Self-healing grids are one of the most developing concepts applied in electrical engineering. Each restoration strategy requires advanced algorithms responsible for the creation of local power systems. Multi-agent automation solutions dedicated for smart grids are mostly based on Prim’s algorithm. Graph theory in that field also leaves many problems unsolved. This paper is focused on a variation of Prim’s algorithm utility for a multi-sourced power system topology. The logic described in the paper is a novel concept combined with a proposal of a multi-parametrized weight calculation formula representing transmission features of energy delivered to loads present in a considered grid. The weight is expressed as the combination of three elements: real power, reactive power, and real power losses. The proposal of a novel algorithm was verified in a simulation model of a power system. The new restoration logic was compared with the proposal of the strategy presented in other recently published articles. The novel concept of restoration strategy dedicated to multi-sourced power systems was verified positively by simulations. The proposed solution proved its usefulness and applicability.
In the paper an opportunity of adding to the algorithm of the evaluation the analyses of finding optimal route of transport the biomass has been presented. In this article, the possibilities of applying algorithms have been shown and explained, for example the Elitist Multi Objective Evolutionary Algorithms and the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm.
In the paper an opportunity of adding to the algorithm of the evaluation an analyses of finding optimal route of transport the biomass in the example of the chosen province has been presented. As a result of calculation of the algorithm, a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) has been found which is the sum of the weights of the edges rep- resenting the routes joining the towns.
Znane są różne sposoby estymacji długości połączeń w układach VLSI. Nie zawsze istnieje zgodność między wartością estymowanej długości połączeń a rzeczywistą długością połączeń po ich wyznaczeniu. Przedstawiono sposób wyznaczenia współczynników korygujących wartość estymowanej długości połączeń, w zależności od liczby końcówek w danym węźle układu elektronicznego. Określono wartości współczynników dla dwóch sposobów estymacji długości połączeń: half-perimeter oraz grafu pełnego. Wartości współczynników wyznaczono na podstawie porównania estymowanej długości połączeń bez współczynników z długością wyznaczoną na podstawie zmodyfikowanego algorytmu Prima, który jest stosowany do prowadzenia połączeń w układach VLSI. Przedstawiono rezultaty rozmieszczania modułów, uzyskane z zastosowaniem otrzymanych współczynników.
The design process of the VLSI circuits requires the use of computer aided design tools. The physical design phases are described: floorplanning, placement and routing. The cell placement is a very important phase of the physical design process. The most commonly used objective of the placement is to minimize the total wire length. Placement algorithms use a wire length estimate to minimize the total wire length, because each intermediate configurations routing takes too much time. The most commonly used methods to estimate the total wire length are halfperimeter and complete graph measures. There is not a good correlation between these estimations and the actual total wire length after routing. In this paper a method to adjust the halfperimeter and complete graph measures using correction factors is presented. The correction factor of the net wire length estimate is a function of the number of net terminals. The actual net wire length is calculated by using a modified Prim algorithm and the Lee algorithm.
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