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The author addresses the problem of the superior’s authority and its importance in commanding subordinates in uniformed services. Based on the analysis of the source literature and his own experiences, he defines the concept of authority and interprets its types. In the context of reflections on the subject of authority, he also defines the concepts of command and leadership and indicates the positive consequences of liberating authority but also to the negative implications of authoritarian management of subordinates.
Autor podejmuje problem dotyczący autorytetu przełożonego i jego znaczenia w dowodzeniu podwładnymi w służbach mundurowych. Na podstawie analizy literatury przedmiotu oraz własnych doświadczeń definiuje pojęcie autorytetu i interpretuje jego rodzaje. W kontekście rozważań o autorytecie wyjaśnia również pojęcia: dowodzenie i przewodzenie oraz wskazuje na pozytywne następstwa autorytetu wyzwalającego, ale także na negatywne implikacje autorytarnego kierowania podwładnymi.
The paper presents particular issues of mudflow dynamics, one of the hazardous natural disasters, namely the theoretical study of the flow power during mudflow movement in the wave regime taking into account its rheological properties. The paper discusses the physical process of mudflow mass impetus accumulated in erosion banks, taking into account the impact of the tense state of the eroded mass, in particular, similar to soil mechanics problems, the density of the mudflow-forming mass (ρ), the free fall acceleration (g), angle of internal friction (φ), the adhesive force (Pe), the height equivalent to pressure (h′), the height of the mudflow-forming mass (H), the intensity of transverse pressure (P), and the value of the active pressure of the inertial mass cohesion (C) on the deformation mode of the mudflow mass. On the basis of the basic equations of mudflow dynamics and theoretical studies, an equation is obtained to calculate the values of flow power when mudflows move in the wave mode, taking into account the main rheological properties of a mudflow mass.
Objectives: The aim of the article is to present the experience gained by the Polish Military Contingent in Iraq in the field of logistic support and preparation of military equipment. An additional goal is to present how the process of technical security of the Polish Armed Forces outside the country has evolved. Methods: The aim of the article is to present the experience gained by the Polish Military Contingent in Iraq in the field of logistic support and preparation of military equipment. An additional goal is to present how the process of technical security of the Polish Armed Forces outside the country has evolved. Results: Statements and concepts of the phenomenon of power and the phenomenon of influence from ancient times to the present have been derived and systematized, positive and negative effects accompanying the two phenomena in social human life have been indicated, with an emphasis on the management of people and resources. Conclusions: Statements and concepts of the phenomenon of power and the phenomenon of influence from ancient times to the present have been derived and systematized, positive and negative effects accompanying the two phenomena in social human life have been indicated, with an emphasis on the management of people and resources.
Attention to greenhouse gases is carried out by reducing CO2 emissions. Emission reduction is achieved using mixed fuels, primarily derived from plant oils. The pertasol-diethyl ether and tamanu oil (PDETO) fuel mixture were tested using a spark ignition engine. The research objective is to obtain fuel specifications and test engine performance using the resulting fuel. Mixed fuels were created from various compositions with codes ranging from BE0 to BE10. Performance testing was conducted using a 110-cc gasoline engine with specific specifications using mixed fuels and compared to commercial gasoline. The research results indicate that engine torque, power, and MeP are higher when using mixed fuels BE0 – BE10 than retail gasoline. The maximum torque that can be achieved is 8.51 NM at 5000 rpm using BE10 mixed fuel, higher than the maximum torque of commercial gasoline, which is 6.81 NM. The highest full power is generated by BE10 fuel, at 7.75 HP at an engine speed of 7000 rpm. The minimum capacity is produced by BE0 fuel, with a power of 6.78 HP at an engine speed of 7000 rpm. Optimal SFC occurs in the BE0 fuel mixture at 7000 rpm engine speed at 0.25 kg/Hp·h. BE10 thermal efficiency reached 31.8%, which is better than commercial gasoline.
Content available Knowledge transfer in interim management projects
This study aims to define the role of knowledge in a triad of factors determining effectiveness in Interim Management (IM) projects. The discussion is based on the authors’ research concept, which, in addition to knowledge, also explores the categories of trust and power. A longitudinal study using the empirical-inductive approach was conducted in Poland between 2019 and 2021. It included ten enterprises that implemented IM projects in the studied period. The results presented in this article confirm the importance of the empirically adopted study factors, including the transfer of knowledge between the Interim Manager and the client’s (organisation’s) project team. A significant relationship between the level of knowledge and the levels of trust and power emerges as particularly evident. Research can be continued to verify the authors’ initial findings and include the proposed research tools and entities representing different sectors, management cultures and geographical regions in search of additional variables and their correlations with trust, power and knowledge. The research conclusions may prove applicable to both Interim Managers (IMs) and their clients (organisations). They can be used not only for pre-project planning but also during the IM projects.
Pod względem mocy zainstalowanej PV na jednego mieszkańca Polska zajmuje 4. miejsce w UE. W 2023 roku moc zainstalowana PV wzrosła o 4,6 GW, osiągając łącznie na koniec pierwszego kwartału br. 17,73 GW. Największy przyrost mocy PV nastąpił w farmach powyżej 1 MW, wyhamował natomiast wzrost w segmencie mikroinstalacji.
The expansion of the electrical network necessitates the construction of new power plants and the extension of overhead and underground power transmission and distribution systems. However, underground power cables, such as XPLE 220 kV, can cause significant electromagnetic pollution, particularly in urban areas. This paper focuses on the evaluation and prediction of such magnetic emissions using analytical, numerical simulation (the finite element analysis), and experimental measurement. The paper aim is to minimize the magnetic emissions through the adjustment of the horizontal and vertical distances (x, y) of cables, serving as a technical solution. Additionally, the study investigated the impact of faults with varying magnitude and frequency, considering different loads and conditions. The simulation results indicate that several factors contribute to the escalation of magnetic pollution. These factors include a close proximity between cables, faults, and high current intensities.... However, as the distance between cables increases both horizontally and vertically, the strength of the magnetic field decreases, leading to a reduction in magnetic pollution. A comparison was carried out to assess the magnetic emissions of the underground cable, revealing a notable resemblance between the measured and calculated values. Ultimately, the validated simulation model serves as a valuable tool for evaluating, predicting, and mitigating electromagnetic pollution under different fault conditions and positions.
Content available Dyskurs o bezpieczeństwie a media
Celem artykułu jest podjęcie próby zrozumienia i wyjaśnienia bezpieczeństwa za pomocą języka, komunikacji, prawa oraz ich wpływu na władzę. Ze względu na subiektywną, procesualną perspektywę bezpieczeństwa staje się ono domeną wykorzystywaną do inicjowania bądź neutralizowania konkretnych zjawisk społecznych – mniej lub bardziej powiązanych z władzą zarówno oficjalną, państwową realizującą każdorazowo określone polityki bezpieczeństwa, jak i nieformalną, związaną z mechanizmami działań zakulisowych. Warto podkreślić, że do obszaru badawczego bezpośrednio związanego z analizą dyskursu o bezpieczeństwie możemy zaliczyć próby uzyskania odpowiedzi na następujące pytania: Jak modelować, czy moderować dyskurs o bezpieczeństwie, żeby minimalizować zagrożenia? Czy takie moderowanie dyskursu jest istotne? Jakie ma znaczenie w kontekście dezinformacji i walki informacyjnej? Jakie normy prawne pozwalają moderować i modelować dyskurs o bezpieczeństwie? Artykuł ma charakter wprowadzający do problematyki.
This paper aims to make an attempt at understanding and explaining security through language, communication and law, and the impact these three aspects have on power and authority. Due to its subjective, processual perspective, security becomes a domain used to initiate or neutralise specific social phenomena that are more or less interconnected: it involves the official, state-mandated implementation of specific security policies, as well as the informal dimension of the mechanisms at work behind the scenes. It is worth stressing that the investigation related to security discourse analysis involves the following questions: How to model or moderate security discourse to minimise threats? Is such discourse moderation relevant? What is its significance in the context of disinformation and information warfare? What legal norms permit the moderation and modelling of security discourse? The following article provides an introduction into these issues.
Today, there is a growing shortage of commercial motor fuels in the world. This is due to the tendency to regulate the extraction of hydrocarbons, which are the main raw materials for their production; and, therefore, to reduce the import of oil, alternative types of fuel for diesel engines based on oils and animal fats are becoming widespread today. In this regard, intensive work is underway to convert internal combustion engines to biofuel-based ones both in countries with limited fuel and energy resources and in highly developed countries that have the opportunity to purchase liquid energy carriers. Biodiesel fuel (biodiesel, PME, RME, FAME, EMAG, etc.) is an environmentally friendly type of biofuel obtained from vegetable and animal fats and used to replace petroleum diesel fuel. According to the results of modelling, in the process of using RME B100 biodiesel fuel, we found a reduction in nitrogen dioxide emissions by 21.5% and a reduction in soot emissions by 34.5%. This will positively affect the environmental performance of the Sandvik LH514 loader, which is especially relevant in closed environments such as mines. So, according to the results of studies of the operation of the DD15 engine of the Sandvik LH514 loader on commercial and RME B100 biodiesel fuel, it was established that the use of biodiesel fuel leads to a deterioration of the mixture, due to which heat generation is reduced and, as a result, fuel consumption increases and engine power decreases, but the aspect of environmental indicators constitutes the significant improvement demonstrated by the present work.
Content available remote Electromagnetic efficiency in induction levitators and ways to improve it
Electrotechnical devices with a levitation element are widely used in the automation of production processes due to their simple design, high accuracy and reliability. In the processes of automation of technological processes, automatic control of the positions of the moving parts of the working mechanisms is often required with the help of an external force and an alternating current voltage. In these cases, it also becomes necessary to measure the external force, stabilize the current on a variable load and obtain several nominal values of the current on the load. Despite the simplicity of the design of induction levitators (IL), they are more effectively involved in solving these problems, under the action of the efficiency of the induction levitator, there are no friction forces, the working stroke of the moving part is automatically controlled and additional elements not required.
Urządzenia elektrotechniczne z elementem lewitacyjnym mają szerokie zastosowanie w automatyzacji procesów produkcyjnych ze względu na swoją prostą konstrukcję, dużą dokładność i niezawodność. W procesach automatyzacji procesów technologicznych często wymagane jest automatyczne sterowanie położeniami ruchomych części mechanizmów roboczych za pomocą siły zewnętrznej i napięcia prądu przemiennego. W takich przypadkach konieczny staje się również pomiar siły zewnętrznej, ustabilizowanie prądu na zmiennym obciążeniu i uzyskanie kilku nominalnych wartości prądu na obciążeniu. Pomimo prostoty konstrukcji lewitatorów indukcyjnych (IL) są one skuteczniej zaangażowane w rozwiązywanie tych problemów, pod działaniem wydajności lewitatora indukcyjnego nie występują siły tarcia, skok roboczy części ruchomej jest kontrolowany automatycznie i dodatkowe elementy nie są wymagane.
Content available remote Geoinżynieria klimatu i geowładza jako wyzwania cywilizacyjne
Geoinżynieria klimatu stanowi zbiór proponowanych lub poddawanych eksperymentom wielkoskalowych rozwiązań technicznych, których celem jest modyfikacja czynników kształtujących pogodę. W niniejszym artykule geoinżynieria została omówiona jako zbiór rozwiązań mających na celu przeciwdziałanie przyczynom zmian klimatycznych wynikających z nadmiernej emisji gazów cieplarnianych. W tym sensie jest ona jednym z wymiarów bezpieczeństwa klimatycznego i wyłaniającego się pola geowładzy, czyli posiadania zdolności do kształtowania klimatu za pomocą geoinżynierii. W artykule zostały przedstawione różne koncepcje rozwiązań wyłaniających się w jej ramach, główne wyzwania z nimi związane, najważniejsi aktorzy działający w tym obszarze oraz narracje dotyczące tej tematyki.
Climate geoengineering is a collection of proposed or experimental large-scale technical solutions intended to modify the factors shaping the weather. As explored in the text, geoengineering aims to counteract the causes of climate change resulting from excessive greenhouse gases emission. In this sense, it is one of the aspects of climate security, and the emerging field of geopower i.e. the ability to modify climate by means of geoengineering. The article presents various solutions within geoengineering, the main challenges associated with them, the most important actors operating in this field, and the narratives arising around this topic.
W artykule prezentujemy rozwiązanie zaczerpnięte z katalogu firmy Strunobet Migacz Sp. z o.o., z jednoczesnym wskazaniem sposobu postępowania projektanta korzystającego z „gotowych rozwiązań”. Zgodnie z katalogiem stacja taka może być wyposażona w transformator o mocy 630 kVA. W artykule prezentujemy stację o mocy 250 kVA, zasilaną kablem SN układanym w ziemi, przyłączonym do pobliskiej napowietrznej elektroenergetycznej linii SN.
Content available remote Experimental studies of design-and-technological parameters of heat exchanger
As a result of experimental studies, a mathematical model of the influence of the length of the air duct, volumetric air flow, air temperature in the external environment on the useful thermal power of the developed heat exchanger for its given geometric parameters was obtained. As a result of experimental studies, the optimal values of the design and technological parameters of the developed heat exchanger have been established, at which its useful thermal power is maximum.
W wyniku badań eksperymentalnych uzyskano model matematyczny wpływu długości kanału powietrznego, objętościowego przepływu powietrza, temperatury powietrza w środowisku zewnętrznym na użyteczną moc cieplną opracowanego wymiennika ciepła dla zadanych parametrów geometrycznych. W wyniku badań eksperymentalnych ustalono optymalne wartości parametrów konstrukcyjnych i technologicznych opracowanego wymiennika ciepła, przy których jego użyteczna moc cieplna jest maksymalna.
How to determine the total non-active power of arbitrary periodical poly-phase loads or in other words: how to sum non-active powers resulting from non-sinusoidal and unbalanced voltages and currents? With algebraic summation or via aggregate power like the standards propose? In the time domain or with harmonic decomposition? What is the genuine meaning of non-active and apparent power? The reader may be amazed by questioning these problems which seem to be solved. Instead this article shows that the general solution is not that of the standards which define limiting cases but one that exists since a long time in the form of the geometric power concept of W. Quade that is commonly unkown today. The geometric method is compared to the concepts of aggregate power (Rechtleistung) and the algebraic summation of fictitious non-active powers. The consequences and meaning of the different concepts are analyzed.
Jak wyznaczyć całkowitą moc nieczynną dowolnych okresowych odbiorników wielofazowych, czyli inaczej: jak zsumować moce nieczynne wynikające z niesinusoidalnych i niezrównoważonych napięć i prądów? Z sumowaniem algebraicznym czy za pomocą sumarycznej mocy, jak proponują normy? W dziedzinie czasu czy z rozkładem harmonicznym? Jakie jest prawdziwe znaczenie nieaktywnej i pozornej mocy? Czytelnik może być zdumiony kwestionowaniem tych problemów, które wydają się być rozwiązane. Zamiast tego artykuł ten pokazuje, że generalnym rozwiązaniem nie jest rozwiązanie norm definiujących przypadki graniczne, ale takie, które istnieje od dawna w postaci koncepcji geometrycznej potęgi W. Quade, która jest dziś powszechnie nieznana. Metodę geometryczną porównuje się z pojęciami zagregowanej mocy (Rechtleistung) i algebraicznym sumowaniem fikcyjnych mocy nieczynnych. Analizowane są konsekwencje i znaczenie różnych pojęć.
W artykule przedstawiono działania Komisji Europejskiej ujęte w planie REPowerEU, mające na celu z jednej strony zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa energetycznego krajów członkowskich UE po agresji Rosji na Ukrainę i nałożeniu sankcji na Rosję, a z drugiej – ograniczenie nasilających się obecnie coraz bardziej negatywnych zmian klimatycznych. Aby przeciwdziałać tym zmianom, koniecznością jest odejście od wykorzystywania paliw kopalnych na rzecz odnawialnych źródeł energii (OZE). Scharakteryzowano udział energii OZE w bilansach energetycznych wybranych krajów europejskich i pozaeuropejskich poprzez przedstawienie wielkości zainstalowanej mocy energii elektrycznej pochodzącej z poszczególnych typów źródeł energii: wiatru, promieniowania słonecznego, wody, biomasy (biopaliwa stałe, ciekłe i gazowe) oraz z zasobów geotermalnych. Dane te pochodzą z roku 2021 i dotyczą krajów najbardziej zaawansowanych we wdrażaniu technologii OZE. Drugim analizowanym parametrem jest wielkość ciepła wygenerowanego ze źródeł odnawialnych oraz pozyskanego w procesie wysokosprawnej kogeneracji. W rozdziale dotyczącym udziału energii odnawialnej w strukturze polskiej energetyki przedstawiono wyniki z I półrocza 2022 r., wskazujące, że zielona energetyka stanowiła tylko 22,5% całej wyprodukowanej energii, przy największym udziale elektrowni wiatrowych (11,9%) i instalacji fotowoltaicznych (4,4%). Podkreślono ogromny rozwój w kraju fotowoltaiki (liczba instalacji w maju 2022 r. wynosiła 1 083 600 szt.) oraz duży potencjał rozwojowy pomp ciepła. Omówiono wybrane dokumenty krajowe mające wpływ na powstawanie nowych źródeł OZE, konieczność ich dostosowania do aktualnych potrzeb, a także wprowadzenia uproszczonych procedur i skrócenia terminów udzielania zezwoleń na inwestycje OZE.
The article presents the actions of the European Commission included in the REPowerEU plan, intended on the one hand to ensure the energy safety of the EU member states after the Russian aggression against Ukraine and regarding the sanctions imposed on Russia, and on the other hand – to limit the currently intensifying and increasingly negative climate changes. In order to counteract these changes, it is necessary to phase out the utilisation of fossil fuels in favour of renewable energy sources (RES). The share of RES energy in the energy balances of selected European and non-European countries has been characterised by presenting the magnitude of the installed power of electricity originating from the individual types of energy sources: wind, sunlight, water, biomass (solid, liquid and gaseous biofuels), as well as from geothermal resources. These data originate from 2021, and they refer to the most advanced countries in the implementation of RES technologies. The second analysed parameter is the amount of heat generated from renewable sources and acquired in the process of high-efficiency cogeneration. The chapter involving the share of renewable energy in Polish energy structure presents the results from the 1st half of 2022, pointing out that green energy amounted to only 22.5% of the entire produced energy, with the highest percentages of wind farms (11.9%) and photovoltaic installations (4.4%). The enormous growth of photovoltaics in the country (the number of installations in May 2022 was 1,083,600) is emphasised along with the high development potential of heat pumps. Selected national documents having an impact on the creation of new RES are discussed along with the necessity to adjust them to the current needs, and to introduce simplified procedures and reduction of the times of granting permits for RES investments.
In commercially available generation III and III+ PWR (pressurized water reactor) reactors, pressure of steam produced in steam generators varies in a relatively wide range from 5.7 to 7.8 MPa. Therefore, it is important to ask which value of steam pressure should be used for a specific unit, taking into account different location conditions, the size of the power system and conditions of operation with other sources of electricity generation. The paper analyzes the effect of steam pressure at the outlet of a steam generator on the performance of a PWR nuclear power plant by presenting changes in gross and net power and efficiency of the unit for steam pressures in the range of 6.8 to 7.8 MPa. In order to determine losses in the thermal system of the PWR power plant, in particular those caused by flow resistance and live steam throttling between the steam generator and the turbine inlet, results concerning entropy generation in the thermal system of the power plant have been presented. A model of a nuclear power plant was developed using the Ebsilon software and validated based on data concerning the Olkiluoto Unit 3 EPR (evolutionary power reactor) power plant. The calculations in the model were done for design conditions and for a constant thermal power of the steam generator. Under nominal conditions of the Olkiluoto Unit 3 EPR power unit, steam pressure is about 7.8 MPa and the steam dryness fraction is 0.997. The analysis indicates that in the assumed range of live steam pressure the gross power output and efficiency increase by 32 MW and 0.735 percentage point, respectively, and the net power output and efficiency increase by 27.8 MW and 0.638 percentage point, respectively. In the case of all types of commercially available PWR reactors, water pressure in the primary circuit is in the range of 15.5−16.0 MPa. For such pressure, reducing the live steam pressure leads to a reduction in the efficiency of the unit. Although a higher steam pressure increases the efficiency of the system, it is necessary to take into account the limitations resulting from technical and economic criteria as well as operating conditions of the primary circuit, including the necessary DNBR (departure from nucleate boiling ratio) margin. For the above reasons, increasing the live steam pressure above 7.8 MPa (the value used in EPR units that have already been completed) is unjustified, as it is associated with higher costs of the steam generator and the high-pressure part of the turbine.
Cavitation has been widely used in wastewater degradation, material synthesis and biomedical field under dual-frequency acoustic excitation. The applications of cavitation are closely related to the power (i.e. the rate of internal energy accumulation) during bubble collapse. The Keller–Miksis equation considering liquid viscosity, surface tension and liquid compressibility is used to describe the radial motion of the bubble. The model is built in predicting the power during bubble collapse under dual-frequency acoustic excitation. The influences of parameters (i.e. phase difference, frequency difference, and amplitude ratio) on the power are investigated numerically. With the increase of phase difference, the power can be fluctuated in a wide range at all conditions. Three typical characteristics of the power appear under the effects of frequency difference and amplitude ratio. With the increase of amplitude ratio, if the frequency difference is small, the power has two maximum values; and if the frequency difference is medium, there is a maximum value. Otherwise, the power monotonously decreases. The results can provide theoretical references for the selections of experimental parameters of sonoluminescence and sonochemistry in the dual-frequency acoustic field.
The paper presents a comparative analysis of the operation of two variants of centrifu-gal pump rotors, a description of the main parameters, and the influence of the blade geometry on the performance characteristics obtained. Rotors have been designed using the arc and point method. Based on the developed 3D CAD models, the rotors were printed using the rapid prototyping method on a 3D printer in FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication) technology, in order to experimentally verify the performance, by placing them on the Armfield FM50 test stand. The analysis part of the CFD includes a fluid flow in Ansys Fluent. The process of creating a flow domain and generating a structural mesh was described, along with the definition of boundary conditions, the definition of physical conditions and the turbulence model. The distribution of pressures and velocities in the meridional sections is shown graphically. The chapter with the experimental analysis contains a description of the measuring stand and the methodology used. The results obtained made it possible to generate the characteristics, making it possible to compare the results received. The results allowed to note the influence of geometry on the behavior of the rotors during operation in the system and to indicate that the arc rotor gets a 7% higher head and 2% higher efficiency than the point method rotor, which gives the basis for its commercial use in industry.
The aim of this study was to investigate the correlations of lower limb power and jump height in the SJ, CMJ, ACMJ and CJ30s tests with time, speed, force, power, and work done during dolphin kick. Methods: Seventeen female swimmers and seventeen male swimmers of an elite swimming sports school in Poland participated in the study. The parameters being recorded and used in the analysis were the jump height and lower limb power in jump tests. In the test of 25 meters of dolphin kick in swimming at maximum pace, the results used in the analysis were the mean values of time, velocity, power, force and work. Results were expressed as means ± standard deviations. Descriptive statistics of the groups were then compiled to finally perform Pearson correlation calculations. Results: The highest correlations occurred between lower limb power during jumps and swimming speed, especially for men in the ACMJ (r = 0.5468, p = 0.023) and SJ (r = 0.5411, r = 0.025) tests. Jump height was not as often and strongly correlated with swimming time and speed as lower limb power. An important observation is that no statistically significant correlations were found for power, force and work during dolphin kick with lower limb power and jump height. Conclusions: The present study showed strong correlations between the performance variables of swimmers on dry land and in water. The most important finding is that the power during all the jumps (ACMJ, SJ, CJ30s and CMJ) was strongly correlated with the time and speed of swimming using dolphin kick.
W artykule przedstawiono ekspansyjne działania Federacji Rosyjskiej po 1991 r., ich wpływ na postrzeganie środowiska bezpieczeństwa przez Rzeczpospolitą Polską oraz wykonano analizę potęgi Polski, Rosji oraz wybranych państw Europy, których interesy mogą spowodować wzajemną antagonizację lub współpracę w jej wschodniej części. Należą do nich Ukraina, Niemcy, Szwecja, Finlandia i Turcja. Celem polityki Kremla jest zburzenie dotychczasowego porządku międzynarodowego, co powoduje wzrost napięcia w krajach ościennych, które czują się zagrożone, będąc potencjalnym obiektem kolejnej agresji. Wykonane badanie potęgi ukazało znaczącą dysproporcję siły pomiędzy Polską a Rosją na korzyść tej drugiej. W związku z tym, można postawić tezę, że polityka Federacji Rosyjskiej stanowi istotne zagrożenie dla interesów państwa polskiego, a dysproporcja potęg może być równoważona poprzez współpracę międzynarodową i zawiązywanie sojuszy wielo- lub bilateralnych z poszczególnymi podmiotami państwowymi. Celem artykułu jest potwierdzenie czy potęga potencjalnego sojuszu jest wystarczająca do przeciwdziałania polityce Kremla. Metodami badawczymi zastosowanymi w pracy są: obserwacja, badanie dokumentów oraz analiza i konstrukcja logiczna. Artykuł nawiązuje do paradygmatu Carla Jean’a, że geopolityka jest metodą rozumowania służącą konceptualizacji przestrzeni w wymiarach materialnych i niematerialnych, w celu poddania analizie sytuacji międzynarodowej oraz wyodrębnienia możliwości, celów i polityki jak również, koncepcji Roberta Kagana dotyczącej lekceważenia odradzającej się potęgi Rosji.
The article presents the expansionary activities of the Russian Federation after 1991, their impact on the perception of the security environment by the Republic of Poland, and analyzes the power of Poland, Russia and selected European countries, whose interests may cause mutual antagonization or cooperation in its eastern part. These include Ukraine, Germany, Sweden, Finland and Turkey. The goal of the Kremlin’s policy is to destroy the existing international order, which causes increased tensions in neighbouring countries, which feel threatened by being a potential target of further aggression. Moreover, the power survey performed showed a significant power disproportion between Poland and Russia in favour of the latter. Therefore, it can be argued that the policy of the Russian Federation poses a significant threat to the interests of the Polish state, and the disproportion of powers may be balanced by international cooperation and the establishment of multi- or bilateral alliances with individual state entities. The aim of the study, therefore, is to confirm whether the power of the potential alliance is sufficient to counteract the Kremlin’s policy. The research methods used in the work are observation, examination of documents as well as analysis and logical construction. The article refers to the Carl Jean paradigm that geopolitics is a method of reasoning used to conceptualize space in material and non-material dimensions, in order to analyze the international situation and to distinguish possibilities, goals and policies, as well as Robert Kagan’s concept of disregarding the resurgent power of Russia.
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