Właściwe postępowanie z odpadami, tj.: wstępna ich segregacja, identyfikacja, przechowywanie oraz prowadzenie przejrzystej dokumentacji, powinno być stałym elementem dobrej praktyki laboratoryjnej.
Companies of today must have their processes set in a way to fully use their capacities. It especially means efficient work, slimming of processes, reducing costs on quality but not at the expense of customer satisfaction. Within improving its processes they must carry out such improvements which allow them to eliminate unnecessary waste in the production process. Waste occurs in every enterprise, therefore workers should constantly search for it and eliminate it to increase productivity and reduce costs. In uncovering waste it is important to note the fact that we are searching for issues and not their cause and the guilty party to punish. The ability to identify waste and eliminate its causes may be the source of great improvements. When identifying waste we distinguish between seven types of waste and we use different methods and tools of industrial engineering to eliminate them. Based on many years of experience from organizations analyses conducted through student theses and based on the reconnaissance we carried out within resolving a research task we can state, that they include e.g. 5S, SMED etc.
Jednym z najważniejszych czynników negatywnego wpływu przedsiębiorstw na środowisko naturalne jest wytwarzanie odpadów, w tym odpadów niebezpiecznych. Artykuł ten został więc poświęcony przedstawieniu wyników badań w zakresie oceny i analizy poziomu gospodarki odpadami, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem identyfikacji odpadów w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach polskich.
Production of waste, including hazardous waste, is one of the most important aspects of negative influence of enterprises on natural environment. The article concentrates on presenting the results of the research on evaluation and analysis of the waste management level with special stress put on waste identification in small and medium size enterprises in Poland.
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