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W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych wnikania ciepła podczas chłodzenia walca zaburzonym pulsacyjnie strumieniem powietrza. Pomiary prowadzono podczas przepływu pulsacyjnego oraz przepływu niezmiennego w czasie w komorze aerodynamicznej, w której umieszczono walec, o średnicy 78 mm, w płaszczyźnie poziomej przechodzącej przez oś komory. Na powierzchni walca zainstalowano dwie stałotemperaturowe anemometryczne sondy foliowe. Metodyka pomiaru opierała się na bilansie energii pobranej przez strumień przepływającego powietrza oraz energii doprowadzonej do sondy w celu utrzymania stałej temperatury włókna. Ilości energii pobranej na zasadzie konwekcji przez przepływające powietrze określano jako różnicę średniej wartości napięcia i wartości napięcia wyjściowego (bez przepływu).
In the article some results of experimental researches of penetrating heat during the cooling cylinder that is pulsatory disturb by air flow were presented. Measurements were conducted during the pulsating flow and the unchanging flow in the time. In the aerodynamic chamber was put the cylinder, with the diameter 78mm, in the horizontal plane which was covered through the axis chambers. On the surface of the cylinder were installed two permanent-temperature anemometer foil probes. The methodology of the measurement was based on balance of the energy taken by the stream of flowing air and the energy supplied to the probe in the purpose of holding the constant temperature of fibre. The amounts of the energy taken on the principle of the convection through flowing air were determined as the difference of tension average value and value of the initial tension (without the flow).
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych wnikania ciepła podczas opływu wsadu okrągłego pulsacyjnym strumieniem spalin. Pomiary prowadzono podczas przepływu pulsacyjnego oraz przepływu niezmiennego w czasie w komorze grzewczej opalanej gazem ziemnym, w której w osi poziomej umieszczono walec pomiarowy. Stosując odpowiednie oprzyrządowanie kontrolowano proces spalania w celu zapewnienia utrzymania stałej prędkości spalin oraz ich temperatury. Zastosowany walec pomiarowy wyposażono w termoelementy oraz układ chłodzenia, co pozwalało na obliczenie lokalnej liczby Nu.
The paper results of experimental research of convective heat transfer during flow of disturbance hot combustion gas around a horizontal circular cylinder was presented. Measurements conducted at non-disturbance and pulsation disturbanceflow of combustion gas. Experimental tests were carried out on a properly designed measurement cylinder furnished with a number of thermocouples embedded along the cylinder perimeter. The cylinder was made from stainless steel of known thermal conductivity, and was cooled on the outer side through a water cooling system. The cylinder was placed horizontally in a heating chamber equipped with an axially positioned gas burner fired with natural gas. The applied measuring cylinder equipped with thermocouples and cooling system which allowed the calculation of the local Nu number.
W artykule omówiono rolę wiedzy w rozwoju gospodarczym, przedstawiono model łańcucha transferu wiedzy oraz kierunki procesów innowacyjnych. Przedstawiono organizację i działalność klastra żywnościowego i biotechnologiczno-biomedycznego NU - TRIBIOMED (Wrocławski Park Technologiczny SA).
The paper presents a new modeling method of boundary geometry in boundary value-problems by nu-spline curves. To define a smooth boundary geometry both Bezier and B-spline curves are applied. At the segment join points Bezier curves ensure continuity C1, and B-spline curves allow us to maintain continuity C2. However, the curves hinder boundary modeling with corner points. In order to weaken the continuity at segment join points nu-spline curves are proposed. These curves are combined analytically with the Green formula, thus yielding the Parametric Integral Equation System (PIES). To solve the PIES a pseudospectral method is used. The results obtained for the domains with singular corner points are compared with the corresponding non-singular ones as defined by the nu-spline curves.
Content available remote Names, equations, relations : practical ways to reason about new
The nu-calculus of Pitts and Stark is a typed lambda-calculus, extended with state in the from of dynamically-generated names. These names can be created locally, passed around, and compared with one another. Through the interaction between names and functions, the language can capture notions of scope, visibility and sharing. Originally motivated by the study of references in Standard ML, the nu-calculus has connections to local declaations in general; to the mobile processes of the p-calculus; and to security protocols in the spi-calculus. This paper introduces a logic of equations and relations which allows one to reason about expressions of the nu-calculus: this uses a simple representation of the private and public scope of names, and allows straightforward proofs of contextual equivalence (also known as observational, or observable, equivalence). The logic based on earlier operational techniques, providing the same power but in a much more accessible from. In particular it allows intuitive and direct proofs of all contextual equivalences between first-order functions with local names.
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