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przypada pierwsze udokumentowane uruchomienie linii tego typu kolei w Polsce, które nastąpiło w regionie starachowickim. Za końcową datę ich funkcjonowania uznaje się rok 1992 – moment zakończenia eksploatacji ostatnich linii wąskotorowych dawnych kopalń rud żelaza w regionie częstochowskim. W artykule syntetycznie przedstawia się rozwój i regres sieci kolei górnictwa rud wraz z próbą wskazania genezy tych procesów.
1941. In these year there was a sharp decrease of the length of the rail networks of iron ore mines (Fig. 6). A significant part of the rail network in neighborhood Starachowice was transferred to the forest administration in 1941. Another big development of rail network of iron ore mining started in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Polish government decided then to inten¬sify supplying steel industry in iron ore from domestic mines and as a result of this process built new mines and processing iron ore plants. The need to ensure the efficient transport resulted in expan¬sion of the network of narrow gauge railways as a natural extension of the process of extraction of iron ore without reloading. At that mo¬ment Chlewiska network collapsed, but networks in Czestochowa, Starachowice (new section to pyrite mine in Rudki) and a brand new network in Stąporkow had experienced the rapid growth. The total length of iron ore mining rail networks exceeded the pre-war level at the turn of the 1950s and 1960s. Only one section (of the pyrite mine in Rudki) was exploited in the Staropolskie mining area un¬til the mid-1970s. Decision to discontinue extraction of the Polish iron ores was made in the early 1970s. It was mainly due to the low iron content and better quality of ores imported from former USSR. Therefore, in the mid-1970s, because of the impossibility of other uses of the railway, networks began to shrink rapidly. The railway lines in Stąporkow and Starachowice regions were completely dis¬mantled. Similar network in Czestochowa region was split into two independent networks with starting points in Poraj and Klobuck. Its function was a/so changed - the only reason of its exploration was to transport components of equipment manufactured in the engineer¬ing plant built on the base of iron ore mines. The last railway of this kind was closed in 1992.
prawnym, a także podejście samych Amerykanów do nowych technologii oraz szans, które ze sobą niosły. Nie bez komentarza zostały także aspekty polityczne czy prawne. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono aktom rządowym Land Grants, polegającym na rozdawnictwie ziemi. Ukazano zalety i wady tego kontrowersyjnego z dzisiejszego punktu widzenia działania, a także wysunięto wniosek, na podstawie którego można stwierdzić, czy Land Grants były zbytkiem czy może koniecznością.
legal regulations and the approach of Americans themselves to new technologies and the opportunities they bring. Remarks also address political and legal aspects. Particular attention is given to the Land Grants, legislation which handed out land. The benefits and drawbacks of what is today a controversial step are elaborated, as well as a conclusion as to whether the Land Grants were frivolous or necessary.
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