Strong tectonic remobilisation and shear zone development are typical features of the easternmost part of the Veporicum tectonic unit in the Western Carpathians. The granodiorite mylonites in the area of the Rolovská shear zone (Čierna hora Mts) underwent a complex polystage evolution during the Hercynian and Alpine orogenies. Deformation during the latter reached greenschist facies under metamorphic conditions. Mylonites are macroscopically foliated rocks with a stretching lineation and shear bands. Structurally different mylonite types, ranging from protomylonites to ulramylonites with typical grainsize reduction from the margins towards the shear zone centre, have been assessed. The modal mineralogy of the different mylonite types changes considerably. Typical is a progressive decrease in feldspar content and simultaneously the quartz and white mica content increases from protomylonites towards the most strongly deformed ultramylonites. The deformation had a brittle character in less deformed rocks and a ductile one in more deformed tectonites. Obvious chemical changes occur in mesomylonites and ultramylonites. During mylonitisation, the original biotite granodiorite was depleted of Mg, Fe, Na, Ca and Ba, while K, Rb and mainly Si increased considerably. Other (major and trace) elements reflect erratic behaviour due to lateral mobility. Chemical changes indicate the breakdown and subsequent recrystallisation of biotite and feldspars and, in turn, the crystallisation of albite and sericite. REE decrease in ultramylonites due to the breakup of accessory minerals during deformation and alteration.
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Pseudotachylity występujące w Tatrach Wysokich są skalami żyłowymi, o niejednorodnej budowie. Składają się na nie: material okruchowy (47,5 % obj.: albit, K-skaleń, kwarc, fragmenty starszych brekcji o spoiwie hematytowym) oraz spoiwo afanitowe (52,5 % obj.) o mezoskopowo ciemno fioletów ej barwie. Spoiwo ma charakter ultramylonitu, zabarwionego roztartym hematytem. Podwyższone zawartości TiOi występują sporadycznie i nieregularnie. Całość stanowi efekt iniekcji mylonitu w rozwarte szczeliny. Skala mylonityzowana była uboższa w krzemionkę od granodiorytów otaczających żyły pseudotachylitowe. W strefie kontaktu z granodiorytem występuje nieciągła warstewka szkliwa o składzie "granitu minimalnego", powstałego w następstwie przetopienia masy afanitowej w wyniku wydzielonego ciepła tarcia. Topienie cząstkowe miało podrzędne znaczenie, utworzone szkliwo zaś szybko krzepło, nie mieszając się z ultramylonitem. Proces formowania się pseudotachylitów był z pewnością młodszy od mineralizacji hematytowej i miał związek z procesami sejsmicznymi, towarzyszącymi wypiętrzaniu trzonu krystalicznego Tatr.
Pseudotachylites occur in the High Tatra Mts as vein rocks with inhomogeneous structure. They are composed of clastic material (47,5 %vol.:albite, K-feldspar, quartz, fragments of older breccias with hematitic matrix) and afanitic matrix (52,5 %vol.), dark violet in colour. The matrix is ultramylonite, coloured by ground hematite. Occasionally and irregularly disposed enhanced concentrations ofTiOi can be observed. Pseudotachylite veins are the result ofmylonite injection into open fissures. Mylonitized rock was poorer in silica than the granodiorite, forming the present host rock. In the contact zone with granodiorite there is a discontinuous thin layer of glass, similar in composition to "minimum granite ", formed as the result of fusion ofajanitic matrix by the frictional heat generated in the fault zones. Partial melting was a subordinate process and melt formed at the contact was solidified rather quickly, preventing the mixing with the ultramylonite. Formation of pseudotachylites was younger than hematite mineralisation and was connected with young seismic processes accompanying the uplift of the crystalline basement of the Tatra Mts.
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