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Content available remote Terminal LNG w Świnoujściu : coraz więcej gazu dla regionu
Z tekstu dowiesz się: o rozbudowie terminalu LNG w Świnoujściu, o planach budowy gazoportu pływającego, jak budowano terminal.
Airport security management is a rapidly evolving process which results in new regulations, new procedures or equipment and the acquisition of new skills for aviation personnel. The fire protection of the Chopin Airport in Warsaw serves as an example intended to show a pattern of activities of entities responsible for safety that clearly strive for perfection, and are comprised by the safety management process, which can be replicated by other institutions. The essence of the article is to identify the key factors that determine the safety of an airport on the example of the Chopin Airport in Warsaw. The article presents the results of own research. The analysis of expert interviews conducted with airport personnel responsible for security and officers of the State Fire Service showed the reality of airport security management from the perspective of the entity responsible for it. New directions of change and areas for improvement were thus acknowledged. The result of the interviews is the development of the author’s concept of the improvement of tools used within the Safety Management System at the Warsaw Frederic Chopin Airport.
Zarządzanie bezpieczeństwem portów lotniczych jest bardzo szybko rozwijającym się procesem, co przekłada się na powstawanie nowych uregulowań prawnych, nowych procedur czy wyposażenia i nabywania nowych umiejętności personelu lotniczego. Ochrona przeciwpożarowa Lotniska Chopina w Warszawie to przykład, który ma ukazać dążący do perfekcji schemat działania podmiotów odpowiedzialnych za bezpieczeństwo, ujęty w procesie zarządzania bezpieczeństwem, mogący być naśladowany przez inne instytucje. Istotą artykułu jest identyfikacja kluczowych czynników determinujących bezpieczeństwo portu lotniczego na przykładzie Lotniska Chopina w Warszawie. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań własnych. Analiza wywiadów eksperckich przeprowadzonych z personelem lotniska odpowiedzialnym za bezpieczeństwo oraz z funkcjonariuszami Państwowej Straży Pożarnej pokazała rzeczywistość zarządzania bezpieczeństwem portów lotniczych z perspektywy podmiotu za nie odpowiedzialnego. Dostrzeżono dzięki temu nowe kierunki zmian i obszarów wymagających doskonalenia. Wynikiem przeprowadzonych wywiadów jest opracowanie autorskiej koncepcji doskonalenia narzędzi wykorzystywanych w ramach Safety Management System na Lotnisku im. Fryderyka Chopina w Warszawie.
This study aims to improve an earlier safety analysis of port and maritime transportation systems in two cases. The first case does not consider outside impacts and the second case operates under the assumption that they are impacted by their operation processes. New and original suggestions on separate and joint system safety and operation cost optimization are also described and future research is also outlined. Probabilistic modeling methods are used as the research methods. The proposed research procedures enable the determination of the safety function and risk function for the port oil terminal critical infrastructure and the maritime ferry technical system in both examined cases, based on the strictly exact statistical data about their operation processes and on the improved approximate evaluations of their components safety parameters through expert opinion methods that originate directly from the users of these systems. Other proposed practically significant safety and resilience indicators are the mean lifetime up to the exceeding of a critical safety state, the moment when the risk function value exceeds the acceptable safety level, the intensity of ageing/degradation in both cases, the coefficient of operation process impact on system safety, and the coefficient of system resilience to operation process impact in the second case. As a result of this research, it is originally found that the proposed cost optimization procedures and the finding of the corresponding system safety indicators deliver an important possibility for the system total operation cost minimizing and keep fixed the corresponding conditional safety indicators during the operation. It was also established that the proposed system safety optimization procedures, and corresponding system operation total costs, deliver an important possibility for the system safety indicators maximization and keep fixed the corresponding system operation total costs during the operation.
W artykule została poruszona problematyka bezzałogowych statków powietrznych i ich wykorzystania w operacjach lotniskowych. Obsługa statków powietrznych przez drony w przeprowadzaniu inspekcji, konserwacji posiada wiele czynników mających wpływ na jego jakość, bezpieczeństwo, czas i oszczędności. Drony w przeprowadzaniu inspekcji statków powietrznych, infrastruktury lotniskowej mają wpływ w procesie ograniczania ryzyka wpływu człowieka na obsługę techniczną statków powietrznych, wyeliminowania awarii czynnika ludzkiego oraz zmniejszenia ryzyka utraty zdrowia czy życia w czasie wykonywania tych procedur. Autor omawia również w artykule wykorzystanie dronów w procesie obsługi technicznej, napraw i remontów samolotów komercyjnych, zarządzaniu ciągłością do lotu. Poruszony został również temat koncepcje systemu ”Smart Hangar”. Zidentyfikowane zostały zagrożenia związane z wykorzystaniem dronów w procesie utrzymania ruchu, zagrożenia związane z tą działalnością.
The article discusses the issue of unmanned aircraft and their use in airport operations. The operation of aircraft by drones in carrying out inspections and maintenance has many factors affecting its quality, safety, time and savings. Drones in the inspection of aircraft and airport infrastructure have an impact in the process of reducing the risk of human influence on the technical maintenance of aircraft, eliminating the failure of the human factor and reducing the risk of loss of health or life during the performance of these procedures. The author also discusses in the article the use of drones in the process of maintenance, repair and overhaul of commercial aircraft, and flight continuity management. The concept of the "Smart Hangar" system was also discussed. Threats related to the use of drones in the maintenance process and the risks associated with this activity have been identified.
Niniejszy artykuł opisuje bitwę o port lotniczy Hostomel w czasie wojny rosyjsko – ukraińskiej 2022 roku. W pracy przedstawiona została rosyjska strategia zdobycia portu lotniczego i stolicy państwa Kijowa, miejsce prowadzenia walk, ukraińskie i rosyjskie jednostki wojskowe oraz przyczyny rosyjskiej porażki. W czasie badań właściwych korzystano z opracowań i artykułów, jakie ukazały się na łamach Defence24, PISM, Daily Mail, Wall Street Journal, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, dokumentach U.S. Army War College, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Congressional Research Service, Center for Strategic & International Studies. Szczególnie użytecznym źródłem wiedzy były portale zajmujące się białym wywiadem, monitorujące przebieg wojny rosyjsko – ukraińskiej – Oryx, Aberfoyle Internetional Security, czy The Fivecoat Consulting Group oraz strony internetowe i portale społecznościowe ukraińskich instytucji wojskowych – Sztabu Generalnego oraz Głównego Zarządu Wywiadu Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej. Zdaniem autora bitwa o port lotniczy Hostomel była jednym z najistotniejszych momentów pierwszej fazy wojny rosyjsko – ukraińskiej. Fazy, w której zasadniczym celem Rosji była anihilacja sił zbrojnych Ukrainy, odsunięcie od władzy rządu oraz prezydenta, jak również zajęcie południowej i wschodniej części kraju aż po rzekę Dniepr. Zniszczenie rosyjskich oddziałów kawalerii powietrznej szturmujących port lotniczy uniemożliwiło wykorzystanie go, jako bazy logistycznej i zaopatrywanie wojsk zmechanizowanych rozwijających następnie natarcie na Kijów. Ponadto zwycięstwo pod Hostomelem otwierało pasmo ukraińskich zwycięstwo, do jakich doszło później w bitwie o Buczę, Irpień, czy w bitwie pod Browarami.
This article describes the Battle of Hostomel Airport during the Russo-Ukrainian War in 2022. The work presents the Russian strategy of capturing the airport and the capital city of Kyiv, the place of fighting, Ukrainian and Russian military units, and the reasons for the Russian defeat. During the actual research, reference was made to studies and articles published in Defence24, PISM, Daily Mail, and Wall Street Journal, as well as by the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies, the U.S. Army War College, the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, the Congressional Research Service, and the Center for Strategic & International Studies. Portals dealing with open-source intelligence, monitoring the course of the Russo-Ukrainian War, including Oryx, Aberfoyle Internetional Security or The Fivecoat Consulting Group, as well as websites and social networking sites of Ukrainian military institutions ‒ the General Staff and the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of National Defense, constituted particularly useful sources of knowledge. According to the author, the Battle of Hostomel Airport was one of the most important moments of the first phase of the Russo-Ukrainian War, during which Russia’s main goals included the annihilation of Ukraine’s Armed Forces, the removal of the government and the President from power, as well as the occupation of the southern and eastern parts of the country as far as the Dnieper River. The destruction of the Russian air-assault troops storming the airport made it impossible to use it as a logistic base and to supply the mechanized troops that then developed the attack on Kyiv. In addition, the victory at Hostomel opened the series of Ukrainian victories that took place later in the battles of Bucha, Irpin and Brovary.
Mangroves and the associated shoal forest known as ‘restinga' are ecosystems of great ecological relevance that play a significant role in the protection of the coastline in tropical regions. In Brazil, the coastal region has been severely affected by urban expansion. The Paranaguá Port, located in Paraná State (Brazil), is the fourth most important Brazilian port in throughput, and is located in an estuarine region which features large mangrove forests. An historical assessment of its inner access channel dredging rates was made to assess the impacts that the expansion of the Port in the last 30 years may have caused to the ecosystem. In the following, the historical data concerning the dredged volume in the inner access channel was compared to the mangrove and the shoal forest associated variation, aiming to establish a potential correlation between vegetation and siltation in the inner access channel to show as the preservation or restoration of specific ecosystems has potential to Nature-Based Solutions.
Open-loop sulphur scrubbers must be switched off, and the fuel must be changed to low-sulphur fuel before entering German inland waters. Immediately after the scrubbers are turned off, warm exhaust gases cause the residue left in the scrubber to vaporise, leading to the increased sulphur content of the exhaust gas. The momentary increase in sulphur emissions immediately after the open-loop scrubbers are turned off has received little attention in research. This paper presents the onboard measurement results of exhaust gases and examines the effects of sulphur compounds released into the air. In this case, the observed sulphur emission peak is problematic due to the geographical location. The ship sails to the river port, passing the coastal town of Travemünde, where the exhaust gases are released. Due to this, the emissions are more harmful when compared to emissions generated in the open seas.
The investment policy applied by seaport authorities has a great impact on the state of the natural environment in coastal regions. Unfortunately, in many cases, their environmental efforts are limited to the issues which are defined by the applicable legal regulations determined by International Maritime Organization, the Organization of United Nations and the European Commission etc. However, in recent years we can observe significant improvement in this area, especially in the seaports of Northern Europe. They often decide on highly capital-intensive pro-ecological investments allowing to reduce the level of pollution emitted from cruise ships during their handling in ports, such as e. g. the opportunity of connecting vessels to the shore-side energy supply systems. Various solutions in this area are currently used in the world. The ports in Northern Europe are currently the leaders in this area. The use of such solutions is cost-intensive, but it significantly reduces the level of pollution emitted by ships into the environment, and the level of noise and vibration caused by engines. This paper aims to assess the seaports' involvement in Northern Europe in the preparation of seaport infrastructure enabling cruise ships to be connected to the onshore power supply systems. The article contains the results of surveys conducted with the use of two methods to adjust the research technique to the respondents’ needs, i.e. CASI (Computer-Assisted Self Interviewing) and EMS (Electronic Mail Survey). The empirical research was conducted among the seaports in Northern Europe. The results of the survey may be of interest to seaport authorities and cruise ship owners.
The year 2022 was marked by economic risks with potentially very sensitive impacts for countries in the Black Sea region. Given the limited capacity of Ukrainian ports, as well as the sanctions imposed on Russia, due to ongoing conflict, it was necessary to identify new destinations capable of taking over the flow of goods that normally went to the countries involved in this conflict. In addition to the risks specific to maritime transport, the risk of armed conflict comes with new challenges that can also materialize in the form of environmental impact. To analyze this potential impact, the study is being focused mainly on the analysis of the pollution risk generated by the emissions caused by the vessels calling the container terminal CSCT, located in Constanța harbor, and the emissions generated by the vehicles moving in the terminal. As estimated from the start all levels of pollution have increased, with the level of CO2 increasing from 11072.7 tons in 2021 to 11915.7 tons in 2022. The NOx emissions have a similar trend, as well as the other emission level measured and calculated.
Digitization in international shipping is an increasingly important topic, but for many years, the lack of accepted international standards and the usage of many different regional solutions, especially for communication between ships and ports, has made the introduction of digitalized solutions difficult. Since 2020, important work has been done in IMO to harmonize international standards supporting ship-port interactions, and this work has now been supported by both shipping, ports, and international standardizations organizations. IMO, through its facilitation committee (FAL) and EGDH (Expert Group on Data Harmonization) is developing the IMO Reference Data Model that covers mandatory reporting requirements related to port calls. This conceptual data model is mapped to three technical data models in three different domains, namely, UNECE (trade), WCO (customs) and ISO 28005 (maritime) to ensure the interoperability between the different ICT systems participating in the data exchange. The IMO Reference Data Model has also been extended with operational data to handle Just-In-Time arrival and departure and also nautical information to ensure that the specification of the locations in ports (berths, pilot boarding places, bollards etc) are the same for different usages. Several international organizations as BIMCO (the largest ship owners' organization) and international port organisations as IAPH, IPCSA and IHMA are strongly involved in this work. This paper summarizes work done by IMO and others to clarify the roles, functionalities and ICT-systems (Information and Communications Technology) that are needed to support the various processes needed to be performed during a port call. These definitions will form the basis for defining a Maritime ITS (Intelligent Transport System) Architecture which will also need to be related to road ITS and also to e-Navigation functionalities. The Maritime ITS Architecture described in this paper contains three levels, namely the Domain Definition (generalized roles that represent people, organizations and equipment in the system), the Processes (definitions of processes and functions that need to be supported to make the domain work), and the Information model (a generalized information model covering the information elements that are required by the functions and processes). In addition to this comes the layers to describe the physical implementation architecture, and the layers to describe the service implementation (e.g. APIs) and the protocols
Three decades have passed since Magdalena Abakanowicz presented her concept of Bois de Nanterre - Arboreal Architecture, in response to a call for a broader reflection on approaches to urban landscaping and a reinterpretation of the meaning and evolution of the Grand Axis in Paris. This paper analyses the work presented by the artist from an urban planning perspective. It shows how the rich and multi-layered metaphor for the 21st-century city, embodied in the concept of the Bois de Nanterre, offers a pioneering and radical lesson for addressing contemporary urban problems.
Minęło 30 lat od przedstawienia przez Magdalenę Abakanowicz koncepcji Bois de Nanterre - Arboreal Architecture przygotowanej w odpowiedzi na zaproszenie do konsultacji mających pomóc w uzyskaniu ogólniejszej refleksji nad podejściem do kształtowania krajobrazu miejskiego oraz reinterpretacji znaczenia i dalszego kształtowania Wielkiej Osi w Paryżu. W artykule praca przedstawiona przez artystkę analizowana jest z perspektywy urbanistycznej. Pokazane zostaje, w jaki sposób bogata i wielowarstwowa metafora miasta XXI wieku zawarta w koncepcji Lasu Nanterre stanowi prekursorskie i radykalne przesłanie pomagające w podejściu do rozwiązania współczesnych problemów miast.
Content available Urbanistyczny wymiar wojny w Ukrainie
Jak wojna w Ukrainie wpłynie na przyszły kształt struktur urbanistycznych? W przeszłości doktryny wojenne, a także rozwój taktyki i technologii wojskowych miały wpływ na kształt naszych miast. Dlatego należy uważnie studiować przebieg współczesnych wojen i konfliktów zbrojnych, by lepiej poznać ich naturę i w ten sposób potrafić lepiej zabezpieczyć przed nimi miasta i zamieszkującą je ludność. Musimy zrozumieć, w jaki sposób kwestie wojskowe powiązane są z przestrzenią i infrastrukturą naszych miast. W artykule przeanalizowano przebieg działań wojennych w Ukrainie, sposoby ataków na miasta i infrastrukturę, odporność poszczególnych typów zabudowy na bombardowanie z powietrza i ostrzał artyleryjski, a także ich właściwości ochronne. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że wymogi obrony cywilnej muszą znowu znaleźć odzwierciedlenie w planowaniu przestrzennym, urbanistyce i projektowaniu architektonicznym. Relacje istniejące pomiędzy gęstością zaludnienia, typami zabudowy, modelami przestrzennymi i infrastrukturą muszą ponownie zostać przemyślane i przeanalizowane pod kątem ich odporności, wytrzymałości i trwałości na zagrożenia militarne. Wydaje się, że zamiast miasta zwartego i intensywnie zabudowanego, policentryczny model mniejszego, rozproszonego, „15 minutowego” miasta, lepiej spełnia postulaty dotyczące zarówno komfortu życia, zrównoważonego rozwoju, jak i bezpieczeństwa mieszkańców i odporności struktur miejskich na wypadek wojny.
What impact will the war in Ukraine have on urban structures? Historically military doctrines, tactics and technologies have shaped our cities. As such it is imperative that we better understand the nature of contemporary urban conflicts in order to prepare and protect our cities, to make them safer and more resilient. The article analyses the course of the war in Ukraine, the tactics employed to attack cities and infrastructure, the resistance of various building types to explosive munitions, as well as the degree of protection they offer to inhabitants. This study indicates that civil defence requirements must once again become an important element of urban planning. New defensive strategies must be developed. We need to improve our understanding of how military affairs intersects with civilian infrastructure in our cities. The relations between infrastructure, density and spatial components that make up the city model must be re-evaluated. It appears that polycentric, sparsely distributed, ‘15-minute’ cities are more in line with requirements regarding quality of life, sustainable development and resilience in comparison to large and dense urban structures.
Due to the need for molnupiravir (EIDD-2801, MK-4482) anti-COVID-19 agent, in the present report, we have systematically investigated the effect of different solvents, acids (as catalyst), temperature, and other parameters which play rolls in De-ketalization process of its key intermediate. At the first glance, it might seem to be easy, but the complex nature of MK-4482 agent, and also the ultra-high purity of the crude (which is required for an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API)), make this process more complicated. As would be shown below, even a little change in the type of solvent, solvent ratio, the type or the amount of catalyst, and the temperature could directly change the reaction fate (it may lead to emergence of un-controlled impurity profile, or even it could block the reaction). However, in this work, we have been able to run this de-ketalization process only in water as the whole of the system. Here, it was observed that the high energy water molecules have been able to hydrolyze the ketal intermediate of MK-4482.
Content available Safety analysis of complex multistate ageing system
Recent developments of an innovative own earlier approach to safety analysis of a complex multistate ageing system impacted by its operation processes are presented. A safety function and other safety indicators are defined for a complex multistate ageing system changing its functional structure and consequently its safety structure and its components safety parameters during the operation and determined under the assumption that its components have piecewise exponential safety functions. Results are applied to examine safety of port and maritime transportation systems.
The risk associated with the exposure of humans and the environment to the impact of toxic compounds such as dioxins is associated with a number of factors such as: the level of contamination, environmental conditions and the dynamics of the food chain. The aim of the study is to provide a primary understanding of the risk of dioxins pollution in bottom sediments of the Port of Gdynia. The research was conducted to obtain data on the presence, concentration and risk assessment of PCDD/Fs in the bottom sediments of the Port of Gdynia. Sediments from five port basins were analyzed by GC-MS/MS and all PCDD/Fs congeners, capable of accumulating in fat cells of organisms, were detected in them. PCDD congeners dominated in the sediments. The highest concentration (902 ng/kg d.w.) was obtained for OCDD, dioxin with the lowest toxicity factor. The concentration of all 17 dioxin congeners (WHO-TEQ) ranged from 0.9 to 9.5 ngTEQ/kg d.w. Thus, bottom sediments from examined zones of port basins do not have a negative impact on the environment.
Content available Port oil terminal operation cost optimization
The operation model of a complex system changing its functional structure and its instantaneous operation costs during the variable at time operation states and linear programming are proposed to optimize the system operation process in order to get the system total operation cost minimal. The optimization method allowing to find the optimal values of the transient probabilities of the complex system operation process at the particular operation state that minimize the system total operation cost mean value under the assumption that the system conditional operation costs mean values at the particular operation states are fixed or in the safety state subset not worse than the critical safety state are presented. The procedure of finding the optimal mean value of system total operation cost for the fixed operation time or in the safety state subset not worse than the critical safety state are applied to the port oil terminal operation cost minimization.
The aim of this article is show how Truus Schröder-Schräder contributed to the spatial layout of the Rietveld-Schröder House, as well as to outline a series of changes the house underwent during its use. This study is based on the analysis of available literature and photographs documenting the interiors of the house starting from 1925. Based on the bibliography, the biographies, the history of Rietveld's acquaintance and meetings with Schröder, and Truus's preference for living in open spaces with access to light and sun, are discussed. Subsequently, the history of the creation of the Rietveld-Schröder house, the design process and the contribution of Truus to the creation of the spatial layout are presented.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie wkładu Truus Schröder-Schräder w układ przestrzenny domu znane go jako Dom Rietvelda-Schröder, a także przedstawienie cyklu zmian jakim ulegał dom w trakcie użytkowania. Jako metodę przyjęto analizę dostępnej literatury oraz fotografii dokumentujących wnętrza domu począwszy od 1925 roku. Na podstawie dostępnej bibliografii przedstawiono życiorysy, historię znajomości i spotkań Rietvelda z Schröder oraz genezę upodobań Truus do mieszkania w otwartej przestrzeni, na piętrze z dostępem do światła i słońca. Następnie przedstawiona została historia powstania domu Rietvelda-Schröder, procesu projektowego a także wkładu Truus w powstanie jego układu przestrzennego.
Content available remote Zmiany prawa o Centralnym Porcie Komunikacyjnym
Autor prezentuje zmiany, wprowadzane do przepisów dotyczących budowy Centralnego Portu Komunikacyjnego. Zmiany te zostały wprowadzone ustawą o usprawnieniu procesu inwestycyjnego Centralnego Portu Komunikacyjnego z 22 lipca 2022 r. Ustawa ta przewiduje m.in. przekształcenie przedsiębiorstwa państwowego „Porty Lotnicze” w spółkę i wniesienie jej akcji do spółki CPK S.A., oraz zmiany kilkunastu innych ustaw.
The author presents changes introduced to the regulations concerning the construction of the Central Communication Port. These changes were introduced by the Act on improving the investment process of the Central Communication Port of July 22, 2022. Transformation of the state-owned enterprise "Porty Lotnicze" into a company and contribution of its shares to the company CPK S.A.
The Genaveh commercial port was placed on the agenda of the Iranian PMO (ports and maritime organization) to consider economic, commercial and residential development in Bushehr province and specifically in Genaveh city. In order to increase the water capacity of the port, it is necessary to build a new harbour basin for exploitation and commercial purposes at a depth of 5 to 6 meters by extending the existing jetties arms in front of the port. This research aims to investigate the harbour basin’s tranquillity for providing vessels with safe berthing. For this purpose, three modules, namely the flow model (FM), spectral wave (SW) and Boussinesq waves model (BW) from the MIKE 21 software package, were utilized. According to the monitoring data, which is provided by the Iranian PMO, the harbour basin’s tranquillity based on the prevailing wave directions was investigated. Based on the diffraction graph in the harbour basin, the results showed that, according to the percentage of permissible diffraction recommended by different valid regulations, there is a need to modify the geometry of the breakwater arms to increase the harbour basin’s tranquillity at the port in the development plan.
Terahertz (THz) transmission, photoresistance, and electrical conductivity experiments were carried out at 4.2 K on a sample with modulation-doped CdTe/Cd₁₋ₓMgₓTe multiple quantum wells. The measurements were carried out as a function of a magnetic field 𝐵 up to 9 T and a radiation frequency between 0.1 and 0.66 THz. A broad minimum in the transmission curve was observed at magnetic fields corresponding to the cyclotron resonance at given THz frequency which was followed at larger fields by an oscillatory signal, periodic in 𝐵ˉ¹. Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations were observed in magnetoconductivity and in photoresistance. Each of these experimental signals revealed the same electron concentration equal to (1.01 ± 0.03) ∙10¹² cmˉ². THz spectroscopy results are compared with data obtained on a single quantum well and are discussed from the point of view of using such multiple quantum wells as THz optical elements.
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