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The research was conducted on groundwater exploitation and usage in Ward 2, Vinh Chau Town, Soc Trang Province. A total of 405 households were interviewed about enduse water status. Groundwater samples from 9 wells were monitored once for water quality status. The results of the study
indicated that there was a total of 520 wells installed at 405 households showing that water is urgently needed for domestic use (88.7%), and agricultural use (69.5%). There were 41.4% of the wells drilled since 2010 up to now and 74.3% of the wells drilled over 100 m. To get more water, particularly in dry seasons, the farmers applied large intake pipes (96.4% of the well’s pipe diameters were 49 and 60 mm) and illegally pumped (syringes pump, air pump, or rocket pump) which led to a decrease in groundwater levels and caused pressure on water source. Groundwater quality is within threshold values of national technical standards. Appropriate pumping technique was a suggestion to the farmers. Local authorities need to pay more attention to groundwater management in this area that help farmers use this resource.
W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono analizę zjawiska infiltracji w Grodzisku Mazowieckim, do której wykorzystano GIS istniejący w Zakładzie Wodociągów i Kanalizacji. Badany obszar charakteryzuje się występowaniem zwierciadła wód podziemnych na niewielkich głębokościach, niekiedy jest to nawet
0,6 m p.p.t. Przez to większość prac związanych z budową sieci kanalizacyjnej wykonywana jest poprzez metodę odwadniania gruntów, stosując np.: metodę igłofiltrów. Przy takich warunkach wodno-gruntowych, bardzo prawdopodobne jest występowanie zjawiska infiltracji. W artykule wykorzystano dwie metody do oszacowania wielkości infiltracji. Pierwsza z nich opierała się na zbilansowaniu ilości wody pobranej z sieci, z ilością ścieków odprowadzonych do systemu kanalizacji sanitarnej. Druga oparta na obserwacji wzrostu przepływu ścieków w czasie przejścia z okresu suszy do okresu o obfitych opadach. Obie z tych metod wykazały, że zjawisko infiltracji zachodzi oraz, że charakter dopływu infiltracyjnego różni się. Z przeprowadzonej analizy wynika, że procent infiltracji wynosi od 2% do 55% w zależności od występujących warunków.
This article presents an analysis of the infiltration phenomenon at the sewer system in Grodzisk Mazowiecki. The studied area is characterized by the presence of the groundwater table at shallow depths, and sometimes it is even 0.6 m below ground level. As a result, most of the works related
to the construction of the sewage system is carried out using the soil drainage method, using, for example, the wellpoint method of dewatering excavations. With such water-ground conditions, infiltration is very likely to occur. The article uses two methods to estimate the size of infiltration - the first based on balancing the amount of supplied water with the amount of sewage discharged. The second is based on observing the increase of flow in wastewater network during wet weather and dry weather. Both methods showed that the infiltration phenomenon does occur and that the nature of the infiltration inflow differs. The analysis shows that the percentage of infiltration ranges from 2% to 55%, depending on the existing conditions.
Content available remote O dynamice lagun liberyjskich w czasie pory suchej
Paper reports findings on hydrological regime of Liberian lagoons during dry season collected during over two years staying in Liberia. While traveling along shoreline in Liberia one has to cross several rivers' mouths, which are very shallow during a dry season. Hydro-meteorological
processes and sea activity control process of closing and opening of rivers mouths. Although the closure of the mouth of big rivers has never been recorded, such tendency is observed at the end of dry season. In his way along seashore, one is passing by a countless number of coastal lagoons with their own drainage area. The lagoons are in the various stage of development in respect to sea-lagoon communication: Two-way communication. It is a rule during rainy season. Downstream communication only. Sea is open for lagoon, while lagoon is closed for the sea in the advanced stage of the construction of sand bar, excluding short period of high tides. Upstream communication only. The sand bar is so high that it prevents lagoon from reaching the sea. No water exchange between sea and lagoon. Liberian lagoons show unusual phenomenon of thermal inversion. There are several pits in lagoon where the temperature of the bottom layer is 3-6°C warmer tan the surface layer. The behavior of the Po river during dry season is described. The river of such size spans a gap between big Liberian rivers discharging into the sea and coastal lagoons with small catchment and in particular between fluvial and stemmed lagoons. The presented description of lagoon dynamics in respect to storage of mass, energy as well as thermal and salinity stratification shows that there are still some new challenging scientific problems, which calls for multidisciplinary investigation.
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