Purpose: The purpose of this publication is to present the usage of Poka-Yoka approach in Industry 4.0 conditions. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of international literature from main databases and polish literature and legal acts connecting with researched topic. Findings: The integration of Poka-Yoke with Industry 4.0 signifies a transformative leap in error prevention methodologies, aligning seamlessly with the objectives of advanced manufacturing. By merging the principles of Poka-Yoke with smart technologies like sensors, IoT devices, and real-time data analytics, a dynamic and sophisticated approach to error prevention emerges in the era of Industry 4.0. With applications ranging from simple visual cues to complex technological solutions, Poka-Yoke finds resonance across various industries, particularly in the automotive sector, where sensors and devices on assembly lines swiftly detect and rectify deviations, elevating both product quality and operational efficiency. The incorporation of artificial intelligence and machine learning in Industry 4.0 augments Poka-Yoke, enabling systems not only to identify errors but also to learn from them, fostering continuous improvement and adaptability in response to evolving production scenarios. Emphasizing proactive error prevention at the source, continuous improvement, and a commitment to training and education, the key principles outlined in Table 1 contribute to creating resilient, reliable processes delivering consistently high-quality outputs. Table 2 demonstrates the seamless integration of Poka-Yoke with Industry 4.0, showcasing technological advancements that collectively form an adaptive approach to error prevention and quality management. Additionally, Table 3 highlights the advantages of this integration, emphasizing improved quality control, operational efficiency, and adaptability in modern manufacturing environments. However, challenges outlined in Table 4, including complex implementation, data security concerns, high initial costs, interoperability issues, and skill gaps, necessitate strategic planning and investment in overcoming obstacles. In conclusion, the integration of Poka-Yoke with Industry 4.0 signifies a strategic evolution, where technology-driven error prevention, continuous improvement, and a commitment to quality converge to create resilient, adaptive, and highly efficient manufacturing systems, positioning this integration as a cornerstone for excellence in the evolving landscape of industrial production. Originality/value: Detailed analysis of all subjects related to the problems connected with the usage of Poka-Yoka in Industry 4.0 conditions.
Purpose: The purpose of this publication is to present the applications of usage of business analytics in smart manufacturing. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of international literature from main databases and polish literature and legal acts connecting with researched topic. Findings: The integration of business analytics in smart manufacturing within the framework of Industry 4.0 marks a significant stride in industrial processes, offering manifold advantages alongside notable challenges. Throughout this study, we delve into the expansive realm of business analytics applications, encompassing predictive maintenance, quality control, supply chain optimization, and real-time decision-making. Leveraging business analytics yields palpable benefits in smart manufacturing, exemplified by proactive equipment maintenance, stringent quality standards adherence, and streamlined supply chain operations. Additionally, analytics-driven enhancements in production optimization, energy management, demand forecasting, and asset performance management contribute to heightened productivity, cost reduction, and sustainability improvement. Challenges including data integration complexities, implementation intricacies, security concerns, scalability limitations, model interpretability issues, and skill gaps necessitate concerted efforts for effective resolution. Collaboration among stakeholders- manufacturers, software developers, policymakers, and educational institutions—is imperative. Joint initiatives aimed at bolstering data integration capabilities, providing specialized training, fortifying cybersecurity measures, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement are crucial for successful business analytics deployment. Originality/Value: Detailed analysis of all subjects related to the problems connected with the usage of business analytics in the case of smart manufacturing.
Purpose: The primary objective of this paper is to examine the transformative effects of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) on marketing and management practices, using Nokia Poland as a case study. The research aims to understand how Industry 4.0 technologies can be leveraged to navigate challenges and capitalize on new opportunities within the telecommunications sector and beyond. Design/methodology/approach: The research adopts a qualitative case study approach, focusing on Nokia Poland to explore the application and impact of Industry 4.0 technologies in a real-world corporate setting. Data collection methods include semi-structured interviews with key Nokia Poland executives, analysis of company documents, and review of relevant literature on Industry 4.0. The study is framed within the broader theoretical context of digital transformation and innovation management. Findings: The results show that Nokia Poland has effectively incorporated Industry 4.0 technologies to boost effectiveness introduce product solutions and enhance customer interaction. Essential technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) artificial intelligence (AI), and digital twins have enabled faster. The study emphasizes the role of embracing a strategy for digital transformation that involves cultural shifts, skill enhancement, and collaboration, within the ecosystem. Research limitations/implications: The study scope is restricted to examining a telecommunications company potentially overlooking the experiences and approaches prevalent in other sectors. To gain an understanding of Industry 4.0 adoption future research should explore comparative analyses spanning various industries and regions. Additionally, the study highlights the importance of exploration in the changing landscape of technologies and their impact on businesses. Practical implications: The findings of this research provide advice for businesses starting their Industry 4.0 transformation. Suggestions involve creating a defined plan allocating resources to skills and technology and fostering collaborations in the innovation network. Additionally, the paper explores the business and marketing framework of Industry 4.0, highlighting opportunities for increased competitiveness and expansion in the market. Social implications: The research suggests that Industry 4.0 has significant implications for workforce development, requiring upskilling and reskilling initiatives to prepare employees for new digital roles. Additionally, the paper considers the potential of Industry 4.0 technologies to drive sustainable business practices and contribute to societal well-being through improved product quality and accessibility. Originality/value: This paper contributes to the existing literature by providing an in-depth case study of Industry 4.0 implementation in a leading multinational company. It offers practical insights and strategies for managing digital transformation, with a particular emphasis on the value of integrating advanced technologies in marketing and management.
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to assess the relationship between the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) instruments used and the implemented pillars of Industry 4.0 in manufacturing companies in Poland. Design/methodology/approach: Literature review, survey questionnaire research, correlation analysis. Findings: The article describes the correlations between the CSR instruments used and the implemented Pillars of Industry 4.0 in manufacturing companies in Poland, based on the research conducted using a survey questionnaire. Subjecting the results of the questionnaires, to correlation analysis, made it possible to isolate the most strongly correlated pairs of variables, juxtaposing CSR Instruments and Industry 4.0 Pillars. The overall level of correlation is not at a very high level, which may indicate a moderate or differentiated relationship between CSR and Industry 4.0 Pillars. Despite such results, it was possible to observe distinctive pairs of variables that significantly stand out from the others. These include pairs such as Socially Engaged - Incremental Manufacturing, Investment in Ecology - Cybersecurity and Eco-labeling - Big Data. Despite the existing limitations, the area of research presented in the paper can inspire further research to identify the relationship between CSR and Industry 4.0. Originality/value: An assessment of the relationship between the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) instruments used and the implemented pillars of Industry 4.0 in manufacturing companies in Poland, which may inspire further research in this area.
Purpose: The purpose of this publication is to present the applications of usage of business analytics in customer behaviour analysis. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of international literature from main databases and polish literature and legal acts connecting with researched topic. Findings: The integration of business analytics with customer behavior analysis in Industry 4.0 environments offers businesses a transformative opportunity to gain profound insights into customer preferences, trends, and behaviors. Through the utilization of state-of-the-art technologies and data-driven methodologies, organizations can attain unprecedented levels of precision and detail in understanding customer behavior. Real-time data collection and analysis facilitate agile responses to evolving market dynamics, enabling personalized customer experiences across various channels. Additionally, advanced analytics tools such as predictive modeling and sentiment analysis empower businesses to forecast future trends, address churn, and enhance customer satisfaction. However, businesses may encounter challenges like data quality issues, privacy concerns, and resource limitations. Overcoming these obstacles necessitates a comprehensive approach, involving investments in data governance, talent acquisition, and technology infrastructure. By surmounting these challenges, businesses can harness the full potential of business analytics to drive strategic decisions, refine marketing strategies, and elevate overall business performance within Industry 4.0 environments. Originality/Value: Detailed analysis of all subjects related to the problems connected with the usage of business analytics in the case of smart manufacturing.
W artykule omówiono wiele aspektów związanych z Przemysłem 4.0. W wstępie przytoczono definicję Przemysłu 4.0, a następnie poruszono tematy związane z inżynierią utrzymania ruchu i eksploatacją maszyn, diagnozowaniem maszyn z wykorzystaniem AI, wykorzystaniem AI do utrzymania ruchu zakładu przemysłowego, układami sensorycznymi, przetwarzaniem danych pomiarowych w chmurze, redystrybucją informacji krytycznych oraz integracją systemów. Przeanalizowano także wymierne efekty Przemysłu 4.0, takie jak poprawa wydajności produkcji, skrócenie czasu przestoju maszyn, redukcja kosztów utrzymania ruchu, zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa pracowników oraz optymalizacja procesów logistycznych. Wszystkie te elementy wskazują na to, jak wiele korzyści przynosi Przemysł 4.0 dla przedsiębiorstw przemysłowych. Jest to jednak proces wymagający dużego nakładu pracy i inwestycji w nowe technologie, a także odpowiedniego przeszkolenia pracowników, którzy będą obsługiwać te nowoczesne urządzenia.
The article discusses many aspects of Industry 4.0. In the introduction, the definition of Industry 4.0 was quoted, followed by topics related to maintenance engineering and machine operation, machine diagnosis using AI, the use of AI to maintain industrial plant operation, sensor systems, cloud measurement data processing, redistribution of critical information and system integration. The measurable effects of Industry 4.0 were also analyzed, such as improving production efficiency, reducing machine downtime, reducing maintenance costs, increasing employee safety and optimizing logistics processes. All these elements show how many benefits Industry 4.0 brings to industrial enterprises. However, this is a process that requires a lot of work and investment in new technologies, as well as appropriate training of employees who will operate these modern devices
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Summary of issues and justification for taking up the topic The basic goal of the article is to emphasize the importance of Industry 4.0, which intersects with today’s reality. The fourth industrial revolution combines the concepts of classical and digital technologies, using the industrial Internet of Things. Every activity carried out using technology requires an appropriate flow of all types of information to ensure data security. The article also shows the importance of the Information Security Management System, because the amount of data processed using information technology is huge. Nowadays, society systematically shares its data without thinking about the consequences. Increasingly, personal data is equated with currency, as in order to obtain a discount or future financial benefits, data is shared regardless of the consequences. The Information Security Management System requires continuous improvement of organizations processing data about identified or identifiable persons. However, independent verificati on and consent to data processing are also extremely important.
Podstawowym celem opracowania jest podkreślenie istotności Przemysłu 4.0, który przenika się z dzisiejszą rzeczywistością. Czwarta rewolucja przemysłowa sprawia, że koncepty technologii klasycznych i cyfrowych łączą się, wykorzystując w swoim działaniu przemysłowy Internet Rzeczy. Każde działanie realizowane za pomocą technologii wymaga odpowiedniego przepływu wszelkiego rodzaju informacji w celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa danych. Artykuł ukazuje również znaczenie Systemu Zarządzania Bezpieczeństwem Informacji, ilości bowiem przetwarzanych danych z wykorzystaniem technologii informatycznych są ogromne. Obecnie społeczeństwo bardzo często ujawnia swoje dane, nie myśląc o konsekwencjach. Coraz częściej dane osobowe utożsamia się z walutą, ponieważ w celu uzyskania rabatu lub przyszłych korzyści majątkowych udostępnia się dane bez względu na skutki. System Zarządzania Bezpieczeństwem Informacji nawołuje do ciągłego doskonalenia organizacji przetwarzających dane o osobach zidentyfikowanych lub możliwych do zidentyfikowania. Niezmiernie ważna jest jednak także samodzielna weryfikacja i zgoda na przetwarzanie danych.
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Obiekty przemysłowe są kluczowe dla gospodarki w dobie rozwoju koncepcji Przemysłu 4.0, rozwoju technologii cyfrowych, zagrożeń różnego rodzaju, wyzwań transformacyjnych. Należy kompleksowo podejść do kwestii bezpieczeństwa. Rozwiązania sprzętowe muszą być skorelowane ze świadomością ludzi poszerzoną systematycznymi szkoleniami z zakresu zagrożeń (rodzajów i typów) oraz ze sposobami działania – zgłaszania podejrzanych sytuacji czy incydentów. Bardzo ważne są regulacje, które zwiększają poziom bezpieczeństwa przedsiębiorstw, szczególnie związane ze standaryzacją i certyfikacją cyberbezpieczeństwa.
Industry 4.0 (I4.0) became an important paradigm to bridge the gap between technologies and humans. The paper aims to diagnose sustainability performance and I4.0 maturity in Poland’s printing and packaging sector and identify research areas where further actions for improvements are necessary. This article adopts a mixedmethod study combining in-depth interviews of eleven heterogeneous enterprises, supported with a quantitative survey on a representative sample of 301 companies. The findings revealed an insignificant correlation from a statistical point of view (0.44) between the adopted I4.0 technologies currently used and sustainable best practices. Internet of Things technologies are more often adopted in the printing industry (27.2 %) than in the packaging industry (14 %). The study concludes that using I4.0 technologies boosts the execution of sustainable practices and/or realising sustainable development practices requires I4.0 technology adoption. The paper clarifies that more in-depth analyses are needed to help achieve sustainable objectives for printing and packaging companies through digital technologies. The methodology is replicable and might be applied in other economies across separate multinational enterprises to influence sustainable digitalised business strategy.
The article aims (1) to evaluate material flows in the manufacturing process reflecting the level of circular manufacturing of European Union countries and (2) to estimate the relationship between the level of circular manufacturing and the volume of e-waste put on the market, illustrating the implementation effect of Industry 5.0 technologies. A systematic country classification was created according to development conditions for environmentally sustainable enterprises and trends in e-waste volumes. Multidimensional data analysis and the linear ordering method were used to achieve the research objectives. The dynamics of changes in the identified variables were analysed using dynamics indexes and the average annual rate of change. Relationships were estimated using Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient. The main research result is the estimated synthetic development measure illustrating the level of circular manufacturing in the context of material flows. Significant differences were observed between the synthetic development measure values representing the level of circular manufacturing in European Union countries. This means countries’ circular manufacturing levels are significantly higher than others. Moreover, the values of correlation coefficients were estimated between the level of circular manufacturing and the volume of e-waste put on the market and between the average annual rate of change of the synthetic development measure and the average annual rate of change of the e-waste volume. The coefficient values do not confirm a statistically significant relationship between the indicated variables. Most countries have average conditions for developing environmentally sustainable businesses, but at the same time, they show negative trends in the volume of e-waste generated.
By reviewing the current state of the art, this paper opens a Special Section titled “The Internet of Things and AI-driven optimization in the Industry 4.0 paradigm”. The topics of this section are part of the broader issues of integration of IoT devices, cloud computing, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence to optimize industrial processes and increase efficiency. It also focuses on how to use modern methods (i.e. computerization, robotization, automation, machine learning, new business models, etc.) to integrate the entire manufacturing industry around current and future economic and social goals. The article presents the state of knowledge on the use of the Internet of Things and optimization based on artificial intelligence within the Industry 4.0 paradigm. The authors review the previous and current state of knowledge in this field and describe known opportunities, limitations, directions for further research, and industrial applications of the most promising ideas and technologies, considering technological, economic, and social opportunities.
Celem badań było określenie rozwojowych trendów w zakresie projektowania architektonicznego kreatywnych miejsc pracy w przemyśle czwartej generacji. Zakres badań obejmował szereg aspektów projektowych, począwszy od aspektów lokalizacji, aż po szczegółowe rozwiązania funkcjonalne fabryki oraz detale projektu architektonicznego. Z uwagi na aplikacyjny charakter badań zastosowano metodę badań przez projektowanie (ang. research-by-design), w czym wykorzystano zajęcia dydaktyczne. Wyniki badań wykazały wielopłaszczyznowy wpływ koncepcji Przemysłu 4.0 na projektowanie architektoniczne zakładów przemysłowych. Scharakteryzowano najważniejsze cechy funkcjonalno-przestrzenne nowych modeli fabryki w odniesieniu do scenariusza organizacji pracy. Wyniki badań podkreśliły także kluczowe znaczenie umiejętności analitycznych w projektowaniu architektonicznym, co znajduje przełożenie na wdrażanie wniosków w praktyce oraz na polu dydaktycznym.
This paper aims to identify the most influential trends in the design of creative workplaces in the fourth-generation industry. The scope of research covered several design aspects, ranging from location issues to detailed functional solutions of the factory and details of the architectural design. Due to its applicable nature, the research-by-design method was combined with didactic classes. The research results showed the multifaceted influence of Iindustry 4.0 concept on the architectural design of industrial plants. The new factory models' most important functional and spatial features were characterized in relation to the work organization scenario. The research results also highlighted the critical importance of analytical skills in architectural design, translating into applying conclusions in practice and the didactic field.
Purpose: The goal of the paper is to analyze the main features, benefits and problems with the diagnostic analytics usage. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of international literature from main databases and polish literature and legal acts connecting with researched topic. Findings: The paper discusses the concept of diagnostic analytics, which is a powerful tool for organizations to understand the underlying factors and reasons behind specific outcomes or events. By analyzing historical data and applying statistical techniques, organizations can identify root causes, patterns, and correlations that explain past events. This understanding enables informed decision-making, performance improvement, risk mitigation, enhanced customer insights, process optimization, resource allocation, and continuous improvement. Nevertheless, there are several challenges associated with diagnostic analytics. Firstly, the analysis process can be time-consuming due to the need for thorough examination and interpretation of data. Additionally, real-time insights may be limited as diagnostic analytics primarily focuses on historical data. Issues related to data quality and availability may also arise, impacting the accuracy and reliability of the analysis. Furthermore, diagnostic analytics lacks predictive capabilities, making it more challenging to anticipate future outcomes. The complexity of analysis, data privacy and security concerns, risks of bias and misinterpretation, and difficulties in identifying causal relationships further add to the challenges organizations face. Originality/value: Detailed analysis of all subjects related to the problems connected with the diagnostic analytics.
Purpose: The goal of the paper is to analyze the main features, benefits and problems with the descriptive analytics usage. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of international literature from main databases and polish literature and legal acts connecting with researched topic. Findings: The paper discusses the concept of descriptive analytics, which involves collecting, cleaning, and summarizing historical data from various sources to provide a clear and concise summary that can aid in decision-making. The paper explains the importance of descriptive analytics as the foundation for other types of data analytics, and highlights the steps involved in its implementation, including data collection, cleaning and preparation, exploration and visualization, analysis, interpretation, and reporting. The paper also mentions the advantages of descriptive analytics, such as identifying trends and patterns, optimizing processes, improving decision-making, and simplifying communication, while cautioning businesses about the potential pitfalls and challenges of this approach, such as limited predictive power, incomplete data, data privacy concerns, biased results, and overreliance on historical data. The paper emphasizes the importance of understanding these issues to ensure that the insights generated are relevant, accurate, and useful. Originality/value: Detailed analysis of all subjects related to the problems connected with the descriptive analytics.
Purpose: The goal of the paper is to analyze the main features, benefits and problems with the prospective analytics usage. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of international literature from main databases and polish literature and legal acts connecting with researched topic. Findings: Prescriptive analytics aims to assist businesses in making informed decisions that optimize desired outcomes or minimize undesired ones. It goes beyond predicting future outcomes and provides recommendations on the best actions to achieve desired goals while considering potential risks and uncertainties. Prescriptive analytics finds applications in various domains such as supply chain management, financial planning, healthcare, marketing, and operations management. It empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions, optimize resource allocation, enhance efficiency, and gain a competitive advantage. Considered the highest level of analytics, prescriptive analytics combines historical data, real-time information, optimization techniques, and decision models to generate actionable recommendations. Originality/value: Detailed analysis of all subjects related to the problems connected with the prospective analytics.
Purpose: The publication presents the results of an analysis of the popularity of technologies used in logistics based on published technical literature. The aim of the work was to determine the participation of individual types of technologies in the development of Logistics 4.0. In the Industry 4.0 policy implemented in highly developed countries, logistics development is referred to as “Logistics 4.0”. Methodology: The work is based on the analysis of empirical data describing the topics of the application of the latest information technology and other technologies related to the fourth industrial revolution. The scope of the analysis covers technologies developed between 2014-2022. Findings: Based on the investigation, the major technological subfields of Big Data, Cloud computing and networking, Business Intelligence and other, Internet of Things, and Hardware have been proposed as the core utility categories of technologies in Logistics 4.0. Originality/value: The analysis can be useful for practical aims, e.g., while planning logistics 4.0 trainings, enterprising technical investments, but also for scientific and educational objectives.
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to analyze the team innovation processes in industrial enterprise. Design/methodology/approach: Critical literature analysis. Analysis of international literature from main databases and polish literature and legal acts connecting with researched topic. Findings: The publication concentrate on problems connected with various aspects of team innovations. In the paper we presented the system of interactions which exist between negotiators in team especially from innovativeness point of view. Also we analyzed problems connected with team creativity and boasting it because team creativity is indispensable to boast innovativeness in industrial company. On the basis of the literature analysis it can be pointed out that the satisfying level of innovativeness can be achievable without appropriate level of creativity. To enhance it within company we need to give the people enough freedom and appropriate leadership adjusted to the culture of people. Also it is important to integrate creativity concepts and methods enhancing creativity into day-to-day operation of the organization. The organization should careful plan the division of the resources between innovative tasks. Originality/value: Detailed analysis of all subjects related to the problems connected with team innovation in an industrial enterprise.
Purpose: The aim of this article is to indicate a direction of teaching conditions under the technology development related to industries 4.0, 5.0 and successive N.0. Another dimension of this phenomenon is the change of educational paradigm from teaching to constant selfeducation. Examples of such activities, carried out at the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, will be presented in the article. Design/methodology/approach: The main method are case studies of different types of classes at the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business. The scope of research paper includes three key elements. First, a description of modern technologies supporting the educational and work-related processes. Second, the imperative of teaching processes change determined by technology development as well as new scientific achievements in business and management. Finally, the combination of two mentioned elements in the context of demand for industry 4.0 managers. Findings: The article advocates the paradigm shift in education. Following methods and directions of this change are discussed: Design Thinking framework; redefinition of the lecturer role; moving away from lectures towards other forms of classes (e.g. workshops, laboratories, exercises, seminars) and withdrawal from grading; courses reorganization; switch from single courses to modules, educational paths or cycles. Practical implications: Case studies from the author’s home academy, the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business. Those studies can be considered good practices and valuable benchmark for other organizations. Social implications: Changing the thinking paradigm of management, teaching conditions, and the lecturer role has the crucial meaning in the information society. Originality/value: The article presents the need of teaching paradigm change across the business higher education. The research paper also discusses the change in work processes due to the usage of newest technologies. In addition, the author believes that popular tools like Teams, Zoom, Slack, Miro, Mural etc., are already outdated, and the new generation of technologies based on augmented reality opens up new perspectives for the organization of work and teaching-related processes. The article is dedicated to academic staff as well as to students, graduates and managers.
Purpose: The paper aims to present the methodology of rapid prototyping of small and medium-sized enterprises' networks operating in the Industry 4.0 environment. Design/methodology/approach: In the conducted research, the method of literature analysis and mathematical analysis, set algebra, and mathematical logic was used to design algorithms using proposed sufficient conditions, which fulfilment allows for the prototyping of a cyber-physical production network of small and medium-sized enterprises. Findings: Based on the obtained research results, a general methodology for planning cyber-physical production networks was proposed based on algorithms using a set of sufficient conditions. Research limitations/implications: The proposed methodology presents only a part of the general model of functioning of the cyber-physical network of enterprises and allows for prototyping of variants of admissible networks. This means the need to integrate the proposed methodology with the planned prototype of e-business platforms, which will be an environment for integrating production companies and potential customers ordering production tasks. Originality/value: Original achievements obtained during the research include algorithms that allow rapid prototyping of network variants based on available production resources, the cost of their use and transport constraints between companies. Noteworthy is the possibility of obtaining a set of acceptable solutions and choosing the best one due to the cost criterion or the deadline for completing the production order. The proposed approach allows for planning a detailed schedule of production flow, taking into account the load on resources and transport between companies.
Purpose: The fourth industrial revolution has a strong influence on changes in enterprises towards smart manufacturing. Technological progress and digital economies created new conditions for business. Currently producers aiming at digitalization of processes and smart manufacturing based on key technologies (pillars) of Industry 4.0. In transformation process, the question arises, from what to start the changes and which path to choose to smart manufacturing (SM). Apart from big projects of SM, changes need the concept of Kaizen based on small steps of changes on workstations towards smart production. The purpose of the paper is the presentation of links between Smart Manufacturing (SM) projects and Kaizen. Design/methodology/approach: The paper was realized based on literature review and examples of SM projects. Findings: The study found that Kaizen is evolving with the automation and digitisation of production. IC technologies facilitate Kaizen improvements. The automation of production processes provides insight into historical data through process monitoring. Fully autonomous equipment is equipped with systems for transferring data to a central decision-making system. The machine operator's job is to collaborate with robots and control machine operation in real time using simple data visualisation and warning systems. Research limitations/implications: The work prepared is of a high degree of generality. Kaizen is implemented at workplaces and is concerned with practical improvements. These improvements are many, following the principle of small steps. The publication focuses on presenting the idea of Kaizen in SM projects. Practical implications: The paper can have an impact on the practical application of Kaizen in SM projects as it presents examples of Kaizen improvements. Originality/value The topic of adapting Kaizen to SM projects is a new area of research that will be strongly built upon due to the utility of Smart Kaizen.
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