The shape memory effect was studied in the TiNiCo alloys, which were produced as a wire and melt-spun ribbon. Diameter of the Ti50.1Ni48.6Co1.3 wires was 26.6 % and 45% reduced. The wires were subjected to annealing at 400°C for 30 minutes. The ribbons were spun for two compositions Ti50Ni48Co2 and Ti50Ni47Co3. The wires show wide range of the martensitic transformation. The as-cast ribbons reveal a multi-step martensitic transformation. It proceeds from the parent phase through the R-phase after which two stages of the B19' martensite transformation are observed. The ribbons revealed a shape recovery during thermal cycling under constant load, whereas the wires shows superelasticity during the stress cycling.
Na podstawie analizy budowy układu kostnego narządów ruchu wytypowano szczególne przypadki złamań w obrębie kończyn, które z powodów biomechanicznych mogą być skutecznie ustabilizowane na czas zrostu implantami NiTi z pamięcią kształtu. W indukcyjnym piecu próżniowym wytopiono i odlano stop TiNiCo o pożądanym składzie chemicznym, z którego po walcowaniu na gorąco i przeciąganiu uzyskano pręty i druty o różnych średnicach. Dobrano optymalne warunki obróbki cieplno-mechanicznej dla uzyskania półfabrykatów do przygotowania implantów odzyskujących kształt po wpływem ciepła ciała. Zaprojektowano i wykonano klamry do stabilizacji osteotomii klinowej kości piszczelowej oraz klamry o różnych rozmiarach do zespoleń złamań drobnych kości ręki lub stopy. Zmierzono siły oddziaływań klamer podczas odzysku kształtu w temperaturze pokojowej i w 37 stopniach Celsjusza.
Based on the analysis of the structure of the skeletal system of motor organs specific cases of limb fractures which for biomechanical reasons can be successfully stabilized for the synostosis period with NiTi shape memory implants were singled out. The TiNiCo alloy of required chemical assay was smelted and cast in the induction vacuum furnace. Hot rolling and drawing were used to make rods and wires of different diameters. Optimum conditions for thermomechanical treatment, needed to obtain semi-finished products used to prepare implants regaining shape when influenced by the body heat, were established. Staples for the stabilization of cuneiform osteotomy of the tibial bone and staples of different sizes for the osteosynthesis of fractures of small hand or foot bones were designed and produced. Interaction forces were measured when the staples regained shape during heating at room temperature and at 37 Celsius degrees.
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