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Praca poświęcona jest charakterystyce petrograficznej rozproszonej materii organicznej w warstwach menilitowych jednostek skolskiej, śląskiej i dukielskiej. Jej cel stanowi uzupełnienie trwających od lat badań nad tą jedną z najciekawszych formacji łupkowych w obrębie Karpat o elementy petrografii materii organicznej, których tłem są wyniki badań geochemicznych. Nacisk położono na obserwacje mikroskopowe – scharakteryzowano skład macerałowy skał wchodzących w obręb warstw menilitowych, określono stopień dojrzałości termicznej materii organicznej poprzez pomiary refleksyjności fragmentów witrynitu, a także opisano wykształcenie litologiczne. Wyniki uzupełniono o dane uzyskane z analizy pirolitycznej Rock-Eval, a w szczególności wykorzystano takie parametry jak Tmax, TOC (udział węgla pochodzenia organicznego), HI (indeks wodorowy) oraz OI (indeks tlenowy). Zbadano relacje pomiędzy uzyskanymi wynikami, zwłaszcza pod kątem związków pomiędzy składem macerałowym a parametrami geochemicznymi i typem litologicznym. Wszystkie uzyskane wyniki starano się prześledzić zarówno w skali odsłonięcia, jak również w skali poszczególnych jednostek. Pomimo pewnych ograniczeń zastosowanych metod odniesiono się również do kwestii paleośrodowiskowych. Przebadane skały wchodzące w skład warstw menilitowych charakteryzują się zróżnicowanym wykształceniem litologicznym. Są to w głównej mierze różnego rodzaju łupki – ilaste, margliste, wapniste oraz w mniejszym stopniu mułowce, piaskowce, pyłowce, rogowce i wapienie mikrytowe. Materia organiczna najliczniejsza jest w łupkach ilastych i mułowcach, natomiast w przypadku piaskowców, pyłowców i rogowców jej udział jest wyraźnie niższy. W składzie materii organicznej najczęściej obserwuje się następującą asocjację: alginit + bituminit + liptodetrynit + kolotelinit + witrodetrynit + fuzynit/semifuzynit/inertodetrynit. W części skał zdarzają się pewne odstępstwa, polegające na braku któregoś z wymienionych składników, niemniej jednak nie jest to częste. W ujęciu ilościowym skład macerałowy najczęściej zdominowany jest przez macerały grupy liptynitu – alginit, bituminit i liptodetrynit. Ich udział jest zwykle znacznie wyższy od macerałów z grupy witrynitu (reprezentowanych przez kolotelinit i witrodetrynit). Macerały grupy inertynitu (fuzynit, semifuzynit, inertodetrynit) są powszechne, ale jednocześnie ich udział jest bardzo niewielki. W skałach z niektórych odsłonięć w składzie materii organicznej obecne są także stałe bituminy. Dodatkowo często obserwuje się bioklasty w postaci fragmentów szkieletu ryb. Ilościowy udział poszczególnych macerałów może się zmieniać w szerokim zakresie w obrębie tej samej litologii. Alginit najpowszechniejszy jest w mułowcach jednostki śląskiej i skolskiej, bituminit z kolei najliczniejszy jest w łupkach marglistych jednostki śląskiej oraz łupkach ilastych jednostki skolskiej. Liptodetrynit najczęstszy jest w mułowcach i łupkach ilastych jednostek śląskiej i dukielskiej. Najwięcej fragmentów witrynitu obserwuje się w łupkach ilastych i marglistych jednostki dukielskiej. Materia organiczna łupków menilitowych deponowana była w środowisku głównie płytkowodnym, na co wskazuje powszechność alginitu. Środowisko to mogło być zróżnicowane pod kątem warunków natlenienia i tempa sedymentacji, co mogłyby sugerować obserwowane znaczne różnice w zawartości alginitu i bituminitu. Materia organiczna warstw menilitowych reprezentuje w głównej mierze typy II oraz III kerogenu, jak również ich mieszaninę. Skały z typem I i IV kerogenu należą do rzadkości. W większości odsłonięć materia organiczna znajduje się w fazie niedojrzałej. W jednostce skolskiej w żadnej z przebadanych lokalizacji nie obserwuje się materii organicznej w stadium odpowiadającym tzw. oknu ropnemu. W jednostce śląskiej próbki o wyższym stopniu przeobrażenia termicznego spotyka się w tzw. strefie przeddukielskiej. Poza nią jedynie incydentalnie obserwuje się próbki będące na granicy fazy niedojrzałej i fazy generowania płynnych węglowodorów. W jednostce dukielskiej skały znajdujące się w fazie „okna ropnego” obserwuje się na obszarze okna tektonicznego Świątkowej Wielkiej. Podwyższoną dojrzałość (granica fazy niedojrzałej i „okna ropnego”) sugerują także wyniki pirolizy Rock-Eval dla próbek z najbardziej na południe wysuniętego odsłonięcia (Komańcza 2). Nie obserwuje się regionalnych trendów zmienności parametrów Tmax i Ro. Najlepszym potencjałem generacyjnym charakteryzuje się część łupków ilastych (zwłaszcza w jednostce skolskiej i śląskiej) oraz mułowce. Skałami o słabym potencjale generacyjnym są z kolei rogowce, piaskowce i pyłowce. Typ litologii nie decyduje jednak w sposób jednoznaczny o potencjale generacyjnym, gdyż niezależnie od wykształcenia litologicznego może on zmieniać się w stosunkowo szerokim zakresie.
This work is devoted to the petrographic characteristics of dispersed organic matter in the Menilite Beds of Skole, Silesian and Dukla Units. Its purpose is to supplement the ongoing research on this one of the most interesting formations within the Carpathian Mts. with aspects of organic matter petrography, with the background of geochemical investigations. The main emphasis was placed on microscopic observations – the maceral composition of the rocks was characterized, the maturity level of organic matter was determined by measuring the reflectance of vitrinite fragments and also lithological aspects were described. The results were supplemented with data obtained from the Rock-Eval pyrolytic analysis, in particular parameters such as Tmax, TOC (content of organic carbon), HI (hydrogen index) and OI (oxygen index) were used. The relationship between the obtained results was examined, especially in terms of the relations between the maceral composition, geochemical parameters and lithology. All obtained results were traced both on outcrop and unit scale. Despite some limitations of the methods used, paleoenvironmental issues were also referred to. The rocks collected within Menilite Beds are characterized by various lithology. These are mainly different types of shales (argillaceous, marly, carbonate). Mudstones, sandstones, siltstones, cherts and micritic limestones are also present, but their content is lower. The richest in organic matter are shales and mudstones, while in the case of sandstones, siltstones and cherts its content is significantly lower. In the qualitative composition of organic matter, the following association is most often observed: alginite + bituminite + liptodetrinite + collotelinite + vitrodetrinite + fusinite/semifusinite/inertodetrinite. In few rocks some of the components are missing, however it is not common. Maceral composition is most often dominated by macerals of the liptinite group - alginite, bituminite and liptodetrinite. Their content is usually much higher than macerals from the vitrinite group (represented by collotelinite and vitrodetrinite). Macerals of the inertinite group (fusinite, semifusinite, inertodetrinite) are common, but at the same time their content is very low. Solid bitumen is also present in few samples. In addition, bioclasts in the form of fish skeleton fragments are often observed. The content of individual macerals can vary widely within the same lithology. Alginite is the most numerous in mudstones of the Silesian and Skole Units. The highest content of bituminite on the other hand is observed in the marly shales of the Silesian Unit and the argillaceous shales of the Skole Unit. Liptodetrinite is most common within mudstones and shales of the Silesian and Dukla Units. The highest content of vitrinite is observed in clay and marly shales of the Dukla Unit. The organic matter of Menilite Beds was deposited mainly in shallow water marine environment, as indicated by the high content of alginite. This environment may have been varied in terms of oxygenation and sedimentation conditions, which may be suggested by the significant differences in the content ratio of alginite and bituminite. The organic matter of the Menilite Beds mainly represents kerogen types II and III, as well as their mixture. Rocks with kerogen types I and IV are rather rare. In the most of outcrops, the organic matter of the Menilite Beds is in the immature phase. In the Skole Unit, no organic matter being in “oil widow” phase is observed. In the Silesian Unit, samples with a higher degree of thermal transformation are found in so-called pre-Dukla zone. Apart from the mentioned zone, samples with the maturity level between immature stage and early oil generation phase are only incidentally observed. In the Dukla Unit, rocks with organic matter being in the oil window phase are observed in the Świątkowa tectonic window. Increased maturity is also suggested by Rock-Eval pyrolysis results for rocks collected from the southernmost outcrop (Komańcza 2). No regional trends in the variability of Tmax and Ro parameters are observed. The best generation potential is observed for mudstones and some of the argillaceous shales (especially in the Skole and Silesian Units). On the other hand, rocks with poor generation potential are cherts, sandstones and siltstones. However, lithology itself cannot directly indicate the generation potential, as this can change in a relatively wide range within the same type of rock.
Woda podziemna, będąca źródłem zaopatrzenia ludzi w wodę przeznaczoną do spożycia wymaga wieloaspektowej analizy w kontekście oceny i zarządzania jej jakością. Szczególnym wyzwaniem jest monitorowanie i analiza właściwości wód podziemnych ujęć trzeciorzędowych, które charakteryzują się wysoką zawartością substancji organicznych, co przekłada się na intensywną barwę i znaczący potencjał tworzenia produktów ubocznych podczas procesów dezynfekcji. W ramach niniejszego artykułu zaprezentowano analizę wybranych przypadków oraz wyniki badań jakości wody podziemnej w trzeciorzędowym ujęciu dla miasta Środa Wielkopolska. Kompleks trzeciorzędowych wód podziemnych zalega w warstwach o skomplikowanej budowie geologicznej, charakteryzującej się złożonymi stosunkami hydrogeologicznymi. Kluczowym czynnikiem wpływającym na stan użytkowy wody w średzkim ujęciu jest struktura geologiczna terenu. Dominują tu przede wszystkim warstwy węgla brunatnego, bezpośrednio zalegające nad warstwą wodonośną, a także gliny i iły. W przeprowadzonych badaniach szczególną uwagę poświęcono analizie wpływu miąższości tych warstw geologicznych na jakość wody pozyskiwanej z poszczególnych studni. Integralnym elementem badań była ocena wpływu warunków hydrogeologicznych na jakość ujmowanej wody, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wydajności ujęć. Korelację ustalono na podstawie przekrojów geologicznych 17 eksploatowanych studni głębinowych, jak również danych hydraulicznych determinujących warunki operacyjne pracy systemu zaopatrzenia w wodę (SZW) Środy Wielkopolskiej. W analizach korelacji zawartości materii organicznej oprócz typowych wskaźników, takich jak: barwa, ogólny węgiel organiczny (OWO), rozpuszczony węgiel organiczny (RWO), indeks nadmanganianowy, absorbancja UV, przyjęto również biodegradowalny rozpuszczony węgiel organiczny (BRWO). W przeprowadzonych badaniach uwzględniono BRWO, z uwagi na fakt, iż jest on przydatny w ustaleniu ilości związków organicznych, stanowiących potencjalnie źródło węgla i energii, które wspomagają wzrost i rozwój bakterii w sieci wodociągowej. Sprawdzono wzajemne korelacje poszczególnych wskaźników, ustalając jednocześnie przydatność prostych analiz (absorbancja UV czy indeks nadmanganianowy) w ocenie poziomu substancji oznaczanych jako OWO, czy RWO.
Groundwater, as a source of supply for residents, requires a multifaceted analysis in the context of assessing and managing its quality. A particular challenge is the monitoring and analysis of the properties of tertiary groundwater intakes, which are characterized by high content of organic substances. This translates into intense coloration and a significant potential for forming by-products during disinfection processes. This article presents a review of the literature, analysis of selected cases, and results of groundwater quality research in a tertiary intake for the city of Środa Wielkopolska. The tertiary groundwater complex is located in layers with a complex geological structure and is characterized by complicated hydrogeological relationships. A key factor influencing the usable state of water in the discussed intake is the geological structure of the area. Predominantly, layers of lignite directly overlying the aquifer, as well as clays and silts, dominate this area. Particular attention was paid to the analysis of the impact of the thickness of these geological layers on the quality of water obtained from individual wells and the hydrogeological conditions of the exploited deep wells, with special consideration of their efficiency. The correlation was established based on the geological cross-sections of 17 exploited deep wells as well as hydraulic data as part of the water supply system (SZW) of Środa Wielkopolska. For assessing the organic matter content, in addition to typical indicators such as colour, total organic carbon (TOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), permanganate index, and UV absorbance, biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) was also used, which is helpful in determining the amount of organic compounds that could potentially be a source of carbon and energy, supporting the growth and development of bacteria in the water supply network. Mutual correlations of various indicators were checked, while also establishing the usefulness of simple analyses (UV absorbance or permanganate index) in assessing the level of substances designated as TOC or DOC.
W pracy przedstawiono dwie metody wyznaczania parametrów hydrogeologicznych, dotyczących procesu infiltracji na ujęciu wód powierzchniowych: prędkości infiltrującej wody i czasu retencji wody w gruncie. Pierwsza metoda jest oparta o interpretację wyników pomiarów terenowych, druga bazuje na wzorach teoretycznych. Terenowa instalacja badawcza składała się z trzech piezometrów, znajdujących się na drodze infiltracji między brzegiem stawu a studnią, należącą do ciągu zbiorczych studni lewarowych. Oceniono wpływ parametrów hydrogeologicznych na efekty usuwania związków organicznych z infiltrującej wody. Do oceny zmienności jakości ujmowanej wody powierzchniowej oraz efektów procesu infiltracji, w odniesieniu do zanieczyszczeń organicznych, posłużył ogólny węgiel organiczny. Na podstawie przyjętych kryteriów określono intensywność i charakter procesów dominujących w usuwaniu związków organicznych, z ujmowanej wody powierzchniowej.
The paper presents two methods for determining the hydrogeological parameters referred to the infiltration process at the surface water intake: the velocity of infiltrating water and the retention time of water in the ground. The first method is based on the interpretation of the results of field measurements, the second on formulas and models. The field research installation consisted of three piezometers located on the infiltration path between the pond and a well belonging to a levar siphon wells. The influence of hydrogeological parameters on the effects of removing organic compounds from infiltrating water was assessed. Total organic carbon was used to assess the variability of the quality of abstracted surface water and the effects of the infiltration process in relation to organic pollutants. Based on the adopted criteria, the intensity and nature of the dominant processes in the removal of organic compounds from surface water were determined.
The article analyzes soil organic carbon (SOC) content of in Poland from 2015 to 2021. The research aims to determine SOC levels and their dependence on soil agronomic categories and drought intensity. Soil samples from 1011 farms across 8 Polish voivodships were collected for analysis, all from the same agricultural plots. SOC determination was conducted using the Tiurin method. The results indicate a low SOC content nationwide (0.85- 2.35%). Heavy soils exhibited higher SOC accumulation compared to light soils. Moreover, significant drought impact led to decreased SOC content in affected regions. Scientific evidence underscores a declining trend in organic carbon stock within agricultural soils, attributed to natural soil changes and unsustainable management practices. This decline is concerning given the crucial role of SOC in soil health, quality, and crop productivity. Therefore, it is imperative to monitor and address areas with low SOC levels to enhance SOC abundance. Furthermore, when used as a whole-cell biocatalyst in a low-cost upflow MFC, the Morganella morganii-rich SF11 consortium demonstrated the highest voltage and power density of 964.93±1.86 mV and 0.56±0.00 W/m3, respectively. These results suggest that the SF11 bacterial consortium has the potential for use in ceramic separator MFCs for the removal of penicillin and electricity generation.
W artykule dokonano analizy zawartości węgla organicznego w glebie (SOC) w Polsce w latach 2015 - 2021. Celem badań było określenie poziomu SOC oraz określenie jego zależności od kategorii agronomicznej gleby, odczynu i zawartości wody w glebie. intensywność suszy w glebie. Dane do analizy zawartości SOC uzyskano poprzez pobranie i analizę prób glebowych z 1011 gospodarstw zlokalizowanych na terenie całej Polski w 8 województwach Polski. Próbki gleby do badań pobierano co roku z tych samych powierzchni rolniczych. Oznaczenie SOC przeprowadzono metodą Tiurina. Wyniki testów wykazały niską zawartość SOC w całym kraju (0,85-2,35%). Lepsza. Większą kumulację zawartości SOC stwierdzono na glebach ciężkich w porównaniu z glebami lekkimi. Stwierdzono duży wpływ suszy na spadek zawartości SOC w rejonach jej występowania. Dowody naukowe wskazują, że zasoby węgla organicznego w górnych warstwach gleb rolniczych są niskie i nadal maleją w wyniku naturalnych zmian w glebie i niezrównoważonej gospodarki. Z danych naukowych wynika, że zasoby węgla organicznego w górnych warstwach gleb rolniczych zmniejszają się. Jest to szczególnie niepokojące, ponieważ zasoby SOC są ważnym czynnikiem wpływającym na zdrowie i jakość gleby, a tym samym na wydajność upraw. Z tego powodu bardzo ważne jest monitorowanie i identyfikowanie obszarów o niskim poziomie SOC oraz podejmowanie działań w celu poprawy obfitości SOC
In this study, microscopic analysis was applied to investigate fluid flow in the Oligocene shale and sandstone samples from the Krosno Beds (Silesian Nappe, Outer Carpathians) in the Bere¿ki outcrop. Analysis of calcite generation in veins and reflectance of organic matter measurements were done. Three generations of calcite were observed, indicating three stages of fluid migration along the veins in sandstones. Moreover, oil droplets and solid bitumen migration were seen during microscopic analyses. Thermal maturity based on vitrinite reflectance measurements indicates mature organic matter to hydrocarbon generation.
Rock samples collected from Kupferschiefer deposits show strong lithological diversity in the vertical section. The content of organic matter (OM) gradually decreases towards the top of the shale section. The pore spaces of the Kupferschiefer contain solid bitumens. We also found fluid inclusions with liquid hydrocarbons in calcite and dolomite that form paragenetic associations with Cu-Ag minerals. The degree of maturity of OM in the shale samples is insufficient to generate liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons; therefore, the genesis of local accumulations of these hydrocarbons is probably related to the migration of hydrothermal solutions responsible for the origin of the Cu-Ag ores. As a potential source of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons can be indicated strongly thermally altered Lower Carboniferous deposits and/or locally thermally altered Lower Zechstein formations rich in OM, strongly affected by oxidizing hydrothermal solutions genetically related to the development of the Rote Fäule facies.
Based on the hitherto existing problems on understanding and interpretation of fluid inclusion microthermometric results and the relatively uncomplicated access to the Raman microspectrometry, both methods have been explained and applied to several samples from the Carpathians and to one sample from a borehole in central Poland (Katarzynin 2). The results of both types of analytical methods are different temperature values of Th – homogenization temperature, Te – eutectic temperature, Tm – ice melting temperature, and the coalification of organic matter (MO). They are interpreted together, which gives a wide range of discussion possibilities significant from the geological point of view.
The study was carried out in the area of three dam reservoirs: Blizne and Maziarnia (Voivodeship of Podkarpackie) and Nielisz (Voivodeship of Lublin). The main parameter differentiating the reservoirs was the water retention time and the manner of water discharge from the reservoirs. Three test sites were designated in the area of each reservoir: in the river zone of the reservoir, in the central part of the reservoir, and near the reservoir dam. At these sites, the concentrations of suspended sediment in the water and the content of organic matter in it, the concentrations of total phosphorus and total nitrogen, as well as chlorophyll a were monitored. In addition, two control sites were established: on the river upstream of the reservoir and on the river downstream of the dam, respectively. At these points, the concentrations of suspended sediments in the water and their organic matter content were recorded. The obtained results of the study and multivariate analysis of the data showed that morphometric parameters (including water retention time) of reservoirs and the method of water discharge influence water quality in downstream rivers. It was found that by using lower discharge and ensuring a sufficiently long retention time of water in the reservoir, it is possible to effectively limit the negative aspects of hydrotechnical structures’ impact on the natural environment. In practice, the observed relationships may constitute an important and missing link in the aspect of minimising undesirable side effects of this type of hydrotechnical objects.
Morocco is one of the countries most affected by the scarcity of water resources and the poor distribution of rainfall. Natural lagoon is the most widely used treatment process in Morocco. Indeed, Morocco is a sunny country throughout the year. The lagoon system requires minimal effort in operation and maintenance. Moreover, this system is the best process for removing bacteria indicators. For these reasons, a study of the purification performance of natural lagoons during five years, located in Chichaoua region (Morocco) was carried out. The lagoon system was monitored for five years, with measurements taken every three months at the input and output of the system. It received a hydraulic loading rate (HLR) between 1171 and 2760 m3 with an average of 2053 m3/day. The obtained results show the removal of 37% of TSS, 63% of BOD5, 60% of COD, 61% of NH4+, 37% of TP, and 6.5 log units of coliforms during the mentioned monitoring period. Thus, the effluent values do not always comply with the Moroccan water quality requirement for irrigation reuse. Additionally, the statistical analyses confirm the presence of a strong linear correlation between almost all variables in the lagoon output. Therefore, the performance efficiency of the lagoon in removing organic matter and nutrients was significantly (p < 0.05) dependent on the season. However, the fecal contamination was not significantly (p > 0.05) affected by the seasons in this study. At the end of this study a complementary treatment before the reuse of treated wastewater, was proposed.
This study used multivariate statistics including cluster analysis (CA) and principal component analysis (PCA) to evaluate the variability and key indicators causing changes in soil quality in Tram Chim National Park, Dong Thap province, Vietnam. Soil samples were collected in the dry season at the habitats of Ischaemum rugosum (CM), Panicum repens (CO), Nelumbo nucifera (LS), Eleocharis dulcis (NO), Oryza rufipogon (LM), Rice field (RL), Melaleuca cajuputi (T) in two layers: A (0–20 cm) and B (20–40 cm). The parameters of pH, total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), total acidity (TA), organic matter (OM), total iron (Fe) and exchanged aluminum (Al3+) were used to assess soil quality. The results showed that soil pH was low in both A and B layers. Fe and Al were both high, and the concentrations of these metals in layer A were higher than those in layer B. The OM content was medium while the TN and TP levels were very low. Most of the soil quality indicators tended to decrease with the depth (except for TA). The results of CA analysis showed that there was almost no major change in soil quality between the two soil layers; however, the soil quality in rice field habitat was different from other habitats. The cause may be due to human impact in adding fertilizers/pesticides during farming practices. The PCA results showed at least five influencing factors, explaining 99.7% and 99.9% of soil quality variation in A and B layers. The Al3+, TA, OM, and TP parameters had the main influence on the soil quality of layer A. Meanwhile, the pH, Al3+, TA, TN, Fet indicators had influence on the soil quality of layer B. These indicators need to be future surveyed to assess the evolution of soil quality in the study area.
This study focuses on assessing the sewage characteristics and performance of the Hospital Wastewater Treatment Plant for AL-Mauany hospital in Basrah Governorate. Samples were taken from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) waste and tested for pollutants using (APHA) procedures and compared to standard criteria. COD, BOD, temperature, EC, TSS, and TDS were all tested in the laboratory. DO, NH3, and NO3 were chosen as effluent quality indicators. Identical to the standard limits in Iraqi Standard Specification, despite some of them experiencing a minor modification during the treatment stages. But for COD and BOD, which exceeded the permissible limit despite the high removal efficiency, because the values at the entrance were high because they came from hospital waste, where the values at the influent were for COD 665.4 mg/l and 504.6 mg/l, while the BOD values were 283.6 mg/l and 171.2 mg/l in summer and winter, respectively, while the effluent values were 129.7 and 102.8 for COD and 73.4 and 53.8 for BOD. As well as for the NO3-N results for the effluent, which was unstable inflow and effluent, but in no way did it exceed the Iraqi effluent which was 50 mg/l.
This study aims to determine the relationships likely to exist between the edaphic variables and the abundance of oak species in the Edough forest of the commune of Seraidi (North East of Algeria), a humid bioclimatic stage where rainfall is abundant. In order to characterize the properties of the soils of the Edough forest (Seraidi) and to verify the usefulness of the fractionation of organic matter in a forest ecosystem, we have established a prospecting sampling plan based on a topographic background of the superposition of the different plant groups. In this context, the approach we adopted consisted on three main steps (i) a stratified sampling of the soil, (ii) the determination of the different strata of vegetation, (iii) describing the soil on which these plant formations settle and develop. Our results revealed that the soils of the Edough forest are acidic to very acidic and non-saline. It is also characterized by clayey texture that is not very permeable, with a high rate of organic matter, which controls the buffering capacity of the soil. The characterization of the soils allowed determining three types of plant formations and thus three types of soils where pedogenesis is under direct control of the supply of organic matter. The relationship between the soil and the vegetation in this forest is clearly close. It is mainly controlled by the supply of organic matter, which shows a significant dynamic and evolution. On the other hand, the climatic conditions and the type of plant formations have a capital role in the mineralization of the existing organic matter.
The study was conducted to assess surface water quality in Tram Chim National Park (TCNP), Dong Thap Province, Vietnam using multivariate statistics. Water samples were collected at 10 different habitats in the national park in the rainy season and dry season to analyze the parameters of temperature (T), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO), chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonium (N-NH4+) and orthophosphate (P-PO43-), and water depth were measured monthly from January to July. The water regime is kept constantly high, affecting the water quality and biodiversity of the TCNP. The results show that the pH in the national park was in the neutral range and contaminated with COD and N-NH4+. The water quality in the fish pond and rice field habitats significantly differed compared to the remaining habitats. The result of CA also illustrates that the water quality in fish ponds and rice fields (in the buffer zone) is different from other habitats (in the protected zone) due to water exchange frequency and human activities. High pH value and organic matter content in water can affect the growth of organisms, especially Eleocharis species, an important food source for cranes. Therefore, research on the operating mechanism of sluices to have solutions to improve water quality to meet the requirements of preserving and restoring biodiversity is necessary.
The study was carried out to assess surface water quality in water bodies in Hau Giang province, Vietnam using individual surface water quality parameters and water quality index. In addition, the correlation of phytoplankton and zooplankton composition with surface water quality was also examined. The results showed that surface water quality in Hau Giang province was contaminated with organic matters, nutrients, iron and microorganisms. The water quality index (WQI= 37-84) showed that surface water ranged from moderate to good. A total of 164 species belonging to five phyla of phytoplankton were recorded with the density from 370–2260 individuals/L and 91 species belonging to five phyla of zooplankton with a density of 11,332–121,600 individuals/L. The predominance of the phytoplankton species Oscillaroria, Euglena, Phacus and the predominance of zooplankton species of the Nauplius, Rotifera and Protozoa signalize an aquatic environment rich in organic matters and nutrients. The correlation results showed that BOD, COD, NH4+-N, NO3--N and PO43--P were closely related to the density of phytoplankton while pH, DO, BOD, NH4+-N and coliform play an important role in determining the density of zooplankton species.
Organic matter is a major component of soil. It is of considerable ecological importance given its role in determining soil health, influencing ecosystem productivity and climate. For this reason, it is essential to carry out studies to evaluate its dynamics in natural ecosystems. In this study, the authors aimed to explore the dynamics of soil organic matter (SOM) in forest ecosystems of the Central Plateau in Morocco, as well as to investigate the potential of spectral vegetation indices in modeling SOM. To this end, the soil samples for analysis were collected from 30 sites across three vegetation types, including cork oak, Barbary thuja and scrub (matorral). In addition, the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was extracted from Landsat 8 images to be used to model SOM using linear regression. The obtained results showed a weak, although statistically significant (α < 0.05), correlation between NDVI and SOM at 0.45. In addition, only the scrub type showed a statistically significant (α < 0.05) relationship between its corresponding SOM and NDVI, and was therefore retained for modeling. Vegetation type had a statistically strong influence (α <0.01) on SOM, with cork oak and garrigue ecosystems having the highest and lowest SOM contents with 5.61% and 2.36%, respectively. In addition, the highest SOM contents were observed under slightly acidic pH soils on mild, warm slopes at high altitude sites, while the lowest were found in lowland areas with predominantly weakly evolved soil.
The olive mill waste water (OMWW) are effluents issued from the extraction of olive oil, these effluents are cloudy-looking liquids with a reddish-brown color, their pH varies from 4 to 5. They are very rich in polyphenols, which causes many environmental problems, such as water pollution, Currently, on an industrial scale, there is no reliable, efficient, and less expensive technique for OMWW treatment. OMWW are evaporated in watertight basins or discharged into watercourses. Several techniques have been studied to treat these industrial effluents. The objective of this work was to compare these studies to formulate the recommendations that can be adopted for an effective and cheaper treatment of these effluents which constitute a major environmental problem for water resources. Indeed, it can be concluded that it is very difficult to treat OMWW by conventional methods due to its non-biodegradability and high cost of others methods like distillation and oxidation. In the end, it was concluded that for a better OMWW treatment, it is necessary to start firstly by the adsorption of phenolic compounds which are responsible for the nonbiodegradability of OMWW while using cheaper adsorbents namely clays, bio-adsorbents or apatites, then dilute the OMWW with domestic wastewater. The dilution of OMWW by urban wastewater leads to good mineralization of organic matter by enriching the medium with microorganisms, which facilitates the elimination of the organic load and then we use the usual techniques as a plant filter or active sludge for mixture treatment.
This study examined the effect of water column hypoxia on the distribution and geochemical fractionation of trace metals in the seasonally hypoxic coastal environment in the southeastern Arabian Sea. Water and surface sediments were collected fortnightly from the Alappuzha mud bank between April and August 2016, which covered the pre-upwelling and upwelling seasons. The water column was warm and well-oxygenated during April–May. During June–August, the incidence of cold and hypoxic water indicated strong coastal upwelling prevailed in the entire study domain. The Fe and Mn content in sediments gradually decreased, because of the reductive dissolution and subsequent release of metals under hypoxia. The concentration of metals such as Ni, Zn and V decreased substantially under oxygen deficiency, whereas Cr showed marked enrichment in sediments. Although the geochemical forms of trace metals displayed the dominance of residual fractions (inert), the reactive non-residual metal forms (exchangeable, Fe/Mn-(oxy)hydroxide, and organic matter/sulphide bound) showed considerable variability under hypoxia. The shift from Fe/Mn-(oxy)hydroxide bound to organic matter and sulphide bound was evident during hypoxia. Cr exhibited a strong affinity towards organic matter and sulphide, and Pb and Zn showed relatively high association towards the Fe/Mn-(oxy)hydroxide phase. Even with such a phase shift induced by the hypoxic conditions, the concentrations of these metals remained within the normal background levels, indicating the pristine nature of the mud bank environment.
Content available remote Detecting food limitation of bacterial growth during dilution experiments
The dilution method is typically applied to estimate the growth and mortality rates of phytoplankton, but it is also used to study bacterioplankton. The method comprises creating a gradient of dilutions to reduce the encounter rates between bacterivores and bacteria, thus allowing for estimations of bacterial growth and grazing pressure exerted on the bacteria. However, the manipulations involved in the method can lead to biased results. In this study, 12 dilution experiments performed in the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea were accompanied by additional measurements capable of detecting possible artefacts. Only six measurements performed during spring and summer (March–August) produced results that were free of artefacts and were statistically significant. During fall and winter (October–February) measurements were unsuccessful because of food limitation of bacterial growth during experimental incubation. Twice (in September and October) bacterial growth and grazing mortality rates were underestimated because grazing pressure was not successfully removed. The study demonstrated that 24-hour and five-day oxygen consumption measurements incorporated into dilution experiments permitted estimating the fraction of biodegradable organic matter used during incubation, and, thus, detecting the food limitation of bacterial growth.
Badania izotopowe n-alkanów, pristanu (Pr) oraz fitanu (Ph) przeprowadzono przy pomocy aparatu GC-IRMS. Porównanie wartości δ13C – pristanu do n-C17 oraz fitanu do n-C18, a także zestawienie wartości δ13C pomiędzy pristanem a fitanem w obrębie jednej próbki pomaga zidentyfikować źródło pochodzenia tych izoprenoidów, co było celem pracy. Ta ostatnia informacja uwiarygadnia lub podaje w wątpliwość wskaźnik środowiska sedymentacji – Pr/Ph. Wartości δ13C n-alkanów dla rop naftowych z tego samego złoża: Bóbrka 113, Niepodległość 2, Bandrów wskazują na pochodzenie tych rop od roślin C3 (fotosynteza typu C3) oraz z osadów rzecznych lub/i jeziornych. N-alkany występujące w tych trzech ropach naftowych mogą mieć mieszane źródła i pochodzić zarówno od roślin lądowych, jak i wodnych. Ropa naftowa Łodyna 90K może pochodzić z różnorakich wyższych roślin. Wartości δ13C n-alkanów z próbek ekstraktów bitumicznych Dukla 2A i Dukla 2D są charakterystyczne dla roślin C3. Pristan i fitan w badanych próbkach rop naftowych i w przypadku dwóch próbek ekstraktów bitumicznych Dukla 2A i Dukla 2D mają wartości δ13C niższe niż wartości δ13C dla n-C17 i n-C18, co sugeruje pochodzenie od organizmów heterotroficznych. We wszystkich badanych próbkach rop naftowych (wyjątki: Łodyna 90K, Osobnica 35) wartości δ13C dla Pr i Ph w obrębie pojedynczej próbki świadczą o tym samym materiale źródłowym dla tych izoprenoidów. Ta informacja potwierdza, że wskaźnik Pr/Ph, mówiący o typie środowiska sedymentacji materii organicznej, jest wiarygodny. W dwóch ekstraktach bitumicznych (Dukla 2D i Krosno 8) wartości δ13C dla Pr i Ph są różne, dlatego istnieje duże prawdopodobieństwo odmiennego pochodzenia dla tych dwóch izoprenoidów (należy być ostrożnym co do wiarygodności wskaźnika środowiska sedymentacji Pr/Ph).
Isotope analysis of n-alkanes, pristan (Pr) and phytane (Ph), were carried out on the GC-IRMS apparatus. Comparing the δ13C values of pristan to n-C17, phytane to n-C18 and pristan to phytane within one sample helps to identify the source of these isoprenoids. The latter information legitimises or questions the sedimentation environment index – Pr/Ph. The values of δ13C of n-alkanes for crude oil from one field: Bóbrka 113, Niepodległość 2, Bandrów indicate the origin of C3 plants (photosynthesis type C3) and river and / or lake sediments. The N-alkanes found in these three crude oils could have been sourced by organic matter from terrestrial and aquatic plants. Łodyna 90K crude oil was derived from a variety of higher plants. The δ13C values of n-alkanes for samples Dukla 2A and Dukla 2D bituminous extracts are characteristic for C3 plants. Pristan and phytan in the analyzed crude oil samples and in the case of two samples Dukla 2A and Dukla 2D bituminous extracts have δ13C values lower than the values of n-C17 and n-C18, which suggests their origin from heterotrophic organisms. In all analyzed crude oil samples (exceptions: Łodyna 90K, Osobnica 35) the δ13C values of Pr and Ph within a single sample indicate the same source material for these isoprenoids. This information confirms that the Pr/Ph ratio is reliable. In two bituminous extracts (Dukla 2D and Krosno 8) the δ13C values of Pr and Ph are different, therefore there is a high probability of different origins for these two isoprenoids (the Pr/Ph ratio may be unreliable).
One of the greatest environmental problems of modern countries is the pollution of territories with waste. Of particular concern are the wastes generated during the treatment of municipal wastewater, i.e. sewage sludge. They are the inevitable price of urbanization and improved quality of life. As a result of the research conducted, a comprehensive analysis of the composition of municipal sewage sludge was conducted using the example of four small settlements in East Kazakhstan. The results of laboratory studies established the composition of the organic part, biogenic elements, as well as microbiological and parasitological indicators. It was revealed that cadmium, copper, zinc and arsenic are main sources of problems in wastewater treatment plant sludge. For copper and zinc, the standards set by the European Directive 86/278/EEC were exceeded by up to 3.2 and 1.5 times, respectively. At the same time, there is an increased content of nutrients. Organic matter in all studied samples exceeds the minimum established values by 3.5–3.7 times; the potassium content in all studied samples is 5.1–5.6 times higher than the minimum established value for organomineral fertilizers in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The concentration of hydrogen ions (pH) corresponds to neutral. Tests for the determination of microbiological and parasitological parameters indicate that the studied sludge does not contain various pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms.
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