The article discusses the effect of Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) on the tribological properties of oxide layers produced on the AZ31B magnesium alloy. The layers were formed using PEO (AC+DC) in an alkaline electrolyte with a current density of 10 A/dm². The oxidation parameters (process time, cathodic voltage) were selected based on a research plan. The tribological properties of the samples were tested on a T-17 tester in a pin-on-plate test under technically dry friction conditions, using a pin made of PEEK-HPV polymer. The tests allowed the determination of the coefficient of friction, linear wear, and changes in the mass of the sample and pin. Profilometric measurements were also made before and after the friction process. An increase in the oxidation time and cathodic voltage led to an increase in the thickness and roughness of the oxide layer. The sample oxidized under the highest parameters exhibited the greatest thickness, as well as the highest amplitude and Abbott–Firestone bearing ratio parameters. It was found that with increasing process time and cathodic voltage, the coefficient of friction (μ) and polymer pin wear increased. Sample C, which had the highest processing parameters, showed the best tribological properties, with a coefficient of friction of 0.253 and a linear wear of 0.057 mm. Due to friction, a significant amount of opaque tribofilm was deposited on sample C, resulting in the highest mass wear of the pin (5.33 mg) and an increase in the mass of the sample by 0.74 mg.
W artykule omówiono wpływ plazmowego utleniania elektrolitycznego (PEO) na tribologiczne właściwości warstw tlenkowych wytworzonych na stopie magnezu AZ31B. Warstwy utleniono przy użyciu PEO (AC+DC) w zasadowym elektrolicie, z gęstością prądową 10 A/dm². Parametry utleniania (czas procesu, napięcie katodowania) były dobierane na podstawie planu badawczego. Właściwości tribologiczne próbek zbadano na testerze T-17 w teście trzpień-płytka, w warunkach tarcia technicznie suchego wykorzystując trzpień wykonany z tworzywa PEEK-HPV. Testy pozwoliły na określenie współczynnika tarcia, zużycia liniowego oraz zmiany masy próbki i trzpienia. Wykonano także pomiary profilografometryczne przed i po procesie tarcia. Wzrost czasu utleniania i napięcia katodowania wpływa na wzrost grubości i chropowatości warstwy tlenkowej. Próbka utleniana w najwyższych parametrach charakteryzowała się najwyższą grubością oraz najwyższymi parametrami amplitudowymi i krzywej nośności Abotta–Firestona. Stwierdzono, że wraz ze wzrostem czasu procesu i napięcia katodowania zwiększa się współczynnik tarcia µ oraz zużycie polimerowego trzpienia. Próbka C charakteryzująca się najwyższymi parametrami procesu wytwarzania cechowała się najwyższymi parametrami tribologicznymi. Współczynnik tarcia µ wyniósł: 0,253, a zużycie liniowe trzpienia: 0,057 mm. W wyniku tarcia na warstwie próbki C osadziła się znaczna ilość nieprzezroczystego filmu ślizgowego, co wynikało także z największego zużycia masowego trzpienia (5,33 mg) oraz wzrostu masy próbki o 0,74 mg.
The process of investment casting of AZ91 magnesium alloy open-cell porosity foams was analysed. A basic investment casting technique was modified to enable the manufacturing of magnesium foams of chosen porosities in a safe and effective way. Various casting parameters (mould temperature, metal pouring temperature, pressure during metal pouring and solidifying) were calculated and analysed to assure complete mould filling and to minimize surface reactions with mould material. The foams manufactured with this method have been tested for their mechanical strength and collapsing behaviour. The AZ91 foams acquired in this research turned out to have very high open porosity level (>80%) and performed with Young’s modulus of ~30 MPa on average. Their collapsing mechanism has turned out to be mostly brittle. Magnesium alloy foams of such morphology may find their application in fields requiring lightweight materials of high strength to density ratio or of high energy absorption properties, as well as in biomedical implants due to magnesium’s high biocompatibility and its mechanical properties similar to bone tissue.
The effect of Ca element on the microstructure evolution of the AZ91 magnesium alloy was investigated in this research. The magnesium-aluminium alloy AZ91 was inoculated with the Emgesal® Flux 5 to refine its microstructure and also improve its microstructure. Six different concentrations of the Emgesal® Flux 5 content were tested, ranging from 0.1 to 0.6% wt., and compared to the baseline of the AZ91 alloy without inoculation. Melted metal was poured into a preheated metallic mould. Samples to test were achieved after turning treatment. Formed microstructure was assessed using an optical microscope. The microstructure was refined for every tested samples. Mechanical properties such as tensile strength, elongation, Brinell hardness, Vickers microhardness, abrasion resistance and adhesive resistance were tested on the inoculated samples and compared to the non-inoculated AZ91. Introducing an Emgesal®Flux 5 inoculant caused a change in the tensile strength, elongation, Brinell hardness, Vickers microhardness, abrasive wear resistance as well as adhesive wear resistance in each examined concentration.
In the manufacturing sector, the processing of magnesium alloys through the liquid casting route is one of the promising methods to manufacture automotive and aircraft components, for their excellent mechanical properties at the lower weight. Investment casting process has the great cabaility to produce near net shape complex castings for automotive and aircraft applications. The distinct and attractive engineering properties of magnesium alloys have shown to be promising in terms of its potential to replace materials such as cast iron, steel, and aluminum In this regard, the efforts to develop processing technology for these alloys for their wide range of applications in industries have been reported by the scientific and engineering community. For successful production of magnesium alloy castings, it requires specialized foundry techniques because of the particular chemical and physical properties of magnesium; especially the reactive and oxidative nature of these alloys. The industry is young enough, to tap the potential.
This research examined at the optimum cutting parameters for producing minimum surface roughness and maximum Material Removal Rate (MRR) when turning magnesium alloy AZ91D. Cutting speed (m/min), feed (mm/rev), and cut depth (mm) have all been considered in the experimental study. To find the best cutting parameters, Taguchi's technique and Response Surface Methodology (RSM), an evolutionary optimization techniques Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II) were employed. GA gives better results of 34.04% lesser surface roughness and 15.2% higher MRR values when compared with Taguchi method. The most optimal values of surface roughness and MRR is received in multi objective optimization NSGA-II were 0.7341 µm and 9460 mm3/min for the cutting parameters cutting speed at 140.73m/min, feed rate at 0.06mm/min and 0.99mm depth of cut. Multi objective NSGA-II optimization provides several non-dominated points on Pareto Front model that can be utilized as decision making for choice among objectives.
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Stopy magnezu ze względu na mały ciężar właściwy są stosowane w tych gałęziach przemysłu, w których redukcja masy jest kluczowa. Mowa tutaj o przemyśle samochodowym, lotniczym i kosmicznym. Wadami stopów magnezu są podatność na korozję oraz słabe własności mechaniczne. Wytrzymałość na rozciąganie w stopach magnezu rzadko przekracza 300 MPa i bardzo szybko maleje wraz ze wzrostem temperatury.
Due to their low specific weight, magnesium alloys are used in industries where weight reduction is crucial. We are talking about the automotive, aerospace and aerospace industries. The disadvantages of magnesium alloys are susceptibility to corrosion and poor mechanical properties. The tensile strength in magnesium alloys rarely exceeds 300 MPa and decreases very quickly as the temperature increases.
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W pracy wskazano na wciąż duże zainteresowanie magnezem i jego stopami z Al, Zn, Mn, Zr oraz pierwiastkami ziem rzadkich oraz krótko opisano kierunki aktualnych badań dotyczących metody elektrolitycznego utleniania plazmowego (PEO) jako metody zwiększającej odporność antykorozyjną stopów magnezu. Zaprezentowano metody pomiarowe służące do oceny właściwości antykorozyjnych powłok konwersyjnych wytworzonych w procesie PEO na magnezie i jego stopach. Opisano zalety i wady metod nieelektrochemicznych i elektrochemicznych, w tym: test w komorze solnej, test zanurzeniowy (ocena wyglądu, ubytek masy, zbieranie wodoru) oraz pomiary potencjału obwodu otwartego (OCP), polaryzacji potencjodynamicznej (PDP), analizę Motty-Schottky’ego oraz elektrochemiczną spektroskopię impedancyjną (EIS). Wykazano przewagę techniki EIS nad niszczącymi pomiarami elektrochemicznymi, która pozwala na prowadzenie nieniszczących pomiarów długoterminowych wytworzonych powłok ochronnych. Dokonano przeglądu roztworów korozyjnych, najczęściej stosowanych do oceny właściwości antykorozyjnych powłok konwersyjnych oraz wskazano rozcieńczony roztwór Harrisona (DHS), jako odpowiednie medium do badań cienkich powłok (~10 μm) wytworzonych metodą PEO na stopach magnezu przeznaczonych do zastosowań w warunkach przemysłowych. Zwrócono uwagę na konieczność właściwego doboru czasu trwania pomiarów korozyjnych w zależności od właściwości powłoki oraz jej potencjalnego zastosowania.
The paper shows the unfailing interest in magnesium and its alloys with Al, Zn, Mn, Zr and rare earth elements, and briefly describes the directions of current research on the method of plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) as a method of increasing the corrosion resistance of magnesium alloys. The measurement methods for the assessment of anti-corrosion properties of conversion coatings produced in the PEO process on magnesium and its alloys are presented. Described are the advantages and disadvantages of non-electrochemical and electrochemical methods, including: salt spray test, immersion test (assessment of appearance, weight loss, hydrogen collection) and measurements of the open circuit potential (OCP), potentiodynamic polarization (PDP), Motta-Schottky analysis and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The advantage of the EIS technique over destructive electrochemical measurements has been demonstrated, which allows for non-destructive long-term measurements of the produced protective coatings. The most common corrosive solutions used to assess the anti-corrosive properties of conversion coatings were reviewed and the diluted Harrison solution (DHS) was indicated as a suitable medium for testing thin coatings (~10 μm) produced by the PEO method on magnesium alloys intended for use in industrial conditions. The necessity of proper selection of the duration of corrosion measurements depending on the properties of the coating and its potential application has been pointed out.
Cast magnesium alloys are characterised by the lowest density among commercially used structural metals. They are applied mainly in the transportation industry and small, lightweight electronic devices. Due to the low operating temperature of the most widely used alloys from the Mg-Al system, alloys containing rare earth elements with the maximum working temperature reaching 300°C have been developed. However, these alloys are extremely expensive due to the low availability of RE elements. The Mg-Bi system is a promising candidate for the new magnesium-based alloys, as it reveals limited solubility of Bi in Mg enabling precipitation hardening and a high melting point of the Mg3Bi2 phase. The paper presents the results of the analysis of MgBi6 and MgBi6X0.5 (X = Ca, Mn, Zn) alloys’ microstructure in the peak-aged condition. The microstructure of the analysed alloys in the as-cast condition consists of α-Mg solid solution dendrites and Mg3Bi2+α-Mg eutectic compound. Solutionising conducted at 525°C for 8 h, followed by water quenching leads to the dissolution of the intermetallic phases in all of the investigated alloys apart of the MgBi6Ca0.5 alloy. In this case, fine intermetallic phases containing Mg, Bi, and Ca have been found after solutionising. The ageing of the alloys at 200°C results in peak hardness after 120-44 h. The heat treatment leads to the formation of fine strengthening phases within the α-Mg solid solution, characterised by a variety of morphologies -needle, platelet- or lathlike and cuboid. The needle- and platelet- or lathlike phases are found in two sizes -large, with length reaching hundreds of nanometres, and smaller, not exceeding 100 nm. Cuboid particles are found with sizes not higher than 100 nm. The addition of Mn and Zn increases precipitate volume fraction after the heat treatment. Additionally, in the case of the MgBi6Zn0.5 alloy, particles forming an angle of 120° were found, which indicates their presence at the prismatic planes of α-Mg HCP crystal lattice.
Odlewnicze stopy magnezu charakteryzują się najniższą gęstością wśród wszystkich komercyjnie stosowanych stopów konstrukcyjnych. Znajdują zastosowanie głównie w przemyśle transportowym oraz małych, lekkich urządzeniach elektronicznych. Z uwagi na niską temperaturę eksploatacji najpowszechniej stosowanych stopów z układu Mg-Al, opracowano stopy, zawierające pierwiastki ziem rzadkich, znajdujące zastosowanie w temperaturach do 300°C. Jednak stopy z tej grupy są niezwykle drogie, z uwagi na ograniczoną dostępność pierwiastków ziem rzadkich. Obiecującą alternatywę stanowią stopy z układu Mg-Bi, który z uwagi na ograniczoną rozpuszczalność bizmutu w magnezie oraz wysoką temperaturę topnienia fazy Mg3Bi2 umożliwia ich umocnienie na drodze utwardzania wydzieleniowego. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań mikrostruktury stopów MgBi6 oraz MgBi6X (X = Ca, Mn, Zn) po starzeniu. Mikrostruktura badanych stopów w stanie lanym składa się z dendrytów roztworu stałego α-Mg oraz mieszaniny eutektycznej Mg3Bi2+α-Mg. Przesycanie, przeprowadzone w temperaturze 525°C przez 8 h z chłodzeniem w wodzie doprowadziło do rozpuszczenia faz międzymetalicznych we wszystkich badanych stopach, z wyjątkiem stopu MgBi6Ca0,5. W jego przypadku po przesycaniu zidentyfikowano w strukturze drobne fazy międzymetaliczne, zawierające Mg, Bi i Ca. Maksymalną twardość stopów po starzeniu w temperaturze 200°C osiągnięto po 120÷144 h. Zastosowana obróbka cieplna doprowadziła do utworzenia się wewnątrz ziaren roztworu stałego α-Mg drobnych faz umacniających o zróżnicowanej morfologii -od iglastej, przez płytkową, po prostopadłościenną. Zaobserwowano dwa typy wydzieleń iglastych i płytkowych -większe, o długości rzędu kilkuset nanometrów oraz mniejsze, nieprzekraczające 100 nm długości. Wydzielenia prostopadłościenne charakteryzowały się rozmiarami, nieprzekraczającymi 100 nm. Dodatek Mn oraz Zn spowodował wzrost udziału objętościowego wydzieleń po obróbce cieplnej. Dodatkowo, w przypadku stopu MgBi6Zn1,5, wydzielenia tworzyły kąt 120°C, co wskazuje na ich obecność na płaszczyznach pryzmatycznych komórki elementarnej α-Mg.
In this work, conversion coatings based on nitrates Ca(NO 3) 2 and Zn(NO 3) 2 were produced on the surface of MgZn49Ca4 to protect against corrosion. The main aim of this study was to prepare dense and uniform coatings using a conversion method (based on nitrates Ca(NO 3) 2 and Zn(NO 3) 2) for resorbable Mg alloys. The scientific goal of the work was to determine the pathway and main degradation mechanisms of samples with nitrate-based coatings as compared with an uncoated substrate. Determining the effect of the coatings produced on the Mg alloy was required to assess the protective properties of Mg alloy-coating systems. For this purpose, the morphology and chemical composition of coated samples, post corrosion tests and structural tests of the substrate were performed (optical microscopy, SEM/EDS). Immersion and electrochemical tests of samples were also carried out in Ringer’s solution at 37°C. The results of immersion and electrochemical tests indicated lower corrosion resistance of the substrate as compared with coated samples. The hydrogen evolution rate of the substrate increased with the immersion time. For coated samples, the hydrogen evolution rate was more stable. The ZnN coating (based on Zn(NO 3) 2) provides better corrosion protection because the corrosion product layer was uniform, while the sample with a CaN coating (based on Ca(NO 3) 2) displayed clusters of corrosion products. It was found that pitting corrosion on the substrate led to the complete disintegration and non-uniform corrosion of the coated samples, especially the CaN sample, due to the unevenly-distributed products on its surface.
Magnesium alloys have recently become increasingly popular in many sectors of the industry due to their unique properties, such as low density, high specific strength, vibration damping ability along with their recyclability and excellent machinability. Nowadays, thin films have been attracting more attention in applications that improve mechanical and corrosion properties. The following alloys were used for the coated Mg-Al-RE and the ultra-light magnesium-lithium alloy of the Mg-Li-Al-RE type. A single layer of TiO2 was deposited using the atomic layer deposition ALD method. Multiple layers of the Ti/TiO₂ and Ti/TiO₂/Ti/TiO₂ type were obtained by the MS-PVD magnetron sputtering technique. Samples were investigated by scanning and a transmission electron microscope (SEM, TEM) and their morphology was studied by an atomic forces microscope (AFM). Further examinations, including electrochemical corrosion, roughness and tribology, were also carried out. As a result of the research, it was found that the best electrochemical properties are exhibited by single TiO2 layers obtained by the ALD method. Moreover, it was found that the Ti/TiO₂/Ti/TiO₂ double film has better properties than the Ti/TiO₂ film.
The paper presents the results of research related to the possibility of inoculation of the AZ91 magnesium alloy casted into ceramic moulds by gadolinium. Effects of gadolinium content (0.1–0.6 wt%) on microstructure of the AZ91 alloy under as-cast state were investigated. The influence of the inoculator on the formation of the microstructure investigated by means of the thermal and derivative analysis by analysing the thermal effects arising during the alloy crystallization resulting from the phases formed. The degree of fragmentation of the microstructure of the tested alloys was assessed by means of the light microscopy studies and an image analysis with statistical analysis was performed. Conducted analyses have aimed at examining on the effect of inoculation of the gadolinium on the differences between the grain diameters and average size of each type of grain by way of measuring their perimeters of all phases, preliminary αMg and eutectics αMg+γ(Mg17Al12) in the prepared examined material.
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W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wytwarzania kompozytowych powłok niklowych zbrojonych cząstkami węglika krzemu o wielkości nanometrycznej. Powłoki osadzano elektrolitycznie na podwarstwie Ni-P z kąpieli typu Wattsa z dodatkami substancji organicznych. Przedstawiono mikrostruktury uzyskanych powłok, wyniki badań korozyjnych oraz badań przyczepności powłok metodą udaru cieplnego.
The paper presents the results of the studies of electrodeposited composite nickel coatings reinforced with nanometer-size silicon carbide particles. The coatings have been deposited on the Ni-P sublayer in Watts-type solution with organic additives. The microstructure of the coatings, as well as the results of corrosion tests and coating adhesion tested with the method of the heat shock have been also presented.
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Materiały biodegradowalne to materiały, które po spełnieniu swojej funkcji rozkładają się do prostych związków, które są naturalne dla otoczenia. Do tego rodzaju materiałów można zaliczyć specjalnego typu polimery, które mogą być stosowane na opakowania i torebki. W materiałach tych pokłada się duże nadzieje na zmniejszenie ilości śmieci, które produkują ludzie, co ma w znaczący sposób pomóc chronić nasze środowisko.
Purpose: This paper explains mechanical synthesis which uses powders or material chunks in order to obtain phases and alloys. It is based on an example of magnesium powders with various additives, such as zinc, calcium and yttrium. Design/methodology/approach: The following experimental techniques were used: X-ray diffraction (XRD) method, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), determining particle size distributions with laser measuring, Vickers microhardness. Findings: The particle-size of a powder and microhardness value depend on the milling time. Research limitations/implications: Magnesium gained its largest application area by creating alloys in combination with other elements. Magnesium alloys used in various industry contain various elements e.g. rare-earth elements (REE). Magnesium alloys are generally made by casting processes. Consequently, the search for new methods of obtaining materials such as mechanical alloying (MA) offers new opportunities. The MA allows for the production of materials with completely new physico-chemical properties. Originality/value: Thanks to powder engineering it is possible to manufacture materials with specific chemical composition. These materials are characterized by very high purity, specified porosity, fine-grain structure, complicated designs. These are impossible to obtain with traditional methods. Moreover it is possible to refine the process even further minimalizing the need for finishing or machining, making the material losses very small or negligible. Furthermore material manufactured in such a way can be thermally or chemically processed without any problems.
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Stopy magnezu zyskują coraz większe zainteresowanie ze względu na dobry stosunek własności wytrzymałościowych do ciężaru właściwego. Czysty magnez jest miękkim metalem, nieodpornym na korozję i aby poprawić jego własności mechaniczne i antykorozyjne, stosuje się wiele różnych dodatków stopowych. Jednym z głównych dodatków stopowych w stopach magnezu jest aluminium.
W artykule przedstawiono rys historyczny oraz stan obecny technologii odlewania z wykorzystaniem ciśnienia zewnętrznego na przykładzie odlewania pod wysokim ciśnieniem (High Pressure Die Casting – HPDC) oraz prasowania w stanie ciekłym (Squeeze Casting – SC). Wykazano podobieństwa i różnice obu technologii oraz obszary wspólne, które zostały wykorzystane do budowy współczesnych, hybrydowych maszyn łączących cechy HPDC i SC. Ostatnie lata przyniosły rozwój konstrukcji maszyn ciśnieniowych, które umożliwiły hybrydyzację technologii z wysoką elastycznością procesu, polegającą na wyborze takiego sposobu przyłożenia ciśnienia zewnętrznego, w którym można pełniej wykorzystać jego wpływ jako czynnika termodynamicznego. Zaprezentowano doświadczenia w zakresie prasowania w stanie ciekłym i stało-ciekłym, uzyskane w badaniach prowadzonych w Instytucie Odlewnictwa w Krakowie.
The article presents the history and current state of the technology of external pressure casting in the case of High Pressure Die Casting (HPDC) and Squeeze Casting (SC). The similarities and differences between the two technologies and the common areas that were used in the construction of modern hybrid machines combining the features of HPDC and SC were shown. Recent years have seen the development of pressure machine designs that have enabled the hybridisation of technologies with high flexibility of the process, consisting in the choice of such a method of applying external pressure in which its influence can be more effectively used as a thermodynamic factor. The following experiments were presented in the field of liquid and solid-liquid casting, obtained from research conducted at the Foundry Research Institute in Kraków.
In this paper is discussed the effect of the inoculant mischmetal addition on the microstructure of the magnesium alloy AZ91. The concentration of the inoculant was increased in the samples within the range from 0.1% up to 0.6%. The thermal process was performed with the use of Derivative and Thermal Analysis (DTA). A particular attention was paid to finding the optimal amount of the inoculant, which causes fragmentation of the microstructure. The concentration of each element was verified with use of a spark spectrometer. In addition, the microstructures of every samples were examined with the use of an optical microscope and also was performed an image analysis with a statistical analysis using the NIS - Elements program. The point of those analyses was to examine the differences in the grain diameters of phase αMg and eutectic αMg+γ(Mg17Al12) in the prepared samples as well as the average size of each type of grain by way of measuring their perimeters. This paper is the second part of the introduction into a bigger research on grain refinement of magnesium alloys, especially AZ91. Another purpose of this research is to achieve better microstructure fragmentation of magnesium alloys without the relevant changes of the chemical composition, which should improve the mechanical properties.
This work presents the results of the research of the effect of the inoculant Emgesal Flux 5 on the microstructure of the magnesium alloy AZ91. The concentration of the inoculant was increased in samples in the range from 0.1% to 0.6%. The thermal processes were examined with the use of Derivative and Thermal Analysis (DTA). During the examination, the DTA samplers were preheated up to 180 °C. A particular attention was paid to finding the optimum amount of inoculant, which would cause fragmentation of the microstructure. The concentration of each element was verified by means of a spark spectrometer. In addition, the microstructures of the samples were examined with the use of an optical microscope, and an image analysis with a statistical analysis using the NIS-Elements program were carried out. Those analyses aimed at examining the differences between the grain diameters of phase αMg and eutectic αMg+γ(Mg17Al12) in the prepared samples as well as the average size of each type of grain by way of measuring their perimeters. This paper is an introduction to a further research of grain refinement in magnesium alloys, especially AZ91. Another purpose of this research is to achieve better micro-structure fragmentation of magnesium alloys without the related changes of the chemical composition, which should improve the mechanical properties.
This paper is an attempt at determining the effect of technological parameters of milling on the surface roughness of the AZ91D magnesium alloy. The cutting tool used in tests was a TiAlN-coated carbide milling cutter. The milling tests were carried out at variable cutting speed, feed per tooth and depth of cut, and the results were compared. The analysis was based on the 2D roughness parameters measured on the end and lateral faces of specimens, as well as on the 3D roughness parameters measured on the end faces of specimens. The test results indicated that the increase in the feed per tooth results in the increase in the value of 2D and 3D surface roughness parameters. It was found that cutting speed and axial depth of cut have a negligible effect on the 2D roughness of the workpiece surface, whereas the increase in cutting speed results in the reduction of the 3D surface roughness parameters.
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W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań wytwarzania kompozytowych powłok niklowych zbrojonych cząstkami węglika krzemu o wielkości nanometrycznej. Powłoki osadzano elektrolitycznie na podwarstwie Ni-P z kąpieli typu Wattsa z dodatkami substancji organicznych. Przedstawiono mikrostruktury uzyskanych powłok, wyniki badań korozyjnych oraz badań przyczepności powłok metodą udaru cieplnego.
The paper presents the results of the studies of electrodeposited composite nickel coatings reinforced with nanometer-size silicon carbide particles. The coatings have been deposited on the Ni-P sublayer in Watts-type solution with organic additives. The microstructure of the coatings, as well as the results of corrosion tests and coating adhesion tested with the method of the heat shock have been also presented.
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