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in Lokichar Basin, Kenya and the oil fields of Yemen. The Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) developed during the Oligocene-Miocene time as part of the East African Rift System and is commonly divided into the Northern, Central and Southern parts. The subsurface rift architecture of the MER remains poorly understood due to lack detailed geophysical studies. This study aims to investigate the subsurface stratigraphic and structural setup of the Southern MER by using 2D high-resolution seismic reflection surveys integrated with nearby well data. Analysis of 2D-seismic reflection data in the Southern MER reveals four horizons from which three horizons show good correlations in Northern Abaya and Gelana basins. The basement structure delineated the main basins in the study area: Northern Abaya, Southern Abaya, Chamo and Gelana sub-basins. The sub-basins showed a typical rift-basin development: pre-rift, syn-rift and post-rift sedimentation and the faulted basement is dominantly oriented NE-SW parallel to the regional structural trend of the area. The deepest basement is greater than 3600 m in Northern Abaya basin followed by Gelana Basin which reaches to 3100 m. Southern Abaya and Chamo basins have shallow basement depths less than 2250 m. Interpretation of the interval velocity integrated with the geology and nearby well data helped to identify the different stratigraphic units ranging from Jurassic to Quaternary time span in the area. Possible source rocks of Late Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous marine shales and fluvial-lacustrine sediments of Lower Miocene thickness 1200 m and 1800 m are identified in Northern Abaya Basin, respectively, where the thicknesses of those units are 900 m and 1000 m in Galena Basin. We also infer from seismic interpretation that the upper Miocene sand/sandstone inferred on both sub-basins can be considered as a reservoir, whereas distinctive fault closures against the basement with horst and grabens or tilted half grabens and anticlinal structures can smoothly provide the hydrocarbon trapping mechanism. Numerous faults mapped on seismic sections play a major role for migration of hydrocarbon from source to reservoir rocks. The interpreted NE-SW major faults located on the western side of most of the seismic sections reactivated during the East African rifting at Neogene period produced an appreciable throw which can also provide migration pathways for the hydrocarbon.
shallow sea waters with some applications, such as sea-level studies, sedimentation process and geomorphology. In the whole survey area, 6 high-resolution shallow seismic measurements have been performed with a total length of 60.6 km, and all have recorded good reflected signals in the range 20–70 ms. In this section, physical characteristics and nature of petrology in the survey environment are quite uniformly shown. The topography of the seabed in the survey area tends to be gradually shallower from west to east, and is relatively flat. Particularly, on the cross section of the T1 line, it is visible that the first section of the line has a rather steep and deep terrain, which may be the slope of the continental shelf in the survey area. Wedge-shaped, oblique, corrugated and transverse structures all appear on the cross-sections. In the survey area, the shallow geological structure in the Holocene sediments is divided into 4 layers, and the structural boundary between the Holocene and Pleistocene sediments at the depth of 25–35 m is observed. In addition, geological faults are also detected on geological sections from seismic sections. For instance, at the section of T6 line, two faults were detected at the beginning of the line. The displacement amplitude of these faults ranges between 1.5–4 m. This new dataset will contribute to future comprehension of the geologic and oceanographic evolution.
suitable low temperatures and high pressure, which is suitable for the formation and existence of potential energy source of Gas Hydrate (GH). The application of High-Resolution Seismic method (HRS) plays an important role in exploring for Gas Hydrate. The enhancement of HRS research such as optimal short - reception conditions and advanced data processing suitable for Gas Hydrate in shallow layers below the seafloor, allows for determining the geological factors related to Gas Hydrate’s existence in the deep water area. Advancements in data processing technology, such as noise filters (Radon, F-K, SRMA, Tau-P..), seismic attributes analysis, seismic migration, AVO, seismic inversion, pre-stack seismic data and AI technology … allow to identify of the signs of Gas Hydrate presence, such as Bottom Simulated Reflector (BSR), Gas Hydrate Stability Zone (GHSZ), Pockmark, Chimney, etc. This paper presents some of the results obtained from applying High-Resolution Seismic method to predict the distribution of Gas hydrate in the Southeastern offshore of Vietnam.
limited by the top C, top D seismic reflectors. The environment is formed from lagoons, lakes to deep lakes. Seismological facies analysis identified 03 facies including seismic facies with medium to poor reflection amplitude, medium continuous, low frequency reflecting the lacustrine sediments (80%) in most of the lake center. Strong reflective seismic facies, sigmoidal clinoforms reflect the lakeside sediments (15%) distributed in the lakeside shelf. The seismic facies with average and continuous amplitude poorly reflect alluvial sediments (5%) in the Northwest region. The direction of sediment transport is mainly from the Northwest and Southwest in the area. The sandstone sequences are distributed on the slopes of the lake and the lake bottom, which is potential reservoir.
detection of young sediment as sand dunes or mud, mixtures of sand and clay, and clay formations can help policy makers to launch policies or regulations in safety of water transportation as well as civil building infrastructure. We have measured, analyzed, and interpreted an enormous collection of 2D seismic sub-bottom profiles in Can Gio offshore, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for understanding its shallow subsurface young deposits. Our approach is to combine three key seismic textural attributes (i.e., Correlation, Variance, and Homogeneity) in the representation of color-blended attribute for picking distinguished geological features. In our result, 2D seismic horizons representing boundaries of diverse types of sediments can provide a great input for modeling 3D seabed and distribution of sand, sand-clay mixture, and clay sediments within the interest area. The sand layer useful for mining in this area is strongly affected by channels stemming from Soai Rap river.
sejsmicznych. W środowiskach morskich wykrywanie młodych osadów, takich jak wydmy lub błoto, mieszanki piasku i gliny oraz formacje gliny, może pomoc decydentom we wprowadzaniu polityk lub przepisów dotyczących bezpieczeństwa transportu wodnego, a także infrastruktury budynków cywilnych. Zmierzyliśmy, przeanalizowaliśmy i zinterpretowaliśmy ogromny zbiór profili sejsmicznych 2D pod dnem w Can Gio na morzu w mieście Ho Chi Minh w Wietnamie, aby zrozumieć jego płytkie, podpowierzchniowe młode złoża. Nasze podejście polega na połączeniu trzech kluczowych atrybutów tekstury sejsmicznej (tj. Korelacji, Wariancji i Jednorodności) w reprezentacji atrybutu mieszania kolorów w celu wybrania wyróżniających się cech geologicznych. W naszym wyniku, poziomy sejsmiczne 2D reprezentujące granice rożnych typów osadów mogą stanowić doskonały materiał wejściowy do modelowania 3D dna morskiego i rozmieszczenia piasku, mieszanki piaskowo-gliniastej i osadów gliniastych w obszarze zainteresowania. Na warstwę piasku przydatnego do wydobycia na tym obszarze duży wpływ mają kanały wychodzące z rzeki Soai Rap..
ground vibration. However, we cannot evaluate the effects of blast-induced ground vibration on the surrounding environment based on these outcomes. Therefore, this study explores the relation between seismic coefficient and rock properties through field measurements and an empirical model for evaluating the effect of blast-induced ground vibration in open-pit mines. Accordingly, the seismic coefficient (K) is considered the main objective in this study. Firstly, it was determined based on the rock properties. Subsequently, an empirical model for estimating blast-induced ground vibration was developed based on field measurements. This empirical equation was then expanded to determine K to check whether it matches the determined K by the rock properties. Finally, it was used as the threshold to determine the maximum explosive charged per delay to ensure the safety of the surrounding environment from blastinduced ground vibration. For this aim, the Thuong Tan III quarry (in Binh Duong province, Vietnam) was selected as a case study. Fifth-teen blasting events with a total of 75 blast-induced ground vibration values were recorded and collected. An empirical equation for estimating blast-induced ground vibration was then developed based on the collected dataset, and K was determined in the range of 539 to 713 for the Thuong Tan III quarry. Based on the measured blast-induced ground vibrations, developed empirical model, and K values, the Phase 2 software was applied to simulate the effects of blast-induced ground vibration on the stability of slopes as one of the impacts on the surrounding environment. From the simulation results, we can determine the maximum explosive charged per delay for each type of rock to ensure the stability of the slope.
which then formed the basis for a detailed lithological and tectonic interpretation of deeper Mesozoic sediments. Such shallow covers, consisting mainly of glacial Pleistocene deposits, are typical for central and northern Poland. This investigation concentrated on delineating the accurate geometry of Obrzycko Cenozoic graben structure flled with loose deposits, as it was of great importance to the acquisition, processing and interpretation of seismic data that was to reveal the tectonic structure of the Cretaceous and Jurassic sediments which underly the study area. Previously, some problems with estimation of seismic static corrections over similar grabens flled with more recent, low-velocity deposits were encountered. Therefore, a novel approach to estimating the exact thickness of such shallow cover consisting of low-velocity deposits was applied in the presented investigation. The study shows that some alternative geophysical data sets (such as magnetotellurics) can be used to signifcantly improve the imaging of geological structure in areas where seismic data are very distorted or too noisy to be used alone
refection patterns of deep seismic data. Because stochastic models have been successfully used to describe the heterogeneity of crustal rocks, stochastic parameter estimation has become a potentially powerful tool for recovering information on geometric geological variations. However, there are many factors that infuence parameter estimation, with limited data being a profound one. We present a novel algorithm to estimate the lateral correlation length, an important stochastic parameter, from deep seismic refection data. First, an autoregressive power spectrum-based method was introduced to calculate the autocorrelation function from limited data. Second, the average multi-trace 1D autocorrelation function was used to replace the 2D autocorrelation function to improve the computation efciency, accuracy, and stability. Compared with other algorithms, a velocity model test showed that our method exhibited signifcantly better performance for a small dataset. Then, an appropriately sized sliding window of synthetic seismic data was applied to map the relative variations of lateral stochastic parameters. The results indicated that our method could distinguish the lateral variations in stochastic parameters as well as vertical changes. Finally, the geological meaning of diferent seismic refection patterns was discussed after applying our methods to deep seismic refection feld data. The results demonstrated that lateral correlation can clearly identify Moho discontinuity, crustal refections, and some sedimentary structures.
w Książu, składający się z instrumentów stojących na skalnych blokach, jest naturalnym detektorem aktywności tektonicznej. System ten pozwala na wyznaczanie chwilowych wartości funkcji aktywności tektonicznej z mikrometryczną dokładnością. Porównanie zmian funkcji aktywności tektonicznej i ich pochodnych z czasowym rozkładem zdarzeń sejsmicznych w obszarach Dolnego i Górnego Śląska wskazuje, że trzęsienia ziemi występują zgodnie ze szczególnymi i powtarzającymi się stanami procesu deformacji tektonicznych górotworu Depresji Świebodzic. Ta obserwacja wzmacnia tezę o istnieniu wielkoskalowego, jednorodnego pola naprężeń tektonicznych, którego zasięg w tym samym czasie obejmuje obszary Depresji Świebodzic oraz regiony górnicze Czech, Górnego i Dolnego Śląska. Wiarygodność tej tezy jest niezależnie potwierdzona przez wieloletnie pomiary horyzontalnych składowych ruchów skorupy ziemskiej, wykonanych technikami satelitarnymi przez sieć stacji GNSS, SLR, DORIS i VLBA, rozmieszczonych na płycie europejskiej. W obszarze Europy Centralnej pomiary te pokazują jednorodne pole horyzontalnych prędkości przesuwu Płyty Europejskiej. Jednorodny ruch płyty jest wynikiem działania jednorodnego, wielkoskalowego pola sił tektonicznych, które ten ruch wywołują. Bieżący stan wielkoskalowego jednorodnego pola naprężeń tektonicznych ma duży wpływ na wywołanie wstrząsu sejsmicznego. Przedstawione wyniki badań zjawisk tektonicznych są dedykowane potrzebie wzmocnienia wiedzy o aktualnej możliwości zajścia zdarzenia sejsmicznego. Problem ten ma kluczowe znaczenie dla poprawy warunków bezpieczeństwa robót górniczych w obszarach wydobywczych Górnego i Dolnego Śląska.
system of the Geodynamic Laboratory in Ksiaz, equipped with instruments situated on the rocky blocks, is a natural detector of tectonic activity, allowing determination of the temporal functions of tectonic activity with sub-micrometric accuracy. Comparison of the functions of the tectonic activity variations and their derivatives with temporal distribution of the seismic shocks in the Lower and Upper Silesia indicate that earthquakes occurred in accordance with particular and repeatable conditions of the Świebodzice Depression tectonic deformations. This observation strengthens the thesis about large-scale, homogeneous field of tectonic stresses which, at the same time, affect the Świebodzice Depression as well as mining areas of the Czech and Lower and Upper Silesian. The credibility of this thesis is independently confirmed by the results of many years long measurements of the Earth crust motions, performed on hundreds of stations by the space and satellite techniques i.e. GNSS, SLR, DORIS, VLBA. Current state of the large-scale, homogeneous field of tectonic stresses decided about the triggering of the earthquakes. Presented investigations of tectonic phenomena are dedicated to improve the safety conditions of mining works, executed in Upper and Lower Silesian mining areas.
dramatic undulations in the surface and associated complex underground structures, a single geophysical method cannot provide reliable imaging results. This is largely due to difculties in data acquisition and processing. Seismic exploration provides one example. Using this method, raw shot gathers have a low signal-to-noise ratio because of the undulations in the topography. Furthermore, strong lateral velocity variation makes the migration process exceedingly difcult. This means that interpretations of the resulting refection seismic profle give rise to uncertainty. For this reason, two-dimensional refection seismology and controlled source audio-frequency magnetotel lurics (CSAMT) electromagnetic sounding techniques were performed. After initially completing conventional processing on the seismic refection data, subsequent pre-stack depth migration (PSDM) over the rugged topography yielded a much better image. It was able to identify thrust faults and magma intrusions. Then, using CSAMT, inversion was conducted with the same topography as the seismic refection. By combining the migrated seismic profle, inverted resistivity profle, and borehole data, a vertical geological model was constructed. This proved the existence of an overlapped thrust, and it also indicated the possible presence of deeper mineralization.
20.07.2018 r. oraz 12.08.2018 r. Do określania potencjalnych zmian na powierzchni w wyniku tych wstrząsów wykorzystano zobrazowania SAR zarejestrowane przez satelity Sentinel-1A i Sentinel-1B bezpośrednio przed i po wystąpieniu wstrząsów. Wyznaczono koherencję, opracowano interferogramy, a następnie wyznaczono przemieszczenia powierzchni w linii widoczności satelity (LOS). Dla wstrząsu o magnitudzie 4.8 obniżenia pionowe (LOS) wyniosły ponad 8 cm, a dla wstrząsu o magnitudzie 4.5 około 7 cm. Dla wstrząsu o najmniejszej magnitudzie nie zidentyfikowano wyraźnego obrazu deformacji na powierzchni. Wyniki posłużyły do analizy wielkości i zasięgu zmian na powierzchni powstałych w wyniku tych zdarzeń, a także do dyskusji na temat przydatności satelitarnej interferometrii radarowej do pozyskiwania wiarygodnych danych o deformacjach powierzchni powodowanych sejsmiką indukowaną działalnością górniczą.
26.12.2017, 20.07.2018 and 12.08.2018 respectively. To identify potential changes on the surface as a result of these shocks, SAR imagery recorded by Sentinel -1A and Sentinel-1B satellites immediately before and after these events was used. In the calculation process: coherence was determined, interferograms were developed, and then surface displacements in the line of the sight (LOS) were determined. For the magnitude 4.8 the vertical movements (LOS) reached - 8 cm, and for a magnitude 4.5 event approx. - 7 cm. For the seismic event with the smallest magnitude deformation, the image could not be identified on the surface. The results were used to analyze the size and extent of changes on the surface resulting from these events, as well as to discuss the usefulness of the satellite radar interferometry method to obtain reliable data on deformations caused by mining induced seismicity.
processing technique. Frequency-wave number (f-k) filtering is used for attenuating the linear noise. Predictive deconvolution is used for attenuating the ghost waves and bubble efects. A complete processing workflow was designed for processing the data, and the migration section was obtained. The results show that the sparker source data are capable of achieving vertical sections with very high resolution. It is suggested as a necessary technique for high-accuracy gas hydrate exploration in the South China Sea.
reinforcement works. The high-frequency seismic and acoustic measurements were carried out, the resistivity measurements were carried out to map the resistivity distribution of the slab, the seismic direct wave method was used to map the seismic velocities for understanding the stability conditions of the walls and the ground penetrating radar measurements were carried out on the slab and on the walls. The results of integrated study showed us that voids, faults and cracks were detected and the inhomogeneous construction materials were used in the slab. The obtained results emerged that the usage of nondestructive geophysical methods is essential in all stages of restoration and reinforcement works, especially for the ancient structures.
charakterystycznej struktury na monoklinie przedsudeckiej oraz na wskazanie regionalnych stref tektonicznych o kierunku NW–SE. Wstępne wyniki prezentowanych danych grawimetrycznych uzupełniono programem przyszłego opracowania zbiorów z wykorzystaniem różnych metod geofizycznych, w tym sejsmicznych oraz ich kompleksowej interpretacji. Pozwoli to na pełniejsze rozpoznanie budowy geologicznej regionu, szczególnie stref zaangażowania tektonicznego, z którymi jest związana możliwość odkrycia nowych złóż surowców mineralnych.
It is assumed that an integration of gravimetric and seismic data should lead to a comprehensive interpretation of the geological structure of the area and to facilitate exploration for the economic minerals.
exploitation in the coal seam. This was the time required for the subsidence trough to appear on the surface, which was confirmed by levelling measurements. Sharp changes in the elastic parameters were observed on each profile during subsidence trough development. This observation can result from changing tension and compression forces caused by increase and/or decrease of the elastic parameters of the rock mass. After completion of subsidence trough development, the rock mass appeared to return to its isotropic state and the observed changes ceased. Some minor fluctuations were noted, but they probably resulted from changes in groundwater levels, which might have affected the measured parameters.
punktów osnowy geodezyjnej zaobserwowano 3 miesiące po przejściu frontu eksploatacji ścianowej w pokładzie węgla kamiennego na głębokości ponad 600 metrów poniżej poziomu terenu. Podczas procesu wykształcania się niecki obniżeniowej stwierdzono występowanie gwałtownych zmian parametrów sprężystych płytkiego ośrodka geologicznego. Zmiana tych parametrów wynika ze zmiennego w czasie stanu naprężeń ściskających i rozciągających w skałach. Po zakończeniu procesu wykształcania się niecki obniżeniowej mierzone parametry generalnie ustabilizowały się, co świadczy o powrocie środowiska geologicznego do stanu izotropowego. Występujące wtedy niewielkie wahania parametrów wynikają ze zmiany poziomu zwierciadła wody.
szczególności zaś anizotropia prędkości fal sejsmicznych, charakteryzująca się tym, że prędkość fal w kierunku prostopadłym do biegu spękań jest mniejsza niż w kierunku równoległym. Prezentowane badania prowadzone były w kopalni dolomitu Podleśna. W celu określenia związku pomiędzy szczelinowatością a prędkością fal sejsmicznych wykorzystano metodę sejsmiki refrakcyjnej (RFR) oraz wielokanałową analizę fal powierzchniowych (MASW). Otrzymane wartości prędkości fal sejsmicznych dla azymutów 0, 30, 60, 90, 120 i 150° porównano z kierunkami systemów spękań pomierzonych kompasem geologicznym. Do opisu kierunkowych rozkładów prędkości wykorzystano również rachunek tensorowy, który pozwala na odwzorowanie anizotropii sejsmicznej. Uzyskane maksima prędkości dla fali P pomierzonej za pomocą sejsmiki refrakcyjnej, jak i wartości prędkości fali S uzyskanej metodą MASW pokazują korelację z kierunkami głównych systemów spękań pomierzonych kompasem geologicznym, co pozwala na wykorzystanie wymienionych technik do badania szczelinowatości masywów skalnych.
anisotropy of seismic wave velocity. It is characterized by a wave velocity that is smaller in the direction perpendicular to the crack plane than in the parallel direction. The presented study was carried out in the Triassic dolomite quarry “Podleśna” located in the South of Poland. The seismic anisotropy of rock mass was measured using the seismic refraction method (RFR) and Multichannel Analysis of Surface Wave (MASW). The research was conducted along oriented seismic profiles (0°, 30°, 60°,90°,120° i 150°) and compared with main crack systems measured on a geological compass. Tensor calculus was also applied to describe the directional distribution of seismic wave velocity. The obtained maximal value of seismic P-wave velocity (RFR) and S-wave velocity (MASW) show very good agreement with the directions of the main crack systems which allow these methods to be used to study of fracturing.
góry zamocowanym geofonem. Istotnym elementem zestawu pomiarowego są nóżki, które mają zapewnić możliwie najlepszy kontakt z podłożem, zachować stateczność zestawu pomiarowego przy przesuwaniu się strimera sejsmicznego na kolejną pozycję pomiarową, oraz zapewnić wystarczająca odporność na ścieranie przy przesuwaniu po powierzchni terenu. Przetestowano 6 różnych kształtów stalowych podstaw dla geofonu zestawu pomiarowego strimera Seismobile. Wszystkie testy przeprowadzono w identycznych warunkach pomiarowych w celu uniknięcia wpływu ośrodka pomiarowego. Wyniki testów pokazały, że wszystkie stalowe podstawy zniekształcają sygnał sejsmiczny ze względu na wartości amplitud oraz widma amplitudowego. Najkorzystniejsze wyniki uzyskano dla pionowych prędkości drgań, które w akceptowalny sposób były zniekształcone. W tym przypadku wartości amplitud oraz kształt i wartości widma dla testowanych podstaw są bardzo podobne do wyników dla czujnika referencyjnego. W przypadku składowych poziomych radialnej X i transwersalnej Y rejestracje są silnie, w podobny sposób zniekształcone. W ogólnym ujęciu stalowe podstawy powodowały wzmocnienie wartości amplitudy dla niższych częstotliwości w zakresie od kilku do ponad 100 Hz oraz wytłumienie wyższych częstotliwości. W grupie testowanych stalowych podstaw najkorzystniejsze wyniki, mając na uwadze wszystkie kryteria, w tym związane ze statecznością zestawu pomiarowego, posiada podstawa E.
are to ensure the best possible contact with the ground, keep the stability of the measuring set when moving the landstreamer to the next measurement position, and provide sufficient abrasion resistance when moving along the terrain surface are an important element of the set. We tested 6 different shapes of steel bases for the landstreamer geophone measuring set. All tests were conducted under identical measuring conditions in order to avoid the influence of the surrounding medium. Test results showed that all the steel base distort the seismic signal due to the amplitude values and the amplitude spectrum. The most preferred results were obtained for the Z vertical velocity vibration, which were distorted in an acceptable manner. In this case, the amplitudes and the spectrum of the tested bases were very similar to the results achieved for the reference sensor. In the case of registrations for X radial horizontal velocity and Y transversal velocity, they were both strongly distorted. In general, the steel base caused amplification of amplitude value for the lower frequency range from a few to more than 100 Hz and an attenuation of higher frequencies. In the group of tested steel basis, a E base achieved the best possible result, taking all the criteria into account, including those related to the stability of the measuring system when Seismobile moves along the profile.
techniczny składający się z wielu elementów składowych, takich jak: system wzbudzania fal akustycznych, system rejestracji odbijanych fal akustycznych oraz system pozycjonowania układu działek powietrznych i strimerów. W artykule przedstawiono zasadę działania systemu sejsmiki refleksyjnej oraz opisano jego poszczególne elementy składowe.
data acquisition, and a system for positioning air guns and streamers. A working principle of the system of streamers towed behind the survey vessel and descriptions of its main components are presented in this paper.
skomplikowanej budowy geologicznej centralnego synklinorium Karpat. Styl tektoniki senońsko-paleogeńskich formacji fliszowych zdominowany jest przez systemy nasunięć i złuskowań różnej generacji oraz anizopachytowy rozkład miąższości synorogenicznych osadów oligocenu. Geometria nasunięć i fałdów ulega znaczącym modyfikacjom w strefach poprzecznych uskoków, co ma istotne znaczenie dla zrekonstruowania modeli systemu naftowego w rejonie Krosno – Besko, perspektywicznym dla odkrycia niekonwencjonalnych akumulacji gazu ziemnego.
complicated geological setting of the Central Carpathian Synclinorium. The tectonic style of the Senonian-Paleogene flysch formations is dominated by systems of thrusts and imbricated folds of different generations and by the anisopachous thickness distribution of the Oligocene synorogenic deposits. The geometry of the thrusts and folds has undergone substantial modifications in zones of transverse faults, which is of great importance for reconstruction of the petroleum system models in the Krosno – Besko area, prospective in terms of discovering unconventional gas accumulations.
Przedstawiono wybrane procedury przetwarzania szerokiego profilu, podejście w geometrii i schemacie przetwarzania. Pokazano wyniki porównań standardowego przetwarzania linii 2D do wyników z szerokiego profilu oraz podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie o wartość dodaną technologii sejsmiki szerokiego profilu w stosunku do technologii konwencjonalnej sejsmiki 2D.
seismic data processing technology which uses 3D tools, allows to achieve better results compared to the conventional processing of independent 2D lines. Presented are the wide line processing procedures, and approach to geometry and processing scheme. The comparison between the standard processing of 2D lines and wide line processing is discussed. Additionally attempts to answer the question of added value from wide line technology with comparison to the conventional 2D seismic.
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