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W artykule przedstawiono wyniki symulacji przebiegu rzeczywistych wypadków z udziałem niechronionych uczestników ruchu w nowej wersji programu V-Sim 5.0. W symulacjach wykorzystano wielobryłowy model pieszego. Przeanalizowano wpływ poszczególnych parametrów modelu, a także parametrów ruchu pieszego oraz względnego położenia pieszego i pojazdu w początkowej chwili potrącenia na uzyskane wyniki w postaci zasięgu wrzucenia pieszego na pojazd oraz odrzutu wzdłużnego pieszego.
The article presents the results of a simulation of real pedestrian-car accidents in the new version of the V-Sim 5.0 program. The new multibody pedestrian model was employed in the simulations. The analysis covers the effect of individual model parameters as well as the parameters of pedestrian’s motion and the relative pedestrian-vehicle position at the initial moment of the collision on the obtained results including the range of the pedestrian’s being thrown onto the vehicle and his longitudinal recoil are analyzed.
W niniejszym opracowaniu przedstawiono wyniki symulacji biomechanicznych, uzyskanych za pomocą programu V-SIM i PC-Crash. W opracowanych przykładach przyjęto jednakowe główne parametry symulacji oraz wykorzystano uniwersalne i rzeczywiste sylwetki nadwozi pojazdów. Porównania dokonano na podstawie przykładów o różnym stopniu złożoności.
The article presents preliminary results of biomechanical simulations carried out using V-SIM and PC-Crash software packages. In both environments similar simulation parameters were adopted. Both universal and real vehicle body shapes were used. The comparison between the two software packages was done based on examples of different levels of complexity.
W niniejszym artykule przedstawione zostały różne możliwości w zakresie dokumentacji i analizy zdarzeń drogowych z udziałem pieszych, dostępne w rozwiązaniach opracowanych na przestrzeni lat przez firmę CYBID, z charakterystyką ich ograniczeń i możliwości. Omówione zostały między innymi: analiza czasoprzestrzenna zdarzenia z udziałem pieszego, dokumentacja miejsca zdarzenia drogowego, modelowanie potrącenia pieszego jako obiektu kinematycznego, zastosowanie metody Slibara w analizie potrąceń pieszych, pomiary 3D śladów zdarzenia drogowego z udziałem pieszych, modelowanie 3D w analizie najechania na ciało człowieka, wizualizacja anatomicznego kształtu i położenia ciała człowieka, wizualizacja naturalnego ruchu ciała człowieka, model wielobryłowy ciała człowieka w programie symulacyjnym V-SIM, możliwość eksperymentalnego sprawdzenia zachowania ciała ludzkiego w trakcie różnego rodzaju wypadków drogowych. Ponadto przedstawiono kierunki przyszłego rozwoju modelu wielobryłowego ciała człowieka zastosowanego w programie V-SIM 5.0, a także nowe funkcjonalności, które będzie posiadał oraz nowe możliwości zastosowania.
Various potential applications of the solutions developed over the years by the CYBID company, along with the characteristics of their limitations and possibilities in the documentation and analysis of road incidents involving pedestrians are presented. The discussion covers, inter alia: time-distance analysis of an incident involving a pedestrian, documentation of the road accident scene, modeling of hitting a pedestrian as a kinematic object, application of the Slibar method in the analysis of pedestrian hits, 3D measurements of traces of a road accident involving pedestrians, 3D modeling in the analysis of vehicle running over a human body, visualization of the anatomical shape and position of a human body, visualization of the natural movement of the human body, a multibody model of the human body in the V-SIM simulation program, possibility of experimentally checking the behavior of the human body during various types of road accidents. Directions for the future development of the multibody model of the human body used in the V-SIM 5.0 program, including its new functionalities and new potential uses are also presented.
W artykule przedstawiono nową funkcjonalność programu V-SIM w wersji 5 i zwrócono uwagę na konieczność ujawniania wszelkich śladów na pojeździe i odzieży pieszego oraz wykorzystywania specjalistycznej wiedzy medyków sądowych, w celu jak najbardziej precyzyjnego ustalania pozycji pieszego w chwili uderzenia przez pojazd. Konfiguracja pozycji pieszego w modelu wielobryłowym zaimplementowanym w programie V-SIM oraz rzeczywiste sylwetki pojazdów 3D, mają fundamentalny wpływ na efekt symulacji potrącenia pieszego i jego pozderzeniowego przemieszczania się. Na przykładzie dwóch, dobrze udokumentowanych zdarzeń drogowych z udziałem osób pieszych, przedstawiono analizę symulacji i wrażliwości jej wyników na dane wejściowe pozycji pieszego oraz usytuowania jego kończyn dolnych i górnych. W podsumowaniu zwrócono uwag na elementy prawidłowego przygotowania symulacji w programie V-SIM 5.0, prowadzące do uzyskania miarodajnych wyników.
The article presents the new functionality of the V-SIM program in version 5 and emphasizes the need to reveal, in particular, all traces on the vehicle and pedestrian's clothing, and to use the expertise of forensic medics, in order to determine the pedestrian's position as precisely as possible at the time of impact by vehicle. The configuration of the pedestrian position in the "multibody" model implemented in the V-SIM program and the real 3D body model of vehicle have a fundamental impact on the simulation of pedestrian impact and post-impact movement of a pedestrian. On the example of two well-documented road incidents involving pedestrians, the analysis of the mechanism of the simulation course and the sensitivity of the simulation results to a given input in the form of a pedestrian's position and the location of their lower and upper limbs is presented. In the summary, attention was paid to the elements of correct simulation preparation in the V-SIM 5 program, leading to obtaining reliable results.
Celem artykułu jest opis numerycznego, wielobryłowego modelu ciała człowieka CYBID Multibody Pieszy wprowadzonego w oprogramowaniu V-SIM 5.0, Przedstawiono założenia dla geometrii modelu oraz krótki opis działania generatora ciała człowieka. Omówiono pokrótce dodatkowe funkcjonalności rozwinięte w trakcie procesu wdrożenia modelu pieszego, m.in. interfejs skryptowy do programu V-SIM 5.0. oraz rozszerzone modele wspomagające analizę obrażeń. Przedstawiono także pokrótce kierunki dalszych prac badawczych na potrzeby rozwoju modelu.
The aim of the article was to provide a thorough description of CYBID Multibody Pedestrian model in keeping with its implementation in the commercial version of V-SI 5.0. reconstruction software. The description of the model geometry and the hum body generator is provided together with a detailed explanation of the contact algorithm implemented in V-SIM 5.0. New functionalities including the script interface developed in the process of the pedestrian model implementation in V-SIM 5.0 and extended human body models supporting injury analysis are briefly discussed. Perspective for further development of Multibody models in future V-SIM versions is also presented.
W artykule omówiono kryteria biomechaniczne, które mogą być przydatne do ilościowej analizy obrażeń uczestników wypadków drogowych, m.in. w zakresie obrażeń głowy, szyi, klatki piersiowej oraz kończyn dolnych. Kryteria te wyznacza się na podstawie analizy charakterystyk czasowych przyspieszenia, prędkości, przemieszczeń, a także sił i momentów sił (różne w zależności od rodzaju wskaźnika). Omówienie kryteriów przeprowadzono w oparciu o przykładowe obowiązujące w Europie normy z zakresu bezpieczeństwa, m.in. Regulamin 80 EKG/ONZ (dotyczący testów zderzeniowych w pojazdach M2, M3), Regulamin 129 (dotyczący testów fotelików dziecięcych) oraz normy brytyjskiej GMRT2100 (dotyczącej bezpieczeństwa pasażerów w transporcie kolejowym). Uwzględniono również wyniki własnych badań symulacyjnych. Niektóre z przedstawionych wskaźników oceny obrażeń zostaną zaimplementowane do wielobryłowego modelu ciała człowieka w programie V-SIM.
The article discusses the biomechanical criteria that may be useful in the quantitative analysis of injuries to road accident participants, e.g. in terms of head, neck, chest, femur and tibia injuries. These criteria are determined on the basis of the analysis of the time characteristics of acceleration, velocity, displacement, as well as forces and moments of forces (different depending on the type of indicator). The discussion of the criteria in this article is based on examples of safety standards in force in Europe, including Regulation 80 of the UN/ECE concerning crash tests in M2, M3 vehicles, Regulation 129 concerning the tests of child seats and the British standard GMRT2100 concerning the safety of passengers in rail transport. The results of simulation tests done by the author of the article were also taken into account. Some of the injury assessment indicators presented will be implemented into the MULTIBODY human body model in the V-SIM program.
The article presents the test results of the surface quality parameters after broaching of heat-resistant steels of grades: 1.7335 (13CrMo4-5) and 1.4841 (X15CrNiSi25-20). The aim of the work is to determine the technological methods of obtaining the lowest treated surface roughness, surface layer hardening and the elimination of surface defects after broaching. To investigate the influence of cutting conditions (cutting speed, tool geometry and feed) on surface roughness and hardness, the physical modeling method of the broaching was used. As a result of the research, recommendations for improvement of the main parameters of the surface layer quality when broaching samples from selected grades of heat-resistant steels.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań parametrów jakości powierzchni po przeciąganiu stali żaroodpornych gatunków: 1.7335 (13CrMo4-5) i 1.4841 (X15CrNiSi25-20). Celem pracy jest określenie technologicznych sposobów uzyskania najmniejszej chropowatości obrobionej powierzchni, korzystnego poziomu umocnienia warstwy wierzchniej i eliminacji defektów powierzchniowych po obróbce skrawaniem. Aby zbadać wpływ warunków skrawania (prędkości skrawania, geometrii narzędzia i prędkości posuwu) na chropowatość i umocnienia powierzchni, zastosowana została metoda modelowania fizycznego procesu przeciągania. W wyniku badań opracowane zostały rekomendacje dotyczące podniesienia głównych parametrów jakości warstwy wierzchniej podczas przeciągania próbek z wybranych gatunków materiałów żaroodpornych.
W artykule przedstawiono stan istniejący Odrzańskiej Drogi Wodnej (ODW) w aspekcie jej przystosowania do osiągnięcia międzynarodowej klasy żeglowności i włączenia w europejską sieć dróg wodnych. Przeprowadzono analizę potrzeb modernizacyjnych poszczególnych śluz oraz wskazano na realizację zamierzeń inwestycyjnych dalszej kanalizacji Odry poniżej Malczyc. Pokazano koncepcję projektową przebudowywanych i nowych śluz odpowiadających klasie międzynarodowej. Przedstawiono autorski model numeryczny wspomagający projektowanie śluz.
The paper presents the existing condition of the Oder Waterway (ODW) in the aspect of its adaptation to achieve international navigability class and its inclusion in the European waterways network. It analyses the modernisation needs of particular locks and indicates the implementation of investment plans for further channelling of the Oder River below Malczyce. A concept of designing redeveloped and new waterway locks corresponding to the international class was shown. The study presents an original numerical model to support the design of the locks.
The design dimensions of the executive hydraulic cylinders of the brake system of heavy-duty mining dump trucks cause high fluid flow during the braking process. Therefore, dimensions of the anti-blocking system modulator spool pair require unique electromagnets or hydraulic amplifiers to control. These solutions do not allow the required modulator performance. Thus, a modulator scheme with a division of the flow of fluid from the source to the brake cylinders was developed. This scheme allows during emergency braking passing, an additional amount of fluid to cylinders through the valve, installed parallel to the main valve upon pressure increase phase and controlled by the pressure difference. The task is to develop a method for calculating the main structural dimensions of a modulator. The calculation of the valve of the second cascade, installed in parallel to the main stage, is carried out for the emergency braking mode with the maximum flow rate to ensure the required performance of the braking system. The balance of fluid flows equations is compiled at the key points. The flow rate of the fluid through each of the valves is determined by the Torricelli formula, and the pressure difference across the valves is assuned equal. The obtained relations allows building a family of Q-p curves, which can be used to select the diameter and stroke of the additional valve depending on the flow rate in the brake system.
Methods for measuring deposit parameters are often based on a capacitance or conductivity measurement aimed at estimating, e.g. deposit moisture content. In practice, these methods fail for materials with a low degree of homogeneity, a diverse porous structure or high conductivity, e.g. due to a high water content. This article demonstrates an approach that enables a more precise estimation of the parameters of any deposit. The presented method involves the use of a measuring system in a charge amplifier configuration and the application of a technique using lock-in detection or a lock-in voltmeter to determine resistance and capacitance parameters of a deposit based on signals received from the measuring system. This method can be successfully used wherever the test deposit material is highly heterogeneous and contains both dielectric and conductive materials. The article presents an example of a solution to a measuring system using two planar electrodes that can be dimensioned depending on the deposit dimensions. It is followed by a presentation of a method for converting the signal from the measuring system into impedance parameters of the deposit using a lock-in voltmeter. The analysis of the operation of the entire measuring system was modelled in Matlab/Simulink, and the operation results were presented.
Content available remote Założenia modelowania oświetlenia w programie V-SIM 5.0
W artykule omówiono nową funkcjonalność programu komputerowego V-SIM 5.0, jaką jest generowanie plamy światła latami. Przedstawiono podstawy matematyczne modelowania zagadnienia, opisano sposób działania i korzystania z narzędzia dostępnego w programie oraz sposób i wyniki jego walidacji. Wprowadzona funkcjonalność jest częściową odpowiedzią na zgłaszane przez biegłych z zakresu rekonstrukcji wypadków drogowych zapotrzebowanie na program umożliwiający wizualizację sposobu oświetlenia ulicznego w miejscu zaistnienia wypadku drogowego. Analiza sposobu działania oświetlenia ma szczególne znaczenie przy analizie potrąceń (np. pieszych) w warunkach ograniczonej widoczności w tym w warunkach nocnych. Niniejsza publikacja otwiera cykl artykułów, w którym prezentowane będą kolejno wybrane funkcjonalności oprogramowania V-SIM 5.0.
New functionality of the V-SIM 5.0 computer software, which is the generation of a lamp post spotlight is discussed. The mathematical bases of modeling of the aforementioned problem are presented, the method of operation and use of the tool available in the software as well as the method and results of its validation are described. The introduced functionality is a partial response to the demand made by road accident reconstruction experts for a program enabling the visualization of the street lighting method at the site of a road accident. The analysis of the way the lighting system functions is of particular importance in the analysis of road accidents involving pedestrians in the conditions of limited visibility, including those at nighttime. The present paper opens a series of articles in which selected functionalities of the V-SIM 5.0 software will be presented.
Content available remote Drzwi z krytymi okuciami
A problem of car insurance frauds usually refers to reporting non-existent car crash circumstances to acquire the funds required for a car repair. However, the problem is not limited only to this kind of costs. Recently, numerous damage claims connected with spine trauma caused by rear-end collisions have been reported. These are the so-called whiplash injuries caused by a rear impact. Such damage is difficult to verify and hence a necessity to use more effective claim verification methods. An analysis of a collision in the SDC convention makes it possible to determine whether its circumstances were consistent with the reports of drivers involved in it. The aim of the analysis presented in this article has been to determine a possibility of using SRS-AIRBAG activation parameters to determine, with the SDC method, whether the circumstances of a collision reported were consistent with those responsible for a whiplash injury. The article provides an analysis of a series of rear-end collisions of vehicles moving in a column. The results have proven that the SDC procedure can be applied to verify the probability of a whiplash injury. With the above, this study is both academic and practical, and the results can provide benefits to vehicle collision researchers, experts, and students.
The number of motor vehicles in the European Union (EU) is constantly increasing, which is causing an increase in the traffic volume. This, in turn, boosts the economic development of the EU member states. However, an increase in traffic volume leads to road collisions and accidents, which lead to high repair costs. Some accident victims report fake vehicle damage to extort money for repairs. There are criminal groups that stage accidents for this purpose; thus, these claims are very difficult to verify. Thus, it is not enough to verify the sustained damage only by comparing the geometric parameters of the impact traces. New, modern research methods with simulation programs need to be used in order to reconstruct the course of an accident. The SDC (Static Dynamic Characteristic method) provides the possibility of vehicle damage verification, according to this convention. However, simplified modelling with the use of simulation programs involves the necessity of identification of input parameters in order to reconstruct a collision and the vehicle’s post- collision movement. If the input parameters are not correct, the simulation results will also be incorrect, which will have a direct impact on the parties involved in potential legal proceedings, both civil and criminal. This study deals with the identification of the impact parameters and sensitivity of the simulation results to input data. Impact verification with the SDC method shows both a knowledge enhancement and a practical value. They can be used by experts, expert witnesses, computer programmers, researchers and students.
This article presents a study on reconstruction of a crash of a passenger car – Opel Mokka, into a pillar. Computer simulations were performed with software V-SIM4, both for default data and data identified from the crash test. The crash test was performed by AUTOBILD and DEKRA. The frontal collision with a pillar is not a standard crash test recommended by the Directives of Communaut´e ´Economique Europ´eenne (CEE), even though this type of collision poses a serious threat to the safety of vehicle users. The threat comes from the large penetration of the vehicle body through the pillar. These accidents are difficult to reconstruct with the programs applied by expert witnesses, because they require a lot of experience and changes in many parameters. Identification of these parameters is critical in this case. Values of the parameters were identified from recorded images. The obtained results of simulation show strong sensitivity of the accident course to the position of the force application point, which acts between the pillar and the vehicle. Also, the key factors are: contact parameters, identification of the initial conditions, sensitivity of the course of the accident to the adopted values of the parameters, and knowledge of the limitations of any software. Many expert witnesses do not even realise that their results of simulations, based on default values, are faulty. The process of obtaining an agreement between the simulation and experimental results is a time-consuming iteration process. This process is described in this article, which is address to expert witnesses and researchers; moreover, a direction for development of software was suggested.
Widespread usage of emission free public transport is the preferred strategy in many cities to reduce a congestion and pollution from the road traffic. The trolleybus is a kind of urban public transport, i.e. a fully electric vehicle, which is considered as a promising tool to enhance the efficiency of public transport and to attain the goals of sustainable development and quality of city life. The operation control of service brake system and secondary brake system (the braking torque of traction electric motor) is realized with help of one pedal in the trolleybus. Thus, there are modes of the joint operation for these systems during the braking process. Authors focus on the development of rule-based algorithm for the blending control of traction electric motor and anti-lock braking system to enhance the overall braking efficiency of a vehicle. The mathematical model of the trolleybus braking dynamics was developed for this purpose. Test bench and ride tests on different road surfaces were carried out to determine the parameters of vehicle braking efficiency and to validate the developed mathematical model. The corresponding experimental data were used to analyse the efficiency of proposed rule-based strategy for the blending control of traction electric motor and anti-lock braking system of the trolleybus. As a result, the availability of proposed control algorithm is confirmed, which secures the required braking efficiency and provides a high braking stability of the vehicle.
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