The effectiveness of the transportation system aids in the successful economic development of any nation, as studies by foreign scientists have shown that road transport is one of the most critical contributors to budget revenue. Nevertheless, the quality of the products and services offered to the end user affects any company's reputation, market share, and financial stability. Being proactive is essential to ensuring low-risk impact, which entails developing a risk management plan to support the operation through well-defined policies and practices. On the one hand, the company will thus be able to differentiate itself in an often competitive market by implementing an effective shipping protocol that considers and plans risks; on the other hand, it will guarantee its customers a timely delivery, as planned. This article focuses on the various problems affecting the distribution supply chain and the negative consequences for the company's image and financial performance.
Nowoczesne sieci komórkowe zapewniają do stęp do różnorodnych usług. Z jednej strony operatorzy sieci komórkowych (MNO) są zobowiązani do zapewnienia odpowiedniego zasięgu sieci. Z drugiej strony usługi powinny być świadczone na odpowiednim poziomie. W tym artykule przedstawiamy analizę korelacyjną metryk jakości usług (QoS) i parametrów sygnału radiowego dla scenariusza przeglądania stron internetowych. Niniejsze badanie bazują na kampanii pomiarowej przeprowadzonej w okolicach Warszawy dla dwóch MNO.
Modern mobile networks provide access to a variety of services. On the one hand, mobile network operators (MNOs) are required to ensure adequate network coverage. On the other hand, the provided services should be performed at an appropriate level. This paper presents a correlation analysis of quality of service (QoS) metrics and radio signal parameters for a web browsing scenario. This research is based on the measurement campaign carried out in the vicinity of Warsaw for two MNOs.
Przepływność protokołu IP zdefiniowana na podstawie 3GPP TS 36.314 jest jednym z najważniejszych wskaźników Quality of Service (QoS). Jednakże specyfika sieci komórkowych w architekturze rozproszonej uniemożliwia precyzyjność jej pomiaru. Artykuł ten przedstawia porównanie klasycznej architektury Long Term Evolution (LTE) w porównaniu do systemu Dual Connectivity (DC) i skupia się na nowatorskiej metodzie rozwiązania problemu bieżącej estymacji przepływności dla terminala realizującego usługę transmisji danych jednocześnie przez dwie stacje bazowe.
IP scheduled throughput defined according to 3GPP TS 36.314 is one of the most important indicators for monitoring of Quality of Service (QoS). However, the nature of networks built on a distributed architecture prevents it from being accurately measured. This paper gives an overview of the classical Long Term Evolution (LTE) architecture as opposed to Dual Connectivity (DC) system and focuses on a novel method of solving the issue of current throughput estimation for UE providing the data transmission service simultaneously through two base stations.
Autorzy artykułu przedstawiają analizę świadczenia usług z odpowiednią jakością (QoS) w wielołączowych sieciach standardu IEEE 802.11be. Praca koncentrując się na kontrolerze łączy, który wykorzystuje intensywność zmiany parametru okna rywalizacji mechanizmu EDCA do przewidywania potrzeby nadania priorytetu ruchowi wideo. Proponowany kontroler ma na celu usprawnienie zapewniania QoS poprzez dynamiczne zarządzanie aktywnymi interfejsami.
The authors of this paper present an analysis of the quality of service (QoS) provisioning in multi-link IEEE 802.11be networks. The paper focuses on a link controller that uses, among other things, the intensity of change of the contention window parameter of the EDCA mechanism to predict the prioritisation of video traffic. The proposed controller addresses the improvement of QoS provisioning through dynamic management of active interfaces.
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LTE which stands for Long Term Evolution is one of wireless broadband technology which provides an increased on both network capacity and speed to user. As LTE network grows, LTE mobile data services becomes demanding mode of communication. From audio call to video conference, video conference to online bank transaction, user lives conveniently with LTE. The speed of LTE network is up to 300 Mbps with the coverage of 100 km. However, LTE network could not be standalone on this chain for so long as it might occur generalization of services where the quality cannot be guarantee. Here Quality of Service (QoS) play it roles in managing and design wireless services that suit every single user necessity. QoS refers to the ability of a network to accomplish maximum bandwidth and handle with another element within network performance. Not to mention, minor support that made this possible is by studying on how EPC could make a different in improving the QoS in LTE network. Evolved Packet Core (EPC) is designed to support smooth transfer for voice and data to a base station. Hence, investigation in benefit of EPC toward QoS in LTE is carry out and simulation result obtained will be evaluated throughout this paper.
LTE, co oznacza Long Term Evolution, to jedna z bezprzewodowych technologii szerokopasmowych, która zapewnia użytkownikowi zwiększoną przepustowość i szybkość sieci. Wraz z rozwojem sieci LTE mobilne usługi transmisji danych LTE stają się wymagającym sposobem komunikacji. Od połączenia audio po wideokonferencję, wideokonferencję po transakcję bankową online, użytkownik żyje wygodnie dzięki LTE. Szybkość sieci LTE wynosi do 300 Mb/s przy zasięgu 100 km. Jednak sieć LTE nie mogłaby być samodzielna na tym łańcuchu tak długo, jak mogłoby dojść do uogólnienia usług, w przypadku których nie można zagwarantować jakości. Tutaj Quality of Service (QoS) odgrywa rolę w zarządzaniu i projektowaniu usług bezprzewodowych, które odpowiadają potrzebom każdego użytkownika. QoS odnosi się do zdolności sieci do osiągnięcia maksymalnej przepustowości i obsługi innego elementu w ramach wydajności sieci. Nie wspominając już o niewielkim wsparciu, które to umożliwiło, poprzez zbadanie, w jaki sposób EPC może coś zmienić w poprawie QoS w sieci LTE. Evolved Packet Core (EPC) został zaprojektowany w celu obsługi płynnego przesyłania głosu i danych do stacji bazowej. Dlatego prowadzone są badania na korzyść EPC w kierunku QoS w LTE, a uzyskane wyniki symulacji będą oceniane w niniejszym artykule.
Internet of medical things (IoMT) network design integrates multiple healthcare devices to improve patient monitoring and real-time care operations. These networks use a wide range of devices to make critical patient care decisions. Thus, researchers have deployed multiple high-security frameworks with encryption, hashing, privacy preservation, attribute based access control, and more to secure these devices and networks. However, real-time monitoring security models are either complex or unreconfigurable. The existing models’ security depends on their internal configuration, which is rarely extensible for new attacks. This paper introduces a hybrid metaheuristic model to improve healthcare IoT security performance. The blockchain based model can be dynamically reconfigured by changing its encryption and hashing standards. The proposed model then continuously optimizes blockchain based IoMT deployment security and QoS performance using elephant herding optimization (EHO) and grey wolf optimization (GWO). Dual fitness functions improve security and QoS for multiple attack types in the proposed model. These fitness functions help reconfigure encryption and hashing parameters to improve performance under different attack configurations. The hybrid integration of EH and GW optimization models can tune blockchain based deployment for dynamic attack scenarios, making it scalable and useful for real-time scenarios. The model is tested under masquerading, Sybil, man-in-the-middle, and DDoS attacks and is compared with state-of-the-art models. The proposed model has 8.3% faster attack detection and mitigation, 5.9% better throughput, a 6.5% higher packet delivery ratio, and 10.3% better network consistency under attack scenarios. This performance enables real-time healthcare use cases for the proposed model.
In order to design a stable and reliable voice communication system, it is essential to know how many resources are necessary for conveying quality content. These parameters may include objective quality of service (QoS) metrics, such as: available bandwidth, bit error rate (BER), delay, latency as well as subjective quality of experience (QoE) related to user expectations. QoE is expressed as clarity of speech and the ability to interpret voice commands with adequate mean opinion score (MOS) grades. This paper describes a quality evaluation study of a two-way speech transmission system via bandwidth over power line – power line communication (BPL-PLC) technology in an operating underground mine. We investigate how different features of the available wired medium can affect end-user quality. The results of the described study include: two types of coupling (capacitive and inductive), two transmission modes (mode 1 and 11), and four language sets of speech samples (American English, British English, German, and Polish) encoded at three different bit rates (8, 16, and 24 kbps). Our findings can aid both researchers working on low-bit rate coding and compression, signal processing and speech perception, as well as professionals active in the mining and oil industry.
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Service providers must be able to identify the quality perceived by users through data networks, which is the quality of experience (QoE) required to take the necessary actions to provide a service that meets the user’s expectations. Therefore, this article proposes a tool for estimating the subjective QoE from objective parameters of the quality of service (QoS) for the video streaming supported by MPEG-DASH (Moving Picture Experts Group- Dynamic Adaptive Strea.
Dostawcy usług muszą być w stanie określić jakość postrzeganą przez użytkowników za pośrednictwem sieci danych, czyli jakość doświadczenia (QoE) wymaganą do podjęcia niezbędnych działań w celu świadczenia usługi spełniającej oczekiwania użytkownika. Dlatego w niniejszym artykule zaproponowano narzędzie do szacowania subiektywnego QoE na podstawie obiektywnych parametrów jakości usług (QoS) dla strumieniowego przesyłania wideo obsługiwanego przez MPEG-DASH (Moving Picture Experts Group - Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP). W przyszłych pracach proponujemy ekstrapolację opracowanego narzędzia na usługi wideo na żądanie w różnych kontekstach aplikacji.
In order to minimize the receiver complexity and improve the performance of the spectral amplitude coding - optical code division multiple access system, a novel one-dimensional zero cross-correlation code using Pascal’s triangle matrix has been suggested. This research article shows that the position of chip “1” in the code sequences is one of the important factors affecting system performance. In fact, mathematical results show that, for the allwavelength direct detection, it is possible to reduce the number of filters without sacrificing system performance. In addition, compared to one-wavelength direct detection, the signalto-noise ratio value is increased with an increasing weight by using wide-bandwidth filters as decoders. Performance of the proposed system in terms of the minimum bit error rate is validated using the OptiSystem software. Compared with the previous systems at 622 Mbps, the suggested system gave the best values of bit error rate of around 10⁻⁴³, 10⁻³⁵, and 10⁻²⁶ for higher, medium, and lower service demand, respectively.
Telecommunication networks are ever more frequently relying on artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to detect specific use patterns or potential errors and to take automated decisions when these are encountered. This concept requires that methods be employed to measure the level of quality of a given telecommunication service, i.e. to verify quality of service (QoS) metrics. In a broader context, methods assessing the entire user experience (quality of experience – QoE) are required as well. In this article, various approaches to assessing QoS, QoE and the related metrics are presented, with a view to implement these at an FTTH network operator in Poland. Since this article presents the architecture of the system used to analyze QoE performance based on a number of QoS metrics collected by the operator, we also provide a comprehensive introduction to the QoS and QoE metrics used herein.
The Internet of Vehicles (IoVs) has become a vital research area in order to enhance passenger and road safety, increasing traffic efficiency and enhanced reliable connectivity. In this regard, for monitoring and controlling the communication between IoVs, routing protocols are deployed. Frequent changes that occur in the topology often leads to major challenges in IoVs, such as dynamic topology changes, shortest routing paths and also scalability. One of the best solutions for such challenges is “clustering”. This study focuses on IoVs’ stability and to create an efficient routing protocol in dynamic environment. In this context, we proposed a novel algorithm called Cluster-based enhanced AODV for IoVs (AODV-CD) to achieve stable and efficient clustering for simplifying routing and ensuring quality of service (QoS). Our proposed protocol enhances the overall network throughput and delivery ratio, with less routing load and less delay compared to AODV. Thus, extensive simulations are carried out in SUMO and NS2 for evaluating the efficiency of the AODV-CD that is superior to the classic AODV and other recent modified AODV algorithms.
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Wymagania dotyczące jakości usług świadczonych przez przedsiębiorstwa komunalne spowodowały wzrost zainteresowania problemami bezpieczeństwa zaopatrzenia w media. Bezpieczeństwo zaopatrzenia w ciepło odgrywa ważną rolę zarówno w ujęciu społecznym, technicznym jak i politycznym. Obejmuje trzy główne składowe: bezpieczeństwo energetyczne, bezpieczeństwo dostaw ciepła, bezpieczeństwo osób. Różnice dotyczą obejmowanego podmiotu, obszaru, zasięgu jak również stopnia i celu analiz. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest wieloaspektowe spojrzenie na bezpieczeństwo dostaw ciepła, jako kontynuacja badań prowadzonych przez autorów w kontekście zarządzania dostawą ciepła do odbiorców i analizy ryzyka związanego z brakiem dostawy ciepła.
Requirements for the quality of service provided by utility companies have led to increased interest in utility security issues. Security of heat supply plays an important role in social, technical and political terms. It includes three main components: energy security, security of heat supply, and security of persons. The differences relate to the subject covered, the area, the scope as well as the degree and purpose of the analyses. The aim of this article is to look at the security of heat supply from many aspects as a continuation of the research conducted by the authors in the context of heat supply management and risk analysis related to the lack of heat supply.
TQM is a term associated mainly with ensuring the quality of production, where the emphasis is on quality in all parts of the production process. The introduction of TQM into the operation of a service company therefore seems to be more difficult. In the presented article we address the basic requirements for the introduction of TQM in a company providing road freight transport. The basic PDCA approach needs to be implemented in all processes of the actors involved in the supply chain. The article points out the fact that evaluating the quality of the provided service only on the basis of a single indicator, which is the monitoring of the number of complaints and claims, is not sufficient as evidence of the established TQM system. The customer requires evidence of long-term and serious monitoring. As part of this monitoring, it proposes the creation of an effective evaluation system for evaluating the quality of the external service provider. To determine the priority requirements of the customer, it is appropriate to apply several known simple evaluation methods. In the article, we applied the pairwise comparison method and the Saaty’s method to determine the order of importance of the quality criteria that we previously found in the customer survey: integrity of the consignment, compliance with the agreed delivery time and completeness of the shipment, including documents. We therefore recommend focusing on these criteria when providing TQM in the company.
W artykule przedstawiono mechanizmy rezerwacji zasobów w architekturze sieci ASON/GMPLS, która spełnia wymagania nowoczesnych sieci optycznych, a jednocześnie umożliwia sterowanie siecią z gwarancją jakości usług. W artykule porównano dwa mechanizmy rezerwacji zasobów z gwarancją jakości i podejściem typu POOL. Efektywność prezentowanych mechanizmów zweryfikowano metodą symulacji komputerowej w środowisku OMNeT++.
The authors present resource reservation mechanisms in ASON/GMPLS network architecture, which fulfills the requirements of modern optical networks and allows to control the network with required quality of service. In the paper two resource reservation mechanisms with a quality guarantee and POOL approach are compared. The effectiveness of which has been verified by computer simulation in the OMNeT ++ environment.
In the article, a validation module, being a component of an integrated system supporting routing in software defined networks (SDNRoute), is proposed and thoroughly examined. The module allows for the verification of the results provided by the optimization module before these results are deployed in the production network. Routing policies are validated for their impact on the network quality parameters and against the threat of overloading (congestion).
W artykule zaproponowano oraz szczegółowo przebadano moduł walidatora stanowiący składową systemu obsługi trasowania (rutingu) ruchu w sieciach sterowanych programowo (SDNRoute). Moduł pozwala na weryfikację wyników działania modułu optymalizacji przed ich wdrożeniem do sieci produkcyjnej. Polityki rutingu walidowane są pod kątem wpływu na parametry jakościowe sieci oraz możliwość występowania przeciążeń.
In the article, a validator module, being a component of an integrated system supporting routing in software defined networks (SDNRoute), is proposed and thoroughly examined. The module allows for the verification of the results of the optimization module before they are deployed in the production network. Routing policies are validated for their impact on the network quality parameters and the threat of overloading.
Nowadays, companies are increasingly forced to fight against competition. The number of competitors on the market is constantly growing, and customer’s demands on the products offered by the companies are increasing. The role of customers on the market has changed in recent years. Customers are more active than before, i.e. they started to actively co-create value, so they stopped being passive to the purchase process. Organizations that make appropriate use of the increase in customer activity can count on large benefits for the company. One of the methods to increase competitiveness is continuous introduction of new technologies based on the Internet, which recently resulted in easier cooperation between customers and suppliers, making and settling transactions, coordination of orders in the supply chain thanks to e.g. solution supporting electronic exchange of EDI documents. Therefore, the development of information and communication technologies has significantly influenced the development of organization through its improvement. This paper presents the importance of new technologies for the customer that improve the process of its service in a selected clothing sales network in Poland.
This paper considers the problem of predicting self-similar traffic with a significant number of pulsations and the property of long-term dependence, using various spline functions. The research work focused on the process of modeling self-similar traffic handled in a mobile network. A splineextrapolation method based on various spline functions (linear, cubic and cubic B-splines) is proposed to predict selfsimilar traffic outside the period of time in which packet data transmission occurs. Extrapolation of traffic for short- and long-term forecasts is considered. Comparison of the results of the prediction of self-similar traffic using various spline functions has shown that the accuracy of the forecast can be improved through the use of cubic B-splines. The results allow to conclude that it is advisable to use spline extrapolation in predicting self-similar traffic, thereby recommending this method for use in practice in solving traffic prediction-related problems.
The multicast quality of service-enabled routing is a computationally challenging task. Despite ongoing research efforts, the associated mathematical problems are still considered to be NP-hard. In certain applications, computational complexity of finding the optimal connection between a set of network devices may be a particularly difficult challenge. For example, connecting a small group of participants of a teleconference is not much more complex than setting up a set of mutual point-to-point connections. On the other hand, satisfying the demand for such services as IPTV, with their receivers constituting the majority of the network, requires applying appropriate optimization methods in order to ensure real system execution. In this paper, algorithms solving this class of problems are considered. The notion of multicast saturation is introduced to measure the amount of multicast participants relative to the entire network, and the efficiency of the analyzed algorithms is evaluated for different saturation degrees.
The paper presents a robust QoS centric routing protocol for mission-critical communication over mobile Wireless Sensor Networks (CL-mWSN) that exploits dynamic network states from the different layers of the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol stack to make the routing decision. The CL-mWSN protocol exploits three key layers: application layer, network layer and MAC layer. It exhibits proactive network and node table management, service differentiation, fair resource scheduling and congestion detection, avoidance at the network layer, as well as dynamic link quality estimation and packet injection rate estimation at the MAC layer to assess its candidature as the best forwarding node for QoS-centric mission-critical communication. Simulation reveals that the proposed routing model exhibits higher throughput, minimum loss and deadline miss ratio that augments QoS provision in mobile WSNs.
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