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The article reviews the water reservoirs currently in use, working with wet-type dust collection devices. A shortcoming of current water systems is the problem of waste formation in the form of sludge with arelatively high water content. The article presents the concept and directions of further development of the device, in the context of thetreatment of water discharged from the dust collection device, operating in a closed circuit, and the impact of proper operation on theefficiency of the dust collection device, affecting the protection of the upper respiratory tract of workers who are in the area of increased dustiness. The use of a special design of the bottom of the tank makes it possible to separate the resulting pollution and direct it towards a drain hole or an inspection window. An important advantage of the presented solution is its modular design, which allows to adapt the development of the tank in conditions of limited space, and the way of its location and movement.
The article discusses the fundamental aspects of the water deficit problem in rural areas of the South Prydniprovska Upland, which is prevalent in the Mykolaiv, Cherkasy, Kirovohrad, and Dnipro regions. The study focuses on the rapid hydrochemical instability observed in locally accumulated runoff reservoirs, significantly deteriorating their water quality for consumer use. The inherently high salinity, exacerbated during peak water shortage periods, diminishes the significance of local hydrosystems as viable water sources. The swift advancement of autonomous f iltration water treatment systems and artificial filtration in drinking water production necessitates a reevaluation of traditional principles in rural water supply. Concurrently, this development brings to light several critical technical issues with economic implications. Cost-effective decentralized water treatment for drinking purposes mandates the use of natural water with a salinity of up to 1.5–1.8 thousand mg/dm3. Treating water with a salinity of 3–4 thousand mg/dm3 would be economically unfeasible due to the need for accelerated replacement of filter elements, excessive electricity consumption, and extended working hours. Therefore, the challenge of accessing water reserves with minimal deviation in hydrochemical composition from drinking standards persists, as current reservoirs and water storage facilities do not meet this requirement. To rationally exploit available water reserves, the proposed principle of cascade-separate water use for small reservoirs is introduced. This approach is based on creating a tandem of existing channel ponds and small water storage reservoirs linked by regulated water flow. The satellite water storage ponds, filled from the surface with relatively clean, flotation-deposited water from the main pond, will contain a 3-4 month supply of conditionally high-quality water, ensuring efficient operation of drinking water treatment plants at a volume of up to 20 m3/day. These relatively small (up to 0.5 million m3) reservoirs are easy to maintain, clean, and periodically disinfect, meeting the minimum water quality requirements for preparation for drinking and the domestic needs of the population.
The article strives to determine the allowable content of nutrients in the wastewater that is being discharged into a reservoir, with the end goal of minimizing the risk of eutrophication. It was noted that the methodology currently used in Ukraine and most European countries to control pollutant discharge in wastewater is designed to simply not exceed the permissible pollution level in natural water based on sanitary indicators, which does not guarantee the absence of the eutrophication risk to the water bodies. The article describes a developed method for determining the allowable composition of wastewater based on biogenic indicators. The proposed method takes into account the consecutive transformation of nutrients, the probabilistic nature of the factors that determine the quality of water in water bodies, as well as the cost of purifying wastewater from various pollutants. The problem was considered for the case of wastewater discharge into a reservoir through a watercourse. This research is a practical scientific basis for further improving the methodology for standardization of the wastewater composition in order to protect water bodies from eutrophication.
The Tut oil field is in the North-western part of the Western Desert. This work aims to study the reservoir characteristics, to evaluate the hydrocarbon potentiality of the Upper and Lower Safa Members based on the available subsurface data obtained from open-hole well log records of four wells distributed in the study area. Numerous isopach and lithofacies maps have been constructed. The petrophysical evaluation, in terms of determining reservoir net-pay thickness, shale content (Vsh), effective porosity (∅eff), water saturation (Sw) and hydrocarbon saturation (Sh), were estimated. The vertical and the lateral distribution of the reservoir characteristics, in the form of litho-saturation cross-plots, iso-parametric maps and lithologic-matrix cross-plots were constructed. Three hydrocarbon charged zones in the Khatatba Formation were defined and represented by the Upper Safa-Top, Upper Safa-Bottom and Lower Safa-Top. The upper most part of Upper Safa Member (Upper Safa-Top) reservoir represents an oil producing zone where it consists of shallow marine to alluvial sediments. The Lower most part of Upper Safa Member (Upper Safa-Bottom) reservoir represents gas producing zone where it consists of a thick alluvial sand body. Finally, the upper most part of Lower Safa Member (Lower Safa-Top) reservoir represents an oil-gas producing zone consisting of shallow marine sediments with high terrestrial input. The iso-parametric maps show that Northern and central parts of the study area are the most favorable parts for hydrocarbon accumulation due to the increase in net-pay thickness and average effective porosity and decrease in water saturation toward these parts.
Fifty-one sandstone core samples obtained from wadi Saal area. They are belonging to the Pre-Cenomanian age. These samples were subjected to various laboratory measurements such as: density, porosity, permeability, electrical resistivity, grain size analysis and ultrasonic wave velocity. The parameters describing reservoir properties are outlined. Packing index, reservoir quality index, flow zone indicator and pore throat radius (R35 and R36) were calculated. The obtained interrelationships among these parameters allowing to improve petrophysical knowledge about the Pre-Cenomanian reservoir information. The obtained rock physics models could be employed with some precautions to the subsurface existences of the Pre-Cenomanian sandstone reservoirs especially in the surrounding areas.
An integration was achieved between different bore holes and laboratory measured data using several petrophysical parameters of the Baharyia Formation encountered in Neag-1,2&3 oil fields. It illustrates the key control factors affecting the Baharyia reservoir quality. The obtained petrophysical relationships could be used widely in both exploration geophysics and hydrocarbon reservoir production. It provides and demonstrates solutions for both geological and geophysical engineering problems. The measured porosity and permeability are ranging from 2.5 to 32 % and 0.005 to 874 mD respectively. The influence of diagenesis on both reservoir porosity and permeability has been investigated. Pore filling minerals has been classified into four classes by XRD- analysis technique. A reliable regression equation was reached between reservoir permeability and mineral pore fillings. Several relationships among rock permeability, porosity and density obtained from open hole logs were recognized. The pore throat distribution has been laboratory measured by use of MICP technique for some selected samples. The calculated reservoir storage and flow capacity indicate four major fluid flow types which are controlled by the variations in reservoir pore space framework. Formation resistivity factor – porosity relation was accomplished under reservoir conditions, while the Archie’s 2nd equation was outlined. The Archie’s parameters (a, m &n) were calculated for shaly and clean sandstones of the Baharyia Formation. Both cation exchange capacity (CEC), Mounce potential (MP) and mercury injection capillary pressure (MICP) were measured to distinguish reservoir facies.
W wielu miejscach na świecie obserwuje się rosnące deficyty wodne i problemy z zaspokojeniem niektórych potrzeb. Z tego powodu, coraz częściej wykorzystywana jest woda szara i woda deszczowa. Zbiorniki gromadzące spływy z powierzchni uszczelnionych są rozpatrywane, jako potencjalne źródła wody dla niektórych odbiorców. W pracy dokonano oceny stopnia zanieczyszczenia oraz zmienności jakości wód deszczowych gromadzonych i podczyszczanych w uszczelnionych stawach przy nowych drogach w aglomeracji lubelskiej (południowo-wschodnia Polska). Oceniono również potencjalne zagrożenia i możliwości ponownego użycia wód. W badaniach uwzględniono zmiany natężenia ruchu samochodowego i warunków pogodowych. Badania jakościowe prowadzono sezonowo. Analizami objęto m.in. wybrane wskaźniki fizyczne, biogenne i zasolenia. Wykazano dużą zmienność koncentracji zawiesin ogólnych, NO2-, NH4+, PO43-, TP, i Cl- (74-216%). W niektórych terminach pomiarowych stwierdzono niepokojące wartości przewodności, pH, zawiesin, TP, Cl- i ChZT. W warunkach badań zmienność jakości wód deszczowych była większa w pierwszej fazie eksploatacji systemu zbiorników, a poziom średniego zanieczyszczenia stabilizował się w ciągu kilku lat od jego wybudowania. Zmiany natężenia ruchu samochodowego nie wpływały znacząco na wielkość zanieczyszczenia retencjonowanych wód. Duża zmienność zanieczyszczenia wód utrudnia precyzyjne wyznaczanie okresów, w których ich wykorzystanie wiąże się z najmniejszym ryzykiem. Zarządzanie wodami deszczowymi powinno opierać się na wnikliwych analizach ich jakości (stały monitoring) oraz ocenie ewentualnego zagrożenia dla środowiska.
In many places around the world, there are growing water deficits and problems in satisfying certain needs. For this reason, gray water and rainwater are increasingly used. Reservoirs collecting runoff from impervious surfaces are considered as potential sources of water for some recipients. This paper evaluates the pollution level and variations in the quality of rainwater collected and pre-treated in sealed ponds located next to new roads in the metropolitan area of Lublin (south-eastern Poland). Potential threats and possibilities of water reuse were also assessed. The studies took into account changes in traffic intensity and weather conditions. Qualitative research was conducted seasonally. The analyzes included, among others: selected physical, biogenic and salinity indicators. High variations in the concentration of total suspended solids, NO2-, NH4+, PO43-, TP, and Cl- were observed (74-216%). On some measurement dates disturbing conductivity, pH, suspended solids, TP, Cl– and COD values were found. Under the test conditions, variations in stormwater quality was greater at the first stage of using the system of reservoirs, and the mean level of pollution stabilized several years after its construction. Changes in traffic intensity did not significantly affect on the degree of contamination of the stored water. The high variability of water pollution makes it difficult to precisely identify periods in which the use of ponds poses the lowest risk. Rainwater management should be based on thorough analyses of water quality (constant monitoring) and the evaluation of possible threats to the environment.
Monitoring and analyzing reservoir water quality are crucial for ecological and environmental strategies. This study examines the differences between the water quality index (WQI) of Indonesia (WQI-INA), Malaysia (DOE-Malaysia), Oregon (WQI-Oregon), and Italy (PI-Prati), considering the tropical climate of Indonesia and Malaysia, and contrasting with the temperate climate of Oregon and the Mediterranean climate of Italy. Using data from the Sutami Reservoir in Indonesia from 2015 to 2021, the study assesses water quality parameters such as BOD, COD, DO, NH3 , NO3 , total suspended solids, total phosphorus (TP), and pH at various depths (0.3, 5, and 10 meters) across three sites (upstream, midstream, downstream). The results show varied classifications: WQI-INA rated the reservoir as “pretty good,” WQI-Oregon as “poor,” and both DOE-Malaysia and PI-Prati as “slightly polluted.” Spatial analysis of vertical distribution revealed “slightly polluted” (WQI-INA), “moderately polluted” (WQI-Oregon and PI-Prati), and “heavily polluted” (DOE-Malaysia). These discrepancies arise from differences in local environmental standards, regulatory requirements, and specific water quality concerns included in each index. The Sutami Reservoir water quality status was declared using WQI-INA, however, other methods were employed to simulate the worst-case scenarios and inform preventive actions. The Sutami Reservoir hyper-eutrophic conditions indicate a pollution load capacity of 65.22 tons per year. Critical parameters such as pH and TP highlight significant water quality and pollution issues. Recommendations for water quality treatment under heavy pollution conditions include applying 12.09–120.87 tons of lime, using 78.75–393.75 kg of chemical buffers, oxygen diffusion, controlling riparian vegetation over 2.37–23.7 hectares, dredging 37,100 m3 of sediment per year, and reducing nutrient sources through community involvement.
The article reviews the technology of construction and functioning of watertight elements of hydrotechnical embankments. A case study of two reservoirs located in the middle course of the Nysa Kłodzka River is described: (1) Otmuchów reservoir functioning since 1933, (2) Nysa reservoir functioning since 1971. The effectiveness of the applied impermeable screens, i.e. a clay screen of the Otmuchów reservoir and a concrete screen of the Nysa reservoir, was assessed and compared. Data from piezometers located at the height of the dam crest along its entire profile were analysed for measurements taken in the years 2020-2022. Indicators such as the distribution and depth of the water level in the dam body and changes in pressure in piezometers under the influence of water level fluctuations in the reservoir were considered. In addition, the scale and frequency of repair and maintenance activities carried out on both facilities were analysed, especially in aspects of the dam body sealing and the need to repair the upstream slope structures, which are directly exposed to filtration and wave action. It was found that, despite the long period of operation of both facilities, they maintain proper water tightness, and the depth of the water level in the embankments reacts only slightly to fluctuations in the amount (height) of stored water. This correlation is more evident closer to the middle part of the dam of the Nysa reservoir, where an abrupt increase in damming height caused a vertical movement of the water table in the embankment, but with a delay of about a week. It was pointed out that both sealing technologies adopted were associated with the need for numerous revitalisation measures, mainly due to dynamic degradation of the stone paving in the area of fluctuations in the level of dammed water in the case of the Otmuchów reservoir and loss of watertightness at expansion joints of concrete slabs protecting the upstream slope of the Nysa reservoir dam.
W artykule dokonano przeglądu technologii wykonania i funkcjonowania elementów wodoszczelnych nasypów hydrotechnicznych. Opisano studium przypadku dwóch zbiorników retencyjnych znajdujących się w środkowym biegu rzeki Nysa Kłodzka: (1) Zbiornik Otmuchów funkcjonujący od 1933 roku, (2) Zbiornik Nysa funkcjonujący od 1971 roku. Poddano ocenie i porównano skuteczność pracy zastosowanych przesłon przeciwfiltracyjnych, tj. ekranu iłowego zbiornika Otmuchów i ekranu betonowego zbiornika Nysa. Przeanalizowano odczyty z piezometrów znajdujących się na wysokości korony zapory wzdłuż całego jej profilu, dla pomiarów wykonywanych w latach 2020-2022. Rozpatrzono takie wskaźniki jak rozkład i głębokość zwierciadła wody w zaporze oraz zmiany ciśnienia w piezometrach pod wpływem wahań poziomu wody w zbiorniku. Ponadto przeanalizowano skalę i częstotliwość działań remontowych oraz konserwacyjnych przeprowadzonych na obu obiektach, szczególnie w aspektach doszczelniania korpusu zapory oraz konieczności napraw ubezpieczeń skarpy strony odwodnej – bezpośrednio narażonej na filtrację i falowanie. Stwierdzono, że mimo długiego okresu pracy obu obiektów zachowują one prawidłową szczelność, a głębokość zwierciadła wody w nasypach jedynie nieznacznie reaguje na wahania ilości retencjonowanej wody. Ta korelacja wyraźniejsza jest bliżej środkowej części zapory zbiornika Nysa, gdzie skokowy wzrost wysokości piętrzenia spowodował pionowy ruch zwierciadła wody w nasypie, jednakże z ok. tygodniowym opóźnieniem. Wskazano, że obie przyjęte technologie uszczelniające wiązały się z koniecznością licznych działań rewitalizacyjnych, głównie w związku z dynamiczną degradacją bruku kamiennego w obszarze wahań poziomu piętrzonej wody w przypadku zbiornika Otmuchów oraz utratą szczelności na dylatacjach płyt betonowych zabezpieczających skarpę odwodną zapory zbiornika Nysa.
Numerous laboratory studies have shown that the change in physical and chemical properties and the geological conditions of the occurrence of hydrocarbons depend on depth. It should be noted that the change in oil properties with depth and the identification of the properties of such oils are poorly understood. In this research work, an attempt is made to study the filtration properties of anomalous oils, taking into account compressibility in reservoir conditions. The work carried out shows that the density, dynamic viscosity and the content of resins, sulfur, paraffin and asphaltene of different oil reservoirs are mainly depth dependent. The filtration characteristics of such oils that manifest themselves at a given pressure have been established. The results of modeling the filtration processes leading to the emergence of zones of increased oil compressibility, forming deep hydrocarbon fields, were used to discuss the regularities obtained. This makes it possible to determine filtration characteristics of anomalous liquid, taking into account the compressibility, which determine their higher quality indicators. The analysis shows that in the development of oil fields with anomalous properties of hydrocarbons, when recalculating the volumetric flow rate of individual wells in reservoir conditions it is necessary to use the value of the volumetric oil coefficient, taking into account its non-Newtonian properties. This technique will enable future works to study the effect of hydrodynamic imperfection of wells and the effect of formation permeability violation in their bottomhole zone on the reservoir pressure redistribution characteristics and well test results.
Liczne badania laboratoryjne wykazały, że zmiana właściwości fizycznych i chemicznych oraz warunki geologiczne występowania węglowodorów zależą od głębokości usytuowania akumulacji. Należy zauważyć, że charakter zmiany właściwości ropy naftowej wraz z głębokością jest słabo rozpoznany. W niniejszej pracy podjęto próbę zbadania właściwości filtracyjnych rop anomalnych, biorąc pod uwagę ściśliwość w warunkach złożowych. Przeprowadzone prace wykazały, że gęstość, lepkość dynamiczna oraz zawartość żywic, siarki, parafiny i asfaltenów w różnych złożach ropy naftowej zależą głównie od głębokości. Określono właściwości filtracyjne tych rop, ujawniające się przy określonym ciśnieniu. Do omówienia uzyskanych prawidłowości wykorzystano wyniki modelowania procesów filtracji, prowadzących do powstania stref o zwiększonej ściśliwości ropy w głębokich złożach węglowodorów. Pozwala to na ustalenie charakterystyki filtracyjnej cieczy anomalnej z uwzględnieniem ściśliwości, które determinują ich wyższe wskaźniki jakościowe. Analiza pokazuje, że przy zagospodarowaniu złóż ropy naftowej o anomalnych właściwościach, przy przeliczaniu objętościowego natężenia przepływu poszczególnych odwiertów w warunkach złożowych, konieczne jest wykorzystanie wartości współczynnika objętościowego ropy, z uwzględnieniem jego właściwości nienewtonowskich. Technika ta umożliwia w przyszłych pracach badanie wpływu niedoskonałości hydrodynamicznej odwiertów i wpływu naruszenia przepuszczalności formacji w strefie przyodwiertowej na cechy redystrybucji ciśnienia złożowego, jak również na wyniki opróbowania odwiertów.
The Sianjo-anjo reservoir is used to meet the need for downstream clean water. Land activity at the Sianjo-anjo reservoir watershed can potentially increase the rate of erosion and the silting of rivers and reservoirs due to sedimentation. Reservoir siltation is a crucial challenge for reservoir management because it can reduce its function and affect its service life. However, sediment yield is often overlooked in reservoir planning and environmental assessment. This study aims to predict the rate of land erosion and sediment yield, and create an erosion hazard map of the Sianjo-anjo reservoir watershed. The study used a Geographic Information System, GIS-based Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) method and discovered that the erosion rate of the Sianjo-anjo reservoir watershed was between 35.23 Mg∙ha-1∙y-1 until 455.08 Mg∙ha-1∙y-1, with 95.85% classified as the low level, 0.03% as moderate, and 4.12% as high. Meanwhile, the sediment yield from the Sianjo-anjo reservoir watershed was 218,812.802 Mg∙y-1. USLE is vital to identify areas susceptible to erosion and crucial for reservoir sustainability. Furthermore, it is necessary to plan good sediment management. Long-term land conservation is required to maintain storage capacity and ensure effective operation of the reservoir.
The importance of water reservoirs in water management does not need to be particularly justified. There is more than 6.000-year history of convincing evidence. In Slovakia, the construction of reservoirs can be dated to two periods. The first period was especially the 18th century when the construction of water reservoirs was stimulated by the need for water for the mining industry in the vicinity of Banská Štiavnica. The second period falls in the second half of the 20th century. The construction of reservoirs was initiated in the post-war period. It was the need to raise the standard of living of society, the urgency of electrification of the country, the development of industry and agriculture, the supply of drinking water to the population, flood control, the improvement of flows, etc. Reservoirs with multi-annual regulations have an important position in the types of water reservoirs since they can regulate flows over several years. This benefit is evident, especially during periods of extreme hydrological phenomena and short-term aquatic and long-term dry, so-called low-water periods. Ensuring ecological flow in riverbeds during periods of prolonged drought is a phenomenon that is fundamental from the point of view of environmental protection. We have illustrated our knowledge, and experience gained from their impact on the flows downstream of the Veľká Domaša dam. In the paper, we demonstrate the significant function of the reservoir not only for society but also for the environment by statistical processing of inflows into the reservoir and outflows into the riverbed downstream of the dam during the period of registered occurrence of extreme hydrological phenomena.
Znaczenie zbiorników wodnych w gospodarowaniu wodą nie wymaga szczególnego uzasadniania. Mają one za sobą ponad 6000 lat historii ilustrującej ich znaczenie. Na Słowacji budowa zbiorników dzieli się na dwa okresy. Pierwszy miał miejsce głównie w XVIII w., kiedy budowa zbiorników wodnych została wymuszona potrzebą zapewnienia wody dla przemysłu wydobywczego w okolicy miejscowości Banská Štiavnica. Drugi okres przypada na drugą połowę XX w., na okres powojenny. Budowa zapór była spowodowana koniecznością podniesienia standardu życia społeczeństwa, elektryfikacji kraju, rozwoju przemysłu i rolnictwa, zapewnienia populacji dostaw wody pitnej, kontroli przeciwpowodziowej, poprawy przepływów itp. Zbiorniki o wieloletniej regulacji pełnią znaczącą rolę pośród różnych rodzajów zbiorników wodnych, jako że mogą one służyć do wyrównywania przepływów w okresie kilku lat. Korzyść ta jest oczywista, w szczególności w okresach ekstremalnych zjawisk hydrologicznych oraz krótkich okresów opadów i długich okresów suchych, tzw. niżówkowych. Zapewnienie ekologicznego przepływu w okresach przedłużającej się suszy jest fundamentalne z punktu widzenia ochrony środowiska. Przedstawiliśmy naszą wiedzę i doświadczenie wynikające z ich wpływu na przepływ poniżej zapory Veľká Domaša. W artykule omawiamy znaczenie roli zbiornika nie tylko dla społeczeństwa, ale również dla środowiska, poprzez statystyczne przetwarzanie dopływu do zbiornika i odpływu do koryta rzecznego poniżej zapory w okresach zarejestrowanych ekstremalnych zjawisk hydrologicznych.
The Adapt-Dyje project is being developed in co-operation between Povodí Moravy river agency and the Institute of Global Change of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS). The project focuses on the development of a detailed hydrological and hydrodynamic simulation tool for water balance analysis in the Dyje river catchment. The aim is to evaluate the suitability and effectiveness of proposed adaptation measures under climate change conditions. One of the adaptation measures are the reservoirs located at preserved dam sites according to the Plan „Localities for Accumulation of Surface Waters" (LASW). In this study dam sites selected from LASW, namely Borovnice, Kuřimske Jestřabi, Vysočany, Brodce and Plaveč have been analyzed in more details. The purpose of the study is to assess, based on actual hydrological data, the ability to accumulate water for prescribed purposes (water supply for inhabitants and agriculture, flood protection, hydropower, assuring minimum environmental discharge below the dam) and to define rules for dam operation. The study also contains general discussion on the social and environmental conflicts. The analysis shows that 5 mentioned schemes with total reservoir volume 68 mil. m3 can provide about 2 m3/s of water for the supply and have certain flood attenuation effect.
Agencja Povodí Moravy oraz Instytut Globalnej Zmiany Czeskiej Akademii Nauk współpracują przy tworzeniu projektu Adapt-Dyje, mającym na celu opracowanie narzędzia do szczegółowych symulacji hydrologicznych i hydrodynamicznych przeznaczonych do oceny bilansu wodnego w zlewni rzeki Dyje. Celem jest ocena zrównoważonego charakteru oraz skuteczności proponowanych działań adaptacyjnych do zmian klimatu. Jednym z takich działań są zbiorniki wodne umieszczone przy zaporach zgodnie z planem „Miejsc akumulacji wód powierzchniowych”. W tej analizie przeprowadzono szczegółowe badania nad zaporami wymienionymi w planie, t.j. Borovnice, Kuřimske Jestřabi, Vysočany, Brodce and Plaveč. Celem badania jest ocena, na bazie aktualnych danych hydrologicznych, zdolności do gromadzenia wody dla określonych z góry celów (zaopatrzenie w wodę mieszkańców i rolnictwa, ochrona przeciwpowodziowa, energetyka wodna, zapewnienie minimalnego zrzutu poniżej tamy) oraz określenie zasad działania zapory. Badanie obejmuje również ogólną dyskusję na temat konfliktów społeczno-środowiskowych. Analiza wskazuje, że 5 wspomnianych planów z sumą pojemności zbiorników wynoszącą 68 mln m3 może zapewnić dostawę wody na poziomie 2 m3/s oraz wywrzeć wpływ ograniczający skutki powodzi.
Sediment deposition is a natural process that occurs in all reservoirs, resulting in significant storage loss, which has an adverse effect on the economic development of the local area. It is necessary to take appropriate action to control the sedimentation and prevent loss of the storage capacity of the reservoir. In the present study, runoff and sediment data collected at the Konijerla hydrometric station of Wyra reservoir for the period of 1991 to 2019 are used. Data from 2011 to 2016 is used to calibrate and the data from 2017 to 2019 is used to validate the SWAT model. The Wyra watershed consists of 26 sub-basins and 47 HRUs (Hydrological Response Units). Out of these sub-basins, one of the sub-basins is contributing 18.8% of sedimentation. It was also observed that two other sub-basins, though less in area, generate high sediments. Seasonal sediment analysis showed that sedimentation increased by 12% in the month of August for wet years. Overall sedimentation increased in wet years by 10.60% and in dry years, it decreased by 18.78%. The SWAT model was satisfactory in the calibration and validation periods for various parameters used. Hence, this model can be used for sedimentation study, as well as a planning tool in the reservoir capacity management.
The flow and accumulation of water are essential aspects when it comes to generating realistic terrains. In this article, we have set out to create a method for generating the distribution and levels of water in a virtual world. Our method fully simulates the water entering and exiting the system through rainfall, perspiration, and flowing out of the domain. Also, it simulates the phenomena of flow and accumulation in an iterative process. According to our observations, only allowing the user to influence the terrain and then simulating the placement of water bodies provides a natural result while preserving a high level of control.
Content available remote Efficient exact A* algorithm for the single plant Hydro Unit Commitment problem
The Hydro Unit Commitment problem (HUC) specific to hydroelectric plants is part of the electricity production planning problem, called Unit Commitment Problem (UCP). More specifically, the studied case is that of the HUC with a single plant, denoted 1-HUC. The plant is located between two reservoirs. The horizon is discretized in time periods. The plant operates at a finite number of points defined as pairs of the generated power and the corresponding water flow. Several constraints are considered. Each reservoir has an initial volume, as well as window resource constraints, defined by a minimum and maximum volume per time period. At each time period, there is an additional positive, negative or zero intake of water in the reservoirs. The case of a price-taker revenue maximization problem is considered. An efficient exact A* variant, so called HA*, is proposed to solve the 1-HUC accounting for window constraints, with a reduced search space and a dedicated optimistic heuristic. This variant is compared to a classical Resource Constrained Shortest Path Problem (RCSPP) algorithm and a Mixed Integer Linear Programming formulation solved with CPLEX. Results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms both concurrent alternatives in terms of computational time in average on a set of realistic instances, meaning that HA* exhibits a more stable behavior with a larger number of instances solved.
The Pennsylvanian Atoka bank carbonates were deposited on the northwest shelf of the Delaware Basin in Eddy County, New Mexico, forming a stratigraphic trap for natural gas. Brecciation is common in the core samples of some wells. This paper describes the brecciation in the phylloid algal limestones and discusses its origin. In the core samples, brecciated dark areas, consisting of irregularly shaped fragments, are seen together with internal sediment-filled pores, characterized by light gray coloured areas. Detailed examination of the core samples reveals that the brecciated dark areas correspond to open space areas between phylloid algal colonies, on the basis of comparison with the well-preserved primary rock texture in the cores. Brecciation is mainly due to the selective dissolution of phylloid algae that produced phylloid algal moulds, later filled by sandy internal sediments under subaerial conditions. The subsequent compaction of the limestone caused the rock to break up and formed a breccia in situ. The sandy internal sediment prevented the moulds from collapse as well as breccia formation in the pore-filling area, owing to its loose character. Overall, the brecciation process, including the dissolution of phylloid algae and breakage of the rocks, significantly improved the reservoir quality, whereas the internal sediment reduced the reservoir quality, for it reduced the porosity.
W Polsce nasilają się deszcze nawalne i podtopienia. Gminy powinny przygotowywać się na nie poprzez zwiększanie lokalnej retencji, a nie odprowadzanie coraz większej ilości wody do kanalizacji, rowów i rzek. Rumia to robi, budując od kilku lat błękitno-zieloną infrastrukturę. Z Pawłem Dąbrowskim, naczelnikiem Wydziału Gospodarowania Mieniem w Urzędzie Miasta Rumii i inicjatorem wielu zastosowanych tam rozwiązań, rozmawiają Ilona Gosk i Ewa Jakubowska-Lorenz z Fundacji Sendzimira.
Wody opadowe – jako główne źródło wody odnawialnej – mają bezpośredni wpływ na kondycję i funkcjonowanie środowiska w miastach, a także odgrywają ważną rolę w wielu sektorach gospodarki. Ich wielofunkcyjność wynika z faktu, że zasoby wodne tworzą system naczyń połączonych, a ich ilość i jakość zależy przede wszystkim od sposobu użytkowania obszaru zlewni.
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