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the torsional stiffness properties of the elastic supports of a Bernoulli–Euler beam. This hybrid strategy allows the determination of the natural frequencies and mode shapes of continuous beams, taking into account the effect of attached concentrated masses and rotational inertias, followed by a reconciliation step between the theoretical model results and the experimental ones. The proposed optimal identification of the elastic support parameters is computationally demanding if the exact eigenproblem solving is considered. Hence, the use of a Gaussian process regression as a meta-model is addressed. An experimental application is used in order to assess the accuracy of the estimated parameters throughout the comparison of the experimentally obtained natural frequency, from impact tests, and the correspondent computed eigenfrequency.
zasadniczych elementów układu przedniego i tylnego zawieszenia wybranego samochodu osobowego przy użyciu oprogramowania Autodesk lnventor. Model strukturalny samochodu przygotowano, stosując oprogramowanie MSC.Adams, gdzie siły kontaktu, działające na styku opona-jezdnia, zamodelowano przy użyciu modułu MSC.Adams/Tire. Tak przygotowany model poddano symulacjom jazdy na opracowanych modelach tras, w wyniku których otrzymano siły działające w poszczególnych parach kinematycznych łączących elementy zawieszenia samochodu.
elements of front and back suspension of chosen passenger car were worked out by use of Autodesk lnventor software. Structural model of car was prepared using MSC.Adams software, where contact forces, between tires and road, were modeled by usage of module MSC.Adams/Tire. Model prepared in this way was subjected to driving simulation on elaborated road models, as result of which forces acting in certain joints connecting car suspension elements were received.
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