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One of the most common diseases of our time is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Recently published research results indicate that patients with NAFLD along with traditional risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) have "new"risk factors such as endothelial dysfunction (ED), carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT), an increase in the CRP level, as well as risk factors combined into the Framingham scale. It is also knownthat combination of NAFLD with subclinical hypothyroidism (SH) forms an abnormal metabolic phenotype, which is associated with cardiometabolicrisk factors. The study of cardiometabolic predictors and vascular markers in patients with NAFLD in combination with SH willprovide an opportunityto improve the strategy of cardiovascular events prevention in such comorbid patients.
Niealkoholowe stłuszczenie wątroby (NAFLD) jest jedną z najczęstszych chorób naszych czasów. Ostatnio opublikowane wyniki badań sugerują, że pacjenci z NAFLD, wraz z tradycyjnymi czynnikami ryzyka chorób sercowo-naczyniowych (CVD), mają "nowe" czynniki ryzyka, takie jak dysfunkcja śródbłonka (ED), grubość błony wewnętrznej i środkowej tętnicy szyjnej (CIMT), podwyższony poziom CRP i czynniki ryzyka połączone w skali Framingham. Wiadomo również, że połączenie NAFLD z subkliniczną niedoczynnością tarczycy (SH) tworzy nieprawidłowy fenotyp metaboliczny związany z czynnikami ryzyka kardiometabolicznego. Badanie predyktorów kardiometabolicznych i markerów naczyniowych u pacjentów z NAFLDw połączeniu z SH pozwoli na ulepszenie strategii zapobiegania zdarzeniom sercowo-naczyniowym u takich współistniejących pacjentów.
In the paper, in an interdisciplinary way, an attempt was made to define the term "social innovation" in the context of strengthening active social policy and community organising. It appears that multifaceted tendencies and changes in the development of technological and social innovations determine the need to take into account numerous tasks, functions, needs, determinants and systematic efforts to ensure that community inhabitants have good living and development conditions.
Content available remote Ultrasonic diagnostics of main pipelines
The main pipelines, like many engineering structures, are subject to high operational safety standards. The safety of their operation is supervised by various institutions from the operator, including supervisors such as the Office of Technical Inspection. Safe operation requires knowledge of their technical condition and trends. One of the important sources of information on the condition of pipelines is their periodic inspection carried out with so-called smart pigs. As a result of the inspection, the operator expects the following questions to be answered: what is the condition of the pipeline examined; where and what metal losses are occurring in its construction; what are the hazards causing these damages for the safety of the pipeline operation; what is the rate of increase in the size of metal losses in the pipeline wall. This article presents technical solutions and methodology to answer the above questions.
Content available remote Rak płuca wczesne wykrycie = dłuższe życie
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