This paper provides a systematic review of the methodologies used to evaluate the visual impacts of surface mining. The main objectives are: (a) to analyse the scientific literature and identify the most important issues and the methods and tools used; (b) to conduct an analysis using descriptive of statistical methods and qualitative interpretation; and (c) to evaluate the state of knowledge on this particular topic and identify gaps in the literature, to suggest future research directions. The findings of the analysis suggest that there is no single method capable of integrating all dimensions of the landscape and, thus, future research should put more emphasis on incorporating as many factors contributing to the visual impact of mining as possible towards developing holistic approaches.
Tall buildings can cause a number of accidental interactions with historical buildings in important and strategic vistas. The effect is difficult to predict by intuition. The goal of the study discussed in the article is to present the possibility to use the Visual Impact Size (VIS) method for analysing the visual impact of a tall building on cityscape. The study focused on an existing tall building at the Unii Lubelskiej Square in Warsaw. The facility interferes visually with the internal space of the Royal Baths. It can be seen above the roof of Belvedere disturbing its integrity as an important historical monument and a symbol of the city. The aim of the research presented here is to assess to what extent this effect could have been predicted before the construction of the building. The VIS method and the Digital Surface Model (DSM) are used. The use of the already existing tall building allows to compare the results of VIS simulation with the actual visibility of the building (which can be observed in space) and to evaluate the effectiveness and correctness of the results obtained. With use of VIS maps, all visibility areas of the building will be identified, also in the landscape interiors (e.g. in the Royal Baths) as the tall greenery in the DSM model is reflected with high precision (50 cm mesh). Another goal of the study was to assess the impact power of the building in the landscape depending on its height. The research results are important for the implementation of the VIS method to forecast the visual impact of new tall investments on the city landscape, including park interiors.
Zabudowa wysoka może powodować szereg trudnych do przewidzenia skutków wizualnych, przyczyniając się do zaburzeń ważnych, historycznych widoków miasta. Celem badań przestawionych w niniejszym artykule jest prezentacja możliwości zastosowania metody Visual Impact Size (VIS) do prognozowania oddziaływania wizualnego wieżowców w historycznym krajobrazie miejskim. Do badań wybrano istniejący obiekt wysoki przy placu Unii Lubelskiej w Warszawie. Obiekt wzbudza liczne kontrowersje. Ingeruje bowiem wizualnie w parkowe wnętrze krajobrazowe Łazienek Królewskich i jest widoczny ponad dachem pałacu Belwederskiego, zaburzając jego integralność jako ważnego zabytku i symbolu miasta. Celem prezentowanego tu badania jest ocena, na ile efekt ten dałoby się przewidzieć przed wzniesieniem wieżowca, wykorzystując metodę VIS i Numeryczny Model Pokrycia Terenu (NMPT). Stan drzewostanu jest wiernie odwzorowany w zastosowanym w analizach modelu 3D (NMPT, siatka 50 cm). Prezentowane badania są ukierunkowana także na ocenę siły oddziaływania obiektu w krajobrazie (poprzez kalkulację zakresu ekspozycji jego bryły). Wyniki badań są istotne w ocenie możliwości implementacji metody VIS do prognozowania skutków wizualnych nowych inwestycji na krajobraz miasta z uwzględnieniem wnętrz parkowych.
Research presented in the article was designed to assess the possibility of using the Visual Impact Size (VIS) method as a tool supporting decision making on protecting park interiors and their landscapes against accidental visual impact of tall buildings. The study enables assessing the efficiency of the VIS method while examining the impact of tall buildings to establish whether and to what extent those buildings can be seen. The study also aims at using LiDAR data (as DSM models) for reflecting the spatial structure of park interiors for the purpose of the VIS analysis.
Badania przedstawione w artykule zmierzają do oceny możliwości wykorzystania metody Visual Impact Size (VIS), jako narzędzia wspomagającego proces ochrony parkowych wnętrz krajobrazowych przed przypadkowym wpływem wizualnym zabudowy wysokiej. Badanie pozwoli na ocenę efektywności zastosowania metody dla rozpoznania wpływu obiektów na cenne wnętrza parkowe – ustalenie, czy i w jakim zakresie wskazane budynki będą widoczne. Prezentowane badania mają również na celu ocenę możliwości wykorzystania danych LiDAR (w postaci modeli DSM) dla odwzorowania struktury przestrzennej wnętrz parkowych dla potrzeb badań VIS.
Mine rehabilitation is nowadays an essential part of the mine life-cycle. Nevertheless, due to the inadequate legislative framework and the lack of appropriate financial instruments in the past, abandoned mined land is present in almost all regions with a mining history. Especially in times of fiscal and financial belt tightening, where direct funding is almost impossible, the restoration of abandoned mines becomes a difficult task and, consequently, prioritization of the restoration projects is necessitated. So far, several models have been developed for that purpose. The existing models, however, usually underestimate that, especially for non-reclaimed mines located close to populated areas, landscape degradation generated by surface mining is a critical factor. To this end, this paper presents, through an illustrative example, a new approach providing the means for prioritizing mine restoration projects based on the visibility of surface mines with regard to the neighboring areas of interest. The proposed approach can be utilized as an additional module in existing prioritization models, or it can be used standalone when considering a group of surface mines where what distinguishes them from each other is primarily the disturbance of the landscape.
Inwestycja drogowa wymaga pasa terenu o szerokości kilkudziesięciu metrów rozciągniętego na przestrzeni od kilkudziesięciu do kilkuset kilometrów przebiegającego w skomplikowanych warunkach planistycznych i społecznych. Rzecz się dzieje w krajobrazie i bardzo silnie nań oddziałuje. Zmienia sytuację w odniesieniu do formy obszaru i jego funkcji, kreśli nowe granice i kreuje nową przestrzeń tranzytową w postaci korytarza drogowego. Staje się nowym elementem krajobrazu i jednocześnie stwarza zupełnie nową możliwość jego ekspozycji. W projektowaniu tak znacznych przekształceń przestrzeni architekt krajobrazu zabiera głos tylko w przypadku przebiegu drogi przez teren chroniony. Jedynie naruszenie już ustanowionej strefy chronionej staje się podstawą sporządzenia wyczerpującego studium oddziaływania na krajobraz i współuczestnictwa w decyzjach projektowych. W pozostałych przypadkach ocena wpływu na kształt i jakość przestrzeni może zostać pominięta. Na przykładzie studiów oddziaływania inwestycji drogowej na krajobraz zostaną przedstawione oceny wariantów przebiegu trasy i możliwości wprowadzenia wytycznych krajobrazowych do projektu w kontekście obowiązujących przepisów. Studia i analizy zostały wykonane w następstwie wkroczenia inwestycji drogowych w otoczenie Miejsca Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO i stanowiły materiał będący podstawą zaopiniowania inwestycji przez Krajowy Ośrodek Badań i Dokumentacji Zabytków.
A road investment requires a strip of land dozens of metres wide, ranging from a distance of several dozen to several hundred kilometres and subject to complex planning and social challenges. Highly complex circumstances bring about conflicts and difficult situations which need to be resolved. This process takes place within the landscape and has a very strong impact on it. It can change an area’s structure and function, make new borders and create new transit space in the shape of a road corridor. A new road becomes a new element of the landscape and at the same time, creates a new opportunity for it to be displayed. While major transformations of an area are designed, landscape architects are consulted only if a road is to pass through a protected area. The violation of an existing protected zone is the only thing that may prompt a comprehensive study of the impact of a road on the landscape, requiring the participation of a landscape architect in design decisions. Otherwise, investment plans will usually forego the inclusion of an assessment on the impact the new road would have on the shape and quality of an area of terrain. Based on the studies of the impact of road investments on the landscape, an assessment of design options are presented together with an approach for the introduction of landscape guidelines for development projects within the context of existing legislation. The studies and the analyses focus on road investments located in areas adjacent to UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The studies have become the basis for issuing opinions by the National Centre for Research and Documentation of Historical Monuments.
Landscape alteration is generally one of the most significant impacts caused by surface mining and quarrying, particularly when the excavation activities are located within environmentally sensitive areas. The paper describes the results of two different methods of visual impact assessment applied to a number of case studies in Małopolska. The application involves areas with significant landscape values and places of weekend, summer and winter holidays for many people living in the Silesian and Kraków urban-industrial agglomerations. One of the two methods refers to the EC decision 272/02, which establishes ecological criteria for the award of the Community eco-label for hard floor-coverings. The second method is based on the application of a visual impact indicator (Lvi) in which two objective aspects of landscape alteration are included: the extent of the visible excavation and its chromatic contrast with the surroundings. The results of the two methods are compared and discussed for each of the case studies considered.
Landscape alteration is generally one of the most significant impacts resulting from surface mining and quarrying, particularly when the excavation activities are located within environmentally sensitive areas. We describe the results of two different methods of visual impact assessment applied to selected case studies in the Polish Carpathians. The study concerns areas of significant landscape value and holiday destinations for many people living in the Silesian and Kraków urban-industrial agglomerations. One of the two methods refers to the EC decision 272/02, which establishes ecological criteria for the award of the Community eco-label for hard floor-coverings. The second method was proposed in previous research and is based on the application of a visual impact indicator (Lvi) in which two objective aspects of landscape alteration are included: the extent of the visible excavation and its chromatic contrast with its surroundings. The results of the two methods are compared and discussed for each of the case studies considered.
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