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W artykule przedstawiono nowe metody optymalizacji dla łącza i sieci bezprzewodowej OFDM/OFDMA (ang. Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing/Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple access). W przeciwieństwie do tradycyjnego podejścia np. maksymalizacji przepływności czy tez minimalizacji mocy transmisji, artykuł koncentruje się na optymalizacji metryki efektywności energetycznej. Ponadto, w badaniach zastosowano zaawansowane modele zużycia energii, uwzględniające moc zużywaną przez przetwarzanie sygnału w paśmie podstawowym. Ten składnik może mieć kluczowe znaczenie w przypadku komunikacji na niewielkie odległości, dla której moc zużywana na przetwarzanie sygnału może dominować nad mocą potrzebną do emisji sygnału. Wyniki badań pokazują, że zaproponowane metody zwiększają efektywność energetyczną we wszystkich rozważanych scenariuszach.
In this paper, new optimization methods for OFDM/OFDMA link and wireless network are presented. In contrast to the approaches known from the literature, such as maximizing the throughput or minimizing the transmission power, this article focuses on optimizing the energy efficiency metric. Moreover, the advanced power consumption models that consider the power consumed by baseband signal processing are used. This component can be critical in short-distance communications, where the energy used for signal processing may dominate over the power needed to transmit the signal. The research results show that the proposed methods increase energy efficiency in all scenarios.
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki wstępnej analizy dynamicznej alokacji zasobów dla rozproszonych jednostek przetwarzających (DU) wraz z alokacją wrażliwych na opóźnienia przepływów ruchu (fronthaul/midhaul) w konwergentnych sieciach xHaul z komutacją pakietów. Badane są trzy strategie alokacji, które różnią się kryterium wg którego dokonywany jest wybór węzła przetwarzającego (PP). Eksperymenty symulacyjne przeprowadzono dla sieci typu mesh z uwzględnieniem różnych limitów opóźnień przepływów oraz pojemności węzłów PP.
The paper presents preliminary results of analysis of dynamic resource allocation for processing of distributed units (DU) with allocation of latency-aware traffic flows (fronthaul/midhaul) in convergent packet switched xHaul networks. Three strategies are studied, which apply differ criteria for the selection of processing pool (PP) nodes. Simulation experiments have been conducted in a mesh network assuming different flows latency limits and PP node capacities.
Artykuł przedstawia analizę wydajności autorskiego mechanizmu zestawienia dodatkowych ścieżek (zwanych bypass) w sieciach wielowarstwowych złożonych z warstwy wirtualnej (IP) oraz z warstwy elastycznej sieci optycznej (EON). Zaproponowano współczynnik wykorzystania zasobów podczas ich dynamicznej alokacji dla mechanizmu bypass. Przeprowadzono eksperymenty symulacyjne dla dwóch topologii sieci oraz uwzględniono dwie klasy ruchu. Wyniki potwierdzają wysoką wydajność zaproponowanego mechanizmu z uwzględnieniem priorytetyzacji ruchu.
The article presents an analysis of the efficiency of the proprietary mechanism of setting up additional paths (called bypass) in multilayer networks composed of a virtual layer (IP) and a layer of elastic optical network (EON). The resource utilization ratio was proposed during its dynamic allocation for the bypass mechanism. Simulation experiments were conducted for two network topologies and two classes of traffic were taken into account. The results confirm the high efficiency of the proposed mechanism, taking into account traffic prioritization.
In cloud computing, scheduling and resource allocation are the major factors that definethe overall quality of services. An efficient resource allocation module is required in cloudcomputing since resource allocation in a single cloud environment is a complex process.Whereas resource allocation in a multi-cloud environment further increases the complexityof allocation procedures. Earlier, resources from the multi-cloud environment were allocated based on task requirements. However, it is essential to analyze the present resourceavailability status and resource capability before allocating to the requested tasks. So, inthis research work, a hybrid optimized resource allocation model is presented using bat optimization algorithm and particle swarm optimization algorithm to allocate the resourceconsidering the resource status, distance, bandwidth, and task requirements. Proposedmodel performance is evaluated through simulation and compared with conventional optimization algorithms. For a set of 500 tasks, the proposed approach allocates resourcesin 47 s, with a minimum energy consumption of 200 kWh. Compared to conventionalapproaches, the performance of the proposed model is much better in terms of deadlinemissed tasks, resource requirement, energy consumption, and allocation time.
Fog/Edge computing model allows harnessing of resources in the proximity of the Internet of Things (IoT) devices to support various types of latency-sensitive IoT applications. However, due to the mobility of users and a wide range of IoT applications with different resource requirements, it is a challenging issue to satisfy these applications' requirements. The execution of IoT applications exclusively on one fog/edge server may not be always feasible due to limited resources, while the execution of IoT applications on different servers requires further collaboration and management among servers. Moreover, considering user mobility, some modules of each IoT application may require migration to other servers for execution, leading to service interruption and extra execution costs. In this article, we propose a new weighted cost model for hierarchical fog computing environments, in terms of the response time of IoT applications and energy consumption of IoT devices, to minimize the cost of running IoT applications and potential migrations. Besides, a distributed clustering technique is proposed to enable the collaborative execution of tasks, emitted from application modules, among servers. Also, we propose an application placement technique to minimize the overall cost of executing IoT applications on multiple servers in a distributed manner. Furthermore, a distributed migration management technique is proposed for the potential migration of applications' modules to other remote servers as the users move along their path. Besides, failure recovery methods are embedded in the clustering, application placement, and migration management techniques to recover from unpredicted failures. The performance results demonstrate that our technique significantly improves its counterparts in terms of placement deployment time, average execution cost of tasks, the total number of migrations, the total number of interrupted tasks, and cumulative migration cost.
In this paper, the resource allocation problem in the downlink of the Fog radio network is considered. First, the different traffic rates of broadband links of IoT (Internet of Things) implemented in Fog radio network are presented. Furthermore, the optimal resurce allocation problem is formulated. Using the matching theory, distributed algorithms are developed to make decsion about the subchannel assignment for a given IoT device. The presented algorithm aims at a stable fit. It is characterized by low complexity. The obtained results were confirmed in simulation tests.
W tym artykule rozważono problem alokacji zasobów w łączu w dół w mgłowej sieci radiowej. Najpierw przedstawiono różne rodzaje przepływów dla szerokopasmowych łączy Internetu Rzeczy (Internet of Things) implementowanych w mgłowej sieci radiowej. Ponadto sformułowano problem optymalnej alokacji zasobów. Korzystając z teorii dopasowania został opracowany algorytm w celu podejmowania decyzji o przypisaniu podkanału dla danego urządzenia IoT. Przedstawiony algorytm ma na celu stabilne dopasowanie. Algorytm charakteryzuje się małą złożonością. Uzyskane wyniki zostały potwierdzone w badaniach symulacyjnych.
Content available Cooperation platform for distributed manufacturing
The aim of the paper is to analyse contemporary trends in distributed manufacturing (DM) research and to present a concept to develop and test some task allocation, planning and scheduling algorithms for DM network organisations. Some concepts to identify key factor criteria and reasoning policies and rules for production/manufacturing decision support system are also undertaken. And finally, an aim is to draw a proposal for a development of a prototype decision support system with necessary communication and knowledge oriented modules to be implemented in an example of dynamic, DM and logistics network structure, particularly for very popular dynamic cluster forms in Poland. The developed concept of the organization of a multi-entity DM network will enable business-effective use of the system, supporting manufacturing decision making, consulting and offering information services in the control centre (the so-called Competence Centre) by constructing virtual reality and access to services in a distributed network of cloud computing type. Integration of the whole system into one information system will enable analysis and network resource optimization of manufacturing and logistics processes, new analytical functions, reduction of delays in the manufacturing system, management of changes and risks, and visualization of the current state of the DM system.
Content available remote Testbed for thermal and performance analysis in MPSoC systems
Many modern computing platforms in the safety-critical domains are based on heterogeneous Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (MPSoC). Such computing platforms are expected to guarantee high-performance within a strict thermal envelope. This paper introduces a testbed for thermal and performance analysis. The testbed allows the users to develop advanced scheduling and resource allocation techniques aiming at finding an optimal trade-off between the peak temperature and the achieved performance. This paper presents a new, open-source Thermobench tool for data collection and analysis of user-defined workloads. Furthermore, a methodology for shortening the time needed for the data collection is proposed. Experiments show that a significant amount of time can be saved. Specifically, time reduction from 60 minutes to 15 minutes is achieved with the i.MX8 MPSoC from NXP while running a set of user-defined benchmarks that stress CPU, GPU, and different levels of the memory hierarchy.
Content available remote Simulator of a Supercomputer Job Management System as a Scientific Service
Job management system (JMS) is an important part of any supercomputer. JMS creates a schedule for launching jobs of different users. Actual job management systems are complex software systems with a number of settings. These settings have a significant impact on various JMS metrics, such as supercomputer resources utilization, mean waiting time of a job in queue, and others. Various JMS simulators are widely used to study the influence of JMS settings or modifications, new scheduling algorithms, jobs input stream parameters or available computing resources for JMS efficiency metrics. The article presents the comparative analysis results of the actual JMS simulators (Alea, ScSF, Batsim, AccaSim, Slurm simulator) and their application areas. The authors consider new ways to use the JMS simulator as a scientific service for researchers. With such a service, the researchers are able to study various hypotheses about JMS efficiency, algorithms or parameters. This gives the folowing: (1) research is performed on the service side around the clock, (2) the simulator accuracy or adequacy is provided by the service, (3) the research results reproducibility is ensured, and the simulator-as-a-service becomes a single entry point for the researchers.
The main goal of project control is to identify project opportunities or problems during project execution, such that corrective actions can be taken to bring the project in danger back on track when necessary. In this study, we define different scenarios to allocate the limited budget used for the cost of activity execution, delays, and corrective actions, according to the timing and amount of the budget release. A large computational experiment is conducted on real-life project data to evaluate the performance of each scenario. The results show that both the timing and amount of the budget release have an effect on project performance.
Content available remote Coordination of serial-parallel manufacturing processes of milk production
The use of spatially distributed technological objects in industry and production systems is an ever-increasing trend. The optimal coordination algorithm is used in the information technology for the control of preparation and packaging of dairy products based on SCADA/HMI. The optimizing task is solved by genetic algorithm. In the process of coordination is carried out resource allocation and synchronization of technological lines. The results obtained ensure reduction of losses from equipment downtime and increase the production efficiency.
Optymalny algorytm koordynacji wykorzystywany jest w technologii informacyjnej do kontroli przygotowania i pakowania produktów mlecznych w oparciu o SCADA / HMI. W procesie koordynacji prowadzona jest alokacja zasobów i synchronizacja linii technologicznych. Uzyskane wyniki zapewniają redukcję strat spowodowanych przestojem sprzętu i zwiększają wydajność produkcji.
Artykuł poświęcony jest problemowi przepływu dóbr w sieci transportowej ładunkowej. Zastosowano do tego celu algorytmy mrówkowe. Zbudowano model optymalizacyjny oparty na problemie kwadratowego przydziału. Wybrano 8 różnych algorytmów mrówkowych. Przedstawiono i omówiono uzyskane wyniki zastosowania algorytmów mrówkowych do rozwiązywania problemu racjonalizacji kosztu przepływu dóbr.
The article is devoted to the problem of the flow of goods in the transport network. Ante algorithms have been used for this purpose. An optimization model based on the problem (Quadratic Assignment Problem - QAS) was built. Eight different ant algorithms were selected. The results of the application of ant algorithms for solving the problem of the flow of goods rationalization are presented and discussed.
W niniejszym artykule zaproponowano algorytm alokacji zasobów maksymalizujący efektywność energetyczną (ang. Energy Efficiency - EE) systemu komunikacji bezprzewodowej z przekaźnikiem inspirowanego wieloetapowymi połączeniami sieci połączeń nerwowych. Przekaźnik działa w trybie zdekoduj i przekaż (ang. Decode and Forward - DF), w którym dopuszcza się możliwość jednoczesnego wykorzystania tych samych podnośnych w łączu od przekaźnika do użytkownika końcowego i w łączu bezpośrednim. Wyniki symulacji pokazują efektywność proponowanego rozwiązania.
In this paper, the resource allocation algorithm has been the proposed, that maximizes the energy efficiency (EE) of the wireless relay communication system, inspired by the multihop communication in neural system. Here, the decode-and-forward relay nodes transfers information to the end node using the same subcarriers as in the direct link. Simulation results show the effectiveness of proposed solution.
Wzrostowi zapotrzebowania na moc obliczeniową oraz natężenie ruchu w sieci IP nie towarzyszy obecnie pojawianie się technologii chroniących operatorów i środowisko naturalne przed analogicznym wzrostem zapotrzebowania na energię w sektorze. Artykuł 1 przedstawia wyniki badań, których celem jest opracowanie koncepcji i realizacja systemu komputerowego do energooszczędnego sterowania obciążeniem rozproszonego centrum przetwarzania danych oraz szybkością pracy jednostek obliczeniowych i urządzeń sieciowych przekazujących komunikaty z danymi. Niniejsza praca prezentuje propozycję dwupoziomowej struktury zarządzania przydziałem bloków zadań do klastrów, a następnie do poszczególnych serwerów obliczeniowych. Decyzje o alokacji zadań są podejmowane w wyniku rozwiązania zadania minimalizacji zużycia zasobów energetycznych systemu, przy założeniu zagwarantowania wymaganego poziomu jakości usług.
The proposition of a framework for energy-aware control in a large scale HPC (High Performance Computing) system is presented and discussed. The implementation consists of a global computing resource manager that is implemented in the central control level, energy-efficient backbone network connecting computing clusters and data centers and a local resource manager implemented in each cluster. The decisions about activity and power status of computer and network equipment are determined by solving the problem of minimizing the energy used by the whole HPC system. A simulation-based optimization scheme is utilized to calculate optimal allocation of a set of tasks to clusters.
Fog personal computers is definitely correctly buzzword that is receiving, it provides firms zīmju base might be coming availability specialist knowledge. Impair price serve should you have of superiorities in studying to individuals system that is been known is good old, a lot like played off insightful publication, outlook rendering, better resource, indefinite scalability, incredible fault-tolerance etc that is potential. That said, considerably that may be truly hefty of retailers created with event run relayed on those as long as determining it is actually hit. Platform allotment features helping out the universal abilities of a program and parallel that is scatter a redistribution of batch among the numerous processors or nodes. This kind of succeeds that is absolutely found that is further beginnings appointment insurance protection for scald solutions.
For evolving trustworthy software, engrossing on uncovering process of fault in software is central. Nevertheless, during testing, modifications in the testing routine, defect gravity or testing-skill maturity and working environment, there can be notable change in fault detection rate. When this sort of pattern is observed in testing time it is called change point. In this article, we inquire a resource distribution problem that optimally distributes software developing resources among modules such that the total software development cost is minimized. In this problem the effect of chief circumstantial element of change-point is considered in each module. The constraint of pulling off the desired reliability level for every individual module is also incorporated in the formulation of the problem. An algorithm based on Karush Kuhn Tucker (KKT) optimality conditions is presented to solve the resulting non-linear optimization problem. A simulated numerical illustration has been analyzed to reflect the formulation of the case and its solution by the algorithm proposed.
Nowadays cloud computing is one of the most popular processing models. More and more different kinds of workloads have been migrated to clouds. This trend obliges the community to design algorithms which could optimize the usage of cloud resources and be more efficient and effective. The paper proposes a new model of workload allocation which bases on the complementarity relation and analyzes it. An example of a case of use is shown and an increase in the workload execution is presented.
Cloud computing becomes promising IT infrastructure, the importance of which is increasing with every day. This is one of the leading networking technologies that will be used by both computer providers and most international corporations and individuals. The paper presents the optimization of resource allocation in cloud computing environments. This approach minimises virtual machine (VM) migration and reduces energy consumption. The proposed solution was confirmed by the simulation results.
Chmura obliczeniowa staje się obiecującą infrastrukturą informatyczną, której znaczenie wzrasta z każdym dniem. Jest to jedna z wiodących technologii sieciowych, która będzie używana zarówno przez dostawców komputerów, jak i większości międzynarodowych korporacji i osób prywatnych. W artykule przedstawiono optymalizację alokacji zasobów w środowiskach chmury obliczeniowej. To podejście minimalizuje migrację maszyn wirtualnych i zmniejsza zużycie energii. Zaproponowane rozwiązanie zostało potwierdzone przez wyniki symulacji.
A fixed-point algorithm is presented for a class of singly constrained nonlinear programming (NLP) problems with bounds. Setting the gradient of the Lagrangian equal to zero yields a set of optimality conditions. However, a direct solution on general problems may yield non-KKT points. Under the assumption that the gradient of the objective function is negative while the gradient of the constraint function is positive, and that the variables are positive, it is shown that the fixed-point iterations can converge to a KKT point. An active set strategy is used to handle lower and upper bounds. While fixed-point iteration algorithms can be found in the structural optimization literature, these are presented without clearly stating assumptions under which convergence may be achieved. They are also problem specific as opposed to working with general functions f, g. Here, the algorithm targets general functions which satisfy the stated assumptions. Further, within this general context, the fixed-point variable update formula is given physical significance. Unlike NLP descent methods, no line search is involved to determine step size which involves many function calls or simulations. Thus, the resulting algorithm is vastly superior for the subclass of problems considered. Moreover, the number of function evaluations remains independent of the number of variables allowing the efficient solution of problems with a large number of variables. Applications and numerical examples are presented.
Production rates for various activities and overall construction project duration are significantly influenced by crew formation. Crews are composed of available renewable resources. Construction companies tend to reduce the number of permanent employees, which reduces fixed costs, but at the same time limits production capacity. Therefore, construction project planning must be carried out by means of scheduling methods which allow for resource constrains. Authors create a mathematical model for optimized scheduling of linear construction projects with consideration of resources and work continuity constraints. Proposed approach enables user to select optimal crew formation under limited resource supply. This minimizes project duration and improves renewable resource utilization in construction linear projects. This paper presents mixed integer linear programming to model this problem and uses a case study to illustrate it.
Przedsięwzięcia budowlane o charakterze liniowym (takie jak budowa autostrad, dróg kolejowych, tuneli czy rurociągów) składają się z czynności powtarzanych na działkach roboczych. Istotną częścią procesu harmonogramowania przedsięwzięć budowlanych jest dobór zasobów i synchronizacja ich pracy. Liczba przypisanych pracowników lub rodzaj i liczba maszyn budowlanych wpływa na czas wykonania procesów powtarzanych na kolejnych lokalizacjach i w konsekwencji na czas realizacji całego przedsięwzięcia. Ze względu na obecną recesję gospodarczą, która powoduje trudności w pozyskiwaniu nowych zleceń oraz rosnące koszty pracy, wiele przedsiębiorstw budowlanych redukuje swój potencjał kadrowy. Stąd też istnieje konieczność udoskonalenia metod planowania uwzględniających ograniczoną dostępność kluczowych zasobów. Harmonogramowanie z uwzględnieniem ograniczonej dostępności zasobów, w szczególności brygad specjalizowanych i maszyn, stanowi problem decyzyjny rozwiązywany w przypadku większości przedsięwzięć budowlanych.
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