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solution under conditions where most of the molecules are present as micelles. This ligand can be attached to the surface of micelles by solubilization and forms the ligand complexes with the metal ion. The aqueous solution is then treated through a membrane which has to be smaller pore sizes than those of the complexes. Hence, permeate water is then purified from the heavy metals. In this study, divalent lead is the target ion in a solution. Filtration experiments were performed with ultrafi ltration membrane system, equipped with a regenerated cellulose membrane with a 5000 Daltons cutoff. The pressure was fixed at 4.0 bar with a permeate flow rate of 500 mL min–1 . Complexes of Pb2+ ions with three ligands were investigated in micellar medium of different surfactants at different pH values to determine the ligands which could provide separation. Different parameters affecting the percentage rejection of the Pb2+ , such as pH and surfactant concentration were also discussed. Results have shown that the maximum percentage of the Pb2+ ions rejection were obtained using sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as a surfactant and dithizone (DZ) as the lead-specifi c ligand. A waste stream sample from a battery plant was subjected to LM-MEUF process in the optimum conditions determined in this study and it was shown that Pb2+ ions in a waste stream could be removed by LM-MEUF effectively.
niezgodnego z założoną funkcją użytkowania obiektu, a również błędów poczynionych w fazie projektowania i wykonawstwa doszło do awarii stropów DZ-3. W artykule opisano główną konstrukcję budynku, przyczyny powstania awarii, pomiary, wyniki obliczeń sprawdzających i wnioski.
been erected within that period. Due to the usage of the building which was not compliant with the assumed function, as well as due to the design and construction errors, the DZ-3 ceilings have been damaged. The present article describes the main structure of the building, causes of the damage, measurements, results of calculations and conclusions. The applied methodology and repairs have been presented.
wynikający z art. 17 Ustawy z 24 kwietnia 2009 r. o bateriach i akumulatorach (DzU z 2009 r. nr 79, poz. 666).
obraz tego, jak będzie ona wprowadzana w życie.
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