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Creating a digital model is one of the aims of the geotechnical engineers, to predict the land sliding hazard which occur in different regions in the world. In February 2017, an extensive landslide occurred in the hamlet of Ponzano as a sloped area in the Abruzzo region in Italy. In this regard, predicting the land sliding hazard is one of the important issues to prevent hazard to the civilizations. In this project we created a model in the 3D dimension through the Plaxis 3D numerical solution software from the data based of the region Abruzzo in 2007 to evaluate the land sliding hazard before happened and then compare the results with the data from the drone data surveyed recently in the 2022. In this regard, the data from the Abruzzo resources from 2007 imported into the QGIS as the open-source cross-platform software to analysis the geospatial data and then imported into the Recap software to work on the point cloud data and then imported into the Civil 3D software to create a solid surface from the TIN surface and finally since the solid surface contains a large number of irrelative details, they were imported into the Rhinoceros software to create a NURBS surface to be smoothed for better performance in the analysis. The NURBS surface imported into the Plaxis and all of the geometry and geotechnical engineering parameters by considering the investigated geotechnical survey that was conducted in parallel in the area, defined for the model. The “Hardening Soil” model considered for the 1st layer as the “clay and lime” and the “Hoek-Brown” model defined for the 2nd layer as the “marl-flysch”. A fine mesh elements distribution assessed also for the model. The phases defined as the “gravity” to define the unit weight of the soil layers, the “plastic” phase to calculate the instant deformations and the “consolidation” to analyze the plastic deformations in the sloped area of the model. In parallel, the drone data achieved in 2022, were imported into the CloudCompare as the 3D point cloud processing software and different methods such as the “segment”, “statistical outlier Filter”, “CSF filter”, “noise filter”, “cross section” etc. were performed to clean the data and then imported into the Recap software to work on data and then imported into the Civil 3D software to create solid surface of the current data after the land sliding. In this regard, to evaluate the displacement occurred from the year 2007 toward the 2022, a TIN volume surface as the colored map created through the Civil 3D software to show the displacements in the z direction and all of the results were compared with the Plaxis 3D numerical solution software. The results showed that the colored map with the displacement in the positive and negative direction of the z is the same of the analyzed model and the values match each other’s and we created a digital model of the selected area to predict the land sliding hazard in the region in the following.
The area of the Poprad valley is particulary privileged due to the presence of mineral waters recognized in Poland as curative as well as strongly transformed by mass movements. In order to increase tourist attractiveness of the region, there is a noticeable trend of more frequent usage of landslide slopes, on which can appear recharge areas for the healing waters or zones of carbon dioxide inflow. The gas-water system on the areas of the occurence isvery sensitive andeasy to destroy. Co-occurence of recharge areas and mass movement areas, which due to uncontrolled human actions, may become active and create threat to the healing waters.
The paper presents the results of research on the landslide distribution according to the administrativ subdivision of the Sudetes (SW Poland). It is the first comprehensive analysis of this problem for the Polish part of the Sudetes, which is based on the published data, cartographic materials and spatial databases. The index of landslide occurrence for each county has been calculated, and the number and types of buildings and roads located on landslides have been distinguished. The results were used for preliminary identification of hazards, which, in turn, provide information for the county governments, on various levels, useful for spatial planning and practical risk management.
Content available Zagrożenia geologiczne w Polsce w 2021 roku
Geological hazards caused by landslides, earthquakes, erosion, land surface deformation and collapse in 2021 in Poland were among the average compared to recent years. They did, however, affect material losses. The Polish Geological Survey (PGS) recorded 41 events related to sudden landslide activations, which damaged or destroyed 17 road sections. Through ongoing monitoring of 72 landslides, 33 were shown to be active. In 2021, more than 5,200 landslides were identified and inventoried in Poland. Geodynamic monitoring performed by PGS recorded 611 seismic events in Poland, whose magnitudes reached M4.2. In addition, using satellite radar interferometry, continuation of land surface deformations was found mainly in mining areas. In 2021, there was a number of collapses of various origins. The paper is a brief report on the ongoing tasks of the Polish Geological Survey in the field of geological hazards and presents events that took place in Poland in 2021.
Content available Podatność osuwiskowa obszaru Krakowa
Due to the differentiation of landslides in Kraków city area, an artificial neural network method (multilayer perceptron) was used to determine the landslide susceptibility (LS). The calculations were performed in the r.landslide module. The network learning was carried out on the basis of 8 thematic layers (slopes, slope exposure, absolute height, relative height, convergence index, surface lithology, sub-Quaternary lithology, distance from tectonic discontinuities). For modelling, 434 points representing landslides and the same number of points of locations without landslides were used. Among the set of points, 70% was allocated to the training phase, 15% to the validation phase, and 15% to the phase. In order to assess the network performance, based on the results of the test phase, a confusion matrix was made. Approximately 22% of the city’s area is susceptible to landslide occurrence (LS > 0.05 ). It overlap existing landslides and cover areas where they have not occurred yet. The greatest number of areas susceptible to landslide occurrence is located in districts X (54% of the district area) and VII (47%). There are also the most susceptile areas (LS > 0.95). The sensitivity analysis implemented in the module showed that among the thematic layers used for modelling the slopes, convergence index, distance from tectonic discontinuities and sub-Quaternary lithology have the greatest impact on the landslide susceptibility.
Content available Osuwiska Masywu Ślęży (Przedgórze Sudeckie)
Ślęża Massif is an isolated group of hills, surrounded by plains, located on the Sudetic Foreland with the main tops of Ślęża and Radunia. This mesoregion covers an area composed of two structural units: Sudetic Ophiolite and Strzegom-Sobótka Granite Pluton. The present relief of the Ślęża Massif was formed mainly during the Pleistocene glaciations. This article presents the results of landslide observations made in selected locations on the Ślęża Massif. Scientific works were carried out on the south-western, southern and eastern slopes of Ślęża (composed of gabbros), as well as on the northern slopes of Radunia (serpentinites). This area is the place of occurrence of specific morphological forms with research history abundant in various concepts (among others: moraines of the Scandinavian ice sheet, congelifluction tongues, debris flows, fossil rockglaciers and landslides). Author's research, basedon field works and digital terrain model analysis, revealsthat15 inactive landslides exist at these locations. The forms are characterized by various morphometric parameters and different types of colluvial mass movements. Probably, they emerged as a result of late Pleistocene and early Holocene climate changes. Author's conclusions partially confirm some observations and interpretations stated by Horwath in 1981 and by Traczyk and Kasprzak in 2014. Due to plenty of landslide evidence, the views about relict rock glaciers and other conceptions should be defined as incorrect. The forms require further detailed studies.
For about 600 years Middle Jurassic iron ores had been mined in the Częstochowa region. This process created many forms, among which mining and processing waste dumps are the best visible in this area. After the mining process had stopped, mass movements occured in the surface of the dumps. The paper presents specificity of landslides developed in dumps in the Częstochowa region, intensity of this phenomenon and landslides activity. Mass movements are present in each dump higher than 40m and broader than 300 m. The large stand highest dump slopes are all covered by a vast landslide zones, where rotational slides and complex slides dominates. Despite the fact that exploration of iron ores had ended about 40 years ago, a large number of dump landslides are still active or periodically active. Some of these signs of activity can be seen on Differential Digital Model (DDM).
Berbești mining basin, located in the area of the Getic Subcarpathians, is part of the Central Heating Power Plant (CHPP) Govora, in fact representing the mining division, and has four open pits: Alunu, Olteț, Panga, and West Berbești. Given that, at least in Europe, there is the issue of giving up energy production based on the burning of fossil fuels, especially coal, the four open pits will be in operation for a relatively short period of time, and one of the major problems related to the exploitation of lignite deposits is that of the post-closure stability of the lands in the influence area. The research was conducted in such a way as to take into account in the stability analysis the factors and natural causes that predispose the lands in the Getic Subcarpathians to landslides, factors and anthropogenic causes (lignite mining) and the effect of their concomitant action. These stability analyzes took into account different hypotheses related to the geometry of the final slopes and the influence of external factors. Also, a predictive analysis of the long-term stability of the lands (especially the final slopes of the open pits – as they were designed) was carried out, taking into account the behavior over time of the disturbed rocks. Based on the results obtained, after a series of statistical processing, a risk analysis was performed, using a methodology developed by a part of the research team. It should be noted from the outset that the research focused on the West Berbești and Panga mining perimeters, as the lignite mining activity will be completed by the end of 2022 (at most). However, taking into account the similar conditions (geology, morphology, tectonics, seismic zoning, weather and climatic conditions, applied exploitation methods), the research team considers that a significant part of the conclusions and recommendations contained in this study can be considered valid and for the rest of the active perimeters (Alunu and Olteț open pits). In this context, the study ends with a series of conclusions on the stability of land in the Berbești mining basin (West Berbești and Panga perimeters) at the time of cessation of productive activities and recommendations that once put into practice will ensure longterm land stability.
Zagłębie Górnicze Berbești, położone na obszarze Podkarpacia Getyckiego, jest częścią Zagłębia Centralnego (EC) Govora, posiada cztery odkrywki: Alunu, Olteț, Panga i West Berbești. Biorąc pod uwagę, że w Europie istnieje koncepcja rezygnacji z produkcji energii w oparciu o spalanie paliw kopalnych, zwłaszcza węgla, relatywnie krótko funkcjonować będą cztery odkrywki. Jednym z głównych problemów związanych z eksploatacją złóż węgla brunatnego jest stabilność gruntów na obszarze górniczym po zamknięciu eksploatacji. Badania przeprowadzono w taki sposób, aby uwzględnić w analizie stateczności czynniki i przyczyny naturalne, tenedencje terenów Podkarpacia Getyckiego do osuwisk, czynników i przyczyn antropogenicznych (wydobycie węgla brunatnego) oraz skutków oddziaływań towarzyszących. Analizy stateczności uwzględniały różne hipotezy związane z geometrią zboczy i wpływem czynników zewnętrznych. Przeprowadzono także analizę predykcyjną długoterminowej stabilności gruntów (zwłaszcza końcowych zboczy odkrywek) z uwzględnieniem zachowania się gruntów w czasie. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników, po wykonaniu serii analiz statystycznych przeprowadzono analizę ryzyka, wykorzystując metodologię opracowaną przez część zespołu badawczego. Na wstępie należy zaznaczyć, że badania koncentrowały się na obszarach wydobywczych West Berbești i Panga, ponieważ wydobycie węgla brunatnego zostanie zakończone do końca 2022 roku. Biorąc jednak pod uwagę podobne warunki (geologia, morfologia, tektonika, strefy sejsmiczne, warunki pogodowe i klimatyczne, zastosowanych metod eksploatacji), zespół badawczy uważa, że znaczna część zawartych wniosków i rekomendacji w tym badaniu można uznać za ważne i dla pozostałych obszarów czynnych (odkrywki Alunu i Olteț). W tym kontekście opracowanie kończy się szeregiem wniosków dotyczących stabilności gruntów w zagłębiu górniczym Berbești (zachodnie Berbești i obwód Panga) w momencie zaprzestania działalności produkcyjnej oraz zalecenia, które po wprowadzeniu w życie zapewnią długoterminową stabilność gruntów.
Different forms of hazard can affect structures throughout their existence. The occurrence of a seismic event in areas exposed to different risks or already affected by other phenomena is highly likely, especially in countries characterized by high seismicity and equally high hydrogeological risk, as Italy. Nevertheless, the seismic safety assessment of reinforced concrete (RC) structures is commonly carried out considering the seismic action only, generally applied to an analytical model, neglecting the stress-strain state induced by previous ongoing phenomena. The aim of this work is to highlight the importance of the seismic safety assessment in a multi-hazard analysis, cumulating the action coming from two different hazards: landslide and earthquake. An existing RC building, located in an area affected by an intermittent landslide phenomenon with slow kinematics, that may also be subjected to strong earthquakes, is used as case study. The Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (DInSAR) approach is used to monitor the evolution in time of the landslide. DInSAR deformation data are used to detect surface ground movements applied to building foundations. A non-linear static analysis procedure is implemented for the code-based seismic safety assessment, in two different scenarios. The seismic assessment of the case-study building is implemented in a condition of structure deformed only for gravity loads, and, then, in a state of known landslide-induced deformed configuration. A comparison is proposed between the building seismic safety assessment per-formed in both cases, with or without the consideration of the landslide-induced displacements, showing the importance of a multi-hazard evaluation.
Content available Zagrożenia geologiczne w Polsce w 2020 roku
The paper describes geohazard events that took place in 2020 on the territory of Poland. The PGI is responsible for geohazard monitoring in four areas of interest :landslides and mass movements within the Landslide Counteracting System (LCS, SOPO in Polish), earthquakes within the Geodynamical Monitoring of Poland and ground motions within the Interferometric Terrain Deformations Monitoring of Poland, and coastal monitoring carried out by the Marine Geology Branch within a framework of the 4D Cartography. In 2020, there were no spectacular geohazard events; however, there were some permanently active phenomena, mostly landslides, which caused significant damages to the infrastructure.
Natural hazards’ information is an obligatory element of planning acts in Poland, such as areas exposed to mass movements and flood occurrence. The paper presents provisions and manners applied in urban planning and design practise in Lesser Poland (Małopolska), region with vast share of landslides in Poland. Discussion leads to evaluation of risk management legal factors in design process, urban planning and accomplishment of building permission.
Informacje o zagrożeniach naturalnych są obowiązkowym elementem opracowań planistycznych w Polsce, taką informacją jest występowanie obszarów narażonych na ruchy masowe ziemi. W pracy przedstawiono regulacje prawne oraz zapisy stosowane w miejscowych planach zagospodarowania przestrzennego. Zakres przestrzenny badań obejmuje Małopolskę, regionie o największym udziale osuwisk w skali krajowej. Przeprowadzona dyskusja prowadzi do oceny uwarunkowań prawnych zarządzania ryzykiem w procesie planowania i uzyskania pozwolenia na budowę przez inwestora.
The Przemyśl Fortress is a huge complex of defensive objects from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Various types of objects, ruins and remains of the fortress and signs of fights have been preserved to different extents in the area to this day. They constitute a huge problem when determining landslides. The greatest difficulties are caused by vegetation-covered ruins of forts, trenches, remnants of ramparts and defense ditches, and signs of fights preserved in places. Such residues can be interpreted as a landslide or a part of it, especially if they occur in a neighbourhood or inside a landslide. The problem then arises of clearly identifying the boundaries of the landslide and the correct identification of its internal forms, e.g. a devastated trench around the fort can be marked as a landslide. Similar difficulties are provided by numerous inactive quarries, excavations, clay pits, e.g. a closed limestone open-pit mine from the 19th century, located in Kruhel Wielki. Elements of the old mine are deceptively reminiscent of intra-fieldforms and they are difficult to separate from the real colluvial forms of the neighbouring landslide. Difficulties in determining landslides arise not only from the history of this region and its geological structure, but also from the degree of urbanization of the area. Strong anthropopression blurs the natural morphology of the slopes, and the limited availability of the area makes cartographic work difficult. It is difficult to distinguish between natural and artificial forms in such areas. Good examples are landslides on the ski slope, on the municipal cemetery, in the castle park and in the area of military areas, housing estates and allotments.
A crucial part of every adaptation planning and disaster risk reduction is estimation of vulnerable areas and risk in the future. Only a well-developed monitoring system could bring valuable information to create possible scenarios to set up adaptation plans. Monitoring systems of meteorological conditions, surface water, groundwater, landslides, seacoast, agricultural drought as well as their standards and methodologies, are crucial for establishing an effective warning system of every country, and thus are the subject of research conducted by national institutes. Therefore, the conditions of this national research (getting trained staff, equipment etc.) is essential to provide reliable information for a national adaptation plan and for economic assessment of climate change impacts. Poland has significant experiences in monitoring systems, data collecting and visualizing, as well as in the development of scenarios and risk maps. Methodologies and capacity building, necessary for their use, along with experiences and lessons, learned to get valuable information for disaster risk reduction, were presented by the authors from the research during the 24th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 24) in Katowice (December 2018). The presentation contributed to the global adaptation process through experience sharing that is important for the relevant research conducted in the least developed countries.
Problemy stateczności zboczy oraz rozwoju procesów osuwiskowych stanowiące istotne zagrożenie dla ludności oraz istniejących budynków i konstrukcji. Różnice stwierdzone w obliczonych wartościach współczynników stateczności według sformułowaniach płaskich i przestrzennych. Konieczność uwzględnienia wpływu warunków topograficznych całego zbocza w obliczeniach jego stateczności według schematów płaskich w wyznaczonych przekrojach.
Problems of stability of soil slopes and the development of landslide processes posing a significant danger to the population and existing buildings and structures. Differences noted in the calculated values of the stability coefficients in the flat and spatial formulations. The necessity of taking into account the influence of the topographic conditions of the entire slope in calculations carried out according to flat schemes within the designated sections.
V dannoj rabote rassmotreny voprosy ukrepleniâ opolznej svaâmi, predstavleny teoretičeskie predposylki i komp’ûternye rasčety parnoj konstrukcii svaj, pozvolâûŝej zakreplât’ opolznevye massivy gruntov. Modelirovanie sklona možet byt’ provedeno s pomoŝ’û MKÈ v programmnom komplekse Plaxis. Bisvajnaâ konstrukciâ pozvolâet ukrepit massiv slabogo grunta, obladaŝego reologičeskimi svojstvami. Prostota montaža, men’šaâ glubina zadelki svaj v nesuŝij sloj po otnošeniû k stolbam-nadolbam i svaâm-špil’kam, a takže men’šaâ veličina poperečnogo sečeniâ železobentonnoj svai, čto svâzano s pereraspredeleniem usilij v bisvajnoj konstrukcii âvlâetsâ dostoinstvom predlagaemoj konstrukcii.
Omówiono kwestie wzmocnienia masywów ziemnych zapobiegającego powstawaniu osuwisk, przedstawiono też podstawy teoretyczne i obliczenia komputerowe sparowanej konstrukcji pali, służącej stabilizowaniu zboczy zagrożonych ruchami masowymi. Modelowanie nachylenia zboczy można przeprowadzić za pomocą MES w pakiecie oprogramowania Plaxis. Konstrukcja podwójnych pali (bipali) pozwala wzmocnić słabe masy ziemne o właściwościach reologicznych. Zaletą proponowanego rozwiązania jest łatwość montażu, mniejsza głębokość posadowienia pali w warstwie nośnej w odniesieniu do pali wbijanych i mikropali, a także mniejszy przekrój pala żelbetowego, co wiąże się z rozdziałem obciążeń w zaproponowanej konstrukcji palowej.
The article presents the history of landslide research in Poland, with particular reference to the 21st century. An overview of the published works shows the evolution of the interests of scientists from the work describing selected landslides to methodological studies. In all, 2350 articles that have been published till now include books, articles and abstracts of conferences. The leading research centers include: the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow and the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
The method of landslide management raises more and more controversies and disputes, even social conflicts. At the core of these conflicts is the perception of landslide areas, which are regarded by some as favoring and suitable for habitation but by the others as a hazard. Only a deeper knowledge of their causes can lead to the development of mutual understanding and attempts to sustainable development of areas threatened by mass movements. This article presents geological and geomorphological features of landslides favorable for their management. This also describes the hazards resulting from the development of mass movements and the increasing number of populations inhabiting the landslide areas. The lack of unambiguous legal solutions (landusepolicies) is an additional factor hindering the solution of this problem. The basic way to solve conflicts should be to provide reliable information and educational campaigns.
The occurrence of landforms induced by large-scale mass movements has never been reported from the SE part of the Wałbrzyskie Mts., despite detailed geological field mapping carried out twice in the 20th century. This paper provides the first description of landslide-affected slopes in this area, recognized through the combination of LiDAR DEM interpretation and field work. Fifteen landslides have been identified, ranging in size from less than 1 ha to 10.44 ha. Morphological signatures suggest that they represent various types, including minor translational slides, larger rotational complexes and valley-confined flowslides. Closed depressions typify several landslides. In a few instances the valley blocking by landslides can be inferred.
Content available Podatność osuwiskowa Polski
Using the location data of landslides and information on geo-environmental conditions, the landslide susceptibility in Poland was calculated using statistical methods. It shows that 15% of the country’s area is susceptible to landslides. The greatest threats occur in the Carpathians and in many regions of the Sudetes, uplands and in the riverbanks. The most vulnerable areas are the slopes in the range of 9-30°, which are built by the flysch sediments in the faulted zones. The areas susceptible to landslides include over a million buildings and about 7,000 km of roads.
Theintensification of disastrous landslide movements in southern Poland occurring at the end of the 20th century, showed that there was a need to create a unified system of acquiring and collecting landslide data. It also indicated the importance of raising awareness of the existence of landslide hazard for both residents and public administration (decision-makers). This was also the reason for launching a nationwide project, the Landslide Counteracting System (LCS; SOPO in Polish). This system is a platform for acquiring and processing information about mass movements in order to support mainly for government and local administration. The main goal of the project is to reduce the landslide riskin Poland,and to limit damages caused by the development of landslides.
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