the SMED methodology. They made the analysis of the sealing station in the production process of tubes for catalytic converters in relation to the real model. Optimisation the sealing station in production process of tubes for catalytic converters has been done in this article. For this purpose was used one of the tools of Lean Manufacturing, SMED. Diagnosis of machine changeover operations was carried out and also measurement of the times necessary for doing these operations. Using spaghetti diagram, the path which is covered by the operator during machine changeover, was shown. Delegation of specific tasks carried out previously by the operator to production workers and implementation of organisational and technical solution has had the effect of relieving of the operator and shortening of time necessary for machine changeover and increasing productivity at the sealing station.
W artykule przedstawiono etapy rozwoju koncepcji lean management. Autorki zaprezentowały metodologię SMED. Dokonały analizy stanowiska uszczelniania w procesie produkcyjnym przewodów do katalizatorów w odniesieniu do modelu rzeczywistego. W artykule dokonano optymalizacji stanowiska uszczelniania w procesie produkcyjnym przewodów do katalizatorów. W tym celu zastosowano jedno z narzędzi Lean Production, a mianowicie SMED. Dokonano diagnozy czynności wykonywanych podczas przezbrajania maszyny oraz dokonano pomiaru czasów niezbędnych do wykonania wskazanych czynności. Wykorzystując diagram spaghetti zilustrowano drogę, którą pokonuje operator podczas przezbrojenia maszyny. Oddelegowanie wybranych czynności wykonywanych uprzednio przez operatora na obsługę produkcji oraz wprowadzenie rozwiązania organizacyjno-technicznego wpłynęło na odciążenie operatora i skrócenie czasu niezbędnego do przezbrojenia maszyny i zwiększenia produktywności na stanowisku uszczelniania.
Purpose: The purpose of this work is to analyze the actual changeover time of a given machine and apply the developed changes. Design/methodology/approach: Properly designed and implemented, the SMED method allows you to limit the setup time for a given machine. Retrofitting in Lean optics is one of the activities that does not add value to the organization, because of its waiting time. Findings: As a result of the changes implemented, it was possible to determine measurable effects for the company in the category of "waiting" in the Muda aspect. Research limitations: The presented analysis has a spatially and temporally limited dimension, which could be the trigger for expanding the research in the future. Originality/value: This article presents actions leading to the optimization of the Computerized Numerical Control (CNC) machine production process by using one of the Lean Management concepts - in this case, it is the Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) method.
Introduction/background: This article presents the functioning of a production company in the construction chemicals industry. Based on the literature research, the following thesis was formulated: the use of tools to improve logistics processes significantly improves and increases the efficiency of production processes in the analysed enterprise. In the article, the following issues were indicated: analysing the course of logistics and production processes in the analysed enterprise, developing a map of the production implementation process and the products on Line retooling process, analysing the possibilities of implementing tools to improve logistics and production processes and developing recommendations for the enterprise. Aim of the paper: The main purpose of the study is to identify irregularities in the implementation of logistic processes in the examined enterprise and to propose improvement measures. Materials and methods: In the research part, the authors proposed Lean Production improvement tools (SMED, TPM) to optimize logistics processes and production. Results and conclusions: The work created by the authors is a research article that includes a full analysis of the production and logistics processes of a company from the construction industry. The paper presents irregularities occurring during logistics and production processes, and proposes improvements. The authors argue that it is important to introduce the proposed improvements to optimize logistics processes and production, and that they are possible to implement in other manufacturing companies.
his work, developed as a case study, propose, describe, and evaluates an implementation of a pull system in a SME company producing polymeric components for the automotive industry. The production system of the company was based on the push paradigm, which creates high stock levels and high lead times. The main purpose was to develop a pull production system controlled by Kanbans in the painting line. To achieve this goal, this case study demonstrates the application of relevant lean tools, such as, VSM, SMED, Kanban System, Supermarkets and Leveling. Through the SMED’s application, it was possible to reduce the setup times in 38% and make annual earnings of approximately 83000€. The application of a Kanban System, Leveling and Supermarket enabled the WIP’s reduction between injection and painting in 56% and, also, between painting and expedition in 45%. Also, the lead time decreased and the value-added time increased. Thus, this is an exemplary case study for the implementation of a pull system and can be used both by practitioners and researchers interested in this theme.
The paper presents the problem of the optimization of the length of the series and production batch, and thus the optimal frequency of production changeovers, taking into account the total cost approach and the use of the simulation method. The author has developed a model which, with the given parameters (costs and time of production changeover, costs of maintaining stocks of finished products and storage, value of manufactured products, sales variability and predictability), allows to calculate the economic effects of determining the length of a series and a production batch. In the author's opinion, the simulation method (at least in some cases) may be more appropriate in solving the problem of determining the optimal length of a series or production batch than the use of mathematical formulas. The calculations also took into account the impact of series and batch optimization on the company's profitability in order to assess the significance of this problem for financial results. The calculations were performed for two sample products and for two probability distributions — Gauss and Gamma. The results of the research show that the optimization of the production series may be important from the point of view of economic efficiency, that mathematical formulas may be less suitable for calculating the optimal production series than computer simulation, and that, in the case of significant variability of the sales level, in addition to the costs of changing production and maintaining inventories, lost sales costs should also be taken into account.
W artykule przedstawiono problematykę optymalizacji długości serii i partii produkcyjnej, a więc i optymalnej częstotliwości przezbrojenia produkcji przy uwzględnieniu podejścia całkowitokosztowego i zastosowaniu metody symulacji. Autor opracował model, który przy zadanych parametrach (koszty i czas przestawienia produkcji, koszty utrzymania zapasów wyrobów gotowych i magazynowania, wartość produkowanych wyrobów, zmienność i przewidywalność sprzedaży) pozwala na obliczenie skutków ekonomicznych ustalenia długości serii i partii produkcyjnej. W opinii autora metoda symulacji (przynajmniej w niektórych przypadkach) w rozwiązywaniu problemu ustalenia optymalnej długości serii lub partii produkcyjnej może być właściwsza niż zastosowanie formuł matematycznych. W obliczeniach uwzględniono również wpływ optymalizacji serii i partii produkcyjnej na rentowność przedsiębiorstwa, aby ocenić istotność tego problemu dla wyników finansowych. Obliczenia zostały przeprowadzone dla dwóch przykładowych produktów i dla dwóch rozkładów prawdopodobieństwa — Gaussa i Gamma. Wyniki badań wskazują, że optymalizacja serii produkcyjnej może mieć istotne znaczenie z punktu widzenia efektywności ekonomicznej, że formuły matematyczne mogą być mniej odpowiednie do obliczania optymalnej serii produkcyjnej niż symulacja komputerowa oraz że w przypadku występowania znaczącej zmienności poziomu sprzedaży, oprócz kosztów przestawienia produkcji i utrzymania zapasów, powinno się uwzględniać także koszty utraconej sprzedaży.
Content available remote Ograniczanie kosztów w czasach pandemii - optymalizacja dzięki metodyce SMED
Choć o kryzysie gospodarczym mówiło się często już w 2018 roku, do lutego 2020 roku wciąż nie było go widać na horyzoncie. W marcu jednak stanęliśmy całym światem przed obliczem pandemii COYID-19. Wirus SARS-CoV-2 mocno pokrzyżował plany między innymi firmom produkcyjnym, wymuszając na nich wprowadzenie zaostrzonego rygoru sanitarnego, modyfikacji systemu zmianowego, a w konsekwencji zwiększenia kosztów ponoszonych z tytułu zapewniania bezpieczeństwa pracownikom.
The article concerns the analysis of the efficiency of the process of retooling the production line. The analyzes of preparation and implementation of production changes (serial production) are presented. The main issues of technical preparation were included in the analyzes. In addition, the investment indicators and the return of the funds involved were estimated. The work presents justification for undertaking a topic for the analyzed production system. Analyzes of the prosecutions were carried out earlier and a plan for implementing new procedures was created. The analysis of the improvement project takes into account investment opportunities as well as the time of engagement of the working group.
Artykuł to studium przypadku z wykorzystania metody SMED do redukcji czasu przezbrojenia maszyny etykietującej wykorzystywanej do etykietowania butelek w jednej z firm produkujących naturalną wodę źródlaną i napoje gazowane. W artykule przedstawiono kolejne etapy związane z wdrażaniem metody SMED w badanym przedsiębiorstwie w odniesieniu do badanej maszyny, od wyboru obszaru pilotażowego i powołania zespołu badawczego do analizy korzyści wynikających z wdrożenia metody SMED w badanym obszarze. Eliminacja czynności zbędnych oraz przeprowadzenie zmiany czynności zewnętrznych na czynności wewnętrzne pozwoliło zmniejszyć czas trwania procesu przezbrojenia i dzięki temu uzyskać wyraźne oszczędności czasu. Wdrożenie metody SMED w badanym przedsiębiorstwie i na badanej maszynie pozwoliło osiągnąć wymierne korzyści w postaci m.in. skrócenia cyklu produkcyjnego, obniżenia kosztów produkcji, większej elastyczności produkcji, lepszej jakości i poprawy komfortu pracy.
The article is a case study of the use of the SMED method to reduce the changeover time of the labelling machine used for labelling bottles in one of the companies producing natural spring water and carbonated drinks. The article presents the subsequent stages related to the implementation of the SMED method in the studied company in relation to the analysed machine, from the selection of a pilot area and appointment of a research team to the analysis of the benefits of implementing the SMED method in the studied area. The elimination of unnecessary activities and the conversion of external activities to internal activities allowed reducing the time of the changeover process and thus achieving significant time savings. The implementation of the SMED method in the tested company and the tested machine allowed to achieve tangible benefits in the form of, among others shortening the production cycle, lowering production costs, greater production flexibility, better quality and improving the comfort of work.
The first part of this article presents methodological assumptions for the construction of the overall equipment effectiveness index (oee). Further, the shortened technological process of the product is presented and the analysis of losses in the context of the causes of machine downtime and the type of non-conformity of the products is made. The last part presents the results of the diagnosis in the scope of monitoring and analysis of the total efficiency index of equipment (oee) carried out on an exemplary production line of doors and proposes comprehensive improvement actions in order to improve the unsatisfactory condition of the machinery stock use efficiency.
The article presents definitions of Lean Management. One of the methods of Lean idea, SMED, or Single-Minute Exchange of Die, is described in detail. The aim of this article is to present the implementation of the SMED method on the example of a PET bottle blowing machine and to show the benefits of using the SMED method in production. The influence of changeover times on the production process was analysed and evaluated according to selected measures of effectiveness of implemented measures. The work consists of six parts. The first part is an introduction, the second and third part is a description of the definitions of lean management and SMED. The fourth part of the article is the implementation of the SMED method, the fifth part is the analysis of rearmament of a PET bottle blow moulding machine. The last part of the paper are conclusions.
The key to the functioning of enterprises in today's market is the concept of flexibility, which is mainly associated with adapting to very dynamically changing customer requirements. The basis for this approach is, among others, the realisation of serial production, products created for the customer's order in the quantity and time defined in orders. The LEAN Managemnt and LEAN production approach is a solution dedicated to meeting market assumptions. The LEAN concept, which both in the organization of production and management is focused on dynamic response to changes in the environment. The term LEAN represents numerous improvements to the organization, tools and techniques used to reduce and eliminate individual processes (or parts thereof) that are unnecessary activities. The key to analysing entire processes and defining unnecessary activities is thorough observation and selection of dedicated solutions. In the set of LEAN tools, you can find a lot of possibilities, from organization of a workstation itself, to a thorough quantitative analysis of times and process sequences, from simple facilities to complex technological solutions. The article pre-sents the results of the assembly process analysis, indicates the point of product differentiation (marking for the client) and presents the map of organizational and preparatory activities for this process. The presented results are part of the activities within organization of the LEAN approach, currently having priority for the Research entity organisation improvement team.
The increase in competitiveness between production enterprises results from the contemporary conditions of the global economy. Technical progress, globalization and constantly increasing customer requirements contribute to the development of organizational and business management techniques. The improvement of production is currently accompanied by modern tools and methods of Lean Manufacturing concepts such as: SMED, 5S, Kaiznen, Kanban, Poka-Yoke etc. The SMED method plays an important role in improving production processes. It also affects the reduction of losses and wastage, increase of value for stakeholders (especially for customers), as well as better motivation for employees. Thanks to the SMED method, the production company is able to achieve greater efficiency and productivity, as well as the high quality of products and services provided.
Artykuł przedstawia zagadnienia związane z redukcją czasu przezbrojenia prasy korbowej w przedsiębiorstwie produkcyjnym przy użyciu techniki SMED. Wdrożenie umożliwiło skrócenie czasu przezbrajania bez konieczności przeznaczania na to znacznych środków. W artykule przedstawiono poszczególne etapy wdrażania koncepcji SMED, a także możliwość wykorzystania diagramu Ishikawy, umożliwiającego przeprowadzenie dokładnej analizy przyczynowo-skutkowej, oraz wykresu Gantta, dzięki któremu możliwa jest kontrola realizacji zaplanowanego przedsięwzięcia. W podsumowaniu zawarto rezultaty wprowadzanych zmian.
The article presents issues related to the reduction of changeover time of a crank operated press in a manufacturing company using the SMED methodology. Implementation of this method enabled the reduction of changeover time, without committing to a significant investment. The article presents the different stages of implementation of the SMED concept, as well as the possibility of using Ishikawa diagram, enabling a thorough cause and effect analysis, and the Gantt diagram through which it is possible to control the implementation of the planned project. The work was completed with a summary with the key results of the changes.
Content available Machine learning in SMED
The paper discusses Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) and machine learning methods, such as neural networks and a decision tree. SMED is one of lean production methods for reducing waste in the manufacturing process, which helps to reorganize a conversion of the manufacturing process from current to the next product. SMED needs set-up activity analyses, which include activity classification, working time measurement and work improvement. The analyses presented in the article are focused on selecting the time measurement method useful from the SMED perspective. Time measurement methods and their comparison are presented in the paper. Machine learning methods are used to suggest the method of time measurement which should be applied in a particular case of workstation reorganization. A training set is developed and an example of classification is presented. Time and motion study is one of important methods of estimating machine changeover time. In the field of time study, researchers present the obtained results by using (linear) multi-linear regression models (MLR), and (non-linear) multi-layer perceptrons (MLP). The presented approach is particularly important for the enterprises which offer make-to-order products. Development of the SMED method can influence manufacturing cost reduction of customized products. In variety oriented manufacturing, SMED supports flexibility and adaptability of the manufacturing system.
Rozdział to studium przypadku z wdrożenia metody SMED na stanowisku wytłaczania rurek gładkich w jednym z przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych z branży motoryzacyjnej. W rozdziale przedstawiono etapy wdrożenia metody SMED oraz korzyści jakie osiągnięto dzięki wdrożeniu tej metody w wymiarze czasowym i ekonomicznym. Rozdział ma charakter studium przypadku i prezentuje teoretyczne aspekty związane z zastosowaną metodą oraz jej praktyczną implementację w warunkach analizowanego przedsiębiorstwa i stanowiska roboczego.
Nowadays, with global free market economy, which is characterized by strong competition and variability occurring in macro- and microenvironments, enterprises implement tools and methods that allow for collecting current and reliable data (qualitative and quantitative) concerning various parts of its functioning and, with adequate processing and presentation, indicate the areas for process improvement and waste reduction, leading to the improvement in the rate of return. One of the methods to ensure a more efficient manufacturing is SMED. With adequate implementation of the stages of this method, changeover time is minimized, thus reducing costs of production. This study presents an attempt to implement the SMED method in a selected area of production in the enterprise X.
The paper presents a practical way to shorten changeover of HAAS VF3 milling machine during the production of parts for mowers performed at a manufacturing company SaMASZ, Bialystok. A typical SMED approach was applied, i.e. times of individual actions were measured upon a priorly recorded film. Then, the operations were grouped into external and internal ones. For the purpose of analysis the Gantt diagram was used. In order to increase the share of external actions, the EROWA zero-point system chuck was used. As a result, most of the internal actions could be converted into external ones, that do not take up valuable working time of the machine. Calculated resulting economic effect significantly reduces production costs and the EROWA system applied in the process further improves machining precision of manufactured parts, and thus the quality of the manufactured agricultural machinery.
Artykuł prezentuje praktyczny sposób skrócenia czasów przezbrojeń frezarki HAAS VF3 podczas produkcji części dla kosiarek wykonywanych przez przedsiębiorstwo produkcyjne SaMASZ, w Białymstoku. W publikacji wykorzystano typowe podejście SMEA to znaczy czasy poszczególnych operacji mierzono na podstawie nagranego uprzednio filmu. Następnie operacje zostały pogrupowane na zewnętrzne i wewnętrzne. W analizie wykorzystano również wykres Gantta. W celu udziału zewnętrznych operacji wykorzystano system zerowania EROWA. W rezultacie część wewnętrznych operacji została zamieniona na zewnętrzne, które nie zajmują cennego czasu maszyny. Skalkulowane efekty ekonomiczne pozwoliły na znaczącą redukcję poziomu kosztów. Dodatkowo wykorzystanie systemu EROWA pozwoliło na poprawę precyzji wykonywanych części i jakości wyprodukowanego sprzętu rolniczego.
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