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The integration and utilization of renewable energy sources in the energy and transport sectors are the main actions undertaken to attain climate neutrality by 2050. The connection and indication of the relations occurring in these two sectors constitute the novelty of the current research. Key actions include increasing the share of low- and zero-emission transport, such as electric cars, bicycles, trains, and buses; reducing emissions from aviation and shipping; and improving energy efficiency and transport safety by modernizing the vehicle fleet, introducing intelligent transport systems, applying emission and fuel quality standards, and promoting technological and digital innovation. A novel and significant aspect of the research is its comprehensive approach to key economic sectors that exert a profound influence on climate change. Through the conducted studies, it has been demonstrated what essential actions must be undertaken to transition towards a low or zero-emission economy. This paper points to a strong nexus between the transport sector, the energy sector, and climate change, underscoring the imperative for collaborative efforts and strategic initiatives among these sectors to address the pressing challenges associated with achieving climate neutrality.
Purpose: The aim of the article is to present the development perspective of the e-commerce market area and courier services, taking into account the time of uncertainty (the prospect of a pandemic), based on selected data from the Pointpack company and secondary data. Design/methodology/approach: The topic includes an analysis (case study) based on the example of Pointpack and data that has been examined by experts, as well as secondary data, a report on the state of the e-commerce market in Poland. Findings: The analysis showed a significant development of the e-commerce market and consumer activity despite the times of uncertainty (pandemic, war). Research limitations/implications: The research has been limited to data obtained from a single source and limited resources (a selected segment of the market and consumers), hence future research can be extended to different levels and theoretical areas. It is important to conduct further research in this area to increase their universality. An interesting comparative study would be an analysis of consumer behavior in the perspective of sending and receiving parcels in selected regions of the country. Practical implications: The described data and case study analyzes may indicate to organizations that the introduction of courier services to points of sale (or service) is today a necessity and a future in acquiring new customers. Social implications: The development of the e-commerce market associated with sending and collecting parcels in stores contributes to the development of CSR attitudes of the organization by reducing carbon dioxide to the environment and building responsible customer attitudes.
Utilization of companies trademarks and industrial designs in the market strengthens activities of selected companies. Authors of the paper analyse the significance of a trademark and industrial design for the level of the company's industrial property safety. The threats resulting from the lack of trademark registration were identified and analysed, and selected cases from the case law in the field of trademark protection were reviewed to indicate the scope of protection and safety of products placed on the market.
The paradigm of enterprise management based on the subordination of the management system to the requirements of effective value creation has made the maximisation of company value a determinant of the concept of doing business and a guarantee of the long-term existence of the company on the market. The active creation of value is a unique task for shareholders. Shareholders have the largest share in the area of internal factors that directly affect the competitiveness of the company. The aim of the research was to identify areas where shareholders have an influence on building the longterm ability of an IT company to create its value. The Delphi method (heuristic method) was applied. The participants (a panel of experts from a given area) represented a selected professional group. The objects of the study were companies from the IT sector operating internationally, and fulfilling the criteria of the company category, while their shareholders fulfil the criteria of the shareholder typology category.
Paradygmat zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem oparty na podporządkowaniu systemu zarządzania wymogom efektywnego kreowania wartości sprawił, że maksymalizacja wartości przedsiębiorstwa stała się wyznacznikiem koncepcji prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej i gwarancją długoterminowego istnienia firmy na rynku. Aktywne tworzenie wartości jest wyjątkowym zadaniem dla akcjonariuszy. Akcjonariusze mają największy udział w obszarze czynników wewnętrznych, które bezpośrednio wpływają na konkurencyjność przedsiębiorstwa. Celem badania była identyfikacja obszarów, w których akcjonariusze mają wpływ na budowanie długoterminowej zdolności spółki sektora IT do kreowania swojej wartości. Zastosowano metodę Delficką (metoda heurystyczna). Uczestnicy (panel ekspertów z danej dziedziny) reprezentowali wybraną grupę zawodową. Przedmiotem badania były spółki z sektora IT działające w skali międzynarodowej, spełniające kryteria kategorii spółka, natomiast ich akcjonariusze spełniali kryteria kategorii typologia akcjonariuszy.
Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to assess the impact of digital competences of employees on the level of SME enterprise competitiveness. Design/methodology/approach: The reasoning is based on the results of the research conducted in 2020 on a group of 140 Polish production companies employing up to 249 employees. During the research the author’s survey questionnaire was used, which enabled the assessment of competitiveness of enterprises and digital competences of the respondents. After formal evaluation of the collected data, they were subjected to appropriate statistical analysis using the Statistica 13.3 program. Findings: The study indicated that not all the areas in which employees have digital skills determine the level of enterprise competitiveness, however, digital competences in the area of sale, communication and promotion, customer management and in the area of the market and competition have a positive impact on the level of competitiveness of production companies. Research limitations/implications: The research conducted on a group of production companies in southern Poland has its limitations, which is too small research group, however, the author is planning to continue the research into competitiveness of enterprises of the SME sector, which will enable greater exploration of the research problem undertaken. In the future, the research on a larger research group is planned as well as international research to identify the factors of competitiveness of enterprises operating in European countries. Practical implications: The results of the research make it possible to indicate for business management practitioners which digital abilities of enterprise employees positively determine the company's competitiveness. Originality/value: The novelty of the research the analysis of selected digital competences of enterprise employees and their impact on the market competitiveness of organizations in the SME sector. The results of the research can be used by managers and owners of enterprises in the analyzed sector.
Content available remote Pozyskiwanie danych maszynowych na potrzeby zarządzania utrzymaniem ruchu
Efektywne zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwem wymaga sprawnego systemu pozyskiwania, przetwarzania i analizy zarówno danych produkcyjnych, jak i danych generowanych w trakcie działania maszyn i urządzeń biorących udział w realizacji procesu produkcyjnego.
Research priorities in the field of occupational health and safety in the European Union include research on shaping an organization culture of prevention by introducing OSH management, strengthening the role of corporate social responsibility, disseminating science discoveries and examples of good practice. Ensuring an appropriate level of occupational health and safety not only affects the company's performance, but is also a legal and social obligation. Compliance with health and safety rules prevents work-related injuries and occupational diseases and is an element contributing to the company's success. Paper presents research findings in the area of problems concerning occupational health and safety management in SME sector in Poland in the context of its challenges that face different conditions.
Introduction/background: Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly important in today’s business environment, but operation of AI devices may pose a risk to purchasers of products incorporating the AI or recipients of services using the AI. This risk must be taken into account by the entrepreneur in his or her business activity. For this to happen, the entrepreneur must know the legal regime under which he or she will be held liable in the event of damage caused by the AI he or she uses. Aim of the paper: The article is devoted to a critical analysis of the draft Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on liability for the operation of artificial intelligence systems contained in the resolution of the European Parliament of 20 October 2020 with recommendations to the Commission on the liability regime for artificial intelligence (2020/2014 (INL)). Materials and methods: The considerations in this article are based on the literature on the subject and on the European Parliament proposed a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on liability for the operation of artificial intelligence systems. These materials have been subjected to critical analysis. Results and conclusions: The conducted analysis leads the author to the conclusion that the proposed regulation introducing different liability regimes corresponds to the specificity of AI, and compulsory insurance for high-risk AI system operators is an important step towards securing the interests of the aggrieved party, however, limiting the operator's liability at the proposed level does not sufficiently guarantee protection of the interests of the victims. The author is also critical of the fact that the regulation links the compensation for personal injury to the economic consequences of the infringement of personal rights, does not regulate the issue of the causal link between the operation of AI systems and the damage and the difficulties of proof faced by victims of the operation of AI systems. Consequently, the author questions the advisability of regulating civil liability for the actions of artificial intelligence systems at EU level in the form of a regulation, when it would be sufficient to allow individual Member States to regulate this matter while harmonizing national regulations by means of a directive.
Świat jest w procesie transformacji i powrót do jego wersji sprzed wybuchu pandemii wydaje się już niemożliwy. Wraz ze zmianą rzeczywistości, która nas otacza, zmieniamy się również i my - ludzie. Jest to naturalny proces ewolucyjny, pozwalający nam dostosować się do „nowego”. Pamiętajcie proszę jednak, że „nowe” nie znaczy gorsze, tylko po prostu inne, a to, jak będzie wyglądał nasz świat w przyszłości, w dużej mierze zależy od nas samych.
Celem głównym artykułu pt. Wpływ pandemii na szkolenie przyszłych kierowców zawodowych w ośrodkach szkolenia kierowców było wykazanie, w jaki sposób pandemia wpłynęła na liczbę osób, które pragnęły odbyć tego rodzaju kurs w okresie jej trwania. Ponadto celem szczegółowym było zobrazowanie wpływu zaistniałej sytuacji na funkcjonowanie i organizację ośrodków szkolenia kierowców, które prowadziły tego rodzaju kursy. Na podstawie badań przeprowadzonych metodą ankietową w ośrodkach na terenie województwa mazowieckiego wykazano, że w okresie pandemii wzrosła liczba kandydatów na kierowcę zawodowego. Taki rezultat wiązał się bezpośrednio z zapotrzebowaniem (popytem) na rynku pracy, głównie na kierowców przewożących towary. To zaś wynikało z rosnącego popytu na zakupy dokonywane on-line. Na tej podstawie założona teza została zweryfikowana negatywnie.
The main goal of the article The impact of the pandemic on the training of future professional drivers organized in driving schools was to show how the pandemic affected the number of people wishing to do this type of course during it. Moreover, the specific objective was to demonstrate the impact of a given situation on the functioning and organization of driving schools that organized such courses. Based on the survey conducted among centers in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, it was shown that during the pandemic the number of candidates for professional drivers increased. This result was directly related to the demand (demand) in the labor market, mainly for drivers transporting goods. This, in turn, resulted from the growing demand for on-line purchases. On this basis, the assumed thesis was verified negatively.
Purpose: The end of the first quarter of 2020 is the beginning of a new, difficult time in the functioning of transport companies, as well as the entire Polish and world economy. The appearance of Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) resulted in a number of market restrictions and a sharp decline in transport orders. Enterprises had to change the way they were managed and operated, had to adapt to a different economic reality in order to continue to prosper. The aim of the article is to define the essence of managing a transport company in the new market and economic conditions that appeared during the Covid-19 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach: The research procedure included review of polish and foreign literature, analysis of legal acts, questionnaire research, analysis of the content of internal documents of transport companies, method of analysis and synthesis, case study, methods of inductive and deductive reasoning. The article presents the results of scientific research on the impact of Covid-19 on the management and decisions made in a transport company. Findings: The high level of impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the management of a transport company has been demonstrated. The factor that most influenced the management and decisions of transport companies is the decline or fear of a decline in contracts for transport services. Transport companies are afraid of the further negative effects of the pandemic, and therefore do not want to take out investment loans in order to develop the company. The article discusses the activities of transport companies and the management of a transport company in crisis conditions. Research limitations/implications: The article presents a survey carried out in Polish transport companies from the Podkarpackie and Lubelskie voivodships. Therefore, the research results concern the area of south-eastern Poland. Practical implications: The results of the research may be helpful for managers of transport companies (management decisions made) in order to limit the negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on their business activities. Originality/value: The presented research and conclusions provide practical guidance to managers about what decisions and actions can improve the economic condition of their transport companies in the difficult period of the Covid-19 pandemic, based on the example of the analyzed transport companies.
The functioning of an enterprise in times of the market (and international) economy is exposed to various types of mechanisms which may change the scope of an operation. While an entrepreneur can predict certain symptoms of a change, e.g. in law, trends, etc., there may be situations that cannot be fully foreseen. Change management is now an important part of the management field. Adapting to the changing reality makes the company adjusts to changing circumstances, which means it has a better chance to survive or gain a competitive advantage. In this paper the issues related to occupational risk management in a crisis in enterprises related to the COVID-19 pandemic will be discussed.
Purpose: The purpose of the article is to assess the ability of the Polish economy to absorb innovative products and to analyze the factors on which it depends. Design/methodology/approach: The methods of critical analysis and synthesis, the method of generalization and logical methods as well as the desk research method were used in the research process. Practical implications: The article contains the definition and content of the concept of innovative adsorption of participants and beneficiaries of the innovation process as a necessary feature of building a knowledge-based economy. On the basis of reading scientific sources and statistical data, the author presents cause-and-effect relations between the involvement of enterprises and organizations in innovative processes and economic development. Originality/value: The author presented his own definition of the concept of innovative absorption of the economy and developed a concept of creating innovative absorption in the enterprise. The article is aimed at enterprise managers, decision makers of state institutions and scientists dealing with innovation problems.
This study aims to examine the relationship between environmental performance, government ownership, and corporate financial performance. This study consist of 151 companies that listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and followed the PROPER ranking held by the Indonesian Ministry of Environment from the period 2014-2017. This study uses evidence of state-owned enterprises that have not been much focused on research related to environmental and financial performance. In addition, this study also uses PROPER criteria for measuring environmental performance. This study found that environmental performance has a positive impact on financial performance in terms of three measurements, namely ROE, ROA, and TOBINS Q. Interestingly, this study found that companies with government ownership are negatively related to financial performance. This indicates that government ownership company is an extension of the government that does not focus primarily on financial performance but on sustainable environmental balance, so that whatever costs incurred are not a problem for the government as the majority shareholder as long as the expected goals are achieved. The results of this study provide implications for management of the companies about how environmental issues become important points that need to be considered to improve company performance. For the government, the results of this study can also be an input in making environmental management policies.
Niniejsze badanie ma na celu zbadanie związku między efektywnością środowiskową, zgodną wytycznymi rządu i wynikami finansowymi przedsiębiorstw. Badanie to obejmuje 151 spółek notowanych na indonezyjskiej giełdzie papierów wartościowych i przestrzegających rankingu WŁAŚCIWEGO indonezyjskiego Ministerstwa Środowiska z okresu 2014–2017. W niniejszym badaniu wykorzystano dowody dotyczące przedsiębiorstw państwowych, które nie koncentrowały się zbytnio na badaniach związanych z wynikami środowiskowymi i finansowymi. Ponadto w tym badaniu zastosowano również PRAWIDŁOWE kryteria pomiaru efektywności środowiskowej. Badanie to wykazało, że efektywność środowiskowa ma pozytywny wpływ na wyniki finansowe pod względem trzech pomiarów, mianowicie ROE, ROA i TOBINS Q. Co ciekawe, badanie to wykazało, że firmy posiadające własność rządową są negatywnie powiązane z wynikami finansowymi. Wskazuje to, że spółka będąca własnością państwa jest przedłużeniem rządu, który nie koncentruje się przede wszystkim na wynikach finansowych, ale na zrównoważonej równowadze środowiskowej, tak więc wszelkie poniesione koszty nie stanowią problemu dla rządu jako większościowego akcjonariusza, o ile osiągane są oczekiwane cele . Wyniki tego badania dostarczają implikacje dla kierownictwa firm dotyczące tego, w jaki sposób kwestie środowiskowe stają się ważnymi punktami, które należy wziąć pod uwagę w celu poprawy wyników firmy. Dla rządu wyniki tego badania mogą również stanowić wkład w tworzenie polityk zarządzania środowiskiem.
Content available remote Design-Based Thinking Method in Business Management
Rapid technological development, geographically unrestricted markets, offer customers great opportunities to meet their needs when choosing and purchasing products or services, and companies need to use new and creative methods such as design-based thinking to identify consumer expectations and create a product or service that meets consumer needs. The aim of this article is to present the method of design-based thinking and its application in managing the company. The methods of analysis and synthesis the scientific literature used revealed that design-based thinking can help to create added value by using the company’s available resources and improving existing processes at all levels of the company.
Szybki rozwój technologiczny, geograficznie nieograniczone rynki oferują klientom ogromne możliwości zaspokojenia ich potrzeb przy wyborze i zakupie produktów lub usług, a firmy muszą korzystać z nowych i kreatywnych metod, takich jak design-based thinking, aby zidentyfikować oczekiwania konsumentów i stworzyć produkt lub usługę, które spełnią ich potrzeby. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie metody design-based thinking i jej zastosowania w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem. Metody analizy i syntezy literatury przedmiotu wykazały, że design-based thinking może przyczynić się do powstania wartości dodanej poprzez wykorzystanie dostępnych zasobów firmy i poprawę istniejących procesów na wszystkich poziomach zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem.
The paper focuses on the issues related to motivating employees to work safely in the enterprise. The characteristics of the motivational process and definitions are presented. The general approach to the process of employee motivation is discussed, including the instruments used to stimulate work motivation, both pay and non-pay methods of motivation, e.g. the possibility of promotion, participation. The chosen model of activities shaping safe behavior of employees was also presented, as well as specific methods and means of motivating to work safely.
Tematem referatu jest zastosowanie logistyki wyprzedzającej w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwami, w szczególności w branży e-commerce. Wstęp traktuje o postępie technologicznym, który określony został mianem Przemysłu 4.0. Następnie wyjaśnione zostało pojęcie logistyki wyprzedzającej, oraz narzędzi które służą do jej skutecznego wprowadzenia. Kolejno zostały przytoczone przykłady firm, stosujących opisane rozwiązania. Na końcu znajduje się analiza SWOT wprowadzenia logistyki wyprzedzającej w przedsiębiorstwie.
The subject of this paper is the use of anticipatory logistics in company management, particularly in e-commerce industry. The introduction treats about technological development known as the Industry 4.0. Next, the concepts of anticipatory logistics and tools used for its effective implementation are explained. Subsequently, examples of companies using the given solutions are adduced. Finally, there is a SWOT analysis, which describes introducing anticipatory logistics in a company.
System zarządzania BHP jest częścią ogólnego systemu zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem. W kolejnej części cyklu o normie PN-ISO 45001:20018-06 wyjaśniamy zagadnienia zawarte w punktach 1-4 tej normy.
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