Cladoceran-based paleotemperature estimates for the Younger Dryas for ten sections of paleo-oxbow lakes, valley mires, and lacustrine sediments from central Poland are presented, and their potential usefulness to climatostratigraphy is described. Most of the changes observed in the cladoceran assemblages are responses to climate changes. The cladoceran-based temperature reconstructions reflect cold conditions during the Younger Dryas (YD) and allow a division of this period into two phases: an older colder phase, between 12,800 and 12,000 cal yrs BP, and a younger, warmer phase, between ca. 12,000 and 11,500 cal yrs BP. The geomorphological features of the study sites and local environmental forces are also taken into consideration. The cladoceran-inferred summer temperature estimates from all of the study sites correspond closely with the available climate reconstruction for the YD in central Europe.
Two sections of sediment from small oxbow-lake infillings located in different river valleys in central Poland were studied by cladoceran analysis in order to examine the response of aquatic ecosystems to the Younger Dryas. Lithological and geochemical records, as well as chydorid (Chydoridae) ephippia analysis were also used to reconstruct Younger Dryas climate trends. A high concentration of cladocerans, as well as the presence of Cladocera taxa preferring warmer water, was found. It is likely that local processes in the oxbow lakes were important, because the presence of warm-preferring taxa was also related to their habitats and their development. Yet local environmental forces, such as the influence of the rivers, habitat modification, macrophyte abundance, and eutrophication, were not only major factors to affect the Cladocera diversity in the Younger Dryas. The observation of changes in the composition and concentration of Cladocera in oxbow-lake infillings indicates that most of the changes occurred in response to climate changes.
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The succession of Cladocera assemblages in the Eemian Sławoszewek palaeolake (Central Poland) and the inferred environmental parameters are presented. The Cladocera assemblages provide a rich and relatively complete record of the Cladocera succession of the Eemian Interglacial, and are similar to those from other Eemian sites in Poland. The species composition and the variability in frequency of specimens of Cladocera made it possible to distinguish five zones of their development, which correlate well with pollen data. The Sławoszewek palaeolake existed from the early Eemian to the late Eemian Interglacial; at the end of the middle Eemian, the lake dried up temporarily. The cladoceran assemblages show that the initial shallow, oligotrophic status of the lake was followed by an increase to eutrophic status, especially during the interglacial optimum. Based on cladoceran composition, changes in climatic conditions in the mid-pollen zone E1, the late pollen zone E5 and in pollen zone E7, were recognized. It appears that cladoceran development was due mainly to climate changes, but also to changes in the locally prevailing conditions within the water body. The high frequency of cladocerans and the presence of cladoceran taxa preferring warmer water in mid-pollen zone E1 show an increase in temperature. The appearance of cold-tolerant Cladocera species at the end of pollen zone E5, suggests unfavourable conditions, probably cooling. Changes in Cladocera patterns in pollen zone E7 show that warm conditions still obtained in this area.
Lake series from the Eemian Interglacial and Early Vistulian has been discovered at Solniki in the Białystok Upland region, north-eastern Poland. Preliminary results of interdisciplinary researches (pollen, diatom, Cladocera, isotopic and magnetic susceptibility analyses) were used to illustrate the changes of the Eemian climate. At present stage of investigations, there are found signs of two abrupt climatic oscillations - first with very humid climate took place at middle part of the regional Carpinus pollen zone (E5 R PAZ), and second with cold and dry climate at middle part of the regional Pinus zone (E7 R PAZ).
W Solnikach na Wysoczyźnie Białostockiej (północno-wschodnia Polska) odkryto serię osadów jeziornych reprezentujących interglacjał eemski i wczesny vistulian. Wstępne wyniki badań interdyscyplinarnych (analiza pyłkowa, okrzemkowa i Cladocera, pomiary podatności magnetycznej osadów oraz zawartości izotopów stabilnych tlenu i węgla) wykorzystano do zilustrowania zmian klimatu podczas interglacjału eemskiego. Udokumentowano dwie gwałtowne oscylacje klimatu - pierwsza z ciepłym i bardzo wilgotnym klimatem (?opady) miała miejsce w środkowej części poziomu pyłkowego E5 Carpinus, druga z klimatem suchym i bardzo zimnym - w środkowej części poziomu E7 Pinus.
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Znaczenie analizy szczątków Cladocera w badaniach paleolimnologicznych potwierdzają zaprezentowane wyniki osiągnięte w Polsce i zagranicą. Opisano po krótce metodę preparacji i oznaczania szczątków. Podkreślono znaczenie stosowania mikroskopu skaningowego w celu prawidłowego oznaczenia gatunków. Często znajdowane są skorupki o różnej strukturze, a należące do tego samego gatunku, co prawdopodobnie związane jest z różnymi warunkami egzystencji. Przedyskutowano interpretację danych, wskazując na duże znaczenie form planktonowych, zwłaszcza gatunków z rodziny Bosminidae. Gatunki Chydoridae odzwierciedlające głównie stan strefy brzegowej przedstawiono według grup wskaźnikowych wydzielonych przez różnych badaczy.
The chitinous fragments of Cladocera carapaces, frequently found in lacustrine sediments, are valuable material for palaeolimnological studies. On the basis of species composition of Cladocera it is possible to restore the development of the lake, including its trophic changes and water level fluctuations. The importance of analyses of subfossil Cladocera in palaeolimnological investigations is accentuated by the results hitherto obtained in many countries (Frey, 1986a; Korhola, 1990; Hofmann, 1993). A review of previous research in this domain is presented in this paper, alongside with the methodology of analytic works and interpretation of the results. The most frequently used and very useful method of preparation of Cladocera remnants from gyttja sediments is described (Frey, 1986a). It has been shown that determination of Cladocera remnants using biological microscope alone may lead to taxonomic errors. For instance, the present author has found that carapaces belonging to Chydorus sphaericus, when seen under scanning microscope, differed considerably in their structure. In my opinion, the differences in structure within the same species may be a result of various lake conditions. Hence, the need to use scanning microscope in solving taxonomic problems is emphasised (Figs. 1-4). The results of analyses of changes in the frequency and species composition of Cladocera are particularly useful in reconstructions of lake evolution. The planktonic forms, mainly the species of the Bosminidae family, are particularly important in determining trophic changes and water level fluctuations (Alhonen, 1970; Hofmann, 1986, 1993; Szeroczyńska, 1998a). The species of the Chydoridae family, characterising mainly the littoral environment, are presented according to the index groups established by some authors (Flössner, 1990; Hofmann, 1986; Korhola, 1990). Particular species of this family make a basis for determination of the diversity and equitability, as well as pH, providing to some extent climatic information (Frey, 1988b; Hofmann, 1986; Krause-Dellin, 1988; Whiteside, 1970).
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Opracowanie przedstawia wyniki analizy subfosylnych Cladocera, którą wykonano w osadach profili czterech jezior: Lednickiego, Kamionek, Linie i Skrzetuszewskiego. Jeziora położonone są blisko siebie w obrębie Lednickiego Parku Krajobrazowego (koło Poznania). W osadach jezior fauna Cladocera reprezentowana jest przez gatunki planktonowe (P), głównie z rodziny Bosminidae, oraz litoralne (L), głównie z rodziny Chydoridae. Ich frekwencja, a także stosunek form planktonowych do litoralnych (P/L) odzwierciedlają warunki morfologiczne przebadanych jezior. Uzyskane wyniki przedstawiono na diagramach, na których uwzględniono również wyniki analiz palinologicznych. Skład gatunkowy i frekwencja osobników Cladocera są podstawą rekonstrukcji rozwoju jezior Lednickiego Parku Krajobrazowego. Dla każdego jeziora wydzielono fazy rozwoju Cladocera w okresie holoceńskim. Ponadto wydzielono etapy wzrostu trofii w jeziorach (od 2 do 6) i okresy wyższego i niższego poziomu wód. Fazy rozwoju Cladocera częściowo korelują z okresami klimatycznymi i lokalnymi fazami pyłkowymi, a etapy wzrostu trofii - z fazami osadniczymi. Trofia w poszczególnych jeziorach kształtowała się nieco odmiennie. Uzależniona była głównie od wielkości i możliwości produktywnych jeziora. Korelacja etapów wzrostu trofii w jeziorach z fazami osadniczymi pozwala przypuszczać, że w niektórych przypadkach wzrost trofii był przede wszystkim wynikiem nadmiernego dopływu nutrientów do jeziora, co spowodowane zostało prawdopodobnie działalnością osadników w sąsiedztwie. Najwyższy stan trofii stwierdzono w okresie średniowiecza.
An analysis of subfossil Cladocera was conducted on sediment cores taken from four lakes. The investigated lakes are situated close one to another in the Lednica Landscape Park near Poznań (Fig. 1). In the centre of this park one of the largest lakes of this region, Lake Lednickie, occurs. On its island, the former seat of the first Polish Piasts was located (Kurnatowska, 1989). Interdisciplinary research conducted in the park began in the 1980?s and included broadly understood historical and natural science disciplines (Łopacka-Szymańska, 1989, 1991, 1994). The questions connected with the beginnings of the Polish statehood brought together not only historians, but also archaeologists and naturalists, grouped under the leadership of Prof. Z. Kurnatowska (Dzięciołowski & Górecki, 1989). For several tens of years, research attempting to reconstruct ecological changes which occurred in the Lednica Landscape Park, has been conducted (Filbrandt-Czaja, 1992; Makohonienko, 1991; Tobolski, 1989a, b, 1991b, 1993b, c, 1996). Particular emphasis has been put on palaeobotanical research, with a view to reconstruct changes in vegetation and establish a detailed stratigraphic scheme. Palaeobotanical research included also the study of diatoms (Bogaczewicz-Adamczak & Tobolski, 1991; Pieścikowski, 1990, 1994). The sediments of some lakes were as well the subject of palaeolimnological analysis for the content of Insecta (Lemdahl, 1991) and Cladocera (Szeroczyńska, 1991a, b). An analysis of Cladocera was performed on the sediment cores taken from four lakes: Lake Lednickie, Lake Kamionek, Lake Linie and Lake Skrzetuszewskie. The Lednica Landscape Park will also be studied in the future. This is why broadly based research of contemporary flora and fauna has been conducted (Burchardt, 1990, 1996; Burchardt et al., 1990; Kuczyńska & Romanowicz, 1990; Michałkiewicz, 1990; Pańczakowa, 1990; Tobolski, 1993b).
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This paper reviews the influence of human economy of various settlement cultures on the state of lakes. The review was conducted on the basis of littoral and planktonic Cladocera forms in comparison with palynological data concerning the occurrence of synanthropic plants. The obtained results proved that management of resources by humans may be determined not only by means of changes in vegetation of lakeside, but through changes in the species composition of Cladocera in the lakes, as well. The diagrams show a distinct correlation between the curves reflecting changes in the occurrence of synanthropic plants and the frequency of Cladocera species showing increased trophy. A correlation was established between the share of the algae Pediastrum (mainly P. boryanum) and the Chydorus sphaericus count. A relationship was noted between the level of development of settlement cultures and the population size and the intensity of its influence on the eutrophication of lakes. It was also noted that the smaller the lake, the clearer the record of changes in trophy. It was shown that, among all the settlement cultures, the greatest influence on the state of the lakes was exerted by those of medieval and modern times, causing the greatest degradation. This influence resulted in accelerated eutrophication, and the main component of plankton became Bosmina longirostris and Chydorus sphaericus indicative of a high trophy.
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