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Room acoustics must be adapted to the intended function, and acoustic requirements vary depending on the type of sound production. Acoustic investigations were carried out in the hall of the Olimpia Academic Music Theater, which was originally a cinema. Acoustic requirements for cinemas are entirely different from those for opera singing. To ensure good acoustic conditions in the interior, an architectural adaptation or introduction of variable acoustics is necessary. The analysed interior was adapted to the needs of opera singing and the cinema function was abandoned. The objective of the research is to evaluate the acoustic quality of the hall for the purposes of an opera house.
Content available remote Wyznaczanie strat propagacji w obszarach zabudowanych
Systemy komunikacji radiowej wykorzystywane są w różnorodnych środowiskach. Jednym z najbardziej złożonych pod względem oszacowania możliwości propagacyjnych fali radiowej jest teren zurbanizowany. W pracy przedstawiono i przeanalizowano model ujednoliconej teorii dyfrakcji oraz w oparciu przedstawiono wyniki modelowania na skrzyżowaniu ulic.
Radio communication systems are used in a variety of environments. Urbanized area is one of the most complex in terms of estimating radio wave propagation possibilities. The paper presents and analyzes a model of the unified theory of diffraction and based on the results of modeling at the intersection of streets.
Pornozemsta, czyli rozpowszechnianie intymnych zdjęć lub nagrań bez zgody osób, które się na nich znajdują, stała się poważnym problemem w erze nowoczesnych technologii. Artykuł ten stanowi kompleksowe opracowanie tego zagadnienia, oferując wgląd w jego różne aspekty oraz podkreślając potrzebę podniesienia świadomości. Przedstawiona została wnikliwa analiza pornozemsty, rzucająca światło na jej definicję, rozpowszechnienie, regulacje prawne obowiązujące w różnych krajach oraz wpływ na życie osób, które jej doświadczyły. Poza tym, artykuł podkreśla kluczową rolę wsparcia. Poprzez przedstawienie miejsc, w których ofiary mogą szukać pomocy, zwraca uwagę na znaczenie wspierającego środowiska w radzeniu sobie z następstwami pornozemsty.
This study identified the zones likely to apply high-tech rice and corn technology based on criteria from different expert groups. Based on the resulting limiting factor for ability suitable, structural and non-structural solutions have been proposed to improve the suitability of rice and corn with high-tech applications. It was the basic foundation to support strategic planners in agricultural development sustainability in the future. High technology application in agricultural production is an inevitable trend in today’s society. In Vietnam, high-tech agricultural production has developed for a long time in high-tech industrial park production. However, in agricultural production, applying high technology with mass production has yet to have any specific regulations on criteria for implementation in production. On that basis, the research aimed at determining the requirements for developing high-tech agriculture with mass production. Therefore, the predefined criteria for primary and secondary data were developed, which were used for the data collected from farmers, managers, and scientists. Thereby, a production hierarchy of adaptations for rice and corn was built based on consultation results with the farmers and scientists and published studies. The results also made three land adaptation zones apply high technology in mass production for these two crops. The areas suitable for producing rice and corn with high technology applications were marginally suitable, and not suitable prevailed. No region in the An Giang province has a strong potential for cultivating high-tech rice and corn. This result also established adaptive upgrading solutions for applying high technology in the future, which helped improve agricultural production efficiency.
Globalne działania na rzecz powstrzymania ocieplenia klimatu są nakierowane na ograniczenie zużycia energii, której produkcja wiąże się z emisją gazów cieplarnianych do atmosfery. Jak istotne jest ograniczenie zużycia energii ze względu na niepewność dostaw i cen paliw pokazały także ostatnie wydarzenia w Ukrainie. Z perspektywy indywidualnych odbiorców, nie mniej istotne jest ograniczenie ponoszonych przez nich kosztów energii. Dlatego z praktycznego punktu widzenia bardzo ważnym jest, by deklarowane i wymagane prawem parametry instalacji oraz urządzeń udało się osiągnąć w realnym użyciu. Czy zawsze tak jest?
This article presents an economic analysis of the exploitation of the main mine drainage according to the condition of machines. The study is based on actual operating data obtained during the operation of an underground hard coal mine. Through the selection of state estimators, appropriate sensory systems, as well as a long-term economic approach, operating procedures were developed that allowed for the introduction of significant financial savings. Operating costs are reduced by lowering energy consumption and reducing the costs of current repairs and spare parts. In addition to the classic approach to monitoring the state of a machine, based on the observation of residual processes, a global coefficient, referred to as unit energy consumption, has been proposed. Thanks to this, the operation of the machine occurs not only on the basis of its current dynamic state, but also due to the control processes of the machine’s operation. Moreover, the article refers to the area related to water safety and the reliability of the pumping station.
Przedstawiono krótką charakterystykę najczęściej stosowanych metod analizy termicznej oraz możliwości pomiarowych, jakie stwarzają poszczególne metody. Omówiono również wybrane właściwości fizykochemiczne azotanu(V) amonu oraz związane z nimi zagrożenia. Na podstawie dostępnej literatury dokonano oceny i klasyfikacji związków mających różny wpływ na rozkład termiczny azotanu(V) amonu. Związki te podzielono na substancje obojętne, promujące oraz inhibitujące rozkład termiczny azotanu(V) amonu.
A review, with 39 refs., of the fundamentals of the most commonly used methods of thermal anal. (TG, DTA and DSC) and the measurement possibilities offered by each method. Selected phys. chem. properties of NH₄NO₃ and associated hazards were presented. Inorg. additives used or possible to be used in a mixt. with NH₄NO₃ and their effect on the course of exothermic decompn. were discussed. Mainly materials that can enrich NH₄NO₃ with nutrients, but also other inorg. salts as well as mine and waste raw materials, were considered.
Artykuł przedstawia analizę zagadnienia transferu i wymiany ciepła między stojanem a wirnikiem maszyny elektrycznej, poprzez szczelinę powietrzną. Jest to zagadnienie kluczowe z punktu widzenia poprawności opracowania modeli cieplnych maszyn elektrycznych. W artykule przedstawiono jedną, wśród wielu propozycji analitycznego rozwiązania problemu, pojawiających się w licznych artykułach naukowych. Weryfikację podejścia analitycznego przeprowadzono na autorskim modelu obliczeniowym, zbudowanym i rozwiązanym w oparciu o MES w systemie ANSYS Fluent.
The article presents an analysis of the issue of heat transfer and exchange between the stator and the rotor of the electric machine through the air gap. This is a key issue for the correct preparation of CFD models of electrical machines. The article presents one, among many proposals for an analytical solution to the problem, appearing in numerous scientific articles. The verification of the analytical approach was carried out on the own computational model, built and solved on the basis of FEM in the ANSYS Fluent system.
Content available remote Mathematical analysis of mass and heat transfer through arterial stenosis
The article investigates the steady state flow of an incompressible fluid which is treated as a Williamson fluid through a stenoised region in the shape of cosine constriction. Blood is taken as a Williamson fluid. Mathematical formulation leads us to nonlinear compatibility and energy equations, which are then deciphered by the shooting technique to obtain the numerical solution. Suitable resemblance transformations are used to change partial differential equations into an embellished form of ordinary differential equations. Further, the consequences of the different parameters involved are shown by graphs and a conclusion is presented. Velocity and temperature fields are canvassed graphically for the distinct values of emerging parameters and discussed in tabular form. Skin friction and the coefficient of heat transfer are also covered in the discussion. The resulting Nusselt number curve exhibits negative deflection for variational values of λ and height of the stenosis δ.
A total of 316 soil samples in the An Giang province were collected from the industrial zone (48 samples), mining (40 samples), farming (112 samples), landfills (88 samples) and cemeteries (28 a samples) to analyze toxic elements, including Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd and As. The geoaccumulation index (Igeo), pollutant load index (PLI) and potential ecological risk index (RI) were used to assess pollution levels and ecological risks. The results showed that the concentrations of heavy metals were almost still within the allowable limits of national standards. Cd was not detected. Heavy metals were detected in the soil in the following order: As < Pb < Cu < Zn, mining < industrial < landfill < cultivation < cemetery areas. The heavy metals contributing to soil environmental variability were similarly identified in the cemetery with industry and landfill with farming. The value of Igeo shows that As has a high potential to accumulate in soil in all land uses. The ranges of PLI values presented that the soil in industrial, farming, mining and landfills areas were classified moderate, while the cemetery areas has been rated at a high level. The RI values identified very high, high, and moderate ecological risks for cemetery, industrial and farming land and landfill, mining, respectively. The combination of PLI and RI indices showed that the cemetery areas were at the highest levels of pollution and risk. The results of this study provide scientific information on pollution level and ecological risks in various land use types supporting environmental zoning and managing strategies in the An Giang province.
The present study aimed to assess the physicochemical characteristics of surface water in the full-dyke (FD) and semi-dyke (SD) systems of the An Giang province. Water samples were collected in both seasons in 2019 (1) the first monitoring phase in the dry season (April) and (2) the second monitoring phase in the rainy season (October). At each season, the surface water samples were collected at 15 sites in the FD system and 15 sites in the SD system to analyze the water quality parameters. The results showed that the concentrations of DO, COD, BOD, TSS, NO3-, NH4+, TKN, PO43- and TP parameters in the FD system were higher than in the SD system and there was a significant difference (p<0.05), except the value of pH and DO in the dry season. The DO, COD, BOD5 and TSS concentrations in the FD system tended to exceed the Vietnamese standard threshold (QCVN 08:2015/BTNMT, column B1), but in the SD system, these values were within the allowable limits of Vietnamese Standard. Other parameters, such as NO3-, NH4+, TKN, PO43- and TP exceeded the threshold of the Vietnamese standard in both systems. The results of this study provide the scientific information on water pollution inside the FD system. Therefore, it was expected that the local government of the An Giang province should have long-term strategies to manage the FD system to improve the water quality inside the FD system.
Content available remote An analysis of heat losses from an all-year outdoor swimming pool
This paper presents an analysis of the amount of the energy needed to maintain a constant temperature in an outdoor swimming pool. The analysis was carried out using real meteorological data in the area which is rich in geothermal water that could compensate losses of heat. Calculations for 5 different temperature of water were made. Losses due to evaporation, convection, radiation processes and solar radiation gains were considered. It was determined that the evaporation process has the highest contribution to general heat loss (about 70%). The radiation process has the lowest impact on heat loss (about 8%). The convection and radiation losses were found to have a linear growth rate with the temperature of water. The evaporation loss is considered to have an exponential growth rate with water temperature, which equals exponential growth rate of the amount of the energy needed to maintain a constant temperature of water.
W pracy przedstawiono analizę całorocznych nakładów energetycznych związanych z utrzymaniem stałej temperatury w basenach odkrytych. Analizę wykonano dla rzeczywistych danych meteorologicznych miejscowości, posiadającej potencjał wód geotermalnych, które mogłyby służyć do pokrywania strat ciepła. Obliczenia wykonano dla 5 poziomów temperatury wody i określono jej wpływ na straty parowania, konwekcyjne i radiacyjne, a także zyski ciepła od promieniowania słonecznego. Określono, że największy wpływ na straty ciepła, wynoszące ok. 70%, ma strata spowodowana parowaniem wody, a najmniejszy (ok. 8%) strata radiacyjna. Dodatkowo zaobserwowano, że strata konwekcyjna i radiacyjna rosną wraz z temperaturą wody w sposób liniowy, natomiast strata parowania w sposób wykładniczy, co przekłada się na wzrost nakładów energetycznych na utrzymywanie stałej temperatury wody wraz z jej wzrostem w sposób wykładniczy.
Flooding is currently the most dangerous natural hazard. It can have heavy human and material impacts and, in recent years, flooding has tended to occur more frequently, due to changes our species has made to hydrological regimes, and due to climate change. It is of the utmost importance that new models are developed to predict and map food susceptibility with high accuracy, to support decision-makers and planners in designing more effective food management strategies. The objective of this study is the development of a new method based on state-of-the-art machine learning and remote sensing, namely random forest (RF), dingo optimization algorithm, a weighted chimp optimization algorithm (WChOA), and particle swarm optimization to build food susceptibility maps in the Nghe An province of Vietnam. The CyGNSS system was used to collect soil moisture data to integrate into the susceptibility model. A total of 1650 food locations and 14 conditioning factors were used to construct the model. These data were divided at a ratio of 60/20/20 to train, validate, and test the model, respectively. In addition, various statistical indices, namely root-mean-square error, receiver operation characteristic, mean absolute error, and the coefficient of determination (R2 ), were used to assess the performance of the model. The results for all the models were good, with an AUC value of+0.9. The RF-WChOA model performed best, with an AUC value of 0.99. The proposed models can predict and map food susceptibility with high accuracy.
Purpose: The purpose of the article is an attempt to show philosophy as an art of living and therapy by referring to the ancient philosophical schools founded by Epicurus of Samos and Zeno of Citium. Drawing on the ethical postulates of the systems indicated, the author proves their validity. Author argues that ethical assumptions of the distinguished schools are also revealed in many contemporary concepts of sustainable development; this could lead to further research. Design/methodology/approach: The article uses the method of comparative analysis (method), showing the way of possible adaptation of the ancient ideal of aretaic ethics to the contemporary, holistic views of human being in the 21st century. Findings: The analyses undertaken confirm the theses about the therapeutic role of philosophy, especially in its practical dimension. Classical philosophy as an art of living and therapy can also today become a source of inspiration referring us to a permanent and objective hierarchy of values, providing us with an inner sense of security, teaching understanding and distance to the world and to ourselves. Research limitations/implications: The author deliberately limits her research solely to characterizing the two leading philosophical schools of the ancient Hellas. Thus, she paves the way for further research on the role and significance of practical philosophy in shaping the condition of contemporary men (human being) and their environment. Practical implications: The issues raised in the article emphasize the practical dimension of philosophy. The domain of ancient systems of philosophy lies in their therapeutic, healing and strictly practical character. Ancient philosophy is an art of living focused on the realization of the ideal of eudaimonia (full/complete life). It is in such a handy and not only speculative- theoretical approach that its proper goal is expressed (results/conclusion). Social implications: The thematic scope of the thesis presented in the article includes both elements of value ethics, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of civilization and social philosophy. The author focuses her attention on the description of human condition and recognized forms of striving for its improvement, both in the dimension of individual and social life (results/conclusion). Originality/value: The article shows the possible use of classical humanistic knowledge, in particular philosophical knowledge, in combination with contemporary concepts of self-development that are part of a wide range of support professions developing rapidly in the 21st century: psychology, psychotherapy, therapy, counseling and coaching (discussions).
Artykuł opracowano na podstawie referatu M.P. Burke’a, Jr. i H.Ch. Tang’a „The Dragon Bridge of Li Chun in Ancient China”, udostępnionego elektronicznie przez Academia.edu. Został zaprezentowany na konferencji „Historia Bridges Evaluation, Preservation and Management, zorganizowanej w 2008 r. przez Uniwersytet Stanowy Ohio (USA). Autorzy referatu szczegółowo scharakteryzowali chiński starożytny kamienny łukowy most An Ji i przedstawili oryginalną hipotezę przyczyn jego przetrwania przez ponad 1400 lat. W artykule krytycznie omówiono referat oraz uzupełniono informacjami zaczerpniętymi z dzieła J. Needhama „Science and Civilization in China” i z pracy zbiorowej pod redakcją E.L. Shaughnessy „Chiny. Kraj niebiańskiego smoka”. W roku 1996 most Li Chuna został nominowany do wpisania na listę światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO.
The article is based on a paper by M. P. Burke, Jr. and H.Ch. Tang, "The Dragon Bridge Li Chun in Ancient China", provided electronically by Academia.edu. It was presented at the conference "Historic Bridges Evaluation, Preservation and Management", organized by Ohio State University (USA) in 2008. The authors of the paper characterized in detail the Chinese ancient stone arch An Ji bridge and presented the original hypothesis of why it survived over 1,400 years. The article presents critical discussion of the paper and supplements it with information taken from the work of J. Needham "Science and Civilization in China", and from the collective work edited by E.L. Shaughnessy "Chiny. Kraj niebieskiego smoka". In 1996, Li Chun's Bridge was nominated for inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Koncepcje zarządzania postulujące zmniejszenie negatywnego oddziaływania gospodarki na środowisko naturalne, takie jak społeczna odpowiedzialność biznesu czy zrównoważony rozwój, nie są już jedynie ideami kreującymi wizerunek organizacji, w coraz bardziej widoczny sposób wpływają bowiem na poziom jej konkurencyjności, atrakcyjności dla odbiorcy i wartości dla interesariuszy. Podmioty gospodarcze, które dostrzegają ten trend, szukają nowych, rozwiązań zarządczych, które pomogą skutecznie wdrożyć zasady zielonego ładu, a jednocześnie budować wartość organizacji. Jednym z takich rozwiązań jest omawiana w niniejszym artykule ekologistyka. Celem artykułu jest prezentacja wyników badań pilotażowych dotyczących poziomu zaawansowania ekologistyki w przedsiębiorstwach Euroregionu Nysa z wykorzystaniem autorskiego modelu dojrzałości ekologistycznej przedsiębiorstwa. Badanie pilotażowe miało na celu przygotowanie hipotez badawczych na potrzeby dalszych badań, jak również zweryfikowanie poprawności modelu teoretycznego i narzędzia badawczego pod względem merytorycznym i formalnym.
Management concepts that postulate reducing the negative impact of the economy on the natural environment, such as corporate social responsibility or sustainable development, are no longer just ideas that create the image of an organization, as they increasingly affect the level of its competitiveness, attractiveness for the recipient and value for stakeholders. Business entities that notice this trend are looking for new management solutions that will help to effectively implement the principles of green order and at the same time build the value of the organization. One of such solutions is ecologistics, discussed in this article. The aim of the article is to present the results of pilot studies on the advancement level of ecologistics in the companies of the Euroregion Nysa, in which the original model of ecologistics maturity in an enterprise was used. The pilot study was aimed at preparing research hypotheses for further research, as well as verifying the correctness of the theoretical model and the research tool in terms of content and form.
Postępująca automatyzacja i robotyzacja procesów produkcji przemysłowej idzie w parze z wykorzystaniem podobnych rozwiązań technologicznych, takich jak roboty noszone, do wspomagania pracowników w środowisku pracy. Najbardziej zaawansowany technologicznie przykład robota noszonego w formie egzoszkieletu aktywnego dla całego ciała nie jest jedynym kierunkiem zastosowań różnych typów egzoszkieletów. Można je również wykorzystać do wspomagania szkolenia pracowników, zdalnego sterowania robotami oraz wspomagania procesu fizjoterapii i rehabilitacji.
The automation and robotization of industrial production processes goes hand in hand with the use of similar technological solutions, such as wearable robots, to support workers. The most technologically advanced example of a wearable robot, i.e. a full-body active exoskeleton, is only one of many possible application of various types of exoskeletons. They can also be used to support workers training, remote control of robots and support the process of physiotherapy and rehabilitation.
Zgodnie ze współczesnymi definicjami innowacji pracowniczych każda organizacja ma potencjał do tworzenia wewnętrznych innowacji. Tym potencjałem są pracownicy organizacji, którzy z wykorzystaniem swojej wiedzy, doświadczeń i działań tworzą innowacje w sposób oddolny, w procesie pracy. Celem artykułu jest naświetlenie kontekstu innowacji pracowniczej w organizacjach funkcjonujących w Polsce. Aby osiągnąć ten cel, przedstawiono wybrane anglojęzyczne definicje innowacji pracowniczych, wskazując ich wspólne punkty i różnice. Omówiono obszar innowacji pracowniczych na podstawie przeglądu polskiej literatury, wskazując na występujące nadal w organizacjach zjawisko racjonalizacji. Przeprowadzono rozważania wstępne na temat kontekstu zjawiska w Polsce na podstawie wywiadów indywidualnych z ekspertami przeprowadzonych w okresie od 14 do 30 marca 2020 r. Badania własne skoncentrowano na dwóch aspektach: (1) stopniu zorganizowania procesu oraz (2) zjawiskach charakterystycznych dla organizacji działających w Polsce. Wskazano na niski stopień systemowego podejścia do procesu oraz partycypacji pracowników w tworzeniu innowacji o charakterze oddolnym. Przedstawiono dalsze kierunki badań zjawiska, w tym dotyczące aspektu wiedzy w organizacji.
According to contemporary definitions of employee-driven-innovation, each organizaion has the potential to create internal innovations. This potential consists of employees who, basing on their knowledge, experience and interactions, create bottom-up innovations in the course of their work. The aim of the article is to highlight the context of employee-driven-innovation in organizations operating in Poland. To achieve this goal, the similarities and differences between selected definitions are presented. The employee-driven-innovation phenomenon is discussed on the basis of a review of the Polish literature, with a special reference to the rationalization phenomenon. Initial considerations of the Polish context were carried out on the basis of individual expert interviews conducted between March 14th and March 30th, 2020. The author’s research focused on two aspects: (1) the degree of organization of the process and (2) features characteristic for organizations operating in Poland. The results show that a systemic approach to the process and employee participation in bottom-up innovations are rarely implemented in organizations. The directions for further research on the phenomenon are presented, including the aspect of knowledge in an organization.
Unmanned, remotely or autonomously ships are the fastest growing new technology in maritime transport in recent years. The design of unmanned vessels envisions clean, emission-free electric propulsion. The costs of building physical models and target vessels are high, but the expected benefits are generating increasing interest in such vessels. This article presents the current state of research in the field of unmanned ships and the technical, legal and administrative problems that need to be solved in order for these ships to be used by the general public.
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