This article discusses an identification and modeling approach of a reluctance synchronous motor (RSM) based on the running rotor technique. The applied flux linkage approximation functions reflect the self-saturation and cross-saturation effects, and the applied mathematical model is continuous and differentiable. The proper design of the experiment is discussed, and relevant recommendations are made to ensure the mitigation of procedural mistakes in the experiments. A detailed analysis of the impact of configuration faults on the obtained experimental data is provided, considering distortions in the obtained flux linkage and inductance surfaces. Considering the achieved model accuracy, a novel model evaluation considering the achieved model accuracy technique based on transient current response is proposed.
W artykule dokonano przeglądu istniejących obecnie strategii optymalnego sterowania synchronicznego silnika reluktancyjnego z wirnikiem o rozłożonej anizotropii magnetycznej pakietowanego poosiowo oraz przeprowadzono analizę możliwości wykorzystania wybranych odmian i modyfikacji metody DTC (direct torque control) do realizacji określonych strategii sterowania. W konkluzji wskazano na te struktury sterowania DTC, które najlepiej nadają się do wykorzystania w układach optymalnego sterowania silnika SynRM.
In the paper a review of currently used optimal control strategies of axially laminated anisotropic synchronous reluctance motor was presented. The analysis of potential use of selected variants and modifications of direct torque and flux control techniques (DTC) for the realization of chosen control strategies was also performed. In the conclusion, the method best suited for the realization of optimal control strategy of synchronous reluctance motor was pointed out.
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Rozwój algorytmów sterowania silnikami elektrycznymi przyczynił się do rozwoju napędu elektrycznego opartego o silniki reluktancyjne. Konstrukcja, charakteryzująca się brakiem obwodu wzbudzenia daje tu podstawę do dyskusji na temat zwiększonej sprawności, w stosunku do silnika indukcyjnego. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono badania porównawcze sprawności napędu wyposażonego w silnik synchroniczny reluktancyjny oraz silnik indukcyjny, obciążanych stałym momentem.
Development of algorithms for control of electric motors contributed to a development of electric drive based on reluctance motors. The design of motor without induction circuit gives a reason for discussion on increased efficiency of this motor in comparison with efficiency of induction motor. Comparative tests of efficiency of drive equipped with synchronous reluctance motor and drive equipped with induction motor, both of constant torque, are presented.
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W artykule dokonano porównania dwóch metod sterowania wektorowego synchronicznego silnika reluktancyjnego: sterowania polowo-zorientowanego przy zmiennym kącie wymuszenia oraz metody bezpośredniego sterowania momentem i strumieniem. Dla obydwu strategii sterowania zbudowano modele symulacyjne w środowisku Matlab/Simulink oraz przeprowadzono symulacje podstawowych stanów dynamicznych silnika.
Comparison analysis of two control strategies of synchronous reluctance motor with axially laminated anisotropic rotor was presented: variable current angle field oriented vector control and direct torque and flux vector control (DTC). Both control strategies were investigated on the basis of their simulation models, derived in Matlab-Simulink environment.
In the paper a method to calculate the electromechanical characteristics and lumped synchronous parameters of Synchronous Reluctance Motor (SynRM) is presented. This method is similar to the so-called loading method used to calculate electromechanical characteristics of Permanent magnet Synchronous Motors and introduced by M.A. Rahman and P. Zhou at the beginning of 90's. In the presented method a 2D finite element analysis (FEA) of magnetic field inside the machine is carried out separately for each of given load conditions and simultaneously equations of SynRM model in d-q reference frame are solved using parameters obtained from FEA which are specific for each of load conditions. Calculations are repeated automatically for in advance given range of motor loads. In the R&D Centre Of Electrical Machines "Komel", the software for analysis and evaluation of SynRM performance at synchronous operation was developed on the basis of presented method. The examples of electromechanical characteristic curves calculated for SynRM using described method are presented in the paper and compared with the laboratory test results.
The paper, being a continuation of previous work, deals with computer simulations of dynamic performance of vector controlled synchronous reluctance motor with axially laminated anisotropic rotor, operating upon two variable current angle vector control strategies: constant d-axis current component strategy and constant flux linkage strategy. The simulation model in Matlab-Simulink environment was derived, based on mathematical model of the motor in d-q rotor coordinates. The simulations results show, that both analyzed control strategies offer good dynamic response of the motor below base speed, although constant d-axis current component strategy is numerically less complex and appears to be better solution for applications with low speed and high dynamic demand.
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The paper presents the usage of a two-phase stator winding (i.e. a winding layout with two symmetric and orthogonal phase-windings) in a synchronous reluctance motor (SRM) drive. A magnetically linear two-phase SRM model written in the d-q reference frame is presented. The model parameters are determined experimentally for a manufactured two-phase SRM prototype. With such a winding the SRM's currents can be measured and independently controlled. Also, the SRM's inductances can be determined by measurements directly on the motor terminals.
Artykuł prezentuje wykorzystanie stojana silnika dwufazowego w napędzie z synchronicznym silnikiem reluktancyjnym Magnetycznie liniowy dwufazowy model silnika reluktancyjnego (SRM) zapisany jest we współrzędnych d-q. Parametry modelu wyznaczane są eksperymentalnie na bazie rzeczywistego silnika dwufazowego. Mając taki model uzwojenia można obliczyć prądy w silniku i sterować nim niezależnie. Można też mierzyć indukcyjności w silniku.
This paper deals with comparison of electromechanical characteristics of SynRM and PMSynRM of the same mechanical size. First the constructions of SynRM and PMSynRM are described shortly. Then the field circuit method of PMSM parameters calculation, known as loading method [3 ÷ 5], is described. This method after same changes have been used for calculation of electromechanical characteristics presented in the paper. It is shown, that inserting of permanent magnets into the rotor of SynRM results in a significant improvement of motor performance. Especially the maximal value of synchronous torque T(S.max) can be two times higher in PMSynRM, still having better power factor and efficiency. It is shown that electromechanical characteristics cosφ=f(Pm) and η=f(Pm) of PM-SynRM are better for the all range of loads comparing to SynRM..
W artykule, dla 3-fazowych silników synchronicznych reluktancyjnych z wirnikami wykonanymi na bazie silników klatkowych, przedstawiono sposób obliczeń ich parametrów eksploatacyjnych z uwzględnieniem nasycania się obwodu magnetycznego. W obliczeniach polowych zastosowano Metodę Elementów Skończonych dla zagadnienia 2-wymiarowego. Wyznaczono charakterystyki strumieni sprzężonych w zależności od kompleksora prądu stojana. Charakterystyki te wykorzystywane w obliczeniach obwodowych pozwalają wyznaczyć parametry eksploatacyjne silnika w stanach ustalonych. Porównano charakterystyki kątowe momentu elektromagnetycznego dla dwóch typów silników przyjmując nieliniowy i liniowy obwód magnetyczny. Przedstawiono również wyniki obliczeń polowych momentu rozruchowego silnika w zależności od położenia wirnika. Wyniki obliczeń porównano z dostępnymi wynikami pomiarów.
The paper presents the way of calculation of the performance of 3-phase synchronous reluctance motors with rotors constructed on the basis of squirrel cage ones when taking into account saturation of the magnetic circuit. The FEM for 2-D problem is used in field calculations. The characteristics of flux linkages versus the stator current phasor are determined. These characteristics used in field calculations allow determining the motor peformance in steady states. The electromagnetic torque - power angle characteristics for two types of motors when assuming linear or nonlinear magnetic circuit are compared with each other. There are also presented the results of field calculations of the starting torque in dependence on the motor position. The test results of calculations are compared with the measurement results given in the literature.
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