The demand for energy in the world is growing, and the requirements for the efficiency of energy-saving technologies used in renewable energy sources, especially prominent in terms of power electronics, are also increasing. In many renewable energy applications, high-efficiency, high-power DC/DC converters are necessary as an interface between various low-voltage sources and higher output voltage loads, e.g. in photovoltaics. The article presents a comprehensive study on reducing power losses in electric energy conversion in modified isolated and non-isolated DC/DC boost converters powered by low-voltage energy sources. The main desirable features, such as high energy efficiency, high conversion ratio, and low stress on the switches and diodes, were compared and further experimentally validated. The experimental evaluation indicates that the highest efficiency of 96.7%, with a conversion ratio of more than 10, was achieved in the interleaved boost-flyback DC/DC converter. Other investigated systems, namely non-isolated push-pull-boost converters, isolated half-bridge boost, and partially parallel boost converters, achieved slightly lower efficiency. Simultaneously, using the suggested topology, the passive component count was reduced. Furthermore, better utilization of switches and a higher conversion ratio are provided, as well as a possibility of working at a lower duty cycle compared to other step-up converter topologies. All in all, the proposed and studied converters exhibit certain advantages over other state-of-theart solutions and thus can be competitively and effectively employed in modern low-voltage DC/DC applications such as photovoltaics.
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This study presents a three-level, interleaved, non-isolated DC/DC converter designed as a battery interface for an EV fast-charging system with a bipolar +/- 750 V DC-link. A 20 kW prototype is exhibited based on a universal All-SiC MOSFET submodule for each leg. The core of the paper is the design of the experimental model, along with the description of the system’s control, as well as validation in simulation and in introductory experiments. It is shown that such a converter employing modularized power modules can properly operate as the DC/DC interface.
Niniejsze studium przedstawia trójpoziomowy, dwugałęziowy, nieizolowany przekształtnik DC/DC, zaprojektowany jako interfejs akumulatora dla systemu szybkiego ładowania pojazdów elektrycznych z dwubiegunowym obwodem prądu stałego +/- 750 V DC. Zaprezentowano prototyp o mocy 20 kW w oparciu o uniwersalny submoduł (All-SiC MOSFET) dla każdej gałęzi. Istotą pracy jest zaprojektowany model eksperymentalny wraz z opisem systemu sterowania, a także walidacja w symulacjach i początkowych eksperymentach. W artykule przedstawiono, że przekształtnik wykorzystujący zmodularyzowane moduły mocy może prawidłowo pracować jako interfejs prądu stałego.
The purpose of this paper is to propose a model of a novel quasi-resonant boost converter with a tapped inductor. This converter combines the advantages of zero voltage quasi-resonant techniques and different conduction modes with the possibility of obtaining a high voltage conversion ratio by using a tapped inductor, which results in high converter efficiency and soft switching in the whole output power range. The paper contains an analysis of converter operation, a determination of voltage conversion ratio and the maximum voltage across power semiconductor switches as well as a discussion of control methods in discontinuous, critical, and continuous conduction modes. In order to verify the novelty of the proposed converter, a laboratory prototype of 300 W power was built. The highest efficiency η = 94.7% was measured with the output power Po = 260 W and the input voltage Vin = 50 V. The lowest efficiency of 90.7% was obtained for the input voltage Vin = 30 V and the output power Po = 75 W. The model was tested at input voltages (30–50) V, output voltage 380 V and maximum switching frequency 100 kHz.
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W artykule przedstawiono przegląd nieizolowanych przekształtników podwyższających napięcie z dławikami sprzężonymi. Omówiono czternaście układów opisanych w literaturze naukowej. Przedstawione układy zawierają zrealizowane w różny sposób układy odciążające tranzystory z przepięć spowodowanych zmianami prądu w indukcyjności rozproszenia oraz różnią się techniką uzyskiwania wzmocnienia napięcia. Porównano współczynniki transformacji napięcia, maksymalne napięcia na elementach półprzewodnikowych, liczbę elementów potrzebnych do ich budowy oraz wyniki przedstawionych w literaturze naukowej badan laboratoryjnych.
The article presents a review of non-isolated boost converters with coupled inductors. Fourteen converters described in the scientific literature are discussed. The presented converters contain different clamp circuits which reduce voltage spikes on main active switch, and differ in the technique of obtaining voltage gain. The voltage gain, maximum voltages on semiconductors, the number of elements needed for their construction and the results of laboratory tests described in the scientific literature were compared.
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