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Among thermal stimulation treatments that have a beneficial effect on the human body general application of cold and various forms of massage are mentioned which can be assessed by means of thermovision analysis. The aim of the study was to evaluate changes in the distribution of surface body temperature under the influence of whole-body cryostimulation, classical massage and hot stone massage. Materials and methods: The study was conducted on a group of 40 men aged 20–24 years. They were subjected to a cryostimulation treatment at –120 °C and –140 °C, and to heat-stimulating treatments in the form of massages. Before the treatment, blood pressure and heart rate were measured. Temperature distribution in the 12 areas of the body surface was recorded using a Thermo Vision A20M Thermo Vision Camera with Therma CAM Researcher 2.8 software. Results: Statistically significant differences between cryostimulation treatments in the left upper limb and the back of the trunk were found. After heat-stimulating treatments, a statistically significant increase in temperature after classic massage was observed in the lower limbs, and a similar increase in temperature was noted in the rear of the pectoral girdle and of the trunk after hot stone massage. Conclusions: The thermovision analysis showed a great variation of body surface temperature depending on the body area. The higher changes in temperature, of up to 20%, were found within the upper and lower extremities in the group treated with cryostimulation. After heat-stimulating treatments, lower temperature differences, of 2–6%, were observed, the largest within the trunk and the lower limbs.
Samples of Fe61Co10Y8Cu1B20 alloy were investigated in the ‘approach to ferromagnetic saturation’ region by using the Kronmüller method. The amorphous material was obtained by radially cooling the molten alloy under a protective atmosphere of inert gas. Following this manufacturing process, static magnetic hysteresis loops were measured for samples, before and after a controlled isothermal annealing process, using a LakeShore vibrating magnetometer (VSM). From analysis of the primary magnetization curves, the distribution of structural defects and the average exchange distance for these defects were determined.
The paper presents the results of structural and magnetic properties and thermal stability for a group of functional materials based on Fe61Co10Zr2.5Hf2.5Me2W2B20 (where Me = Mo, Nb, Ni or Y). Samples were obtained in the form of ribbons using melt-spinning method. The X-ray diffraction patterns of investigated samples confirmed their amorphous structure. Based on the analysis of DSC curves characteristic temperatures: glass forming temperature (Tg), crystallization temperature (Tx) and temperature range of the supercooled liquid ΔTx were determined. Small addition of transition metals elements has strong influence on magnetic and thermal parameters of studied materials. The comprehensive studies revealed that in terms of magnetic properties the Ni-addition resulted in highest reduction in coercivity and anisotropy field.
Paper presents results of studies on structural, electronic and magnetic properties of YFe5 compound using density functional theory (DFT) approach. The GGA functional with ultrasoft pseudopotentials were used as implemented in Quantum Espresso software. The structure of YFe5 compound was examined in three different states namely nonmagnetic, antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic. Also two antiferromagnetic configurations were considered. From the total energy viewpoint the most likely ferromagnetic configuration is favorable. In order to achieve mentioned aims we present projected density of states, electronic band structure and Löwdin population analysis studies results.
Przedstawiono wyniki badań, których celem było porównanie zmian temperatury powierzchniowej ciała u morsów zrzeszonych w Klubie „Wrocławskie Morsy”, poddanych kąpieli w lodowatej wodzie w styczniu 2013 i 2014 roku. W badaniach wzięło udział 10 mężczyzn-morsów w wieku około 39 lat, BMI około 26,5, którzy odbyli 15 kąpieli w cyklu rocznym. Przed i po trwającej około 3 minuty kąpieli w lodowatej wodzie rejestrowano rozkład temperatury na powierzchni ciała kamerą termowizyjną Thermo Vision A20M, współdziałającą z komputerem osobistym zaopatrzonym w program Therma Cam Researcher 2.8. Warunki klimatyczne obydwu ekspozycji na zimno różniły się temperaturą (około 12˚C), ciśnieniem i wilgotnością. Po kąpieli w wodzie o temperaturze 2°C i powietrza (-11°C) stwierdzono obniżenie temperatury kończyn dolnych o 90% oraz oziębienie kończyn górnych o 60%. Wykazano różnicę około 20% pomiędzy temperaturą kończyn górnych z przodu i z tyłu co można tłumaczyć budową i składem tego rejonu ciała. Różnice warunków klimatycznych mogą odpowiadać za około 30% różnice temperatur po kąpieli w lodowatej wodzie w latach 2013-2014.
The aim of the study was to compare the body surface temperature changes at winter swimmers associated in "Wrocławskie Morsy", Wroclaw regular swimmers club, who immersed themselves in ice-cold water in January in years 2013 and 2014. The study involved 10 male winter swimmers (about 39 years of age, with BMI around 26.5) who participated in 15 immersions during each year. The distribution of body surface temperature was registered with a ther-mographic camera before and after three-minute-long treatments (i.e. baths) in ice-cold water. The thermographic camera used for the research was Thermo Vision A20M connected to a personal computer equipped with the Therma Cam Researcher programme (2.8 version). The atmospheric conditions of the pre- and post-treatment expositions differed in temperature (around 12°C), pressure and humidity. After the treatment in water of temperature at 2°C, and air of temperature at -11°C, a temperature decrease of 90% was determined in lower limbs, and a drop of 60% was established in upper limbs. A 20% difference was noted between the anterior and posterior surface areas of upper limbs, which can be explained by the structure and composition of the discussed body parts. Inconsistency of atmospheric conditions may constitute a source of around 30% discrepancy in the temperatures measured after the treatment in years 2013 and 2014.
The paper presents the results of study of filtration properties of aperiodic multilayer systems constructed according to the Thue-Morse algorithm. The study consisted of electromagnetic wave propagation simulation in range of 300÷700 nm depending on the angle of incidence relative to the normal of superlattice's surface. First simulation of propagation for the ideal structure was performed in which the thickness of the individual layers were 150 nm, and then defects in the form of small variations in the thickness of the layer (in the range of ± 7%) were applied. The study revealed that the band gaps are highly correlated with the thicknesses of the individual layers, the type and arrangement of used material. With the increase in generation also increases the number of transmission bands, and their half-width decreases. Manufacture inaccuracies have small influence on the transmission maxima but strongly affect the interband spaces.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań właściwości filtracyjnych dla aperiodycznych układów wielowarstwowych zbudowanych zgodnie z algorytmem Thue-Morse’a. Badania polegały na symulacji propagacji fali elektromagnetycznej o długościach leżących w przedziale od 300÷700 nm w zależności od kąta padania względem normalnej do powierzchni badanej supersieci. Przeprowadzono symulację propagacji dla struktury idealnej, w której grubości poszczególnych warstw wynosiły 150 nm, a następnie wprowadzano defekty w postaci niewielkiej zmiany grubości warstw (w zakresie ±7%). Badania ujawniły, że przerwy pasmowe są silnie skorelowane z grubością poszczególnych warstw, typem użytego materiału oraz jego ułożeniem. Wraz ze wzrostem liczby generacji rośnie także liczba pasm transmisji, a ich szerokość połówkowa maleje. Niedokładności wytworzenia w niewielki sposób wpływają na maksima transmisji, ale silnie oddziałują na przestrzenie międzypasmowe.
Multilayers are characterized by the presence of the photonic band gap, so that electromagnetic waves (EMW) at the specific frequencies does not propagate them. Using emulation properties of multilayer systems allows pre-testing of the structure and the design to get the specific characteristics of the electromagnetic wave transmission bands. This reduces the number of samples performed and reduces the cost of examinations. In this study the behaviour of the electromagnetic wave passing through the superlattice ABABAB binary structure composed of lossless materials whose properties do not depend on the frequency of the electromagnetic wave, using the matrix method and the FDTD algorithm. Due to the use multilayers as a filters of visible light the calculation performed for the wavelength range of 300 to 700 nm. In order to examine the behaviour of a monochromatic electromagnetic wave having a wavelength equal to the wavelength of the band gap analysis was performed using the FDTD algorithm, during which were determined by FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) wavelength characteristics. EMW penetrating the superlattice structure, for each boundary layer is partially reflected and partially passes. Another part of the electromagnetic wave reflected inside the structure interfere with each other, which involves a change in the output wavelength and causes the formation of superlattice band gaps. Based on the study, it can be concluded that the matrix method and FDTD very well complement the study of photonic properties of multilayer structures. It has been found that the presence of the photonic band gap depends strongly on the number of superlattice layers. The environment of the multilayer structure does not affect the existence of band gaps, but it strongly influences the interband areas. Increasing the thickness of the superlattice layers shifts in a linear photonic band gaps toward the higher wavelength and the influences of their size. The use of the FDTD method has allowed to illustrate the behaviour of electromagnetic waves in areas of high and low transmission.
Układy wielowarstwowe charakteryzują się występowaniem fotonicznej przerwy wzbronionej, przez co fale elektromagnetyczne (FEM) o pewnych częstotliwościach nie rozchodzą się w nich. Użycie emulacji właściwości układów wielowarstwowych pozwala na wstępne testowanie struktury i taki jej projekt, aby uzyskać konkretną charakterystykę pasm transmisji fali elektromagnetycznej. Pozwala to na ograniczenie liczby wykonywanych próbek i wpływa na zmniejszenie kosztów przeprowadzonych badań. W pracy badano zachowanie się fali elektromagnetycznej przechodzącej przez supersieć o strukturze binarnej ABABAB zbudowaną z materiałów bezstratnych, których własności nie zależą od częstości fali elektromagnetycznej, za pomocą metody macierzowej oraz algorytmu FDTD. Ze względu na zastosowanie sieci wielowarstwowych jako filtrów promieniowania widzialnego obliczenia przeprowadzono dla długości fali z zakresu 300÷700 nm. W celu zbadania zachowania monochromatycznej fali elektromagnetycznej o długości fali równej długości fali pasma wzbronionego przeprowadzono analizę za pomocą algorytmu FDTD, w trakcie której wykonano metodą FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) charakterystyki długości fali. FEM, wnikając w strukturę supersieci, na każdej granicy warstw częściowo się odbija, a częściowo przechodzi. Kolejne odbite części fali elektromagnetycznej wewnątrz struktury interferują ze sobą, co wiąże się ze zmianą długości fali na wyjściu supersieci i powoduje powstawanie pasm wzbronionych. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań można stwierdzić, że metoda macierzowa i FDTD bardzo dobrze się uzupełniają przy badaniu własności fotonicznych struktur wielowarstwowych. Stwierdzono, że występowanie fotonicznej przerwy wzbronionej silnie zależy od liczby warstw supersieci. Otoczenie struktury wielowarstwowej nie wpływa na występowanie pasm wzbronionych, ale silnie oddziałuje na obszary międzypasmowe. Zwiększenie grubości warstw supersieci przesuwa w sposób liniowy fotoniczne przerwy wzbronione w stronę wiekszych długości fali oraz wpływa na ich rozmiar. Wykorzystanie metody FDTD pozwoliło zobrazować zachowanie fali elektromagnetycznej w obszarach o wysokiej i niskiej transmisji.
The article presents the results of the study on impact of the distribution, number and type of conglomeration of point defects on the parameters of the acoustic wave passing through the phononic crystal. For the simulation, the method of finite differences in time domain (FDTD) was used. In the paper several types of point defects distribution topology both inside and on the surface of the two-dimensional phononic crystal was examined. In order to suppress waves reflected from the edge of medium PML (Perfectly Matched Layers) algorithm was applied. In the simulation a lossless medium was considered. The study revealed that a small amount of point defects inside the body of phononic crystal has weak effect on the acoustic wave remission, while relatively small number of defects placed on the crystal's surface significantly affected the characteristics of the acoustic wave.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu rozmieszczenia, liczby oraz typu konglomeracji defektów punktowych na parametry fali akustycznej przechodzącej przez kryształ fononiczny. Do przeprowadzenia symulacji wykorzystano metodę różnic skończonych w domenie czasu (FDTD). W pracy zbadano kilkanaście rodzajów topologii rozmieszczenia defektów punktowych zarówno wewnątrz, jak i na powierzchni dwuwymiarowego kryształu fononicznego. W celu wytłumienia fal odbitych od krawędzi ośrodka zastosowano algorytm PML (Perfectly Matched Layers). W symulacji rozważano ośrodek bezstratny. Badania ujawniły, że niewielka liczba defektów punktowych znajdujących się wewnątrz kryształu fononicznego ma mały wpływ na reemisję fali akustycznej, natomiast relatywnie mała liczba defektów umieszczonych na powierzchni kryształu wpływa istotnie na parametry przechodzącej fali akustycznej.
In this paper the results of the structural and magnetic investigation of Fe61Co10Y8Zr1B20 alloy after solidification and isothermal annealing was presented. The isothermical annealing was carried out at 700 K for 1 h and 770 K for 3.5 h. For the structural investigation was performed by X-ray diffractometer equipped with a copper lamp. The results of (XRD) measurements showed the material in the state after the solidification and heat treatment is amorphous. Static hysteresis loops and initial magnetization curve was measured using vibrating magnetometer (VSM). The quality and quantity of structural defects in the sample after heat treatment was determined by indirect method using analyze the initial magnetization curve in accordance with the theory of Kronmüllera. These studies have shown that the annealing process has big influence to change significantly quantity of defects in amorphous structure as a result, there are changes of magnetic parameters such as saturation magnetization and field μ0Ms coercivity Hc.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań strukturalnych i magnetycznych stopu Fe61Co10Y8Zr1B20 w stanie po zestaleniu oraz po izotermicznym wygrzewaniu w temperaturze 700 K przez 1h i 770 K przez 3,5 h. Badania struktury wykonano przy użyciu dyfraktometru rentgenowskiego wyposażonego w lampę miedzianą. Wynik pomiarów (XRD) wykazał, że material w stanie po zestaleniu i obróbce termicznej jest amorficzny. Statyczne pętle histerezy i krzywą pierwotnego namagnesowania zmierzono za pomocą magnetometru wibracyjnego (VSM). Analizując krzywą pierwotnego namagnesowania i wykorzystując pośrednią metodę wyznaczania defektów strukturalnych zgodnie z teorią H. Kronmüllera wyznaczono jakość i ilość tych defektów w próbce w stanie po zestaleniu i po izotermicznym wygrzewaniu. Badania te wykazały że proces wygrzewania istotnie wypływa na zmiany zdefektowania struktury amorficznej w wyniku czego zachodzą zmiany parametrów magnetycznych takich jak magnetyzacja nasycenia μ0Ms i pole koercji Hc.
The influence of isothermal annealing on the magnetisation process in strong magnetic fields of the amorphous Fe61Co10Y8Ni1B20 alloy ribbons was investigated. Samples in the form of ribbons were produced by rapid quenching of liquid alloy on a rotating copper wheel. In order to study the relaxation process, the investigated Fe61Co10Y8Ni1B20 samples were subjected to annealing below the crystallisation temperature at 700 K for 1 h and then at 770 K for 3.5 h. The structure of the samples was examined by X-ray diffraction measurements (XRD). It was found, that all of measured samples in the as-cast state and after thermal treatment, were amorphous. On the basis of virgin magnetisation curve analysis, the type, size and density of structural defects occurring in the investigated samples were determined. It was found that after the first stage of annealing, decay of linear defects (pseudo-dislocation dipoles) into smaller, more thermodynamically stable, point defects occurs. The presence of point like defects was also confirmed after the second stage of annealing.
W pracy badano wpływ izotermicznego wygrzewania na proces magnesowania w silnych polach magnetycznych amorficznego stopu Fe61Co10Y8Ni1B20 w postaci taśmy. Materiał do badań wytworzono metodą szybkiego chłodzenia ciekłego stopu na miedzianym wirującym bębnie. Próbki stopu Fe61Co10Y8Ni1B20 poddano dwukrotnemu wygrzewaniu: 1) w temperaturze 700 K przez 1 godzinę. 2) w temperaturze 770 K przez 3,5 godziny. Strukturę taśm w stanie po zestaleniu i po obróbce termicznej badano za pomocą dyfraktometru rentgenowskiego. Wyniki analizy rentgenowskiej wykazały, że badane taśmy były w pełni amorficzne. Pomiar krzywych M-H wykonano za pomocą magnetometru wibracyjnego. Na podstawie analizy krzywych pierwotnego namagnesowania określono rodzaj, wielkość i gęstość defektów strukturalnych występujących w badanej taśmie. Na ich podstawie stwierdzono, że po pierwszym etapie wygrzewania nastąpił rozpad defektów liniowych (pseudodyslokacyjnych dipoli) na mniejsze bardziej stabilne termodynamicznie defekty punktowe, których obecność stwierdzono również po drugim etapie wygrzewania.
Content available remote The influence of fill factor on the phononic crystal eigenfrequencies
Purpose: The aim of this article is to determine the effect of basic cell fill factor change on the eigenfrequencies observed in two-dimensional phononic crystal. Design/methodology/approach: To perform simulation, the FDFD (finite difference frequency domain) algorithm was used. On this basis, the search for eigenfrequencies was carried out starting from lowest possible acoustic frequency range (~20 Hz) and limited to first nine search results found (up to nearly 2.2 kHz) for increasing fill factor while maintaining the shape of a rod inside cell. Findings: The fill factor has a significant influence on the eigenfrequencies of the studied system when the frequency is above 1 kHz. With the increase of this factor at relatively low frequencies (less than 1 kHz in this case) there were no major changes observed. Research limitations/implications: The results were found only for specific system consisting of materials with similar sound velocity. Therefore, more research should be carried out for other cases i.e. taking into account the different topology of primary cells and various materials with other propagation velocity of acoustic waves in these mediums. Practical implications: Simulation of two-dimensional phononic crystal systems allows for designing new specialized multi-component materials with various acoustic properties. These systems can be adapted in a variety of applications, including acoustic filters, slow-wave devices, acoustic autocollimators and many other. Originality/value: Basic research allow to improve the quality of knowledge on more advanced problems. For this reason, it is important to know in detail how simple systems work and to determine the basic properties of these systems.
Content available remote Influence of rod diameter on acoustic band gaps in 2D phononic crystal
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate influence of changing the fill factor (or rod diameter) on acoustic properties of phononic crystal made of mercury rods inside of water matrix. Change in construction of primary cell without changing the shape of rod may cause shifts in bands leading to widening of forbidden band gaps, which is the basis of modern composite material designing process. Design/methodology/approach: Band structure is determined by using the finite element study known as finite difference frequency domain simulation method. This is achieved by virtual construction and simulation of primary cell of phononic crystal. Phononic crystals are special devices which by periodic arrangement of properties related to the sound can affect the transmission of acoustic waves thru their body. Findings: The fill factor/rod diameter has a significant influence on the acoustic band structure of studied phononic crystal which can be divided in two mainly effects: fission and compression of band structure. Research limitations/implications: In order to better understand basic properties of phononic crystals and to get full control over the band gaps a series of similar calculations should be done for broader range of frequencies covering both infrasound and ultrasound wavelength regions. Also structures of other cut shape of rod and different primary cell structure resulting in diverse phononic crystal structure should be investigated in the future. Practical implications: Phononic crystals are important devices in variety of applications ranging from noise control through acoustic computing, health applications and entertainment up to military applications. Therefore full knowledge about specific working conditions and elementary properties is necessary for complete control in targeted applications. Controlling the fill factor is one of the simplest methods to achieve specific band gap positions and widths. Originality/value: The novelty is in use of different phase materials with similar acoustic characteristics affecting the hole sonic properties of device manifested by their calculated band structure. The target group are scientists interested in practical applications of various acoustic materials.
Content available EPR study of guanidine zinc sulphate crystals
X-band electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) investigations of Mn2+-doped guanidine zinc sulphate [C(NH2)3]2Zn(SO4)2 – abbreviated as GZS – are presented. The EPR spectrum in the temperature range 273–393 K exhibits a group of five fine structure transitions each splits into six hyperfine components. The angular variation of EPR spectra reveals the presence of only one magnetic complex, which correspond to one distinct site of Mn2+ ions in the crystal lattice. From the observed EPR spectrum, the spin-Hamiltonian parameters have been evaluated. The variation of zero-field splitting (ZFS) parameter, intensity and line width with temperature are measured and discussed.
Purpose: Paper presents the results of the simulation of acoustic wave propagation in quasi one-dimensional multi-layered structure. The purpose was to examine the influence of the thickness of two materials forming the transmission system, depending on the acoustic wave source frequency. Design/methodology/approach: To perform simulation, the FDTD (finite difference time domain) algorithm was used. An acoustic wave propagated through the system consisting of ten alternating layers of equal thickness, surrounded on both sides by air. On the edges of the simulation space Neumann boundary conditions were provided. Findings: Changing the layer thickness affects the position of the SPL minima and causes narrowing of the area of the total acoustic pressure curves. Research limitations/implications: The influence of changes in the thickness of the layers forming the quasi one-dimensional multilayer system on transmission was investigated. In order to better know the transmission characteristics of the system consisting of two different materials, the effect of changing the physical size of heterogeneous layers should be examined. It would be also important to compare the simulation results with those obtained experimentally. Practical implications: Simulation of quasi one-dimensional multi-layer systems allows to design new materials adapted to the requirements of specific applications without the need to carry experiment. Multilayer systems can be operated in a variety of applications, primarily as a filter with adjustable band gap frequency intermittently, and also as a material for absorbing incident acoustic waves. Originality/value: The available literature contains a limited information on the propagation of acoustic waves in quasi one-dimensional multi-layer systems. This paper responds to the demand caused by the lack of available articles in this topic and enables view the findings of research for one of the simpler periodic structures.
Content available remote The influence of extinction coefficient on transmission in binary multilayer
Purpose: The influence of the extinction coefficient for transmission, reflectance and absorption in multilayer binary. Reps cluster was equal to 7 It was built of two types of materials. First was a NaCl equivalent with a refractive index described by nA=1.544-ik , and as second was GaAs lossless metamaterial equivalent Design/methodology/approach: Research was carried out using the map of: transmitting, reflectance and absorption of the electromagnetic wave. Maps determined using the matrix method. Findings: It is shown that the higher the extinction coefficient, which is responsible for the absorption of electromagnetic waves, decreases the transmittance and reflectance of the multilayer system at the same time increasing its absorption. Research limitations/implications: Would be a reasonable correlation between the results of the transmission, reflectance and absorption obtained using numerical methods with with experiment. Practical implications: Taking into account the extinction coefficient allows for a better representation of the real multilayer structures. Quasi one-dimensional superlattices can be used as filters or multiplexers electromagnetic waves. Originality/value: In the literature the most frequently analyzed lossless structure. Taking into account the extinction coefficient allows for better study the properties of the tested materials.
Purpose: The subject of paper is the implementation of FDTD algorithm for study the electromagnetic wave propagation and to appoint the wavelength distribution of the electromagnetic waves leaving the structure for monochromatic incident wave in the case of a wavelength range of the band gap and in the case of full transmission. Design/methodology/approach: In the paper is implemented algorithm to study the monochromatic electromagnetic wave propagation in the system of quasi one-dimensional aperiodic, lossless and isotropic Severin superlattice using finite-difference time domain method (FDTD) in the C programming language. Findings: The FDTD simulation comparison of the results with those obtained using the matrix method demonstrate good correlation between the two methods. The use of the FDTD method and Fourier transforms (FFT) allows for a more complete picture of the observed phenomena, along with the distribution of time in which it takes place. Research limitations/implications: The structures analyzed in the paper material consisted of quasi one-dimensional lossless and non-dispersive isotropic material. An important would be analysis of the lossy materials with dispersion. Analysis of two-dimensional space would allow to study of propagation of the incident wave different angles. Practical implications: The simulation allows to understand the temporal distribution of the electromagnetic wave propagation in the superlattice structure for the full transmission rate, and in the case of the occurrence of photonic band gap. Originality/value: The novelty is to use FDTD algorithm with FFT to study the behavior of the electromagnetic wave in the electromagnetic wave wavelength of band gap range.
Purpose: The paper presents results of the effect of structural defects on the process of magnetization in high magnetic fields in metallic glasses based on amorphous Fe60Co10W2Me2Y8B18 (where Me=Mo, Nb) Design/methodology/approach: Bulk amorphous material samples were obtained with the method of rapid radial cooling in the copper liquid-cooled mould in a protective atmosphere of inert gas. The samples in the state after solidification were then examined using a vibrating magnetometer in the magnetic fields up to 2T. Static magnetic hysteresis loops and primary magnetization curve were recorded. Findings: Changing a small amount of the element from the group of transition metals have a significant effect on the magnetic properties of the produced alloy. Depending on the substituent also the type of defects identified in the examined materials changes. Research limitations/implications: It is advisable to conduct studies on samples with compositions close to studied in this work for better prediction of magnetic properties of materials. Practical implications: Bulk amorphous metallic glass are used in the electrical industry as cores in modern high-efficiency high-power transformers. Originality/value: W Paper presents studies on the influence of structure defects on the process of primary magnetization for amorphous Fe60Co10W2Mo2Y8B18 and Fe60Co10W2Nb2Y8B18 alloys. Alloys of given composition has not yet been tested for the influence of defects on the magnetization process.
Content available remote Transmission in combination of structures
Purpose: The paper investigated the effect of the combination of two structures on the transmission of electromagnetic waves as a multilayer filter. Examined how the combination of two structures affect the properties of the filter. As a component materials of structures used both right-handed material (RHM) and left-handed (LHM). Design/methodology/approach: Analysis was performed using a matrix method for calculating the superlattice transmission. The influence of combination of two types of multilayer systems: periodic (binary superlattice) and aperiodic (Severin’s and Thue-Morse’s superlattices). Findings: Studies have shown the structure of the transmission band of the structures, which is dependent on the polarization of the incident wave. Combination of various structures are not commutative, and therefore their transmission maps are not equal. Research limitations/implications: The structures analyzed in the work consisted of a lossless material, isotropic and non-dispersive. An important analysis would be lossy dispersive materials. You should also examine the impact would have a separating layer structure and the influence of defects on transmission properties of superlattices. Practical implications: The test structures may be used as filters of electromagnetic radiation. Placing the filter characteristics of the two structures allows pre-filtering an electromagnetic wave, in order to obtain a structure suitable for applications. Originality/value: The paper shows how combination of two periodic and aperiodic structures affect the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a multi-layered system. The analysis was based on the determination of unpolarized transmission maps for complex structures.
Content available remote The effect of polarization plane rotation on binary superlattice transmission
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to examine what influence on the transmission has a rotation of the vibration plane, which electric field vector of the electromagnetic wave lies, on the transmission properties of the binary superlattice. In the literature, the most common transmission structure are given for the P or S wave polarization. This article aims to verify the nature of the transmission when the polarization is not strictly defined. Design/methodology/approach: In the paper the transmission of quasi one-dimensional binary structures is analized depending on the angle of incidence and wavelength of electromagnetic wave and on torsion angle of the plane of the electric field, using the matrix method. Findings: Changing the angle of rotation of the incident electromagnetic wave electric field vibration plane affects the size of the interband transmission and causes separation of fixed transmission bands locations for specific wavelength and angle of incidence. Research limitations/implications: Quasi one-dimensional binary superlattices composed of lossless, non dispersive isotropic materials were analyzed. It would be important to investigate influence of loss factor and the two- and three-dimensional periodic and aperiodic structures on the electromagnetic wave transmission. Also important would be to compare results with those obtained from the use of finite increments algorithm in the time domain (FDTD) and the correlation with experimental data. Practical implications: The test structures may be used as filters of electromagnetic wave propagation. The structure and thickness of the layers has a significant influence on the characteristics of the transmission, which will allow to design the structure in order to met the conditions of specific applications. Originality/value: In this paper, a method for the analysis of the electromagnetic waves transmission characteristics in the case where the electric field is not polarized in the S, or P directions only.
Celem pracy była ocena potencjalnego wpływu krzywizny kręgosłupa na kąty kifozy piersiowej i lordozy lędźwiowej. Badaniem objęto 120 dzieci obojga płci w wieku 10-12 lat z wadami postawy ciała oraz zdrowych. Do badań wykorzystano nieinwazyjny komputerowy zestaw określający położenie zbioru punktów w przestrzeni trójwymiarowej – Posturometr-S.
The aim of the study was to estimate the potential influence of spine curvature on the chest kyphosis and loin lordosis curve patterns. The examination was carried out on 120 children, boys and girls, aged 10 to 12 years. Each group included healthy children and these with posture defects. Body posture was measured by means of Posturometr-S.
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