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w słowach kluczowych:  Babble
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The main goal of the research was to obtain a set of data for ability of speech in noise recognition using Polish word test (New Articulation Lists – NAL-93) with two different masking signals. The attempt was also made to standardise the background noise for Polish speech tests by creating babble noise for NAL-93. Two types of background noise were used for Polish word test – the babble noise and the speech noise. The short method was chosen in the study as it provided similar results to constant stimuli metod using less word material. The experiment using both maskers was presented to 10 listeners with normal hearing. The mean SRT values for NAL-93 were −3.4 dB SNR for speech noise and 3.0 dB SNR for babble noise. In this regard, babble noise provided more efficient results. However, the SRT parameter for speech noise was more similar to values obtained for other Polish speech tests. The measurement of speech recognition using Polish word test is possible for both types of masking signals presented in the study. The decision as to which type of noise would be better in practice of hearing aid prosthetics remains an open-end question.
W pracy podano wyniki badań wpływu wirującego pola magnetycznego na kształt pęcherzy powietrza rozpraszanych w sztucznym ścieku. Ilościową! jakościową ocenę kształtu pęcherza opisano entropią informacji.
Results of experimental investigations of a rotating magnetic field influence on the bubble aspect ratio in artificial sewage are given in the paper. A qualitative and quantitative assessment of bubble shape by means of the differential entropy method is presented.
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