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w słowach kluczowych:  Datagram
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Providing a robotic-assisted service in scenarios involving multiple Unmanned Vehicles (UVs) in possible beyond-visual-Line-Of-Sight (LoS) operations, safety and security are critical concerns. We develop a web-oriented, human-in-the-loop infrastructure to explore how the service provider can secure their system, enforce instant access control over dynamic operator-robot connections, and ensure the integrity, availability, and traceability of communicated data. Our proposed minimal viable solution requires an authentication server to verify user identity, a back server with a database to handle user requests and state-transition events, and a RabbitMQ (RMQ) server to trace the origin of data.
Content available remote History aware Device-free Passive (DFP) Localisation
A novel Device-free Passive (DfP) Localisation technique that monitors wireless communications and location dependent signal characteristics is presented in this paper. The human body contains more than 70% water which is causing variances in the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) measurements. DfP is a technique to detect a person without the need for any physical devices i.e. tags or sensors. This paper focuses on communication protocols such as Radiogram Protocol, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), and User Datagram Protocol (UDP), outlining the possibility of using these protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Histograms and historical data are new concepts in a DfP scenario which can improve the accuracy of location estimation in DfP Localisation.
W artykule przedstawiono sposób wykorzystania protokołu UDP (ang. User Datagram Protocol) na potrzeby aplikacji do konfiguracji procesu paletyzacji kartonów dla robotów przemysłowych firmy Kawasaki. Zaproponowane rozwiązanie, w połączeniu z opracowaną w ramach pracy dyplomowej w Instytucie Systemów Mechatronicznych Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej aplikacją, umożliwia łatwe oraz intuicyjne programowanie robotów firmy Kawasaki bez konieczności znajomości języka ich programowania. Główną zaletą takiego rozwiązania jest udostępnienie operatorowi prostego w obsłudze środowiska, skracającego znacznie czas przekonfigurowania robota w przypadku zmiany parametrów paletyzacji (wielkość palety, rozmiary kartonów, liczba warstw itd.).
In this paper, the way of using the User Datagram Protocol for industry applications was presented. The authors touched a very important problem of creating applications for Kawasaki industry robots that give the possibility of the hardware configuration of palletization processes. Moreover, in the article, the authors presented how the information from PC is sent to a robot computer.
The DatagramCongestion Control Protocol (DCCP) is a new transport protocol standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in March 2006. This paper discusses the specification of the connectionmanagement and synchronization procedures of DCCP using Coloured Petri Nets (CPNs). After introducing the protocol, we describe how the CPN model evolved as DCCP was being developed. We focus on our experience of incremental enhancement in the hope that this will provide guidance to those attempting to build complex protocol models. In particular, we discuss how the architecture, data structures and specification style of the model evolved as DCCP was developed. We finally recommend a procedure-based style once the standard is stable. The impact of this work on the DCCP standard and our interaction with IETF is also briefly discussed.
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