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This study analyses and discusses how the unique cargo movements in Japan and changes in the social environment during the COVID-19 pandemic have affected social life. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, cargo movements in Japan have undergone significant changes. This study analyses cargo movements in Japan by showing correlation coefficients to indicate the extent to which each industry was affected by the spread of the new coronavirus to infected persons. The heightened awareness of the pandemic caused by the state of emergency led to the closure of many stores and a decline in outbound shipments. Although the volume of incoming shipments increased, the volume of outgoing shipments did not. As a result, warehouse vacancy rates declined. Therefore, the study revealed that distribution centers in Japan are becoming more self-sufficient, and cloud-based logistics information systems are becoming more widely used.
Purpose: The coronavirus pandemic has a crucial influence on every human being in many areas of life, like education, professional work and state of health. Also, it impacts food consumption and dietary behavior of people. The purpose of the paper is to diagnose the dynamics of new e-grocery delivery formats development caused by Covid-19 in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: This study follows a mixed method approach, which is based on qualitative interviews, secondary statistics and case study of Frisco - the most successful Polish enterprise on e-grocery sector. Multi-level perspective was used to give a context for changes observed on Polish e-grocery market. Findings: The pandemic influenced the dynamics of the development of the e-grocery market in Poland, which follows the way how American e-grocery market performs. The landscape before Covid-19 pandemic was dominated by big players like Amazon and Walmart on the USA market, however big players like Piotr I Paweł and Tesco disappeared form the e-grocery market in Poland. During pandemic, in both countries a rapid growth of local suppliers was observed. In the USA, big players have been consolidating, however in Poland a previous small enterprise, Frisco, when became a market leader, was bought by big retail player - Eurocash. Frisco implements door-to-door deliveries format. However, some new delivery formats, like food parcel lockers, are implemented by big companies like InPost on Polish e-grocery market. Research limitations/implications: Due to the difficulties related to recruiting 8 American e-grocery consumers to the focus group, the authors decided to use smaller (4 people each) mini-groups. The method is adequate to map the general landscape. However, a quantitative study is needed to deepen the information on factors of new delivery formats’ development. This article analyzes companies that provide only general information published in public reports. Practical implications: The paper helps to understand the changes on Polish market in multi-level perspective. The time of the pandemic opened a window of opportunity for new delivery formats, such as food parcel lockers. The implementation of new delivery solutions was possible by observing more developed markets such as American or German one. The development of modern technologies and the general access of potential customers to the Internet also enabled the change of the existing model of traditional trade to e-grocery. Social implications: Many customers have discovered new shopping opportunities which has led to a permanent change in purchasing behavior. In this article, the authors compare the change in landscape of Polish and American e-grocery market during Covid-19 pandemic. Originality/value: The paper helps to understand the dynamics of new e-grocery delivery formats development caused by Covid-19 in Poland with multilevel perspective. Moreover, the change in e-grocery market landscape was described. It is needed to deepen the research by new format factors analysis and further observations, what will be the future of these new formats.
Rafał Brzoska, prezes InPostu, poinformował na Europejskim Kongresie Gospodarczym w Katowicach, że jego firma pracuje nad strategią rozwoju nowego segmentu rynku e-grocery, czyli dostaw żywności online. – Ten segment rynku stanowi w Polsce mniej niż 0,5%, a np. w Anglii i Francji przekracza już 10%. To trudny rynek, ale oczekiwany przez naszych klientów – mówił w Katowicach prezes i właściciel InPostu.
Integrating electric vehicles in a supply chain and distribution is a viable option when special conditions such as short distance road distribution and environmental considerations as well as small amounts of goods enabling delivery with delivery vans are met. In this paper, possibility of investment in electric vehicles for distribution of local food will be examined and analysed. Safety concerns in electric vehicles will also be addressed and accident consequences and vehicle safety will be analysed and compared with conventional vehicles that use internal combustion engines.
W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję zarządzania łańcuchami i sieciami dostaw żywności (Food Supply Chain & Network – FSCN), znajdujących zastosowanie w budowie nowoczesnych systemów dystrybucji żywności świeżej i przetworzonej (mrożonej). Wprowadzenie koncepcji traceability umożliwia analizę ruchu ładunków i ich pochodzenia, a dzięki temu śledzenie ruchu żywności oraz ich składników przez wszystkie fazy jej produkcji i dystrybucji. Ujednolicenie w skali globalnej systemów kodów kreskowych pozwala zidentyfikować miejsce produktu żywnościowego w przestrzeni i w czasie, jego nadawcy i przeznaczenia w łańcuchu żywnościowym. Temu służy wykorzystanie technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych (Information & Communication Technology – ICT). Przedstawione zasady spójności i "przezroczystości" wymiany danych, a także informacji pomiędzy uczestnikami łańcuchów oraz sieci dostaw stwarzają warunki do efektywnego i skutecznego funkcjonowania systemów dostaw żywności, zapewniając im bezpieczeństwo oraz jakość, przy pełnym wykorzystaniu zasobów, dzięki elastyczności reakcji wobec zmian zachodzących na rynku.
In the paper the concept of Food Supply Chain & Network Management is applied to build modern logistics systems for fresh agricultural products and for processed food products (chilled salads). According to traceability concept's the idea of tracking and tracing gives the opportunity to determine where a certain item is located as well as to trace a history of that item throughout all stages of food supply chain from food processing to its distribution. To create global standards European Article Number Association was merged with Uniform Code Council standards. As a result the possibility to identify location of food product item, and its suppliers and end customers in food supply chain was established. The Information & Communication Technology is the instrument to build such global system. The principles of consistency and transparency for data circulation between all stakeholders of food supply chains to guarantee food quality and safety and the use of resources of such systems efficiently and effectively as a result of market dynamics were presented in the paper.
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