This paper provides an assessment of geotourism potential of the loess relief of the projected Kamienna Valley Geopark, by selecting the most interesting, scientifically and didactically, gulley regions, comprising natural and cultural heritage related to the occurrence of loess cover. The possibility of using geotourism potential of the loess relief by delineating geotourist routes is evaluated. The main barriers limiting tourism development within the geopark is the low awareness of the loess geoheritage among local administrative units and tourist guides, afforestation, poor access to public transport, and lack of tourist infrastructure in the loess gullies. In summary, the paper points out to the benefits that could be achieved after including the loess areas into the project during the establishment of the Kamienna Valley Geopark.
The Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark is located in the mountainous area of the northern part of Vietnam. It became the 77th member of the Global Geoparks Network in 2010. The Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark is a unique combination of breathtaking scenery and culture of ethnic groups, with many potential values such as its geoheritage, biological diversity and historical places, which attract many domestic and foreign visitors. Up to 60% of the area of this geopark is covered by karst. Its topography is strongly dissected by deep river gorges with steep slopes, and this area has experienced several deformational phases from the Middle Cambrian/Early Ordovician, to the Cenozoic. These elements contributed to the breathtaking scenery of the Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark, the first global geopark in Vietnam and the second in South-East Asia.
Geopark Dong Van Karst Plateau położony jest w górzystym rejonie północnej części Wietnamu. W 2010 roku jako 77 geopark dołączył do Światowej Sieci Geoparków (Global Geoparks Network). Geopark Dong Van Karst Plateau cechuje unikalne połączenie wyjątkowych krajobrazów i kultury grup etnicznych, z licznymi potencjalnymi walorami, takimi jak geodziedzictwo, różnorodnością biologiczną i historycznymi miejscami, które przyciągają wielu krajowych i zagranicznych turystów. Obszar krasowy zajmuje 60% geoparku, silnie rozcięty głębokimi przełomami rzek o stromych stokach, został objęty kilkoma fazami deformacyjnymi, trwającymi od środkowego kambru/wczesnego ordowiku do kenozoiku. Te elementy złożyły się na niezwykły krajobraz Geoparku Dong Van Karst Plateau, pierwszego światowego geoparku w Wietnamie i drugiego w południowo-wschodniej Azji.
In this paper, Liassic and Triassic sandstone quarries of the Kunów surroundings were described as future geotourist attractions within the planned Kamienna Valley Geopark. The history of sandstone excavation from medieval ages to the contemporary period and their usage in regional/local, sacral, monumental, defense as well as industrial architecture were included. Representative, geological, geomorphological and tourist attractions of the quarries and their surroundings were described, marked out and connected in order to create valuable educational and landscape geotourist trail. After implementation of the proper tourist infrastructure, especially accommodation, as well as undertaking marketing efforts in order to promote the centuries-old quarrying centre, Kunów has a chance to become another, besides Jura Park Bałtów and Krzemionki flint mine, very important geoeducational and recreational centre within the north-eastern margin of the Holy Cross Mts.
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