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Obciążenie organizmu pracą w warunkach wysokich temperatur, utrzymujących się w miesiącach letnich, znacznie wzrasta. Z jednej strony wpływa na obniżenie wydajności, z drugiej przyczynia się do wypadków przy pracy. Przepisy BHP mówią jedynie o maksymalnej temperaturze, powyżej której pracy nie powinni wykonywać młodociani i kobiety w ciąży. Określają jej poziom maksymalny na 30°C w pracy biurowej. Pracodawcy jednak nie są zwolnieni z obowiązku zapewnienia odpowiednich warunków. Jeżeli nie są one spełnione, pracownik ma prawo odmówienia wykonywania swoich obowiązków.
Content available Swoszowice siarką słynące i pachnące do dziś
Sulpfur has accompanied us since the dawn of time. Wincenty Kadłubek mentions it for the first time, presenting the legend of the destruction of the Wawel Dragon. According to Dr. A. Wójcik, sulphur could have been one of the reasons for moving the capital from Kraków to Warsaw. The exploitation of this mineral lasted about 500 years. During this time, approximately 700,000 tons of sulphur ore were mined in an area of approximately 5 km, drilling approximately 1,000 shafts and leaving 600 heaps. Following J. Esprinohard, Jan Pazdur quotes a message from 1597 that “when the plague prevails in Kraków, which happens often, most of the citizens leave the city and live for some time near the sulphur mine in Swoszowice and no one is affected by the disease at that time”. Sulphur mining is a niche business, currently as much as 99 percent of this raw material is obtained worldwide in large-scale desulfurization processes of gas, oil and exhaust gases. This was not the case before; sulphur mining in Swoszowice was an important branch of the economy of the Kingdom of Poland and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Sulphur mining in Swoszowice was finally discontinued over 70 years ago, but it is worth knowing the history of mining in this oldest and longest operating mine in Poland.
The study aims to improve employees’ understanding regards the modifying impact of job desertification on the relationship between cognitive biases and organizational anomie. Furthermore, the study also aims to examine a the direct relationship between each of the cognitive biases and the organizational anomie among the 305 employees working at Al-Hussein Teaching Hospital, Karbala region, Iraq. Outcomes confirmed the hypothesis that organizational anomie is favourably impacted by every of the cognitive biases pursued by the leader and dealt with, as a daily behavior, at work. The results also proved that the dimensions of cognitive biases have a positive impact on the organizational anomie. In addition to this, the nature of the connection between cognitive biases and organizational anomalies is affected by job desertification. Thus, the current study outcomes contribute towards the importance of understanding the job desertification behaviours exhibited by the employees in an organization. In general, Job desertification heavily deteriorates organizational performance, increases the mistrust between the leader and their subordinates and increases the moral deterioration of the employees in an organization.
Teorie zarządzania na przestrzeni lat podlegały dynamicznej ewolucji. Historycznie w klasycznej teorii zapoczątkowanej przez Fryderyka Taylora i Henry’ego Fayola - człowieka widziano przez pryzmat produkcji, traktując go jako jeden z zasobów. Zarządzanie ludźmi poddawano pod proces pracy, ściśle dzieląc zadania i czas pracy pod ustalone potrzeby organizacji. Ten model zarządzania był najdłużej stosowany przy liniach produkcyjnych, gdzie potrzeby pracowników odkładane były na drugi plan. Najważniejszy był niezaburzony proces.
Kryvyi Rih iron ore basin consists of complex structured ore deposits and is developed by the underground method at depths of over 1000 m. The underground method is used to mine reserves of rich iron ores with a useful component content of more than 59% applying bulk ore and rock caving systems. This leads to significant changes in the stress state of the rock massif. During underground operations, mine workings are strained and in some cases destructed. As a result, enterprises are constantly increasing operating costs for maintaining mine workings, which adversely impacts the cost of production. Industrial research results demonstrate that in most cases workings fail in their upper part which is vaulted in shape. Available methods for determining the state of rocks around mine workings do not fully take into account physical and mechanical properties of the rocks in which the working is located. The developed technique allows determining not only the destructive pressure impacting the workings, but also the angle at which the destructive force acts. This technique differs from the available ones in taking into account not only mining and geological characteristics of the deposit, but also most factors of physical and mechanical properties of rocks. This technique helps to choose a rational place for driving mine workings at the stage of design, thus avoiding significant additional cost for their maintenance.
W kopalni Krzywy Róg występują złoża rudy o złożonej strukturze, wydobywane metodą podziemną z głębokości ponad 1000 m. Stosując systemy zawałowe eksploatuje się złoża bogatych rud żelaza o zawartości składników użytecznych powyżej 59%. Prowadzi to do znacznych zmian stanu naprężeń masywu skalnego. Podczas prac podziemnych wyrobiska kopalniane podlegają naprężęniom, a w niektórych przypadkach ulegają zniszczeniu. W efekcie przedsiębiorstwa stale podwyższają koszty eksploatacji wyrobisk górniczych, co niekorzystnie wpływa na koszty produkcji. Wyniki badań przemysłowych wskazują, że w większości przypadków wyrobiska zawodzą w swojej górnej części. Dostępne metody określania stanu skał wokół wyrobisk górniczych nie uwzględniają w pełni właściwości fizycznych i mechanicznych skał, w których znajduje się wyrobisko. Opracowana technika pozwala na określenie nie tylko ciśnienia destrukcyjnego działającego na wyrobiska, ale również kąta działania siły destrukcyjnej. Technika ta rożni się od dostępnych tym, że uwzględnia nie tylko cechy górniczo-geologiczne złoża, ale także większość czynników właściwości fizykomechanicznych skał. Technika ta pozwala już na etapie projektowania na dobór racjonalnych miejsc prowadzenia wyrobisk górniczych, unikając w ten sposób znacznych dodatkowych kosztów ich utrzymania.
Objectives: to analyze changes in knowledge and practices regarding silicosis in groups of workers at high risk of silicosis before - after an intervention. Methods: The study was conducted from 2018 to 2019 based on structured questions related to knowledge and practices of silicosis of workers directly exposed to silica dust in a Northern province of Vietnam. The mobile app-based intervention was applied to steel workers, then compared with ironworkers in improvements in silicosis knowledge and practices. Results: Significant changes in the intervention group related to workers' knowledge about the signs suggestive of silicosis, disease consequences, measures to reduce the risk of silicosis, and participation in annual occupational disease examinations were reported. Conclusion: Mobile applicationbased interventions could improve silicosis knowledge and practice among workers at high risk of exposure to silica dust.
Purpose: The aim of the work was to successfully define motivation and the act of motivating, but also to characterize many different kinds of the former. Based on a survey carried out among retired officers a set of data was presented, explaining the reasons for their desire to find employment after withdrawing from the army, as well as making known retirees’ opinions on their persisting willingness to keep working post-retirement. The profile of an officer of the Polish Army was also discussed. Design/methodology/approach: The research was conducted in a group of retired officers of the Polish Army in 2019-2021 using the snowball method. The study also used the method of analysis and criticism of the literature and the heuristic method, as well as the quantitative method - a questionnaire was used. The research problem was expressed in the form of a question: What factors influence the motivation of retired officers of the Polish Armed Forces to take up work after leaving the service? Findings: The termination of military service after several years of work in the Polish army may be a difficult moment for some officers, because most of their lives they worked in one organization, where there are clear and defined rules and high discipline. During their service, the officers of the Polish Armed Forces acquired valuable competences - knowledge and skills supported by experience, therefore it is important that they can still use their competence potential. It is essential that officers who will retire plan their future careers. Motivation, i.e. a set of forces and factors that are aimed at supporting an individual in certain behaviors, also plays a large role. Thanks to them, you can work towards achieving specific goals. According to the survey, retired officers take up work after leaving the service due to the desire to further use their knowledge and experience. Working in a group, contact with other people also influences the continuation of work in retirement. For some respondents, too low a retirement benefit is a factor that motivates them to look for a job. Originality/value: Results of this research should be of interest to institutions and people, who help retired officers of the Polish Armed Forces. Secondly they are also directed to officers themselves, as a support in planning their future professional career.
Purpose: On the basis of their own research, the authors of the article undertook to determine the factors determining future social and economic development and to develop recommendations for strengthening active economic, social and labour market policies in mining municipalities and districts in Poland – in the perspective of the "European Green Deal" plan and "Just Transition" Design/methodology: the results presented in the article were obtained on the basis of the implementation of questionnaire research, expert interviews, literature review, critical literature analysis, documentation analysis, statistical descriptive analysis. Findings: As a result of the analyses and surveys carried out, the article presents an extensive set of conclusions, the most important of which are those relating to social. The presented attempt of the prospective approach to the phenomena and processes which may result from the transformation of the hard coal mining in Poland is aimed at better understanding of the role which may be fulfilled in the future by the local self-government in the area of which the operating or disused mines and mining enterprises are located. Secondly which are related to the perspective of the hard coal mining transformation process, first of all showed terms the scale of challenges faced by mining municipalities. The indicated processes are nowadays dominated by the challenge of creating new ecological solutions of high quality both in the sphere of their social acceptance in the utilitarian dimension. It is a process that allows for a better understanding of the role of local government in the transformation process, which will probably take up, in a fragmentary way, economic, social and environmental challenges resulting from the contemporary development of economy based on knowledge and determined by the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Originality: the findings and recommendations of the study may become relevant for practitioners and researchers dealing with climate change mitigation, strategy implementation, cross-sectoral partnerships and sustainable development of transformed areas.
Purpose: the main purpose of this article is to stimulate discussion on the following thesis presented in the article. Anticipating the process of just transition without taking into account demographic changes will incompletely reveal the social and economic effects caused by it. Design/methodology/approach: the research used the method of descriptive and comparative statistics, as well as literature review, critical analysis of literature, document research and comparative analysis. Findings: on the basis of the analyses and research carried out in this article, it can be concluded that in the examined areas of mining municipalities – in the part relating to the stream of labour supply – a dynamic process of ageing of labour resources is clearly noticeable. On the basis of the above conclusion, it seems that the need to subordinate the policies implemented in the city to the indicated process is justified. Originality/value: the entirety of the outlined changes, processes and forecasts indicates that in order to reduce the stratification in the examined areas, which is the main source of structural mismatches, it is necessary to undertake actions aimed at building future-oriented municipal policies – especially with regard to old age. Failure to take such measures in the perspective of social and economic transformation may delay preparation for the seemingly inevitable changes in the age structure of the population living in the studied areas of mining municipalities.
Purpose: The communication between a patient and the staff of a clinic's reception desk forms the patient's ideas and opinions about the entire health care facility. The purpose of this article was to analyze the assessment of the level of service provided by selected private health care facilities, on the example of handling the patient at the reception desk. Design/methodology/approach: The SERVQUAL service quality assessment method has been used in the research. The research was carried out in seven private health care facilities located in the Silesian Voivodship, in the cities with a population of between 100,000 and 250,000. 220 patients have been surveyed. The survey consisted of two questionnaires, a section concerning the determination of the weights of specific criteria and the section with demographic questions. Both surveys included 22 statements each, and there were also 4 demographic questions included. The assessments were made by giving points on the Likert scale of 1-7. The study was carried out from January to March 2022. Findings: The conducted analysis of the level of the studied service allowed for identifying key areas that require corrective actions. The biggest gaps between patient assessments and expectations concern such aspects as: response time, reliability, and empathy. Research limitations/implications: Due to the fact that the worst-rated areas are closely related to communication, it is advisable to take corrective actions on the part of management as soon as possible. It is also advisable to conduct a study on the diagnosis of errors made in patient’s service during registration on the example of other health care entities. Practical implications: The application of the SERVQUAL method enabled to diagnose the expected and obtained quality level of the tested service in the opinion of patients of selected NZOZs. Social implications: The results of the conducted research confirm that effective and efficient use of communication in the process of providing health care services influences the maximization of patients’ satisfaction and, as a result, it requires systematic investments in the development of human potential. Originality/value: In the conducted study, a model of the quality of patients service in reception desk in non-public health care units was proposed. The evaluation criteria were presented in the model in order to diagnose dimensions that are perceived well by the patients and those that, in their opinion, require improvement.
The influence of global lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted the lives of many people. Once performed elsewhere, many activities had to be moved to private spaces of individual homes, influencing how people use their residential space, modifying their living and working conditions. The purpose of this study was to research the changes in the use of residential space through questionnaires addressed to respondents in five age groups (up to 25, 26–35, 36–50, 51–65, and over 65), and living or studying in the Milan area (Lombardy)—an area affected severely by COVID-19 in the period March–May 2020. The obtained questionnaire results allowed the authors to create a set of guidelines for apartment design, intended to improve their spatial performance. The observations made when creating the case study projects led to two main conclusions: First, at the level of the house plan, the arrangement of the plan should be free and adaptable, al-lowing for fast alteration by the user. Second, the project should be tailor-made, highly specialized, and purposefully designed at the level of home office design, including appropriate furnishings, technical appliances, and lighting systems.
Purpose: the main purpose of the paper is to support the sustainable development of the health resort areas by protecting their unique resources. Design/methodology/approach: the research is based on the descriptive and comparative statistical method and literature review, critical literature analysis, documentary research and comparative analysis. Findings: on the basis of the conducted analyses and research it can be concluded that a systematic increase in the living standard of the residents of the researched health resort areas is clearly visible. The key factor that may determine further increase in the living standard of the residents of the areas appears to be the development of knowledge-based economies together with the development of innovative technologies and products as well as efficient management. Originality/value: it should be assumed that the research into health resort area will be based to a large extent on its endogenous conditions and its strategic advantages. The key potential in this area is people and their knowledge, as well as skills, competencies and talents which shape social attitudes and influence behaviour towards the changes taking place, thus influencing acceptability or resistance to them.
The specificity of the work organization in Industry 4.0 varies depending on the technological development and the level of security of new technology solutions. Employees are required to maintain a key function in working with knowledge, including decentralized decision-making and the safety and quality assessment of the production processes. The results of occupational risk assessment are presented here as a method contributing not only to the improvement of production processes, but also to the improvement of the product quality level. Author presents solutions in the field of occupational health and safety management applied in the chosen production company in the department of repair and anti-corrosion works, which contributed to the product quality level improvement.
Content available remote Wspomaganie systemu grzewczego układem solarnym w okresie zimowym
Zapotrzebowanie na energię w budynkach mieszkalnych stanowi znaczną część jej całkowitego zużycia. Szacuje się, że w Polsce dochodzi ono do 40%. Dobrym sposobem na zmniejszenie tego udziału jest szersze wykorzystanie energii słonecznej. Sezonowe różnice między zapotrzebowaniem, którego szczytowe wartości występują zimą, a jej dostępnością latem, sprawiają, że typowe projekty solarne przystosowane są tylko do podgrzewania c.w.u. w okresie dobrego napromieniowania. Pozostałe zapotrzebowanie na ciepło jest zwykle pokrywane przez inne źródło, często zasilane paliwem kopalnym. Jednym z możliwych rozwiązań poprawy tego stanu jest opracowanie możliwie wydajnych systemów do współpracy z magazynami ciepła. Efektem takiego działania jest wzrost wydajności i niezawodności, co bezpośrednio przekłada się na koszty eksploatacyjne oraz mniejsze zanieczyszczenie środowiska, głównie emisji dwutlenku węgla. W niniejszym artykule opisano algorytm ładowania zasobnika wypełnionego materiałem zmiennofazowym przez układ kolektorów słonecznych. Podczas rozładowania magazynu glikol kierowany jest na parowacz pompy ciepła. Wyższa temperatura na dopływie do pompy powoduje wzrost jej współczynnika wydajności grzejnej i mocy. Przykładowe obliczenia przeprowadzono dla dwóch zimowych dni (17 lutego i 14 marca). Otrzymane wyniki wskazują na zasadność budowy takich układów. Pozwala to efektywniej wykorzystać energię słoneczną w okresach jej niskiej dostępności zimą.
Energy demand in residential buildings accounts for a significant proportion of final energy consumption. It is estimated that in Poland it reaches 40%. A good way to reduce this share is to use more solar energy. Seasonal differences between the demand, whose peak values occur in winter, and its availability in summer, make typical solar projects suitable only for heating domestic hot water. for a period of good irradiation. The remaining heat demand is usually covered by another source, often by fossil fuel. One of the possible solutions for improvement is the development of possibly efficient systems for cooperation with heat storage. The effect of such action is an increase in efficiency and reliability, which directly translates into operating costs and lower environmental pollution, mainly carbon dioxide emissions. This paper describes the algorithm of loading a container filled with a phase change material by a system of solar collectors. When the storage is discharged, glycol is directed to the heat pump’s evaporator. A higher temperature at the pump inlet causes an increase in its heating efficiency and power factor. Sample calculations were made for two winter days: February 17 and March 14. The obtained results indicate the validity of the construction of such systems. This allows more efficient use of solar energy in periods of its low availability in winter.
Zarządzanie potencjałem ludzkim jest współcześnie jednym z najważniejszych obszarów zarządzania przedsiębiorstwami, w związku ze spadkiem znaczenia zasobów materialnych na rzecz niematerialnych (informacje, wiedza, kapitał intelektualny). Zarządzanie potencjałem ludzkim jest bardzo istotnym czynnikiem wpływającym na konkurencyjność całej organizacji oraz jej zdolność do realizacji wyznaczonych celów. W potencjale ludzkim przedsiębiorstwa wyróżnia się aspekt ilościowy (liczba zatrudnionych pracowników) oraz jakościowy (kompetencje: wiedza - ogólna, fachowa, specjalistyczna; predyspozycje - intelektualne, interpersonalne, emocjonalne, umiejętności - m.in.: komunikowania się, współdziałania, adaptacji do zmian; motywacja wewnętrzna: cele, wartości, postawy, wytrwałość, asertywność oraz wymiar fizyczny: stan zdrowia, wiek, płeć, stopień niepełnosprawności). Praca zawodowa stanowi dla człowieka ważny element życia, z punktu widzenia ekonomicznego, zaspokajania potrzeb, ale również samorealizacji i budowania samooceny. Dla osób niepełnosprawnych, praca zawodowa może być szansą na kompensację ograniczeń wynikających z niepełnosprawności. W artykule zamieszczono wstępne wyniki badań przeprowadzonych wśród 515 zatrudnionych osób z różnymi niepełnosprawnościami. Zastosowaną metodą była ankieta elektroniczna. Uzyskane dane wskazują, że niepełnosprawni pracownicy mają świadomość swojego potencjału oraz tego, że nie jest on w pełni wykorzystywany przez pracodawców.
Human potential management is nowadays one of the most important areas of enterprise management. due to the decline in the importance of material resources for non-material resources (information, knowledge. intellectual capital) Human potential management is a very important factor influencing the competitive ness of the entire organization and its ability to implement the designated goals. The human potential of the enterprise is distinguished by the quantitative aspect (number of employees) and qualitative (competences knowledge - general, professional, specialist, predispositions - intellectual, interpersonal, emotional, skills - including communication, cooperation, adaptation to changes; interial motivation goals, values, attitudes, perseverance, assertiveness and physical dimension health, age, gender, degree of disability). Professional work is an important element of human life, from the economic point of view, meeting needs, but also self-realization and building self-esteem. For people with disabilities, work maybe an opportunity to compensate for the limitations resulting from their disability. The article presents preliminary results of research conducted among 515 employed people with various. The method used was an electronic questionnaire. The obtained data indicate that disabled employees ate aware of their potential and that it is not fully used by employers.
Many enterprises have been forced to change from office work to work-from-home (WFH) so as to protect their staff from COVID-19 pandemic. This study examines the impacts of the work-from-home (WFH) on employee's job performance (JP) as well as the mediate influence of three factors: Work environment (WE), Job satisfaction (JS) and Work-family conflict (WFC). A qualitative research methodology is adopted by interviewing 10 employees who have been working from home due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic in 8 different companies in Hanoi, Vietnam to understand their experiences of how WFH has impacted their job performance and learning outcomes. The result is that WFH has a negative and direct influence on job performance. Work-from-home has both positive and negative impacts on the work environment of employees. Although WFH employees are satisfied with some aspects, they seem to have both positive and negative effects on their job performance. Moreover, strain-based conflict primarily doesn't influence job performance when staff work at home. The study examines impacts on employee performance working from home as a result of the epidemic. There are some recommendations and notes proposed for improving the quality of WFH in the future.
Content available remote Creating Innovation in Hospitality Industry: The Role of Brand Supporting Behavior
Sustainable development cannot be separated from business ethics and innovation. This study proposes to test the antecedent variable for brand supporting behavior, and explore the mediating mechanism of this factor for the influence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on employee work innovation. With 173 questionnaires collected, the hierarchical regression model is used to test the hypotheses. Discoveries have shown that CSR practices are fundamental to brand support behavior, and the important mediating role of brand supporting behavior in the influence of CSR on employee work innovation. Research results have shown the need to implement CSR in the hospitality industry, including issues of environmental protection and community support; on ensuring the interests of customers, as well as employees in the organization. Therefore, it is essential to create a community-oriented organizational climate that promotes employees' efforts in delivering on the brand promise. This is the basis for spreading the image and attractiveness of the organization's brand, and stimulating employee work innovation. Therefore, the research results are a reliable basis in making the right decisions of hotel managers, in order to create advantages as well as improve competitiveness, contributing to the recovery of the economy after the Covid-19 pandemic. The research results are also the theoretical basis for developing research models on innovation in the hospitality industry.
The study is devoted to the development of proposals for improving the assessment and stimulating the export potential of an innovatively active enterprise. The authors examined the essence and features of the activities of innovatively active enterprises, as well as the impact on their export activities. The conducted theoretical and methodological study allowed the authors to show their vision of the main components of the export potential of the enterprise, and also, in order to assess and analyze the export potential of an innovatively active enterprise, they proposed an economic and mathematical model, a feature of which is taking into account the hidden export potential, which has a significant economic impact. To stimulate the export potential of an innovatively active enterprise, the authors proposed a system of labour force motivation, as well as institutional instruments, which have a significant social impact.
In the paper, we investigate the differences between EU countries in the adoption of digitalisation in the context of the labour force. We used the authors’ index of digitalisation as a proxy to control for labour force adjustment to technological progress and human capital development. Our focus is on three main pillars affecting digitalisation: the number of students in the field of information and communication technologies, the degree of use of advanced technology at workstations, and online community groups focused on digitisation and improvement of digital skills. The results suggest EU countries are diversified in terms of the labour force’s development under digitalisation. The ranking in the index turned out to be significant in showing two different groups of countries. Finland, Malta and Ireland are top-ranking countries, while the United Kingdom’s index result is distant from other developed EU nations, what is confirmed by its Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) and Global Innovation Index (GII) rank. The scores for less developed countries are low, however, the dynamics in the number of CS&IT students indicate advances in digitisation and its positive influence on labour development. The study uses data for the period of 2012–2018. In contrast to the DESI and GII measures, we used human and social development and digital use at work as pillars in the entire group of EU countries to highlight social and economic fields determining digitalisation’s development.
W artykule zbadano różnice między krajami UE pod względem zaawansowania procesu cyfryzacji w obszarach edukacji studentów, pracy i aktywności społecznej w sieci. Wykorzystano autorski wskaźnik cyfryzacji jako narzędzie do zbadania dostosowania zasobu pracy do postępu technologicznego i rozwoju kapitału ludzkiego. Skoncentrowano się na trzech głównych filarach mających wpływ na digitalizację. Są to: liczba studentów w dziedzinie technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych, poziom wykorzystania zaawansowanych technologii na stanowiskach pracy oraz grupy społeczne online skupione na digitalizacji i doskonaleniu umiejętności cyfrowych. Wyniki świadczą o tym, że kraje UE są zdywersyfikowane pod względem rozwoju siły roboczej w ramach cyfryzacji. Wartości indeksów okazały się wystarczające, aby wskazać dwie grupy krajów. Finlandia, Malta i Irlandia są państwami czołowymi, w wyniku czego wskaźnik Zjednoczonego Królestwa jest daleki od wartości dla rozwiniętych krajów UE, co potwierdza również wskaźnik DESI i globalny wskaźnik innowacji. Indeks dla słabiej rozwiniętych krajów jest niski, jednak dynamika liczby studentów CS&IT świadczy o postępie w zakresie cyfryzacji i o jej wpływie na rozwój zasobu pracy. W badaniu wykorzystano dane z lat 2012–2018. W przeciwieństwie do miar DESI i GII podkreślono aspekt rozwoju indywidualnego i społecznego oraz wykorzystania technologii cyfrowych środowiska pracy w całej grupie krajów UE, by naświetlić społeczne i gospodarcze aspekty determinujące rozwój cyfryzacji.
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