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The stern tube or strat bearings are key important component for safety of shipping. Modern global regulations required a low as possible negative impact on environment including lubricants leaking to the sea. The ship owners are looking for reliable and durable solutions. The costs of each ship components are carefully studied. The water lubricated bearings for ship propeller shafts are an environmentally friendly solution. That is the reason why water lubrication is an interesting option to consider. Because simplicity of the ship design is expected the open lubricating system with only one seal module, when sea water is a lubricant is often recommended by manufacturer. This research was inspired by a series of failures or premature excessive wear of the propeller shaft strut bearings of real ships. The experimental tests were conducted in the laboratory on custom designed and build test-rig. The large group of tested bearings was delivered by certified manufacturers. The results of long time wear tests clearly prove that the cause of this premature wear was abrasive wear resulting from water contamination with solid particles of mineral origin. The range of the wear strongly depends on bearing bush materials and bearing interspace geometry. The wear was low for bearings with elastic bushes especially when hydrodynamic phenomena takes place. The general conclusion is that water lubrication is an interesting option to consider when design of the ship is discussed. The simplicity resulting an attractive price, low maintenance costs and proven durability and reliability of some bearings materials cause that this technology is becoming popular and often applied.
Hydrogeochemical and microbiological parameters of groundwater samples in the Paipayales agricultural community in western Ecuador were studied to evaluate groundwater origin, contamination, and suitability for domestic use and irrigation. The water wells studied are typically shared by multiple families which account for 37% of the total community population. A total of 31 parameters of water samples from the wells used by the community were analysed by four laboratories at the ESPOL University. The parameters analysed included microbiological and chemical compounds, along with physical characteristics typically influencing water quality. As regards the World Health Organization (WHO), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Ecuadorian standards, all samples failed to meet the required concentrations for at least one compound. The chemical analysis showed eight elements (cadmium, aluminium, ammonia, iron, manganese, chloride, and bromide) exceeded the maximum limits for drinking water in at least one well. Seventy percent of sampled wells failed to meet the maximum permissible limits for at least one chemical parameter. Water in all wells showed the presence of microbiological contaminants. The high natural groundwater salinity limits the ability to use this groundwater for irrigation purposes. Water in open and closed wells shows different hydrochemical and microbiological patterns. The presence of domestic animals and the lack of protection for wells may influence the quality of water. It is highly recommended that the authorities increase water supply and storage capacity to improve the availability of drinkable water in rural communities in the area.
Spatial analysis was used to analyze the environmental quality of soil in the Al-Zarqa region in order to identify sources and estimate heavy metal concentrations, which aided in the assessment of soil quality and heavy metal pollution. The primary goal of this study was to assess the environmental impact of heavy metal pollutants in the Al-Zarqa region. To assess pollution levels, the concentrations of Cu, Mn, Cd, and Pb were measured in surface soil (sediment) samples collected from Khirbet al-Samra. A total of sixteen samples were analyzed. The elevated levels of Cu and Cd are primarily attributed to various sources such as the weathering of nearby rock formations and the release of agricultural waste materials. An evaluation of sediment contamination was conducted using pollution indicators including Geo-accumulation index (Igeo), enrichment factor (EF), and pollution load index (PLI). Spatial distribution analysis was used to determine the distribution pattern of each metal. The results revealed that metal concentrations (Cu, Pb, and Mn) are higher, while Cd concentrations are lower than the maximum allowed limits. The results from the EF analysis indicated elevated concentrations of Cu and Cd in the sampled area. In terms of the Igeo analysis of Khirbet al-Samra sediments, it was found that the concentrations of Pb, Cu, and Mn are within safe levels and relatively unaffected by human activities, whereas the concentrations of Cd exceed the mean values, suggesting a higher level of contamination specifically for cadmium. The potential sources of heavy metals in the investigated area were identified using factor analysis, and the geographical distribution of heavy metals was shown using spatial distribution. The examination of correlation coefficients revealed diverse relationships between the different parameters, depending on the source of input for each metal.
The peri-urban solid waste in the Kenitra region is experiencing a significant change in terms of quantity and quality. High concentrations of both inorganic and organic materials are present in these wastes, posing a significant threat of pollution. This research sought to analyze the extent of soil contamination by heavy metals, providing valuable insights to prompt proactive interventions and propose alternative solutions for sustainable waste management. The objective of this work was to study peri-urban soil contamination in the Kenitra region-Morocco. For that purpose, several soil contamination indicators were analyzed, namely: nitrogenous, fertilizer and heavy metals concentration, soil pH, etc. The analyzed soil samples were taken from water from the different points at the levels of the studied region. The analysis shows that the studied soils are polluted with Zn, Mg, Cu, Ni, Cr, Cd, Pb, and other chemical elements. The results obtained suggest a correlation between soil pollution and the concentrations of the measured heavy metals. Furthermore, the analysis shows that heavy metals, contamination is particularly related to the presence of lead, cadmium, and zinc. The zinc contamination in the soil is about 390 mg/kg for a standard of between 0.2 and 2 mg/kg. Lead concentrations are 53 mg/kg for a standard of 0.3 mg/kg. On the basis of Moroccan standards, the soil is contaminated by lead, cadmium, and zinc.
Content available remote Narażenie strażaków na substancje chemiczne podczas pożaru
Oddziaływanie szkodliwych substancji chemicznych, uwalnianych podczas pożarów, powoduje narażenie zdrowia strażaków. Substancje te - zwłaszcza wielopierścieniowe węglowodory aromatyczne, lotne związki organiczne oraz substancje per- i polifluoroalkilowe - mogą zwiększać ryzyko zachorowania na choroby nowotworowe, co potwierdzają liczne badania. Substancje chemiczne występujące w warunkach pożaru osadzają się w postaci zanieczyszczeń na zewnętrznej powierzchni odzieży ochronnej strażaka i przedostają się do wewnętrznych warstw. Z tego względu po przeprowadzonych działaniach ratowniczych odzież ochronna wymaga odpowiedniego czyszczenia, które pozwala na usunięcie znacznej ilości substancji chemicznych oraz zapobiega ich oddziaływaniu na skórę i układ oddechowy. W artykule scharakteryzowano narażenie strażaków na substancje chemiczne (będące produktami spalania i emitowane podczas pożarów) oraz opisano proces czyszczenia odzieży ochronnej z zanieczyszczeń chemicznych.
The exposure to harmful chemicals released during fires is hazardous for the health of firefighters. These substances - including in particular polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds, and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances - can increase the risk of cancer, as confirmed by numerous research studies. The chemicals found in fire conditions settle in the form of contaminants on the outer surface of the firefighter’s protective clothing and permeate to the inner layers. For this reason, appropriate cleaning of special clothing, which allows to remove a significant amount of chemicals and prevents their impact on the skin and respiratory system, is required after rescue operations. The paper characterizes the exposure of firefighters to chemical substances (combustion products and emitted during fires) and describes the process of cleaning protective clothing from chemical contaminants.
The impact of pollution on insulator surface performance has been extensively studied to continuously improve the insulator performance using suitable condition monitoring, including using the leakage current harmonic component analysis. However, the analysis of harmonic components, particularly in relation to the odd harmonics of the leakage current in aged insulators under the influence of contamination and humidity, is still not fully understood and remains deficient. In this paper, the leakage current of aged and polluted insulators under different environmental conditions are investigated. The study was conducted experimentally using twelve samples of insulators with varying degrees of aging. The crest factor was employed as an indicator of the leakage current index. The findings showed that the odd harmonic crest factor demonstrates high sensitivity in classifying the degree of aging in contaminated insulators.
W XXI wieku, różne wydarzenia polityczne i społeczne powodują pojawianie się nowych zagrożeń związanych z produkcją, przechowywaniem i użyciem środków bojowych zawierających kruszące materiały wybuchowe. Zanieczyszczenia stanowią wyzwanie dla specjalistycznych laboratoriów, które zajmują się ich wykrywaniem i identyfikowaniem źródła pochodzenia. Niestety, tego typu zanieczyszczenia mają poważny wpływ na ludzkie zdrowie powodując m.in. poważne uszkodzenia układów i narządów człowieka, a także długotrwałe skutki zdrowotne, takie jak choroby nowotworowe i inne poważne zaburzenia zdrowia. Dlatego ważne jest, aby zwrócić uwagę na te zagrożenia i zrobić wszystko, co w naszej mocy, aby zapobiegać ich pojawianiu się i zminimalizować ich szkodliwe skutki. W badaniach ekosystemów częstym problemem jest niskie stężenie badanej substancji, które jest poniżej limitu detekcji urządzenia. W takich przypadkach biowskaźniki kumulacji okazują się być bardzo pomocne. Biomarkery są doskonałym narzędziem do wykrywania zanieczyszczeń w wodzie płynącej i w glebie Dzięki nim można stwierdzić obecność określonych czynników chemicznych, a jednocześnie są one czułym wskaźnikiem reakcji ekosystemu na skażenie. W oparciu o chromatografię cieczową została opracowana uniwersalna metoda, która umożliwia analizę trotylu i jego pochodnych w wytypowanym przez nas biowskaźniku akumulacji - larwach chruścików z gatunku Hydropsyche angu-stipennis, Curtis 1834 oraz próbkach gleby, czy innych złożonych matrycach. Metoda chromatograficzna pozwala na ilościowe i jakościowe oznaczenie różnych pochodnych trotylu, takich jak 2,6-diamino-4-nitrotoluen, 2,4-dia-mino-6-nitroto-luen, 1,3,5-trinitrobenzen, trójnitrotoluen, 2-amino-4,6-dinitrotoluen, 4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluen i tetrylu w złożonej matrycy biologicznej. Dodatkowo prze-prowadzono badanie efektu kumulacji trotylu w tkance larw chruścików poddanych ekspozycji w rozworach testowych zwierających trotyl przez 1 do 24 godzin. Zauważono efekt wysycenia oraz zmierzono stężenie pochodnych trotylu. Zaobserwowane efekty potwierdziły użyteczność wytypowanej larwy jako biowskaźnika akumulacji zanieczyszczeń trotylu w ekosystemie.
Different political and social events of the 21th century have been bringing about the appearance of new threats connected with production, storing and using of combat assets containing the high explosive materials. The contaminations are challenging for specialised laboratories dealing with their detection and identification of sources of origin. Unfortunately, such contaminations have a serious influence into the human health causing for instance significant injuries of human systems and organs, and long term problems with the health such as cancer diseases and other serious health disturbances. Therefore, it is important to focus attention on these threats, and to do everything possible to prevent their appearance and minimise the harmful effects. A low concentration of tested agent, below the instrument detection threshold, is a frequent problem at investigations of ecosystems. In such cases biomarkers of cumulation prove to be very helpful. Biomarkers can be a perfect tool for detection of contaminations in the flowing water and in the ground. They can be used to establish the presence of specific chemical agents and at the same time they are a sensitive indicator of eco-system’s reaction to the contamination. A universal method was developed basing on the liquid chromatography for analysis of trotyl and its derivatives present in larvae of caddisflies from species of Hydropsyche angustipennis, Curtis 1834, and in the samples of soil, or in other complex matrixes. The chromatographic method can label quantitively and qualitatively different derivatives of trotyl, such as 2,6-diamino-4-nitrotoluene, 2,4-dia-mino-6-nitrotoluene, 1,3,5-trinitrobenzen, trinitrotoluene, 2-amino-4,6-dinitrotoluen, 4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluen, and tetryl in a complex biologic matrix. Additionally, an effect was investigated of trotyl cumulation within 1 to 24 hours in the tissue of cad-disfly larvae subjected to exposition of tested solutions contained trotyl. An effect of saturation was noticed and the concentration of trotyl derivatives was measured. Observed effects con-firmed the usefulness of chosen larvae as a bio-indicator of trotyl contamination accumulation in ecosystem.
Threats associated with the production, storage and use of warfare agents containing high explosives against the backdrop of political and social events emerging in the 21st century present new challenges for specialized laboratories involved in detecting contamination and identifying its source. A common analytical problem in studies conducted in the ecosystem is the low concentration of the test substance - below the detection limit of the instrument. Helpful in solving this dilemma are accumulation bio-markers, which appear to be an excellent tool for detecting contamination in, for example, flowing water. Such biomarkers make it possible to determine the presence of specific chemical agents at the same time they are a sensitive indicator of the ecosystem's response to contamination. The presented chromatographic method allows quantitative and qualitative determination of 2,6-diamino-4-nitrotoluene, 2,4-diamino-6- nitrotoluene, 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene, trinitrotoluene, 2-amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene, 4-amino-2,6- dinitrotoluene and tetryl in the biological matrix. The effects of accumulation in the tissue of crustaceans on TNT test solutions were studied from 1 to 24 hours. The saturation effect was observed and the concentration of TNT derivatives was measured. The observed effects confirmed the usefulness of the selected larva as a bio-indicator of TNT contaminant accumulation in the ecosystem.
agrożenia związane z produkcją, przechowywaniem oraz użyciem środków bojowych zawierających kruszące materiały wybuchowe na tle wydarzeń politycznych i społecznych pojawiających się w XXI wieku stanowią nowe wyzwania dla specjalizowanych laboratoriów zajmujących się wykrywaniem skażeń oraz identyfikowaniem źródła jego pochodzenia. Częstym problemem analitycznym w badaniach prowadzonych w ekosystemie jest niskie stężenie badanej substancji – poniżej limitu detekcji urządzenia. Pomocne w rozwiązaniu tego dylematu są biowskaźnik kumulacji, które wydają się doskonałym narzędziem do wykrywania zanieczyszczeń np. wody płynącej. Biomarkery takie umożliwiają stwierdzenie obecności określonych czynników chemicznych jednocześnie są czułym wskaźnikiem reakcji ekosystemu na skażenie. Przedstawiona metoda chromatograficzna pozwala ilościowo i jakościowo oznaczyć 2,6-diamino-4-nitrotoluen, 2,4-diamino-6-nitrotoluen, 1,3,5-trinitrobenzen, trinitrotoluen, 2-amino-4,6-dinitrotoluen, 4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluen oraz tetryl w matrycy biologicznej. Badano efekty kumulacji w tkance chruścików na roztworach testowych trotylu w czasie od 1 do 24h. Zaobserwowano efekt wysycenia oraz zmierzono stężenie pochodnych trotylu. Zaobserwowane efekty potwierdziły użyteczność wytypowanej larwy jako biowskaźnika akumulacji zanieczyszczeń trotylu w ekosystemie. Zaobserwowane efekty potwierdziły użyteczność wytypowanej larwy jako biowskaźnika akumulacji zanieczyszczeń trotylu w ekosystemie.
Soil degradation occurs as a result of the ingress and accumulation of excessive amount of pollutants in the soil. The article presents the results of theoretical and experimental studies of the complex effect of soil contamination (concentration of petroleum products, toxic salts, dense residue, sodium ions, sulfate ions, magnesium ions, calcium, chloride ions, bicarbonate ions) on the content of nutrients (alkaline hydrolyzed nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, humus). A detailed analysis of scientific papers has been carried out, based on which the main scientific tasks solved in the article have been formulated. It has been established that soil-salt processes are insufficiently studied and are the object of scientific research in recent years. At the first stage of research, sampling was carried out and the content of nutrients and pollutants in the soil was determined. Determination of element concentrations was performed by collecting soil samples and their subsequent laboratory testing. At the second stage, a correlation-regression analysis of the obtained data was performed and multiple linear regressions were established. The interaction of substances in the soil was determined by analyzing the obtained multiple linear regressions. Two types of soils were studied: with chloride and with sulfate type of salinization. For soils with chloride type of salinity, dependences have been established for the content of humus, alkaline nitrogen and potassium, while in case of phosphorus multiple linear regression does not exist. For soils with sulfate type of salinization, multiple linear regression dependences of concentrations of alkaline nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium have been determined. It is established that the complex influence of the studied elements is decisive. No regression dependence was found for the humus content, which indicates that the concentration of the studied elements has almost no effect on the humus content in the soil. Comparison of the obtained multiple linear regressions with the results of laboratory studies showed a good correlation between these data series. The obtained regularities of pollutant and nutrient interactions in soils are expected in future to enable creation of scientific bases for development of new methods of desalination of soils polluted by formation waters as well as for planning effective reclamation actions.
W wyniku wnikania i gromadzenia się w glebie nadmiernych ilości zanieczyszczeń następuje degradacja gleby. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań teoretycznych i eksperymentalnych złożonego wpływu zanieczyszczenia gleby (stężenie produktów naftowych, toksycznych soli, gęstego osadu, siarczanow, jonów sodu, magnezu, wapnia, chlorków, wodorowęglanów), na zawartość składników pokarmowych (hydrolizowanego alkalicznie azotu, fosforu, potasu, humusu). Przeprowadzona została szczegółowa analiza prac naukowych, na podstawie której sformułowano główne zadania badawcze rozwiązane w artykule. Stwierdzono, że procesy glebowo-solne zbadane są w stopniu niedostatecznym i stanowią one przedmiot badań naukowych w ostatnich latach. W pierwszym etapie badań pobrano próbki i wyznaczono zawartość składników pokarmowych i zanieczyszczeń w glebie. Wyznaczenia stężeń pierwiastków dokonano poprzez pobranie próbek gleb i ich późniejsze badania laboratoryjne. W drugim etapie wykonano analizę korelacyjno-regresyjną uzyskanych danych i ustalono wielokrotne regresje liniowe. Oddziaływanie substancji w glebie określono poprzez analizę otrzymanych wielokrotnych regresji liniowych. Badano dwa rodzaje gleb: o zasoleniu chlorkowym i siarczanowym. Dla gleb o zasoleniu chlorkowym ustalono zależności w odniesieniu do zawartośći humusu, azotu hydrolizowanego alkalicznie i potasu, natomiast dla fosforu regresja liniowa wielokrotna nie wystapiła. Dla gleb o zasoleniu siarczanowym wyznaczono zależności wielokrotnej regresji liniowej stężeń azotu alkalicznego, fosforu, potasu. Ustalono, że decydujące znaczenie ma kompleksowe oddziaływanie badanych pierwiastków. Dla zawartości humusu nie stwierdzono zależności regresji, co wskazuje, że stężenie badanych pierwiastków prawie nie wpływa na zawartość humusu w glebie. Porównanie uzyskanych wielokrotnych regresji liniowych z wynikami badań laboratoryjnych wykazało dobrą korelację między tymi seriami danych. Uzyskane prawidłowości oddziaływania zanieczyszczeń i składników pokarmowych w glebach pozwolą w przyszłości stworzyć naukowe podstawy rozwoju nowych metod odsalania gleb zanieczyszczonych wodami złożowymi, jak również planować efektywne prowadzenie prac rekultywacyjnych.
Potential environmental hazards associated with heavy metals have been reported at Al-diwaniyah open dump in Iraq. Therefore, the levels of heavy metals and their spatial and temporal variability have been studied, in addition to pollution indices (HPI, HEI, Cd) to achieve environmental management and sustainability. Concentrations of seven heavy metals in groundwater wells at various distances around dumpsite were analyzed for the period 2022–2023 using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Results revealed that heavy metals levels in samples examined decreased with the distance from the dumpsite W1>W2>W3 and it followed this pattern: Cd < Ni < Cr < Pb < Cu < Fe < Zn, with average concentrations in dry and rainy seasons were Zn (0.641,0.305), Fe (0.199,0.375), Cu (0.208,0.068), Pb (0.035,0.117), Cr (0.031,0.073), Ni (0.106,0.055), Cd (0.023,0.0095). On one hand, seasonal variation showed that 57.14% of heavy metals were raising in the dry season, and on the other, pollution indices showed that the groundwater taken from the W1 site was heavily polluted and unfit for consumption, while the other two sites were in low pollution category, which showed little impact of waste dumps on groundwater in these sites. Analysis results indicated that groundwater is appropriate for drinking purposes compared to the permissible limits of WHO/IQS, apart from those taken from site W1. All wells also provide water suitable for irrigation purposes based on the guidelines of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The Statistical analysis demonstrated a strong correlation between some heavy metals, in addition to the influence of sampling sites on heavy metal levels. It is recommended to expand this study to include additional regions in order to provide more environmental monitoring for groundwater and examine its potential human health risks in the study region, construct an engineering landfill equipped with leachate collector system, moreover, systematic treatment of heavy metals concentrations should be carried out regularly.
A sustainable performance evaluation of pilot-scale was carried through horizontal sub-surface Constructed Wetlands system for treating the leachate from constructed Municipal Solid Waste Landfill at Institute of Environmental Engineering and Management, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro. The CWs were planted with Phragmites australis, Typha latifolia and Scirpus validus with sand and gravel. The leachate had been treated with two different cycles, first cycle was performed in the winter season whereas second cycle in summer, to differentiate the performance with seasonal variation. Chemical parameters of leachate pH, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Suspended Solids TSS, Ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N), Nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N), Total Phosphate PO43- (TP) and heavy metals, Lead (Pb) and Copper (Cu) were tested with intervals of certain weeks. The tests result showed that all parameters experienced a considerable reduction in their concentrations. Significant reduction efficiencies were recorded for parameters, BOD with 53–82%, COD with 32–46%, TSS with 59–75%, NH3-N with 90–92%, NO3-N with 85–87%, and TP with 48–64%, and heavy metals Pb and Cu with 28–48% respectively in four weeks of the first cycle by all three plants. Whereas, in the second cycle, the removal efficiencies of BOD 78–93%, COD 63–76%, TSS 52–83%, NH3-N 90–91% and NO3-N 91–92% and heavy metals Pb and Cu with 21–58% respectively in five weeks were observed by all three plants. Along with the experimentation, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals UN SDGs are also highlighted. This study helps achieving tremendous SDGs accompanying treatment of leachate.
The eventual polluting of the Ouichane region’s groundwater by heavy metals around an abandoned iron mine was investigated. To reach this aim, the research began with a questionnaire survey to assess local people’s use of and appreciation for well and spring water, followed by measurement of spatial pollution load of heavy metals: Al, Ag, Fe, Cd, As, Cr, Co, Zn, Pb and Cu for water samples collected from twelve wells and three spring drinks of water using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry method (ICP). Determining the overall quality of spring and well water for human use was also performed by calculating the heavy metal pollution index (HPI). As result, the survey revealed that 44.90% of the households are not connected to the drinking water network, 97.3% of them use well water, which is highly appreciated, and 88.1% of the population consider its quality to be good to excellent. Meanwhile, the ICP analysis showed that all the water samples contain heavy metals. In fact, the maximum concentrations (expressed in 10-5 g/l) recorded per element were 9.7 for (Ag), 15 for (Al), 6.9 for (As), 4.5 for (Cd), 5.6 for (Co), 31 for (Cr), 14 for (Cu), 858 for (Fe), 7 for (Pb) and 2.9*10-5 g/l for (Zn). Moreover, most of the water samples recorded heavy metal values above World Health Organization (WHO) limits, for at least one metal among the ten tested, with high concentrations of iron observed in all samples. The HPI values for the three explored sources (S1, S2 and S3) and for 8 out of 12 wells (P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9 and P10) exceed the critical pollution value and identify non-potable water with a high potential of contamination. Consequently, the results of this study raise the question about groundwater around this abandoned mining area, especially in the long term, the use of groundwater could increase because of the succession of years of drought on Moroccan territory and hence may constitute a significant health risk for most of the inhabitants.
Illegal landfills pose a potential threat to the aquatic environment due, in part, to the unprotected subsoil beneath them. We describe the toxicity of soil samples and incinerated solid waste from two illegal landfills in Poland, and discuss the potential negative impact on groundwater. Fifty samples were taken, including 32 from an illegal landfill in Trzebinia (southern Poland), and analysed by GC-MS. The PAHs detected included naphthalene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene, acenaphthene, acenaphthylene, fluoranthene, pyrene, benzo(c)phenanthrene, benzo(a)anthracene, chrysene, benzo(b+k)fluoranthene, benzo(a)fluoranthene, benzo(c)fluoranthene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(e)pyrene, perylene, indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene, benzo(ghi)perylene and dibenzo(a+h)anthracene. The organophosphates detected were tris-(2-chloroisopropyl) phosphate, trisphenyl phosphate, tri-cresyl phosphate, tri(butoxyethyl)phosphate and tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate. PAHs at <50 ppm/g predominate in the samples, though samples with total PAHs ranging to >100 ppm/g were also identified in both study areas. Among the organic phosphate concentrations in the leachates, tris-(2-chloroisopropyl) phosphate was most frequently observed, with concentrations reaching ~0.7 µg/l. These compounds within burnt waste and soil can negatively impact the safety of groundwater. Constant monitoring and research is needed to assess the negative effects of waste fires on unsealed ground beneath, and to help prevent further instances.
Using the case of five different kinds of land use from different territories of Lithuania, this study assesses the level of contamination and human health risk assessment of arsenic (As), and heavy metals (HMs) such as cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and chromium (Cr) in the surface soil of the study areas. Geo-accumulation index (Igeo) analysis indicated that heavy Cd contamination occurred in agricultural territory (AT), while for As, no contamination to mild contamination occurred in all territories. For living territory (LT), green territory (GT) and technical territory (TT), Igeo readings for Cu showed no pollution to moderate pollution, while there was no pollution for natural territory (NT) and AT. For AT, there is no contamination from Zn or Cr. By contrast, Igeo values for Zn and Cu represent minimal to no pollution in the remaining territories. As in LT and Cd in AT, two of the HMs discovered, were deemed to be of medium risk, whereas other components fell into the permitted range. Among three different routes to exposure, it was discovered that the ingestion pathway was the main health risk. The Hazard quotient (HQ) and hazard index (HI) values for As, Cd, Cu, Zn, and Cr were lower than the suggested limit (HI = 1), indicating minimal non-carcinogenic risk to inhabitants in the study regions. The carcinogenic risk values for As (1.12E-04 children), Cd (2.20E-04 children), and Cr (2.35E-04 children) in AT pose a risk to children's health when ingested. The GT's carcinogenic readings for Cr (1.02 E+00 adult), put adults at risk of developing cancer, whereas As (1.89E-04) and Cr (2.28E-04) in LT put children at risk of cancer and for TT, both adults and children were at risk due to Cr's higher carcinogenic values (1.93E-04 for adults and 5.21E-04 for children).
The assessment of the bacterial quality of groundwater is a critical step in ensuring safe drinking water. A total of nine (9) water samples were obtained from wells located within the study area, during the wet and dry seasons between December 2020 and December 2021. The parameters measured in this study include total germs at 22 °C (TG-22 °C) and 37 °C (TG-37 °C), total coliforms (TC), fecal coliforms (FC), fecal streptococci (FS), and the sulfito-reductor clostruim (SRC). The results show that the contamination levels vary widely between the different wells and between seasons. The highest levels of contamination were found in W6, with the highest values of all parameters measured except for TC. W1 and W7 were the only wells that were protected, and they had lower levels of contamination compared to unprotected wells. The sources of pollution were mainly related to agricultural activities, such as animal waste and metal waste. The findings of this study suggest the need for improved management practices to reduce contamination and protect the groundwater resources in the study area.
The exploitation of the Ain Aouda zinc lead mine in the Tazekka massif (Morocco) has abandoned spoil heaps stored directly on a karstified carbonated ground, without any means of precaution. The heaps were exposed to the weather agents, such as water infiltration and air circulation, which would generate a real source of pollution for the ecosystem. This pollution will inevitably produce effluents that can be loaded with metals and metalloids, which will have a significant negative influence on the soil and the environment. In this regard, the objective of this study was to confirm the existence of contamination of soils by using the technique of atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma, and of spoil heaps by X-ray diffractometry, which confirmed the contamination by zinc, arsenic, lead and copper. Their maximum concentrations are 19858.800 (ppm), 1280.700 (ppm), 495.750 (ppm), and 328.65 (ppm), respectively. Nevertheless, it was noted that the pH of the majority of soils always remains basic, due to the significant presence of carbonates, the majority of soils are calcareous (15% to 30%) to very calcareous (> 30%). It was noticed that the phenomenon of neutralization occurs.
Artisanal gold mining in Chami is an important lever in the country economy, owing to the benefits it brings, but it is also likely to have a negative impact on various environmental compartments. Contamination of surface and ground water by trace metals elements (ETMs) was studied in the vicinity of the Chami gold processing center. The aim of the study was to assess the water contamination by trace metals (ETMs) in the town of Chami. Nine water samples (process and boreholes) were analyzed for (Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn and Hg). The analysis was carried out by the DMA 80 technique for Hg at the ONISPA laboratory in Nouakchott and the other ETM at the Kenitra geosciences laboratory by the ICP-MS technique. The results of the analyses show that the ETM concentrations are high in process water samples and low in drilling water samples. Pollution indices and coefficients of variation indicate no contamination or anthropogenic traces in the borehole samples, but high levels of Hg and Ni in the process water. These results show the accumulation of metals in significant quantities in the process waters, especially Hg, proving that the waters of the mining waste basins at the Chami processing site are becoming sources of environmental pollution by mercury, which can be released into the environment by several pathways.
Content available remote Surge Breakdown Voltage Study of Contaminated Medium Voltage Composite Insulators
Some issues related to the surge impulse strength of MV line composite insulators with visible contamination deposits have been discussed in the article. Additionally, the resistance of composite insulators to bird droppings (surface degradation) together with the impact of these deposits on surge impulse strength have been verified by laboratory experiments.
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z napięciem udarowym wytrzymywanym izolatorów kompozytowych eksploatowanych w liniach średniego napięcia, na których zaobserwowano widoczne osady zabrudzeniowe. Dodatkowo w ramach badań laboratoryjnych postanowiono zweryfikować odporność izolatorów kompozytowych na działanie odchodów ptasich (degradacja powierzchni) oraz ich wpływ na wytrzymałość udarową.
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z napięciem udarowym wytrzymywanym izolatorów kompozytowych eksploatowanych w liniach średniego napięcia, na których zaobserwowano widoczne osady zabrudzeniowe. Dodatkowo w ramach badań laboratoryjnych postanowiono zweryfikować odporność izolatorów kompozytowych na działanie odchodów ptasich (degradacja powierzchni) oraz ich wpływ na wytrzymałość udarową.
Some issues related to the surge impulse strength of MV line composite insulators with visible contamination deposits have been discussed in the article. Additionally, the resistance of composite insulators to bird droppings (surface degradation) together with the impact of these deposits on surge impulse strength have been verified by laboratory experiments.
Udostępnianie złóż geotermalnych wiąże się z wysokimi wymogami stawianymi stosowanym płuczkom wiertniczym. Trudności podczas wiercenia wynikają głównie z podwyższonej temperatury i ciśnienia oraz czynników związanych ze składem mineralogicznym przewiercanych warstw oraz dopływających wód. W warunkach podwyższonej temperatury dochodzi do obniżenia wartości parametrów reologicznych i do wzrostu filtracji płuczki wiertniczej. Dzieje się tak na skutek zmian fizycznych zachodzących w płuczce pod wpływem temperatury lub pod wpływem degradacji polimerów odpowiedzialnych za nadawanie płuczce odpowiednich parametrów reologicznych i za ograniczanie filtracji. W pierwszym przypadku jest to proces odwracalny, natomiast w przypadku degradacji polimeru konieczna jest ciągła obróbka płuczki przez dodanie kolejnych porcji polimeru. Z degradacją polimeru mamy do czynienia szczególnie w przypadku równoczesnego występowania podwyższonej temperatury i skażeń jonami dwuwartościowymi (Ca2+ i Mg2+). Dobra stabilność termiczna płuczki zależy głównie od rodzaju i stężenia stosowanych do jej sporządzenia środków chemicznych charakteryzujących się zwiększoną odpornością termiczną. Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań przeprowadzonych z wykorzystaniem środków takich jak: poli(kwas 2-akryloamido-2-metylopropanosulfonowy) (AMPS), sole mrówczanowe oraz nanocząsteczki węgla (nanorurki i tlenek grafenu). Przeprowadzono badania wpływu tych środków na podstawowe parametry płuczek wiertniczych, czyli na: parametry reologiczno-strukturalne, filtrację, pH. Następnie próbki płuczek zmodyfikowanych poprzez zastosowanie dodatku wyselekcjonowanych środków były poddawane oddziaływaniu temperatury 130°C przez 24 godziny w obecności jonów Ca2+ oraz Mg2+. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników dokonano oceny skuteczności działania poszczególnych środków oraz wytypowano skład płuczki najlepiej spełniający wymogi zastosowania do wierceń geotermalnych.
Drilling in geothermal reservoirs is associated with high requirements for the used drilling muds. Difficulties during drilling are mainly caused by the increased temperature and pressure as well as factors related to the mineralogical composition of the drilled layers and inflowing waters. In conditions of higher temperature there is a reduction in value of rheological parameters and increase in filtration of drilling muds. It happens as a result of physical changes taking place in the drilling mud due to temperature or the degradation of polymers responsible for giving the drilling mud appropriate rheological parameters and limiting filtration. In the first case, it is a reversible process, while in the case of polymer degradation, it is necessary to continuously treat the drilling mud by adding successive portions of polymer. Polymers degradation takes place especially in the case of simultaneous occurrence of increased temperature and contamination with divalent ions (Ca2+ and Mg2+). Good thermal stability of the drilling mud depends mainly on the type and concentration of chemicals used for its preparation, characterized by increased thermal resistance. The article presents the results of research based on the basis of measures such as: poly(2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic acid) (AMPS), formate salts and carbon nanoparticles (nanotubes and graphene oxide). Examinations included the influence of these agents on the parameters of drilling fluids, such as: rheological and structural parameters, filtration, and pH. Then, samples of drilling mud modified by the addition of selected agents were heated to the temperature of 130°C for 24 hours in the presence of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions. On the basis of obtained results, the effectiveness of individual agents was assessed and the drilling mud composition best suited to the requirements of geothermal drilling was selected.
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