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Purpose: This publication seeks to present the potential benefits of fifth generation (5G) wireless technology in smart healthcare systems, especially in enhancing patient-centric care. Design/methodology/approach: Analysis of international and local literature. Findings: The healthcare sector is transforming and changing from a dispersed disease-centric to a more personalized patient-centric model. This has been accelerated by the integration of wireless communication technologies used in administrative functions and smart healthcare applications. 5G technology is a game-changer in smart healthcare systems and promotes patient-centered service delivery. The growing use of wearable technology has had a massive impact on personalized and round-the-clock health monitoring, especially in remote settings and this requires a stable and reliable network. The high-speed wireless technology has advanced emergency response, making it quicker and more effective, allowing healthcare providers to make timely life-saving decisions. Its high performance and reliability have led to an increase in patient experience and performance, physically and virtually. This has led to better healthcare service delivery that is more personalized and efficient as medical professionals use personalized approaches that suit the specific health needs and preferences of patients. Originality/value: Originality/value: This article offers an analysis of the role 5G plays in supporting a patient-centered care in smart healthcare systems. The value of this research is based on outlining the interdisciplinary nature of 5G and how it can promote care services and technological advancements in healthcare.
The integration of optical fibre communication with multiple input multiple output-non-orthogonal multiple access (MIMO-NOMA) waveforms in cognitive radio (CR) systems is examined in this study. The proposed system leverages the advantages of optical fibre, including high bandwidth and immunity to electromagnetic interference to facilitate the transmission and reception of MIMO-NOMA signals in a CR environment. Moreover, MIMO-NOMA signal was detected and analysed by the hybrid-discrete cosine transform-Welch (H-DCT-W) method. Based on the modes results, a detection probability greater than 0.96%, a false alarm probability equal to 0.06, and a global system error probability equal to 0.09% were obtained with a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) less than 0 dB, while maintaining a simple level of complexity. The results obtained in this paper indicate the potential of the optical fibre-based MIMO-NOMA system based on H-DCT-W technology in CR networks. Therefore, its suitability for practical CR applications is demonstrated by the improvements obtained in false alarms, detection probability, and error rates at low levels of SNR. This study contributes to the development of efficient and reliable wireless communication systems by linking cooperation and synergy concerning MIMO-NOMA, optical fibres, as well as the proposed detection technique (H-DCT-W).
Rapid development of 5G networks encourages researchers to improve the radio-over-fiber (RoF) technique in order to reach 10 Gbps data transmission rates, to increase bandwidth and range, while reducing latency and implementation cost. This paper evaluates an analog radio-over-fiber (ARoF) technique that is compatible with long-distance communication systems. We demonstrate a long distance transmission of a 28 GHz 64 QAM signal via a single mode fiber (SMF) after modulating it with the use of two parallel Mach-Zehnder modulators, without any optical amplifiers. The results show that our prototype solution is capable of transferring data over distances of up to 140 km, via SMF, with a 10 Gbps data rate. The error vector magnitude (EVM) was found to be 7.709%. The proposed system offers exceptional capabilities in terms of supporting high bitrates, while ensuring that EVM remains within the 3GPP limits. Compared to other works, the proposed solution proves to be superior in terms of performance, making it an ideal choice for next generation long-haul communication systems.
This paper presents a compact, high-isolation MIMO antenna with physical dimensions of 68 × 68 × 0.8 mm, designed for use in 5G applications. The antenna's bandwidth ranges from 3.25 GHz to 4.34 GHz and it offers a gain of 4.3 dBi, making it suitable for applications relying on 5G technology. Several improvements have been introduced to improve its overall efficiency, such as adjustments to the ground plane and integrating apertures in the radiating patch. The alterations referred to above were optimized using the sweep parameter method to ensure that their best configurations are achieved. Furthermore, much attention has been paid to enhance isolation by ensuring all terminals are positioned precisely at 90° angles. The CST Studio Suite was utilized to design and thoroughly simulate the proposed MIMO antenna.
This paper offers an analysis of mutual coupling reduction techniques used in MIMO antennas designed for sub-6 GHz, 28 GHz, and 28/38 GHz dual frequency bands which are allocated to 5G technology. The said techniques take into account size, gain, isolation, and all diversity-related parameters, such as envelope correlation coefficient (ECC), directive gain (DG), and channel capacity loss (CCL). A review of current technologies is presented in the paper too. The isolation techniques are studied in detail and comparisons between the various works are drawn. Finally, the best isolation technique suitable for specific bands, applications and different port numbers is determined.
Content available Naval use cases of 5G technology
Fifth-generation (5G) technology is currently developing in mobile networks. The civilian 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standard is the basis for this implementation. Higher throughput, network capacity, user density, and lower latency are the main advantages offered by 5G over Long Term Evolution (LTE) and older standards. For this reason, these advantages are increasingly recognized in critical mission and military solutions. However, the 5G technology utilization in military equipment requires a deep analysis of the 3GPP standard, especially regarding technological gaps, security, and use cases. This is particularly important in using communication equipment during armed conflicts. Such equipment must be characterized by greater security and reliability than civilian equipment. Currently, work and analyses in this area are realized by the European Defence Agency (EDA), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Communications and Information Agency (NCIA), Allied Command Transformation (ACT), and NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO). In the Information Systems Technology (IST) Panel of the NATO STO, the research task group (RTG) "IST-187-RTG on 5G Technologies Application to NATO Operations" is working on this topic. This paper presents exemplary 5G use cases in the navy. We indicate potential advantages, problems, and technological gaps that should be solved before implementing 5G technology in naval systems.
The recently introduced orthogonal time frequency space modulation (OTFSM) is more robust to large narrow-band Doppler frequency shift than the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), used in the 5G standard. In this paper it is shown how the telecommunication OTFSM-based signal with random padding can be used with success in the 6G standard for detection of high-speed vehicles. Two approaches for detecting targets during the random padded OTFS based transmission are compared in the paper.
Zaproponowana ostatnio modulacja Orthogonal Time Frequency Space (OTFS) jest bardziej odporna na wąskopasmowy efekt Dopplera, niż technika zwielokrotniania z ortogonalnym podziałem częstotliwości (OFDM - Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing), używana w standardzie 5G. W referacie zaprezentowano jak modulacja OTFS z dodanym sygnałem pilota, w formie losowego przyrostka, może być z sukcesem użyta w standardzie 6G do jednoczesnej transmisji danych oraz do detekcji szybko poruszających się pojazdów. Porównano dwa algorytmy detekcji obiektów, które są możliwe do zastosowania w transmisji RP-OTFS.
W artykule rozważono zużycie energetyczne w sieciach komórkowych 5G zasilanych przez Odnawialne Źródła Energii (OZE) oraz wyposażonych w Inteligentne Powierzchnie Rekonfigurowalne (IPR) oraz Bezzałogowe Statki Powietrzne (BSP) na uwięzi, pełniące rolę mobilnych punktów dostępowych. Badania skoncentrowano na energetycznej stronie sieci dostępu radiowego (ang. Radio Access Network – RAN) zlokalizowanej na terenie miasta Poznania w Polsce. Zysk związany z wykorzystaniem generatorów OZE, czyli paneli fotowoltaicznych (ang. photovoltaic panel – PVP) dla stacji bazowych (ang. base station – BS) został przedstawiony w postaci dwóch współczynników: średniej liczby ładowań BSP (SLLB), aby zapewnić ciągły dostęp do usług mobilnych dla obsługiwanych terminali mobilnych użytkowników (ang. user equipment – UE) oraz średniej redukcji zużycia energii (SRZE) przez system bezprzewodowy.
The paper considers energy consumption in 5G cellular networks powered by Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) and equipped with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs) and tethered Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), acting as mobile access points. The study was focused on the energy side of the Radio Access Network (RAN) located in the city of Poznań in Poland. The profit associated with the use of renewable energy generators, i.e. photovoltaic panels (PVPs) for base stations (BSs) is presented in the form of two factors: the average number of UAV charges (ANUC) to provide continuous access to mobile services for connected user equipment (UE) terminals, and the average reduction in energy consumption (AREC) of the wireless system.
W referacie przedstawiono propozycję wykorzystania prywatnych sieci 5G do realizacji szybkiej i niezawodnej łączności na danym terenie w sytuacji zarządzania kryzysowego. Założono wykorzystanie tych samych pasm częstotliwości co systemy komercyjne pracujące na danym terenie. Scharakteryzowano model systemu oraz omówiono rozpatrywane miary i kryteria zakłócalności. Przedstawiono również wyniki wykonanych za pomocą oprogramowania HTZ Warfare badań symulacyjnych dla zakładanego przypadku.
The paper presents a proposal for utilizing private 5G networks to establish fast and reliable communication in a given area during crisis management situations. The assumption is to use the same frequency bands as the commercial systems operating in that area. The model of such a system was described, and the considered measures and criteria of interference were discussed. Additionally, the results of simulation studies conducted using HTZ Warfare software for the assumed scenario were presented.
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki wstępnej analizy dynamicznej alokacji zasobów dla rozproszonych jednostek przetwarzających (DU) wraz z alokacją wrażliwych na opóźnienia przepływów ruchu (fronthaul/midhaul) w konwergentnych sieciach xHaul z komutacją pakietów. Badane są trzy strategie alokacji, które różnią się kryterium wg którego dokonywany jest wybór węzła przetwarzającego (PP). Eksperymenty symulacyjne przeprowadzono dla sieci typu mesh z uwzględnieniem różnych limitów opóźnień przepływów oraz pojemności węzłów PP.
The paper presents preliminary results of analysis of dynamic resource allocation for processing of distributed units (DU) with allocation of latency-aware traffic flows (fronthaul/midhaul) in convergent packet switched xHaul networks. Three strategies are studied, which apply differ criteria for the selection of processing pool (PP) nodes. Simulation experiments have been conducted in a mesh network assuming different flows latency limits and PP node capacities.
Content available remote Use of 5G networks in security technologies
Telephone devices and telecommunication networks have always helped to overcome communication difficulties. Their rapid development is related to the overall digitization of the world. The article dealt with the use of 5G networks in essential sectors of human activities. Although increased risks accompany every step forward, 5G networks and their possible successors will make workouts more efficient in the industry, transport and logistics, healthcare, and personal safety. This publication aims to present the most critical sectors and the use of 5G networks in them.
Urządzenia telefoniczne i sieci telekomunikacyjne zawsze pomagały przezwyciężać trudności komunikacyjne. Ich szybki rozwój związany jest z postępującą cyfryzacją świata. Artykuł dotyczył wykorzystania sieci 5G w istotnych sektorach działalności człowieka. Chociaż każdemu krokowi naprzód towarzyszy zwiększone ryzyko, sieci 5G i ich potencjalni następcy sprawią, że treningi będą bardziej efektywne w przemyśle, transporcie i logistyce, opiece zdrowotnej i bezpieczeństwie osobistym. Niniejsza publikacja ma na celu przedstawienie najbardziej krytycznych sektorów i wykorzystania w nich sieci 5G.
The current generation of mobile networks requires speeding up the steps to meet the future demand for high data rates, and low latency. In 5G, the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) is working to support numerous users and high spectral efficiency via different technologies, such as the Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) scheme. This paper provides a study of NOMA and how NOMA addresses the 5G requirements, ongoing standardization efforts for NOMA, and a comparative study of NOMA with other OMA schemes like orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA). The results show improved user productivity in NOMA compared to OFDMA. We also proposed a new technique called the multi-tier hybrid NOMAOMA to get the robustness of OMA and the flexibility of NOMA to increase the spectrum efficiency and the number of users. The multi-tier facilitates the user such that to reduce the interference. We also study the impact of several tiers on the capacity, the result shows that five tiers provide the best capacity in multi-tier hybrid NOMAOMA.
Obecna generacja sieci komórkowych wymaga przyspieszenia kroków w celu zaspokojenia przyszłego zapotrzebowania na dużą szybkość transmisji danych i niskie opóźnienia. W ramach 5G, Projekt Partnerstwa Trzeciej Generacji (3GPP) pracuje nad wsparciem wielu użytkowników i wysokiej wydajności widmowej za pomocą różnych technologii, takich jak schemat nieortogonalnego dostępu wielokrotnego (NOMA). Ten artykuł zawiera analizę NOMA i sposobu, w jaki NOMA spełnia wymagania 5G, trwające wysiłki normalizacyjne dla NOMA oraz badanie porównawcze NOMA z innymi schematami OMA, takimi jak wielokrotny dostęp z ortogonalnym podziałem częstotliwości (OFDMA). Wyniki pokazują lepszą produktywność użytkownika w NOMA w porównaniu z OFDMA. Zaproponowaliśmy również nową technikę zwaną wielowarstwową hybrydową NOMAOMA, aby uzyskać solidność OMA i elastyczność NOMA w celu zwiększenia wydajności widma i liczby użytkowników. Wielopoziomowy ułatwia użytkownikowi tak, aby zmniejszyć zakłócenia. Badamy również wpływ kilku warstw na pojemność, wynik pokazuje, że pięć warstw zapewnia najlepszą pojemność w wielowarstwowej hybrydowej NOMAOMA.
Content available remote A compact hook-shaped 3.5 GHz microstrip antenna for 5G applications
The 5G N77 band resonating at 3.5 GHz is addressed by a compact (20 mm x 12 mm x 0.8 mm) hook-shaped microstrip antenna which is presented in this paper. The suggested planar patch is printed on the inexpensive FR-4 substrate of 0.8 mm thickness. The proposed hookshaped antenna is fabricated and its network parameters are measured using a Network analyzer. The fabricated antenna results closely match the simulated network parameter results. In E-plane and H-plane analyses of the radiation characteristics of the hook-shaped antenna, favorable outcomes are obtained. The suggested antenna had a 1.9 dB gain and 93% radiation efficiency, making it an appropriate option for 5G wireless applications.
Pasmo 5G N77 rezonujące na częstotliwości 3,5 GHz jest adresowane przez kompaktową (20 mm x 12 mm x 0,8 mm) haczykową antenę mikropaskową, która jest prezentowana w tym artykule. Proponowana łata płaska drukowana jest na niedrogim podłożu FR-4 o grubości 0,8 mm. Proponowana antena w kształcie haka jest wytwarzana, a jej parametry sieciowe są mierzone za pomocą analizatora sieci. Wyniki wytworzonej anteny są ściśle zgodne z wynikami symulowanych parametrów sieci. W analizach E-płaszczyznowych i H-płaszczyznowych charakterystyk promieniowania anteny hakowej uzyskuje się korzystne wyniki. Sugerowana antena miała zysk 1,9 dB i wydajność promieniowania 93%, co czyni ją odpowiednią opcją dla aplikacji bezprzewodowych 5G.
Cellular mobile communication networks are experiencing an important evolution with the emerging deployment of 5G networks and the successive decline in the use of previous generations in the years to come. In parallel, policies promoting ecological transition are gaining social impact and economic interest and this seems to be the trend in the near future. In the telecommunications market, the shift between two dominant generations could be an important opportunity to introduce renewable energy sources to green the sector, reducing the carbon footprint of the world-wide extended activity. This work analyses the current situation and provides an insight into the possibilities to incorporate renewable energy supplies, specifically photovoltaics (as it seems to be the most promising among clean electric sources), perhaps combined with small wind turbines in off-grid systems. Paper also compares the characteristics of standard facilities in Spain and Poland, two different European countries in terms of weather and insolation hours.
In this study, a ResNeSt-based deep learning approach to beamforming for 5G massive multiple-input multipleoutput (MIMO) systems is presented. The ResNeSt-based deep learning method is harnessed to simplify and optimize the beamforming process, consequently improving performance and efficiency of 5G and beyond communication networks. A study of beamforming capabilities has revealed potential to maximize channel capacity while minimizing interference, thus eliminating inherent limitations of the traditional methods. The proposed model shows superior adaptability to dynamic channel conditions and outperforms traditional techniques across various interference scenarios.
The 5G System is being developed and enhanced to provide unparalleled connectivity to connect everyone and everything, everywhere. 5G technology use cases depicts the prospects of 5G network model to revolutionize Industry and Education is not an exception . To catch up with the latest technology in the higher education environment there’s a need to have 5G Lab as a Service (LaaS) in education to simulate the real network experience. The software is the key to this generation as the virtualization, modularity and abstraction become more popular in the implementation and that the cloud computing is nowadays becoming the trend of technology. This paper presents a software selection between free5gc, magma and open5gs program. The 5G lab located in Jakarta Indonesia has the ability where in physical and virtual resources can be accessed and managed from any location in the world. Free5gc opensource software solution is the most suitable software which can be used as LaaS in Higher Education laboratory. With a LaaS, we can configuration, connection, and troubleshoot 5G infrastructure including radio access networks, core networks, and transportation networks.
The cellular users, on high speed railways and highways, travel at a very high speed and follow a nearly straight path, in general. Thus, they typically undergo a maximum frequency of handovers in the cellular environment. This requires a very fast triggering of the handover. In the existing method of handover in 5G cellular communication, for high speed users, neither the decision-making of handover nor the triggering of handover is sufficiently fast. This can lead to poor signal quality and packet losses and in the worst case, radio link failure (RLF) during a handover. This paper proposes a forward handover based method, combined with PN sequence detections, to facilitate a quicker handover for high speed users on railways and highways. The proposed method adds some complexity but can offer a significant improvement in the overall handover delay. A simplistic simulation is used to demonstrate the improvement of the proposed method.
Nowadays, the advancement and increased use of fifth-generation (5G) and sixth-generation (6G) systems have created a demand for more efficient and rapid transmission of information over wireless communication media. However, developing wireless communication systems that can meet these modern-day criteria for fast, reliable, and secure information exchange is a challenging task. To address this issue, this paper proposes a novel model for enhancing the 5G system. The proposed model utilizes polar code with rate matching and constitutional interleaving over the Suzuki fading channel. The combination of polar codes with rate matching and interleaving enables the communication system to achieve a lower error rate and better reliability over a Suzuki fading channel. Specifically, the polar code can correct a larger number of errors, while rate matching and interleaving can mitigate the effects of channel variations and reduce the probability of error bursts. These enhancements can lead to more robust and reliable communication in wireless networks.
The future Internet of Things (IoT) era is anticipated to support computation-intensive and time-critical applications using edge computing for mobile (MEC), which is regarded as promising technique. However, the transmitting uplink performance will be highly impacted by the hostile wireless channel, the low bandwidth, and the low transmission power of IoT devices. Using edge computing for mobile (MEC) to offload tasks becomes a crucial technology to reduce service latency for computation-intensive applications and reduce the computational workloads of mobile devices. Under the restrictions of computation latency and cloud computing capacity, our goal is to reduce the overall energy consumption of all users, including transmission energy and local computation energy. In this article, the Deep Q Network Algorithm (DQNA) to deal with the data rates with respect to the user base in different time slots of 5G NOMA network. The DQNA is optimized by considering more number of cell structures like 2, 4, 6 and 8. Therefore, the DQNA provides the optimal distribution of power among all 3 users in the 5G network, which gives the increased data rates. The existing various power distribution algorithms like frequent pattern (FP), weighted least squares mean error weighted least squares mean error (WLSME), and Random Power and Maximal Power allocation are used to justify the proposed DQNA technique. The proposed technique which gives 81.6% more the data rates when increased the cell structure to 8. Thus 25% more in comparison to other algorithms like FP, WLSME Random Power and Maximal Power allocation.
Packet-switched xHaul networks are a scalable solution enabling convergent transport of diverse types of radio data flows, such as fronthaul / midhaul / backhaul (FH / MH / BH) flows, between remote sites and a central site (hub) in 5G radio access networks (RANs). Such networks can be realized using the cost-efficient Ethernet technology, which enhanced with time-sensitive networking (TSN) features allows for prioritized transmission of latency-sensitive fronthaul flows. Provisioning of multiple types of 5G services of different service requirements in a shared network, commonly referred to as network slicing, requires adequate handling of transported data flows in order to satisfy particular service / slice requirements. In this work, we investigate two traffic prioritization policies, namely, flowaware (FA) and latency-aware (LA), in a packet-switched xHaul network supporting slices of different latency requirements. We evaluate the effectiveness of the policies in a networkplanning case study, where virtualized radio processing resources allocated at the processing pool (PP) facilities, for two slices related to enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) and ultra-reliable low latency communications (URLLC) services, are subject to optimization. Using numerical experiments, we analyze PP cost savings from applying the LA policy (vs. FA) in various network scenarios. The savings in active PPs reach up to 40% − 60% in ring scenarios and 30% in a mesh network, whereas the gains in overall PP cost are up to 20% for the cost values assumed in the analysis.
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