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remonty konserwatorskie obejmują ostrogi: 3b – przy ul. Vlastimila Hofmana 23, 3a – przy Alei Mieczysława Małeckiego 18, „Bielany” – przy ul. Księcia Józefa 65 w Krakowie.
conservation renovations carried out include the block house: 3b – at ul. Vlastimila Hofmana 23, 3a – at Aleja Mieczysława Małeckiego 18, „Bielany” – at ul. Księcia Józefa 65 in Kraków.
principle of operation, as well as the measurement method using a closed-loop operation. The closed-loop control algorithm is developed using the high-level language C++ and then it is synthesised into an FPGA. The following part of the article describes the simulation environment developed to test the operation of the control algorithm. The environment includes a model of components of the measurement system, delays, and distortions in the signal processing path, and some of the measurement system surroundings. The article ends with a comparison of simulation data with measurements. The obtained results are consistent and prove correctness of the methodology adopted by the authors.
(TDL) involved in creation of CDTL. The proposed TDL selection algorithm significantly optimizes the size of the device’s logical resources required to implement CDTL with assumed parameters and provides a proper selection scenario. Ultimately, the presented solution allows to create CTDLs with different user-defined configurations based on a fixed set of available logical resources. Therefore, it is particularly recommended for prototyping in smaller FPGA devices. In this work, we investigate how the order of line selection influences the increase of the multiple time coding lines resolution. Furthermore, we determine the relation between the equivalent resolution value and the number of TDLs involved. Obtained results allow to estimate the upper limit of resolution that can be achieved using a given technology. In addition, the ranges of resolutions achievable with a fixed number of lines is also examined. The presented research results have been performed on a Kintex UltraScale FPGA chip, manufactured by Xilinx in the 20-nm CMOS process.
the R-E ditch, with fixed, circular outlet openings. The existing weir height provided a dead retention capacity of 2% geometric capacity of all ditches in the system, and a usable capacity of 23%. It allowed to use only 25% of the full geometric capacity, without water level control. As part of the modernisation, the existing concrete structure was removed, and replaced by seven new damming structures, including three structures on the R-E and R-E1 ditches and one on the R-E4 ditch. These were four plastic structure weirs with movable closures that allowed to regulate the water level, two permanent crest weirs and a disc regulator built into the culvert pipe. These changes reduced the dead storage volume to 1%, and increased the usable storage to 41% of the geometric storage of all ditches in the system. This ensured 42% utilisation of the geometric capacity. The increased water damming in indicated places, it was possible to use the geometric capacity of the ditches up to 65%.
theorem shows the possibility to simulate the quantum machine consisting of only Clifford/Pauli group of gates. This paper presents also an original method of designing the reversible functions. This method is intended for the most popular gate set with three types of gates CNT (Control, NOT and Toffoli). The presented algorithm leads to cascade with minimal number CNT gates. This solution is called optimal reversible circuits. The paper is organized as follows. Section 5 recalls basic concepts of reversible logic. Section 6 contain short description of CNT set of the reversible gates. In Section 7 is presented form of result of designing as the cascade of gates. Section 8 describes the algorithm and section 9 simple example.
research aims to analyze the life cycle impact of the coal power plant at the gate, including the coal yard, coal crusher, boiler, turbine, and generator, with the functional unit of 1 kWh of electricity produced. This research provides clear recommendations for mitigating emissions from the main contributing units. The analysis reveals the highest impact in the climate change potential category (1.40 × 10-1 kg CO2 eq/kWh), while the smallest impact was recorded in the Eutrophication potential category (7.55 × 10-4 kg PO4 eq/kWh), with no impact on ozone depletion in the stratosphere. The operation of boiler and generator units (gate hotspots) are the main contributors to climate change impacts, including carbon dioxide (9.25 × 10-2 kg CO2 ), sulfur dioxide (8.21 × 10-3 kg SO2 ), and nitrogen dioxide (7.55 × 10-4 kg PO4 ). Alternative programs that may be implemented to reduce emissions include co-firing and installation of flue gas desulfurization and low NOx burner. The findings of this research provide guidance for developing a policy framework to promote more environmentally friendly coal power plants, thereby achieving greater energy sustainability.
of inventory data, including raw materials, energy, and emissions produced in the production process, and analyze the environmental impact of 250 g packaged rendang, which includes the transportation, storage, washing, cutting, milling, grating, pressing processes, cooking and packaging using the life cycle assessment (LCA) method, and providing recommendations for improvements at stages of the production process. This research uses a gate-to-gate approach on SimaPro 9.4 software with the CML-IA Baseline method and refers to the 2016 ISO 14040 standard. The results of this research show the impact of 250 g of packaged rendang for the global warming potential (GWP100a) category of 1.41E-13 kg CO₂ eq, ozone layer depletion 1.45E-16 kg CFC-11 eq, human toxicity 1.06E-14 kg 1.4-DB eq, photochemical oxidation 1.12E-14 kg C2H4 eq, acidification 1.07E-13 kg·SO2·eq, and eutrophication 4.98E-14 kg PO4 eq. Using electrical energy during storage, packaging, and cooking impacts the environment. Recommendations for improvements given to reduce environmental impacts are that the use of Beef freezers for storing spices can reduce electricity usage in the storage process by 17.9%, optimizing the retort usage time from 1.5 hours to 10 minutes reduces electricity usage in the packaging process by 24%, and the addition of hybrid solar panels for boilers can reduce electricity usage from Coal-Fired Power Plant (PLTU) by 63%. The improvement scenario shows a reduction in electricity use during the production process by 79.1% and a 9–68.4% reduction for all impact categories.
Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) at both ends, offers a 50 cm axial field of view and a bore diameter of 73.9 cm. The study compares results from GATE simulations with experimental data. Objective: The primary objective of this study is to assess the spatial resolution of the Modular J-PET scanner, using Time-of-Flight (TOF) and non-TOF image reconstruction, based on NEMA NU2-2018 guidelines. Methods: Spatial resolution was evaluated using a Na-22 point-like source as recommended by NEMA NU2-2018. Both TOF and non-TOF list mode acquisitions were performed, with a comparative analysis of the results from experimental and simulated data. Results: Radial spatial resolution, obtained based on the experimental data when taking into account TOF, is equal to 4.92 ± 0.56 mm, 7.38 ± 0.49 mm, and 6.94 ± 0.38 mm at positions 1 cm, 10 cm, and 20 cm from the detector centre, respectively. The tangential spatial resolution for TOF image reconstruction was determined as 7.38 ± 0.51 mm, 7.37 ± 0.10 mm, and 14.67 ± 0.31 mm at the same positions based on experimental data, while axial spatial resolution was calculated as 30.73 ± 0.52 mm, 30.73 ± 0.64 mm, and 31.96 ± 0.29 mm based on experimental data. Simulated radial spatial resolution for TOF image reconstruction methods was found to be 4.80 ± 0.59 mm, 7.26 ± 0.55 mm, and 6.67 ± 0.42 mm at positions 1 cm, 10 cm, and 20 cm from the detector centre, respectively. The simulated tangential spatial resolution for TOF image reconstruction methods was determined as 7.27 ± 0.47 mm, 7.27 ± 0.59 mm, and 15.1 ± 0.4 mm at the corresponding positions, while the simulated axial spatial resolution was determined as 29.97 ± 0.49 mm, 30.53 ± 0.74 mm, and 31.78 ± 0.11 mm. Conclusions: The Modular J-PET meets NEMA NU2-2018 standards, with TOF mode providing better spatial resolution than non-TOF, validating the system’s high-resolution imaging capabilities.
study measured the number of plastic elements captured by the device. The outcomes of the study suggest that for each device, it should be possible to determine the size of elements beyond which they can capture plastic elements in substantial quantities. The findings should be helpful in designing future experiments on the capture of plastic elements by water structures.
resilience comes from the fact that it can use 128 or 192- or 256-bit keys to encrypt 128, 192 or 256 bit plain text. The AES algorithm has been implemented in ASIC and FPGA to realize the best practices for the implementation of the algorithm for efficient usage. The power, area and timing analysis from both implementations have been compared to infer the best implementation strategy. The experimental results indicate that care has to be taken to reduce switching activity of signals which were observed to be the primary contributor of dynamic power consumption. Recommendations have been included to reduce signal switching power consumption during Logic BIST designs for the algorithm. The power analysis show that ASIC implementation of the AES algorithm would be much more beneficial in comparison to ARTIX 7 FPGA implementation.
cyberataki. Jego odporność wynika z faktu, że może używać kluczy 128-, 192- lub 256-bitowych do szyfrowania zwykłego tekstu 128, 192 lub 256-bitowego. Algorytm AES został zaimplementowany w ASIC i FPGA, aby zrealizować najlepsze praktyki implementacji algorytmu w celu efektywnego wykorzystania. Porównano analizę mocy, obszaru i czasu z obu wdrożeń, aby wywnioskować najlepszą strategię wdrożenia. Wyniki eksperymentów wskazują, że należy zwrócić uwagę na zmniejszenie aktywności przełączania sygnałów, które były głównymi sprawcami dynamicznego poboru mocy. Uwzględniono zalecenia dotyczące zmniejszenia poboru mocy przy przełączaniu sygnału podczas projektowania logiki BIST dla algorytmu. Analiza mocy wykazała, że implementacja ASIC algorytmu AES byłaby dużo bardziej korzystna w porównaniu z implementacją ARTIX 7 FPGA.
cząstkowych realizowanych w ramach jednego jądra obliczeniowego CPU/FPGA. Otrzymane wyniki symulacji komputerowej pokazują, że zastosowane podejście hybrydowe pozwala prawie trzykrotnie (2.96×) skrócić czas analizy numerycznej obiektów przewodzących w porównaniu do analizy prowadzonej przy użyciu konwencjonalnej (jednordzeniowej) implementacji referencyjnej.
Numerical results show that the proposed FPGA-based approach is about triple as fast as the reference single-core CPU implementation.
proven accurate for assessing the failure of components in the presence of sharp and blunt notches, and several results are available in the literature for different materials. These results were compared with those obtained from the experimental tests reported here. The main purpose of this study was twofold: The first part is an experimental study of fatigue in rotary bending of specimens weakened by U and V notches made of polymethyl-methacrylate (PMMA) material. Two values for the radius were used for the U-notches (0.2 and 2 mm) and two angles for the V-notches (20° and 140°). The second part of the study consisted of performing several simulation tests using the Cast3m software for different angles and radii. The local approach based on the mean value of the ASED acted over a finite-sized volume surrounding the highly stressed regions. The maximum principal stress located at the notch edge defined the center of the control volume. If the notch is blunt, the control volume assumes a crescent shape with its width measured along the notch bisector line. When the notch is considered pointed (V-notched) or is a crack, the control volume becomes a circle with its center at the notch tip. The presence of geometric discontinuities in structures affects their lifetime by reducing it, producing a high concentration of local energy around the notch tip. Good convergence was obtained between the numerical simulation and experimental results for the ASED in a finished zone surrounding the notch tip.
z obrotem w pozycji podniesionej. Ustrój nośny, jego elementy oraz analogie i różnice w porównaniu z ortotropowymi pomostami stalowych mostów, ryzyko zmęczenia. Najokazalsze Europejskie konstrukcje, jak bariery na kanale Hartel (Holandia) i rzece Ems (Niemcy). Badania na materialnych modelach. Nowoczesne rozwiązania podpór i prowadnic zasuw, przykłady. Wprowadzenie do układów napędowych. Uwagi końcowe.
examples. Gates with flaps and gates that rotate in lifted position. Load bearing components, their analogies with orthotropic bridge decks and basie differences with respect to the risk of fatigue. Europe's prominent structures like the barriers in Hartel Canal (Netherlands) and Ems River (Germany). Physical model investigations. Modern solutions to gate supports and guides, examples. Introduction to the choice of drive system. Concluding remarks.
However, in order to optimize the required width and compressive strength of artificial pillars with thickness, slope angle and mining depth, more detailed studies are required for each specific geological condition. This research uses Phase 2 numerical simulation software to analyze the stability of artificial protective pillar of the roadway prepared in the mining of medium-thick coal seams in the Quang Ninh coal region (Vietnam). The research results show that the relationship between the width of the artificial pillar and the slope angle follows the rule of a linear function. The size of the artificial protection pillar increases according to the mining depth. When the mining depth is 350m, the size of the pillar changes from 1.0 ÷ 2.4m, and to 1.4 ÷ 2, 8m at a depth of 500m. When the slope angle increases, the required pillar width also increases. That is due to the fact that at a large slope angle, the pressure acting on the pillar is not at the center, but deflects to the side adjacent to the entry gate road that needs to be protected, the compression force is not distributed evenly. The required compressive strength of the artificial pillar varies according to the condition of the slope angle, when the seam slopes 10°, the required compressive strength is from 8 to 12 MPa, when the slope angle increases to 20°, the required compressive strength of the pier increases to 18 ÷ 28 Mpa, but when the slope angle increases to 35°, the required compressive strength of the pillar tends to decrease to 16 ÷ 17 MPa. Thus, when operating in the corresponding conditions, it is necessary to choose the size and required compressive strength of the artificial pillar to ensure the working capacity of the pillar.
architecture. For the computation of certain tasks, a neural network’s distributed architecture structure makes it potentially efficient. The same features make neural nets suitable for application in VLSI technology. For the hardware of a neural network, a single neuron must be effectively implemented (NN). Reprogrammable computer systems based on FPGAs are useful for hardware implementations of neural networks.
kolana hydraulicznego na błędy ultradźwiękowego pomiaru prędkości wykonanego w zmiennych odległościach od elementu zaburzającego. Rezultaty pomiarów wykonanych za przeszkodą porównywano z wynikami pomiaru wykonanego przepływomierzem referencyjnym na prostym odcinku rurociągu przed przeszkodą. Pozwoliło to ocenić wpływ przeszkód wywołujących zaburzenia i zmiany w rozkładzie prędkości przepływu na zmierzoną wartość prędkości. W warunkach przemysłowych często zdarza się, że wykonanie pomiaru z zachowaniem określonych w normach prostych odcinków rurociągu od przeszkody jest niemożliwe. Wiedza o wpływie podstawowych typów elementów hydraulicznych na wskazania przepływomierza przy pomiarze wykonywanym bez zachowania wymaganych odcinków prostych rurociągu może być praktycznie użyta do oceny możliwości wykonania pomiaru i oceny wiarygodności otrzymanych rezultatów.
ultrasonic velocity measurements made at varying distances from the disturbance component. The results of measurements made behind the obstruction were compared with those made with a reference flow meter on a straight section of the pipeline in front of the obstruction. This made it possible to assess the influence of obstacles causing disturbance and changes in the distribution of flow velocity on the measured value of velocity. In industrial conditions, it is often impossible to make a measurement with the straight sections of the pipeline from the obstacle, as specified in the standards. Knowledge of the effect of basic types of hydraulic elements on flow meter readings when measurements are made without maintaining the required straight pipeline sections can be used practically to assess the feasibility of the measurement and evaluate the reliability of the results obtained.
of groundwater, bioremediation, and chemical oxidation. Permeable reactive barrier (PRB) is one of the most key technology being developed as alternatives to the pump and manage method for the remedying contaminated groundwater. An overview on the groundwater significant as important sources for water, sources of groundwater contamination, transport of contaminants, and groundwater remediation technologies have been discussed in this paper. In addition to reactive media, the design and installation of PRBs of funnel-gate configurations and their application as a remediation technique have been covered in this review. Finally reaction mechanisms in groundwater, contaminant transport governing equation, isotherms sorption models, kinetic sorption models, breakthrough curves modeling have been presented in this review. PRB technique provides financial benefits while also encouraging waste material reuse, so contributing to environmental sustainability. Funnel and gate PRB can offer one or more dense treatment areas for maximizing groundwater pollution plume capture. Funnel-gate PRB is characterized by smaller reaction area, ease in replacement and removal during the blocking of the reactive barrier by fine soil particles and reactive sediments.
momentu pojawienia się pierwszych form zabudowy na analizowanym obszarze, poprzez wytyczenie miasta lokacyjnego, aż do czasów współczesnych. Analizy dokonano na przykładzie wrocławskiego kwartału położonego w obrębie miasta lokacyjnego i ograniczonego ulicami Ducha Świętego, Kraińskiego, Jana Ewangelisty Purkyniego, placem Nowy Targ oraz Piaskową, czyli obszaru istotnego historycznie dla miasta ze względu na położenie bezpośrednio przy murach miejskich od strony Ostrowa Tumskiego.
appearance of the first forms of buildings in the analyzed area, through the delineation of the chartered town, up to the present day. The analysis was carried out on the example of the quarter in Wrocław, located within the charter city and limited by streets: Ducha Świętych, Kraińskiego, Jana Ewangelisty Purkynie, Nowy Targ Square and Piaskowa, i.e. an area historically significant for the city due to its location directly at the city walls from the side of Ostrów Tumski.
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