The aim of this paper is to establish a correlation between the liquid limit value obtained in the Casagrande apparatus (wL/cup) and in the cone penetrometer (wL/cone) for typical glacial sediments from west-central Poland and compare them with the correlation equations published in the literature. The following correlation was formulated: wL/cone = 0.91wL/cup+ 1.98. The analysis presented in this paper proves that deriving a generalized and universal relationship wL/cup/wL/cone for all cohesive soils, regardless of their origin, is very challenging and may not be reliable for use in the engineering practice. It is verified that, in the range of low values of liquid limit, the cone penetrometer gives higher values of wL than those obtained from the Casagrande apparatus. However, for the Polish postglacial soils analysed in this paper, the cone penetrometer underestimates the results in relation to the Casagrande apparatus above wL = 22%. For the purpose of this study, wL = 22% was defined as “the point of equivalent results” (wL/cone = wL/cup).
Article determins a correlation between the values of the plasticity and liquidity index (Ip, IL) of cohesive soils achieved by various laboratory methods (on the basis of Casagrande apparatus and cone penetrometer method) and consists research results on natural clayey soils of known origin and strictly defined genetic features, described in detail in terms of particle size and mineralogy (the North Polish ablation boulder clays and varved clays).
This publication presents the results of research carried out for the ice-dammed clays of the Iłów region, formed during Vistula glaciation. Pressuremeter tests, dilatometer tests and static probes were made. The tests were performed on the study site in Piskorzec near Iłów. In this region, ice-dammed clays are present almost from the land surface reaching the thickness of about 11 m. This site is the westernmost experimental site of clays of the “Warsaw Ice-Dammed Lake” among those presented in the literature. Research and their analysis showed differences in deformability due to the test procedure in connection with the structure of varved clays. Pressuremeter test, even though it is the most time consuming and challenging among the tests performed, allows the most complete characteristics of deformability of varved clays to be obtained. Vertical profile of clays being studied appears to be fairly homogeneous in terms of mechanical properties. Nevertheless, some parts of the profile clearly differ from the average values. This indicates the rate of post sedimentary changes varied in different parts of research profile. The data obtained are consistent with the values for ice-dammed clays from Radzymin and Sochaczew areas. Comparison of the engineering properties of varved clays to other experimental sites points to their similar geological history. It confirms that the experimental sites belong to one ice-dammed lake covering the areas of the Warsaw Basin.
The paper presents the results of geological investigations of ice-dammed clays from Wierzbica near Serock (Central Poland). Physical and mechanical properties of varved clays were determined mainly during in situ tests. Different available equipment and methods were used for determining current geological and engineering conditions. Static tests CPT(U), dilatometer tests (DMT) and pressure meter tests (PBP) were performed and compared. Deformation modulus E, shear strength cu, yield pressure σy, limit pressure pl, and other parameters were evaluated. The selected methods were compared with respect to differences between the obtained results. With the use of statistical methods, the variability of ice-dammed lake sediments is presented. For this reason, the parameters should be carefully estimated. The geological environment is still diverse and difficult to apprehend. Histograms of collected data illustrate distribution of mechanical properties of varved clays from Wierzbica.
Vistulian Glaciation ice-dammed lake clays with a varved texture were investigated. The study was focused on numerical determination of horizontal permeability depending on the depth and clay content. Direct assessment of these parameters is a rather complex and time-consuming issue. Therefore, a shortened methodology is offered based on the obtained relationships and the analysis of the dissipation process of excess pore pressure. The studies included mainly in situ tests: Marchetti dilatometer test (DMT) and BAT piezometer test. These methods allowed obtaining the values of the coefficient ofpermeability kh and changeability ofpore pressure u0 in a vertical profile. Investigations included 17 permeability tests using a BAT piezometer and 6 measurements of the coefficient of permeability kh, based on dissipation DMT tests. Results of in situ tests were compared with laboratory test results of the clay content. Values of the horizontal coefficient ofpermeability kh were correlated with the clay content f of varved clays. This relationship shows a high coefficient of correlation. A new formula was also proposed for the prediction of the coefficient of permeability kh in varved clays based on the pore pressure u0 stabilization curve, and thus shortening significantly the process of the coefficient kh determination.
The paper presents the results of preliminary laboratory investigations of the failure characteristics of structured soil. A particular type of microstructure has been investigated, i.e. vertically laminated clayed soil called varved clay. The examinations have been made on soil deposited near the city of Bełchatów. The physical and mechanical properties of the soil have been estimated as: soil texture, moisture content, particle density, bulk density, Atterberg limits, plasticity and consistency index. Next the unconfined compression as well as triaxial test with different confining pressures have been conducted for several different orientation of microstructure. Anisotropy characteristics have been specified for the different values of bedding planes orientation and the different values of confining pressure, namely: 0 kPa, 50 kPa, 200 kPa. The laboratory examinations were carried out with special attention to failure mechanism identification. For the selected values of the bedding plane orientation photos of the failure mechanism have been presented in the paper. The results of the examinations clearly show a high dependence between layer orientation and the strength of the soil.
W pracy zaprezentowano wyniki wstępnych badań anizotropii wytrzymałości gruntu z mikrostrukturą warstwową. Badania przeprowadzono na próbkach iłu warwowego występującego w okolicach Bełchatowa. Dla gruntu wykonano oznaczenie podstawowych właściwości fizycznych oraz wskaźników klasyfikacyjnych tj. składu granulometrycznego, wilgotności naturalnej, gęstości właściwej, gęstości objętościowej, granic Atterberga, wskaźnika plastyczności oraz wskaźnika konsystencji. Następnie przeprowadzono badania jednoosiowego ściskania oraz w trójosiowym stanie naprężeń dla szeregu różnych orientacji uwarstwienia gruntu. Wyniki doświadczeń przedstawiono w postaci zależności: kąt uwarstwienia mikrostruktury i odpowiadająca temu nośność graniczna. Stworzono w ten sposób charakterystyki wytrzymałości w odniesieniu do orientacji mikrostruktury dla różnych wartości ciśnień okólnych wywieranych na próbkę tj. 0 kPa, 50 kPa, 200 kPa. Ze względu na kierunkową orientację mikrostruktury iłów warwowych badania wytrzymałościowe przeprowadzono ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem identyfikacji mechanizmów niszczących. W pracy zamieszczono zdjęcia prezentujące te mechanizmy dla wybranych kątów uwarstwienia. Otrzymane wyniki jednoznacznie wskazują na silną zależność pomiędzy orientacją mikrostruktury a jej wytrzymałością.
W artykule przedstawia się podejście niezawodnościowe do projektowania zabezpieczenia wykopu wykonanego w iłach warwowych. Wykorzystując metodologię przedstawioną w poprzedniej pracy autorów pokazuje się przypadek w którym od kąta uwarstwienia ośrodka zależy obciążenie konstrukcji. Dla tego przypadku, zakładając kąt uwarstwienia jako jedyną zmienną losową, określa się globalny współczynnik bezpieczeństwa dla obciążenia kotwi gruntowej. Dla zadanej wartości prawdopodobieństwa awarii współczynnik ten przedstawia się jako funkcję wartości oczekiwanej kąta uwarstwienia oraz przedziału jego zmienności. Ze względu na uzyskane duże wartości globalnego współczynnika bezpieczeństwa podejmuje się również próbę określenia w podobnej postaci częściowego współczynnika bezpieczeństwa dla kąta uwarstwienia.
This work deals with reliability approach for designing a protection of excavations located in varved clays. Using methodology presented in previous work of authors, this time the problem in which the load acting on construction depends on stratification angle is considered. The lamination angle is assumed to be a single random variable. A methodology of global safety factor determination for anchor load is presented. For assumed value of failure probability these factors are presented as a function of mean value and deviation of lamination angle. An attempt of obtaining partial factor of safety is also performed.
Samples collected from Late Pleistocene varved clays of the Vistulian (Weichselian) glaciation exposed at Lębork and Złocieniec (Gardno and Pomeranian phases, respectively) yielded palynological contents that are related to the different lithologies composing the varves. The dark-coloured clay units contain very small amounts of palynological material. The lighter-coloured, much thicker coarser units yielded large amounts of organic particles consisting of predominantly palynodebris of terrestrial plants, sporomorphs and aquatic palynomorphs. The latter include fresh-water and marine phytoplankton. All particles were presumably washed out from the pre-Quaternary basement or from erratic material. This is indicated by the dinoflagellate-cyst assemblages, which represent Cretaceous and Palaeogene taxa. The large amounts of organic particles in the light-coloured layers indicate high-energy meltwaters streams, which washed them out, transported them and deposited them in ice-dammed lakes. The barren layers and those with lower amounts of organic particles were deposited during calm, presumably winter, periods, when the energy of the meltwater streams was much lower.
Omówiono wyniki badań geologiczno-inżynierskich iłów zastoiskowych z rejonu Radzymina. Parametry mechaniczne otrzymano w toku badań wykonanych w warunkach in situ przy użyciu presjometru Menarda. Do testów zastosowano najnowszy model firmy Apageo wyposażony w elektroniczny system rejestracji GeoSPAD. Otrzymane dane zestawiono i porównano z wynikami z sondy statycznej CPT oraz dylatometru Marchettiego DTM. Przy zastosowaniu wspomnianej aparatury dokonano oceny modułu ściśliwości, naprężenia pełzania, naprężenia granicznego, współczynnika parcia gruntu w spoczynku i in. Zwrócono uwagę na rozbieżności w uzyskanych wartościach w zależności od metodyki badań. W artykule przedstawiono także sytuację geologiczną iłów zastoiskowych występujących w badanym rejonie.
The paper presents the results of engineering-geological studies of ice-dammed clays from Radzymin area in Poland. The mechanical parameters were obtained from the in situ tests performed with Menard pressuremeter. Tests were carried out using up to date control-test unit GeoSPAD. The results were set and compared with those from static test (CPT) and dilatometer test (DMT). Pressuremeter modulus, creep pressure, limit pressure and coefficient of earth pressure at rest and others parameters were evaluated. The differences between the results obtained from selected method were noticed: Geological conditions of ice-dammed clays in study area were also presented in the paper.
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W komunikacie opisano zróżnicowanie granulometryczne anizotropowych iłów warwowych z obszaru środkowej części dorzecza Strumienia Junikowskiego w SW części miasta Poznania. Grunty te sedymentowały w zastoiskach na przedpolu lądo-lodu podczas zlodowacenia północnopolskiego. Jako grunty spoiste o charakterze ekspansywnym są bardzo problematyczne w przypadku ich wystąpienia w podłożu budowlanym i dlatego wymagają szczegółowych badań. Iły warwowe są przede wszystkim ośrodkiem niejednorodnym i w związku z tym posiadają odmienne cechy fizyko-mechaniczne w obrębie każdej z warstw. Wykazano, iż ich odmienne cechy wynikają z różnic składu granulometrycznego w obrębie dwóch warstw - jasnej i ciemnej, które wspólnie stanowią cykl sedymentacji rocznej. Iły warwowe powinny być zatem, jako grunt o charakterze anizotropowym, wydzielane w osobną kategorię gruntów, a nie jak dotychczas, zaliczane do kategorii D wraz z innymi iłami niezależnie od pochodzenia geologicznego.
The announcement described the diversity of grain size composition of anisotropic varved clays from the middle part of the catchment area of Junikowski Stream, in the south-western part of Poznań. The discussed soils sedimented in the ice-dammed lakes of the ice-sheet foreland during the North Polish Glacia-tion. As cohesive soils of expansive nature they are very problematic in case of their appearance in the subsoil. For this reason, they require detailed research. First of all, being a heterogeneous substance, varved clays present different phys-icochemical features within each layer. It has been proved that their diversified features result from the differences of the grain size composition within two layers - light and dark. These two layers present the sedimentary cycle of one year. Therefore, varved clays, as an anisotropic soil, should form a separate category of soils, which stands in opposition to the so-far proposed model assigning them to the D category with other clays, independently of their geological origin.
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Niniejszy artykuł zawiera rezultaty badań terenowych i laboratoryjnych dotyczące prekonsolidacji plejstoceńskich iłów zastoiskowych z okolic Warszawy. Prezentowane wyniki dotyczą analizy ściśliwości wspomnianych gruntów pochodzących z okresu zlodowacenia Wisły. W oparciu o badania przeprowadzone w konsolidometrze Rowe’a oraz przy użyciu sondy statycznej CPT i dylatometru Marchettiego autor określił wielkość naprężenia prekonsolidacji oraz podjął próbę wyjaśnienia otrzymanych wyników.
In this paper the results of the study of overconsolidation ratio OCR of ice-dammed clays from the vicinity of Warsaw are presented. Results concern ice-dammed clays compression analysis formed during Vistula glaciation. Tests have been performed by using Rowe consolidometer, static sounding CPT and Marchetti’s dilatometer test. Author tries to explain obtained results of carried out studies.
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W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań nad zmiennością litologiczno - facjalnej i zasięgiem występowania iłów warwowych na terenie Mazowsza. Z uwagi na sąsiedztwo aglomeracji warszawskiej obszary występowania iłów warwowych są predysponowane jako miejsca lokalizowania składowisk odpadów na potencjalnie izolacyjnym podłożu. Możliwość wykorzystania jako sztucznych barier geologicznych iłów warwowych byłaby istotnym czynnikiem ograniczającym oddziaływanie składowisk na środowisko i znacznie obniżającym koszty składowania. Badania przeprowadzono dla iłów występujących w wybranych wyrobiskach: Marek, Zielonki i Wierzbicy. Zakres przeprowadzonych oznaczeń pozwolił wydzielić serię o zróżnicowanej przydatności iłów jako materiału do budowy barier izolacyjnych.
The paper deals with the latest news on the genesis, conditions of origin and lithological-facial differentiation of varved clays from Mazowsze and environs. The research is based on the need of using clays from Zielonka, Marki and Wierzbica, as a mineral material to form a sealing barrier. A proposition was made, which divides the clays into groups characterizing different layers and geo - engineering parameters.
A lithological and palaeomagnetic analysis of Late Weichselian glaciolacustrine deposits from two ancient periglacial lakes was carried out in the valley of the Shuja (S Karelia) and Ust-Pjalka (S-E Kola Peninsula) rivers, NW Russia. The rhythmic structure of the varved clays is interpreted as turbiditic with systematic differences between the proximal and distal areas of accumulation. In the proximal area the textural and structural properties of the deposits towards both distal and (partly) lateral directions are described. It is shown that the proximal varve successions are incomplete while distally they are continuous. The accumulation of one varve (DE rhythm, second order cycle) during one year is consistent with palaeomagnetic data. Significant differences in magnetic parameters and in the palaeomagnetic "records" of declination-inclination between proximal and distal varves are established. Analysis of palaeomagnetic properties was combined with lithological analysis in all sections. Locally, the varved clays in the proximal area could be used for palaeomagnetic research. Taking into account the erosion of underlying deposits by turbidity currents and inclination shallowing, these sediments could not precisely record palaeosecular variation (PSV). The distal varved clays (represented by the DE rhythms) are clearly most useful both for varve-clay chronology and PSV recovery. The palaeomagnetic declination and inclination records are correlated with chrono- and magnetostratigraphy scheme of NW Russia. This paper also examines lithology-dependent "inclination error" and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility in glaciolacustrine sediments.
This paper presents the results of the field research using a new, prototypical geoelectrical equip-ment, that were developed for the soil resistance (Borowczyk &Porzeżyński, 2003). These studies were carried out in Plecewice near Sochaczew, where an open pit with varved clays is situated. Lithological changeability of varved clays was determined by the author through detailed laboratory testing. Then the results of research were compared with those derived from the new geoelectrical equipment tests and were related to varve thickness qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the soils in the vertical profile with the novel method was demonstrated. Further, the geological situation of the investigated area is presented in this paper.
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The paper presents the results of the field testing obtained from DMT [Flat Dilatometer Test) soundings carried out in Plecewice near Sochaczew, where an open pit of varved clays is situated. The horizontal coefficient of consolidation ch and horizontal coefficient of permeability kh were determined at six depth levels with DMTA method. It is a new way of determination of the rate of consolidation and permeability in the field proposed by Marchetti and Totani in 1989. In this paper the geological situation, method and procedure of investigation were presented.
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